HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1989/08/16 - Regular" " " CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1989 1. INITIATION Pursuant to agenda posted on August 11, 1989, the regular meeting of the Packs and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Crump at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 16, 1989, in the Council Chambers, 5938 N. Kauffman, Temple City. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Crump led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioner Adams, Burlingame, Caswell, Shaw and Crump. Also present was Recreation Director Victor Kobett. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Crump asked for approval of the minutes of the meeting of July 19, 1989. Commissioner Caswell moved that the Minutes of the regular meeting of July 19, 1989, be approved as written. Commissioner Adams seconded. There being no discussion, the vote was called by Chairman Crump and the motion was unanimously approved as written. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FROM THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES FOR RESERVED USE OF LIVE OAK PARK ON NOVEMBER 16, 1989 FROM 9 A.M. TO 1 P.M. TO CONDUCT A FLUE CLINIC. Chairman Crump presented the first item from the County of Los Angeles Department of Health Services to conduct a Flue Clinic at Live Oak Park. Commissioner Burlingame recommended approval of the request from the County of Los Angeles Department of Health Services to conduct a Flue Clinic. Commissioner Burlingame indicated usage in the past years was in an acceptable manner and moved that the use of the park be approved. Commissioner Caswell seconded the motion subject to the required Certificate of Insurance. " Minutes, Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 August 16, 1989 Chairman Crump requested comments from the Commission on the item. Commissioner Adams indicated that he was in favor and stated the clinic fulfilled a service to the community. Commissioner Shaw expressed approval of clinic at Live Oak Park. Commissioner Caswell felt that it was a worthy event to be held in the Park. Commis- sioner Crump indicated this is an on going event and was in favor of the use of the park for this purpose. The vote was called by Chairman Crump, and the motion was unanimously approved. B. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM THE FIRST DISTRICT CALIFORNIA STATE PTA FOR RESERVED USE OF THE AUDITORIUM AT LIVE OAK PARK ON OCTOBER 23 AND NOVEMBER 27, 1989; JANUARY 22, FEBRUARY 26, MARCH 26, APRIL 23, MAY 21 AND JUNE 25, 1990 TO CONDUCT MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS. Chairman Crump presented this item from the First District State PTA for reserved use of the auditorium at Live Oak Park to conduct monthly board meetings. Chairman Crump asked the Commission for comments and Commissioner Caswell moved that the Commission allow the First District California State PTA to conduct their Board Meetings at Live Oak Park on the requested date subject to filing a Certificate of Insurance. Commissioner Shaw seconded motion. In the discussion that followed Commissioner Shaw stated that he felt there would be no adverse problems as usage, in the past was conducted in an acceptable manner. Commissioner Caswell indicated he would support the use and stated his approval of the usage. Commis- sioner Adams indicated that he could see no problem for the PTA's usage of the room. Commissioner Burlingame indicated that the Commission should continue to let them use the facility. Commissioner Crump indicated that in the past they have used the room in an excel- lent manner and is in agreement for approval of the application. Director Kobett commented that the request included the use of the microphone and should be considered in the motion. Commissioner Caswell asked about the seating plan and Director Kobett commented that it was included. Commissioner Caswell moved to amend his motion to include use of the public address system at a $5 charge per meeting. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion. Chairman Crump called the vote and the amended motion was unanimously approved. " Minutes, Parks and Recreation Commission Page 3 August 16, 1989 C. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM TEMPLE CITY HIGH SCHOOL FOR RESERVED USE OF OF THE SEVEN TENNIS COURTS AT LIVE OAK PARK ON NOVEMBER 6 AND 7, 1989 AND MAY 7 AND 8, 1990 FOR THE RIO HONDO LEAGUE PRELIMS AND FINALS. Chairman Crump presented a request received from Temple City High School for reserved use of the seven Tennis Courts at Live Oak Park for the Rio Hondo League Prelims and Finals. Commissioner Adams moved that the Commission approve the request from the Temple City High School to re- serve the courts on the requested dates to conduct their Rio Hondo League Prelims and Finals. Commissioner Burlingame seconded the motion. Chairman Crump called for discussion on the request. Commissioner Adams indicted the high school has used the