HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1991/11/20 - RegularCITY OF TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 20, 1991 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Pursuant to the agenda posted on November 15, 1991, Chairman Adams called the meeting of the Community Services Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20, 1991. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Chairman Adams 3. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ALSO PRESENT: 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: Commissioners Broge, Caswell, Crump, Sternquist and Adams Community Services Director Kobett Recreation Supervisor Burroughs Mayor Wilson and Councilmember Breazeal On motion by Commissioner Caswell and seconded by Commissioner Crump, the Consent Calendar was unanimously approved as pre- sented. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of October 16, 1991. Commission approved the Minutes of the regular meeting of October 16, 1991. B. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM T.O.P.S. FOR RESERVED USE OF THE MEETING ROOM AND KITCHEN AT LIVE OAK PARK ON TUESDAYS FROM 7:00 TO 9:00 P.M. JANUARY THROUGH DECEMBER 1992. Commission approved the request and collection of money on the park subject to the required Certificate of Insurance and requested staff to determine use fee. C. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM CUB SCOUT PACK 169 FOR RESERVED USE OF THE PICNIC SHELTERS AND BRAZIERS AT LIVE OAK PARK ON JUNE 12, 1992 FROM 3 TO 7 P.M. Commission approved subject to the required Certificate of Insurance. D. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM CUB SCOUT PACK 169 FOR RESERVED USE OF THE KITCHEN AND AUDITORIUM AT LIVE OAK PARK ON SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1992, FROM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. FOR THEIR PINEWOOD DERBY. Commission approved subject to the required Certificate of Insurance. Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 2 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM "CITIZENS FOR A LIGHTED BASKETBALL COURT AT LIVE OAK PARK" FOR THE CONCRETE BASKETBALL COURT TO BE SURFACED WITH A NON -SKID MATERIAL. Chairman Adams stated the Community Services Commission at their meeting of October 16, 1991, received a petition circulated by Citizens for a Lighted Basketball Court at Live Oak Park containing 106 signatures. The petition stated that the surface of the concrete basketball court at Live Oak Park was slippery and the petitioners requested that court surface be coated with a material similar to that used on the tennis courts in the Park. The Commission heard presentations by two representatives and then moved to continue the item to their November 20, 1991, meeting with staff to present a report in this regard. The report is as follows: The concrete basketball court constructed at Live Oak Park was accepted by the City on June 19, 1990. The court met all existing building and safety codes. The plans and specifications called for a broom finish on the court sur- face. Recreation Systems, Inc., who designed the court, inspected the court surface and found that the surface was as called for in the plans and specifications. The Department received complaints earlier this year that areas of the court surface were slippery. Although the Department found no unusual conditions existing the immedi- ate area around both goals were sandblasted and /or etched with acid or both. This action seemed to meet the concerns of the players for a period of time but as time passed the complaints surfaced again. It is to be noted that the reported slippery conditions of the court surface may be caused by dirt or sand on the court, or water, sweat or other liquids, or players wearing improper shoes and /or shoes with slick soles. By the very nature of the sport such athletic competition will cause slips and falls. Past player testimony identified that the participants play very aggressively. As a matter of infor- mation a player has questioned coating the surface feeling that the surfacing will contribute to sprained ankles, etc. At the request of staff the Los Angeles County Road Depart- ment Superintendent inspected the basketball court and indicated that there were no unusual or unique conditions regarding the concrete surface area. The Superintendent, who has considerable experience and knowledge of concrete construction, also indicted that the basketball court sur- face is consistent with industry standards common to natural concrete surfaces and public play areas. The City's claims administrator for public liability insurance also inspected " " " Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 3 the basketball court and it is his opinion that resurfacing or painting the surface area will not reduce or eliminate the types of injuries that are being reported to the City. Staff concurs with these findings and does not recommend painting the basketball court surface as a means to mitigate injuries. The following options pertaining to this concern are pre- sented for your consideration: OPTIONS 1. Leave the surface of the basketball court natural as it presently exists with no further sandblasting or acid etching. 2. Sandblast and or acid etch the surface of the concrete basketball court in the immediate area of the goals every three to six months. 