HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1988/03/16 - Regular" CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting - March 16, 1988 INITIATION 1. Pursuant to Agenda posted on March 11, 1988, the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Caswell at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16, 1988 in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Caswell led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Adams Caswell, Crump, Shaw ABSENT: Commissioner Burling- ame Also present was Recreation Director Kobett. Commissioner Crump moved that Commissioner Burlingame be excused for just cause. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Shaw moved to approve the minutes of the Regu- lar Meeting of February 17, 1988. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Adams and was unanimously carried. OLD BUSINESS 5. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988 -89. By unanimous approval of the Commission, this item was moved for consideration following Item 11 on the Agenda. NEW BUSINESS 6. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM THE TEMPLE CITY GIRL SCOUT DAY CAMP FOR RESERVED USE OF THE PICNIC SHELTERS AT LIVE OAK PARK ON MONDAY, AUGUST 1 THROUGH FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1988, AND FOR RESERVED USE OF THE AUDITORIUM OVERNIGHT ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1988. FROM 6:00 P.M. TO 12:00 NOON ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1988. Julie Finnerty, 5611 Temple City Boulevard, Temple City, took the podium on behalf of the Temple City Girl Scouts. She stated that the request was for the same use as last year and that the $25 fee will be used to cover the costs of the camp (no profit will be made). Mrs. Finnerty further stated that there would be an 8:1 adult /child ratio during the day camp and a 5:1 adult ratio during the overnight. Commissioner Adams moved that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the Girl Scouts be allowed to use the L- shaped Picnic Shelters at Live Oak Park on August 1 -5, 1988 and the auditorium, patio and kitchen for the overnight on August 5, 1988, subject to the required Certificate of Insurance. Commissioner Crump seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. " " Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of March 16, 1988 Page 2 7. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY YOUTH FOOTBALL FOR RESERVED USE OF THE CRAFT ROOM EVERY 4TH THURSDAY OF THE MONTH FROM MARCH THROUGH DECEMBER, 1988 TO CONDUCT BOARD MEETINGS. Commissioner Crump moved that Temple City Youth Football be allowed their request to use the Craft Room at Live Oak Park to conduct Board Meetings every 4th Thursday, March through December, 1988. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. 8. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM THE TEMPLE CITY PONY LEAGUE TO CONDUCT AN AUCTION AT LIVE OAK PARK ON SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1988. Commissioner Adams asked why the League wanted the Park and not their own facilities at Oak Avenue. Director Kobett said it was going to be a picnic action, and that Oak Avenue did not have picnic facilities. He added that the funds to be raised were to offset the costs of sending a team to Japan and would be used solely for the youth in the organization and not for the coaches or chaperones. Commissioner Adams asked what leagues would be using the Park for games or practices during that time, and it was determined that only Little League would be on the Park and that this would not be a problems because they use the other side of the Park. Commissioner Shaw moved that the Commission recommend approval to City Council the request of Temple City Pony League, subject to the required Certificate of Insurance. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion. It was unanimously carried. 9. DISCUSSION OF COMMUNICATION RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CONCERNING USE OF THE SWIMMING POOL AT TEMPLE CITY HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE SUMMER SWIM PROGRAM. Commissioner Adams first stated that if the Commission does recommend this to the City Council, the City should enlarge the Department's program, and that if the High School should wish to use the pool for their own use for any purpose (i.e. water polo), that they should share the cost. Director Kobett said that the School District is already contributing by allowing use of the pool, but that a fee could be charged on a per -hour basis or some other means to determine their use share. Commissioner Adams stated that he doesn't want to see the City lose the pool, and that he would recommend that the pool be heated. Commissioner Shaw said that the program has a great deal of value and if we have to bear the costs, then we should do it. Many Temple City residents get great enjoyment out of the pool. He also recommended that the City go for the whole program, recommending that the pool be heated. Commissioner Crump agreed that the pool and the program is too valuable to lose and he agreed that it should be heated. Chairman Caswell agreed with the other Commissioners, but questioned the maintenance and clean -up. Commissioner Adams moved to recommend to the City Council to accept full financial responsibility for the operational expenses of the swimming pool at Temple City High School J Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of March 16, 1988 Page 3 during the summer months of 1988 at a cost of $8,498.75; to continue heating the pool as in the past, and to pro -rate the operational costs to the School District for any school - related use. 10. COMMUNICATIONS None. 11. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: Ralph Fick, 5710 Rio Hondo Avenue, took the podium on behalf of the Temple City Youth Volleyball Organization for re- served use of the facilities at Live Oak Park on April 16. The organization is being formed to give the youth of Temple City (2nd - 6th grade) an opportunity to participate in an organized volleyball program. They would like to use Live Oak Park for the purpose of registration and a demonstration and asked that the Commission consider the request an emer- gency because of the time element. Commissioner Shaw asked what type of facilities they needed to play. Mr. Fick said they have portable nets that can be set up on the grass without leaving holes for the demonstra- tion. Director Kobett stated that both Commission and City Council approval were necessary because registration included the collection of fees on the Park. Commissioner Shaw moved that the Commission waive Section 54954.2(b)(2) of the Government Code identifying the request to be of an emergency nature, and to act on it right then due to the fact that the next Commission meeting is not until April 20 and the date requested is April 16. Commis- sioner Adams seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Commissioner Adams asked if the league would be just for Temple City residents. Ralph Fick replied that it would be primarily for Temple City youth, but that it would be open to other cities as well. Commissioner Crump said it could be very beneficial. Commissioner Adams asked what the differences were between regular 9 -man volleyball and their volleyball. Mr. Fick said that the differences were that the size of the court is smaller and that only 2 -3 people play on a side. This enables all the kids to participate since the ball must be hit at least twice on each side -- more like beach volleyball. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that the Commission recommend to City Council that the group be allowed to use the Park for registration and a demonstration subject to a valid Certificate of Insurance. Commissioner Crump seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. The Commission then recalled Item 5 for consideration. 5. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988 -89. Director Kobett informed the Commission that they had in their packets the Recurrent Leadership Budget which is similar to last years, with the exception of the expansion Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of March 16, 1988 Page 4 of the summer day camp, and the addition of new tables and chairs for the new room which will be available once the improvements are done to the northwest corner of the Park. The Live Oak Park project is out to bid, which will offset the budget because it will not be completed by the current fiscal year. The projected starting date is May 2 and the projected ending date is in August. Commissioner Adams concurred with the proposed budget. Commissioner Shaw concurred with the proposed budget. Commissioner Crump concurred with the proposed budget. Commissioner Caswell concurred with the proposed budget. 12. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Kobett said a copy of the report was in the Commis- sioners' packets, and that he had nothing to add. 13. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS Commissioner Adams - nothing. Commissioner Shaw - nothing. Commissioner Crump - nothing. Commissioner Caswell - nothing, except that Commissioner Burlingame and he will be in Australia for the next meeting and thus unable to attend. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Commis- sioner Crump and seconded by Commissioner Shaw and unani- mously carried that the meeting be adjourned to the meeting scheduled for April 20, 1988 at p.m. Chairman Caswell adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p. �— Attest: • • as' • •