Parks's facilities in the past with no conflict or problems, and this is a good and reasonable use of the Park facilities. The schools cooperate with the City and when there is a need to use City facilities we should reciprocate and approve the use. Commissioner Burlingame indicated cooperation with the schools with this type of event is worthwhile it has always been handled in an acceptable manner in the past. Commis- sioner Caswell felt supporting the youth in this event is worthwhile. Commissioner Shaw suggested the need to cooperate with the schools, indicating that is what the tennis courts are there for. Commissioner Crump was whole heartily in favor of the high schools use of the tennis courts. The vote was called for by Chairman Crump and the motion was unanimously approved. D. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM CONNIE BROGE TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION ABOUT THE ABOUT THE BASKETBALL COURT PROJECT AT LIVE OAK PARK. Commissioner Crump indicated that a request from Connie Broge to address the Commission about the Basketball Court project at Live Oak Park. Commissioner Crump asked if Mrs. Broge was in the audience. Connie Broge, 10127 Bogue Street, Temple City, was present to represent residents who border the Live Oak Park to address the proposed Basketball project at the Park. Her concern was in regards to the petition that had been circulated in Temple City to gather signatures " " Minutes, Parks and Recreation Commission Page 4 August 16, 1989 and funds for the Basketball project. She felt that it had been circulated under false pretenses. The resi- dents were told that there would be low level light for the use of youngsters who wanted to play basketball at Live Oak Park. She felt this was not correct as the people using the Park now, and those who intend to use the Park after the lights are installed, are adults. Her concern was that the adults intimidate the the children and control the courts. The group using the park now and promoting the Basketball project are adults who use fowl language that is heard in the backyards of residents who live on Ryland and those who live on Bogue Street. Her concern continued indicating they park on the street and not in the parking lot, they drive unsafe speeds, leave trash in the street and linger after the game drinking on the streets. She feels that presently the games are over at dark, about 8 p.m., and with lights this activity will continue into the late evening hours and be disruptive for the residents that live near Live Oak Park. Another concern is usage and influence on children of the fowl language used on the Basketball Court which is located next to the childrens play area and wading pool. Mrs. Broge requested action from the Commission to recon- sider the recommendation to the City Council from the Basketball group for the lighted Basketball Courts at Live Oak Park because there was misrepresentation to those who signed the petition. Chairman Crump asked if there were any question for Mrs. Broge. Commissioner Adams was disturbed by the usage of fowl language and felt there should be some control. He also expressed the usage of the courts were for children as well as adults. Commissioner Shaw indicated the Commission was aware that adults as well as children would be using the courts. He was in agreement that the fowl language should not be used. Commissioner Shaw continued stat- ing the courts were available on a first come first serve basis. Commissioner Shaw asked Director Kobett what usage the adults have on the Courts for their games. Director Kobett replied that the adults use half Courts for their games. Commissioner Adams indi- cated there is a half court and two adjoining half courts. Commissioner Adams stated that Mr. Wiley had expressed both sides to the proposed improvements at Live Oak Park at the July 19 Commission Meeting. He added that the questionnaire Mr. Wiley sent out was only a wish list. He felt that the presentation from Mr. Wiley is not in line with Mrs. Broge concerns. " Minutes, Parks and Recreation Commission Page 5 August 16, 1989 Commissioner Burlingame wanted to address items on the questionnaire and Chairman Crump indicated that those items did not pertain to the original correspondence from Mrs. Broge. Mrs. Broge's concern if the number of names on the petition may have that swayed the Council in the direc- tion for the lights, because the verbal proposal to the residents was a project for the youth of Temple City. She stated that the youth of Temple City will not be served. She perceives the youth of Temple City at 9 p.m. do not play Basketball on week nights as they are at home or in organized sports such as soccer or school programs and will not be on the courts to use lights. She feels the petition signed by the residents of Temple City to support the youth was not a project for the youth. Commissioner Shaw indicated when the proposal first came to the Commission there was no funds for lighted Basketball Courts. Mr. Wiley raised the money to furnish funding for lights on the Basketball Courts. Commissioner Adams indicated lights for the Basketball Courts add lot of value for the over all program. The lights will be shielded to protect the homes. Mrs. Broge indicated that this was what she wanted to hear an assurance from the Commission that the Park is a park for children. Commissioner Adams indicated that the Commission is open minded and want to hear ideas from the residents since the project is in the formation period. In response to questions, Commissioner Caswell indi- cated the City would control the lights. Chairman Crump thanked Mrs. Broge for addressing the Commission with her concerns. 