HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1988/08/17 - RegularCITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 17, 1988 INITIATION 1. Pursuant to Agenda posted on August 12, 1988, the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Shaw at 7:30 p.m. to the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, 5938 N. Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Shaw led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioner Burlingame, Crump, Caswell and Shaw ABSENT : Commissioner Adams Also present was Recreation Director Kobett. Commissioner Caswell moved that Commissioner Adams be ex- cused for cause. Commissioner Crump seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Burlingame moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 20, 1988. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Caswell and unanimously carried. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY AYSO FOR RESERVED USE OF A ROOM AT LIVE OAK PARK ON SEPTEMBER 8, OCTOBER 6, NOVEMBER 10, AND DECEMBER 8 FROM 7:00 - 10:00 P.M. TO HOLD COACHES MEETINGS. Commissioner Crump asked if the request presented any conflict with Departmental activities and Director Kobett said no. Commissioner Burlingame moved that the Commission approve the request of Temple City AYSO for use on the requested dates subject to the required Certificate of Insurance. Commissioner Crump seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. B. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT COUNCILS FOR RESERVED USE OF LIVE OAK PARK ON OCTOBER 20, 1988 TO CONDUCT THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. Commissioner Caswell asked if the group was a local group and Director Kobett said no. The application was " " " Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of August 17, 1988 Page 2 submitted by Anysia Henry, a Temple City resident and student at Oak Avenue Junior High, and President of Region 15 of the California Association of Student Councils. The Region includes all, Junior High Schools in the East and West San Gabriel Valley. The Temple City Unified School District maintains a membership in the organization. Director Kobett added that the facilities requested were available and would not interfere with Departmen- tal programs. Commissioner Burlingame said she agreed with the De- partment that the group would be identified as a Non - Resident Group, Category V, but since they are a youth group and the Temple City Unified School District is a member of the organization, she would be inclined to waive the fee. She moved that the Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the request for use of the facilities at Live Oak Park on October 20, 1988 on a fee -free basis, subject to the required Certificate of Insurance. Commissioner Crump seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. C. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM THE FIRST DISTRICT CALIFORNIA STATE PTA FOR RESERVED USE OF THE AUDITORIUM AT LIVE OAK PARK ON OCTOBER 24 AND NOVEMBER 28, 1988; JANUARY 23, FEBRUARY 27, MARCH 27, APRIL 24, MAY 22 AND JUNE 26, 1989 TO CONDUCT MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS. Based on the fact that the group had used the facili- ties at Live Oak Park in past years in an acceptable manner, Commissioner Caswell moved that the request for use be granted on a fee -free basis subject to a valid Certificate of Insurance and the $5.00 fee for use of the microphone. Commissioner Crump seconded the motion and it unanimously carried. D. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY CAMELLIA FESTIVAL FOR RESERVED USE OF LIVE OAK PARK ON NOVEMBER 9, 1988, JANUARY 5, 7, 8, 25, 26, FEBRUARY 24, AND MARCH 8 TO CONDUCT ACTIVITIES IN PREPARATION OF THE ANNUAL CAMEL- LIA FESTIVAL. This application is an annual request on behalf of the Temple City Camellia Festival. It has been granted by the Commission and used by the group each year in a very acceptable manner, and is used to make prepara- tions for a City -wide activity. Based on this, Commis- sioner Crump moved that the request be granted subject Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of August 17, 1988 Page 3 to the required Insurance Certificate. Commissioner Caswell seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. E. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY HIGH SCHOOL FOR RESERVED USE OF THE TENNIS COURTS AT LIVE OAK PARK ON OCTOBER 31 AND NOVEMBER 1, 1988, AND MAY 9 & 10, 1989 FOR THE RIO HONDO LEAGUE PRELIMS AND FINALS. Director Kobett informed the Commission that the re- quest was one which had come before the Commission in past years. The High School does not normally use the courts at Live Oak Park; however, use for the League Prelims and Finals require more courts than the High School possesses. Also, an agreement exists between the City and the School District whereby both agencies use each other's facilities for approved recreational purposes. Commissioner Crump then moved that the request be granted subject to the required Certificate of Insur- ance. Commissioner Caswell seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. F. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM HERB LOMAS FOR RESERVED USE OF TENNIS COURT #1 AT LIVE OAK PARK ONE MORNING IN LATE SEPTEMBER TO HOLD A TENNIS EXHIBITION BRINGING ATTEN- TION TO THE IMPORTANCE OF SENIOR CITIZENS KEEPING ACTIVE IN SPORTS. Mr. Herbert Lomas, 11190 E. Wildflower, Temple City, and his daughter, Mrs. Nadine Lee, 5629 N. Garey Park Avenue, Arcadia, took the podium. Mr. Lomas informed the Commission that both he and Mr. Walter Westbrook, a nationally known tennis champion in the 85-90 year old age group, would like to play a couple of exhibition matches against younger doubles. Mr. Lomas stated that he himself is just a park player, but he believes greatly in the prevention of disabili- ties in older citizens by keeping active. He also stated that his request for Court #1 was incorrect; he would like Court #3 next to the grandstand. Commissioner Shaw asked if there would be a problem obtaining the insurance. Director Kobett stated that he had contacted the Temple City Tennis Club to see if Mr. Lomas could be added to their Certificate, but the " Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of August 17, 1988 Page 4 President of the Club indicated that, despite the fact that they fully support the activity, they cannot cover him as their insurance covers only the activities listed on their Certificate of Insurance. Commissioner Burlingame asked Mr. Lomas if he was able to obtain a Certificate of Insurance and Mr. Lomas said he had no intention of paying for insurance for some- thing he believes should otherwise be available. He stated that if Commission approval could not be ob- tained, he would like to just show up and use the court without a reservation. The Commission said that any citizen can go and use the courts without a reservation without Commission approval, but that there was no guarantee that the Court would be available. The Com- mission encouraged Mr. Lomas in this vein to get to the Park early. Commissioner Burlingame told Mr. Lomas that she be- lieves it is an admirable thing he is trying to do and that the Commission supports him. The Commission asked Mr. Lomas what day he had chosen to hold the exhibition, and Mr. Lomas informed them that it would be held on September 23rd, his 90th birthday. He also challenged any of the Commissioners who played tennis to come down and play. Commissioner Caswell said that September 23rd was his birthday, too, and he would love to come down and watch. Commissioner Caswell moved that the Commission approve the request of Mr. Lomas subject to the required Cer- tificate of Insurance. Commissioner Crump seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. G. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM CUB SCOUT PACK 156 FOR RESERVED USE OF THE MEETING ROOM AT LIVE OAK PARK ON WEDNESDAYS FROM 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. BEGINNING IN SEPTEMBER, 1988 THROUGH JUNE, 1989 TO HOLD CUB SCOUT DEN MEETINGS. Commissioner Crump asked if there were any conflicts with Departmental activities, and Director Kobett informed him that there were not. Commissioner Crump then moved that the Commission approve the request for use of the facilities subject to the required Insurance Certificate. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burlingame and unanimously carried. 6. COMMUNICATIONS - None. " Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes Regular Meeting of August 17, 1988 Page 5 7. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - No one came forward. 8. DIRECTOR �S REPORT: Director Kobett informed the Commission that a copy of the Report was in their packets. He added that the Live Oak Park construction was well underway, the project is going very well, and the completion date is September 5. He also added that the Summer Program has ended and the Department is gearing up for the Fall Program. Staff is also getting set for the Band Concert and Picnic October 1. Commissioner Crump commended Director Kobett on the band concerts in the park over the summer and said they were very well attended. 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS Commissioner Burlingame said she had driven by the Park and was very impressed with the developments. She said it looks real nice. Commissioner Caswell - nothing. Commissioner Crump - nothing. Commissioner Shaw - nothing. 10. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business before the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Caswell, seconded by Commissioner Crump, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. to the regular meeting of September 21, 1988 in the Council Chambers. ATTEST: -26-4/74X)-&74f.-