6. COMMUNICATIONS CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FROM LOS ANGELES BASIN PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMBERS ASSOCIATION. Chairman Crump informed the Commission on September 20, 1989 is the Awards Night sponsored by the City of Los Alamitos, Recreation and Community Services Department, for Minutes, Parks and Recreation Commission Page 6 August 16, 1989 the Los Angeles Basin Parks and Recreation Commissioners and Board Members Association. Chairman Crump added this is the same date as the Commissions September meeting. It was the decision of the Commission not to attend the Los Angeles Basin meeting. LETTER RECEIVED FROM MR. AND MRS. W.R. WEBER. Chairman Crump noted the letter received from Mr.and Mrs. W.R. Weber with concerns regarding the proposed improve- ments at Live Oak Park. All members of the Commission received a copy of the letter. 7. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE TO SPEAK: Alan McIntosh, 5552 Ryland, Temple City, expressed his concern about the extent of expansion of the park. He read in the Temple City Time the award of $110,000 and requested information as to how the money would be used as it relates to the Basketball Courts. Chairman Crump explained the State monies were for all the work planned at Live Oak Park which includes refurbishing or replacing the bleachers on the two ball fields, new walkways in the play area, and replace the asphalt with concrete on the Basketball /Vollyball Courts area. Mr. McIntosh explained that rumors entailed more than the above mentioned improvements. He was also concerned with the use of fowl language heard from the Basketball Courts. He indicated the Courts may be overused by adults in late evening hours and an influx of adults drinking while wait- ing for courts. He presented Chairman Crump with a list of residents that would like to rescind their signatures from the original petition as they feel they have been deceived by the usage of the Basketball Courts. Commissioner Burlingame indicated that items listed in the questionnaire were never discussed by the Commission in regards to showers or a snack bar. Commissioner Adams stated the intent of the Commission was to improve the park for the good of everyone and not lim- ited to adult Basketball. Commissioner Caswell stated that the list of items from the Basketball players is of a wish list nature but will be given consideration where possible. Commissioner Shaw expressed that the Commission has no intent to add a snack bar, shower facility, or construction of basketball bleachers. The Commission is waiting for the " Minutes, Parks and Recreation Commission Page 7 August 16, 1989 return of the design from the designers. Recommendations from the designer will be taken into consideration for the good of the park and the community. Chairman Crump asked if there was anyone else that would like to speak. Conrad Airegon, 5546 Ryland, Temple City, stated that his property is located 20 feet from the Basketball courts and stated his concerns of the spending of the State funds from Sacramento for the improvements at Live Oak Park. At the request of the Commission Director Kobett explained that the voters of California passed a bond issue that made funds available to all cities in the state. Temple City is now eligible to receive $94,000 from the California Wild- life, Costal and Park Land Conservation Bond Act and $11,726 from the Roberte- Harris - Z'berg Bond Act - Prop 70. Required matching funds will come from the City. The funds must be used for Parks and Recreation related improvements. In response to questions Director Kobett stated that the funds donated by Mr. Wiley and the funds that he and other residents raised from public donations may only be used for the installation of lights on the Basketball Court at the Park. The funds are accounted for separately. Chairman Crump commented that the project is just in the design stage. Concepts will be presented by the design firm for review by the Commission. The public will be invited to the meetings. The Commission, he said, needs and welcomes comments from the neighbors and the general public. Robert Saddoris, 5570 Ryland Avenue, Temple City, addressed the Commission about his concern relating to the park being used by those from outside the City, adults inti- midating children and removal of the Live Oak Trees. Commissioner Shaw indicted that the Commission made no recommendation regarding the removal of trees. Commissioner Burlingame indicated that children are wel- comed to play on the tennis courts as long as the rules are followed. This same rule applies to the Basketball Courts. In response to questions Director Kobett indicated the department, to his knowledge, had not received any calls regarding children not being allowed to play on the courts. Minutes, Parks and Recreation Commission Page 8 August 16, 1989 Commissioner Adams indicated that the Park does attract usage from those outside the area as it is a public park and open to the public. Those using the park must obey the rules and regulations. Judy Benson, 5564 Ryland Avenue, Temple City, came forward to requested that the restrooms remain open when lights are used on the Basketball /Vollyball Courts. She continued to indicate that there is drinking in the park and would like some light in the Park area adjacent to her backyard. Commissioner Adams indicated that the drinking is not permitted in the Park and the recreation leaders are trained in handling this situation. In response to questions Director Kobett stated that the restrooms are opened when the park is staffed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday till the buildings are closed, athletic lights are used, or 10 p.m. whichever is later. Friday and Saturday the restrooms are open till 6 p.m. and Sunday 12 - 5 p.m. Standard Time or 12 - 6 p.m. Day Light Time. He also added he would speak to the main- tenance department to have the trees trimmed in the area behind her house. Ruth Gesey, 5600 Glickman Avenue, Temple City, expressed a concern regarding the noise of the buzzers on the lights. Director Kobett indicated that this will be considered when the project is being designed. Consideration will be given to just a flashing light. Harvey Melohn, 5571 Ryland Avenue, Temple City, was con- cerned by the influx in usage from those living out of town, and the lights on the Basketball / Vollyball Courts drawing more adults, and patrol by the Sheriff's. Allan Broge, 10127 Bogue, Temple City, was concerned on the control of the lights by coin or the adults. He stated that the tennis court lights have been on early in the morning and past 10 p.m. at night. He was concerned that basketball play may be late at night because lights are available. Commissioner Crump indicted that no decision has been made to the control of the lights as the project is still in the design stage, however, his concern would be addressed. Director Kobett indicated that tennis court lights should be off at 10 p.m. and he would have the clock that controls the lights checked. " " Minutes, Parks and Recreation Commission Page 9 August 16, 1989 Arleen Melohn, 5571 Ryland Avenue, Temple City, indicated that the no discussion had been made in regards to the play area. She inquired about the removal of the pony glider from the swing set and the spring animals. Also there is a wall of transformers behind their homes on Ryland and request consideration given to any additional poles that may be made due to the proposed lights on the Basket- ball /Vollyball Courts. Commissioner Crump indicated the electrical poles would be considered during the design stage currently underway. Commissioner Adams requested comments from Director Kobett had indicated that the springs were broken on the spring animals and would be replaced. The Buck -A -Bout was damaged and unsafe and was removed. The swing glider pony will be replaced. Raymond Ceniceroz, 2712 Winthrop Avenue, Arcadia, asked the Commission not to table the lights on the Basketball/ - Vollyball Courts as the fears of the residents were un- founded. He added the park is available to all age groups and lets keep it that way. Doug Wiley, 6303 N. Golden West, Temple City, would like the park to remain a nice place for children to play. He went on that there are activities for the children such as little league and soccer but nothing for the teen group. He stated that the park should be used by all age groups. Commissioner Crump thanked those that came forward to express their thoughts. 9. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Kobett said a copy of the report was in the Com- missioners' packets and that he had nothing to add. 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: Commissioner Adams - nothing Commissioner Burlingame - nothing Commissioner Crump - nothing Commissioner Caswell- nothing Commissioner Shaw - nothing " " Minutes, Parks and Recreation Commission Page 10 August 16, 1989 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, on motion made by Commissioner Caswell and seconded by Commis- sioner Shaw the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. to the regular meeting of September 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, 5938 N. Kauffman. ATTEST: RECREATION DIRECTOR C A I RMPr