3. Apply a coating of material to the surface of the in -bound area of the court similar to the coating on the tennis courts located in the park. The estimated cost to surface the concrete basketball court is $2,000 - $2,500. Funds in the amount of $6,218.45 are currently in the Basketball Court improvement Account and can be used for this purpose with City Council approval. If it is the decision of the Commission to surface the court the Commission is advised that all or sections of the court may have to be resurfaced within eighteen months to three years as the material wears off. Also, as a matter of infor- mation water from the irrigation system cannot be kept off of the court. The sprinkler heads have been adjusted to permit the least possible amount of water from getting on the court but there is no control over that caused by wind drift. Water on the court was one reason why a natural concrete surface was selected. If the Commission selects Option 2 it must be understood that etching the surface, over time, will damage it as each treatment removes some concrete. Chairman Adams indicated that Commission has one of three choices: 1. Leave it as is; 2. Close it down and Sand- blast it again; or 3. As money is available to coat the surface and see if it stops the slipping. He also stated Mr. Wiley presented letters to Commission last month from other cities that have experienced similar conditions and the remedy was to coat the cement surface. Commissioner Sternquist, after much consideration, stated something should be done to the surface. She is concerned that if the coating is applied one time there would be on Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 4 going maintenance of the surface. She reviewed the players testimony and is concerned about the injuries that have taken place on the courts. The staff report has strong value also. She quoted from the staff report that past player testimony identified that the participants play very aggressively and yet that statement is in conflict with the last Commission meeting testimony from Mr. Wileys packet. Commissioner Sternquist confirmed with Mr. Wiley that the players held back their play. Commissioner Sternquist rec- ommended option number three to apply a coating of material to the surface of the in -bound area of the court similar to the coating on the tennis courts located in the park. Director Kobett answered Commissioner Sternquist question as to where the inbound area is located on the court. He stated that the inbound area was the whole court surface and the whole court area would be painted. She asked if the key area could be considered for surfacing. Director Kobett stated initially the full court would be surfaced, which includes the key, then after a period of time if the court is wearing and is becoming slippery then only those areas would be resurfaced. Commissioner Crump's personal opinion was that the courts are all right and nothing is wrong. He went on stating that basketball is a contact sport. He felt the architect called for a broom finish, the inspectors inspected it as a broom finish, the architect accepted it as a broom finish, and the City accepted it as a broom finish. Staff had an expert in concrete say it has a good finish for a basketball court. A coating is not his recommendation. Commissioner Caswell was not in favor of coating because once the City has the surface coated it would need mainte- nance. The surface will not be limited to basketball play- ers there also will be people skating on the concrete too. He stated he was against acid etching as the acid ruins the cement. The sandblasting performed has been by maintenance staff. He felt the City does not have adequate sandblasting equipment. He is in favor of having a professional sand- blaster give it a heavy grip blast and rough the surface. He is against coating as the City does not need the additional cost to keep it up. Commissioner Broge felt the players are her peers and have children her children age. The level of play is intense. With the combination of players that are in their 30's and early 40's injuries are expected as part of the game with players that are not in their teens or early 20's. She felt the injury factor will be there irregardless of what surface is on the courts. Also, consideration should be given to the best advise of the insurance company that a sticky surface might promote more ankle injuries due to the fast stops. Also the sprinklers overspray from the water does hit the court, and water is not good on any type of coating on " " Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 5 the court. Frequent recoating would need to be done by the City due to water damage. She recommended option number one to leave the surface of the basketball court natural as it presently exists with no further sandblasting or acid etch- ing. Commissioner Caswell made a motion to leave the surface of the basketball court natural as it presently exists with no further sandblasting or acid etching. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Broge. Doug Wiley, 6303 N. Golden West, stated that he appreciated the Commissions time and judgement and they did the best they could at this point with what information they have. He said that his organization gave their best effort to give them the evidence that they had. So from that standpoint he said they had no other alternative other than to appeal to City Council on this matter. Obviously, he continued, we are burdened and are going to City Council. He thanked Commission for their time. Dr. John Gottuso, 370 W. Las Flores, Arcadia, he stated he would like to correct some statements made. The players play full court not half court. It is not an issue of aging and the slipping is not due to aggressive play. If you start to make a move and slip on the slippery concrete it has nothing to do with contact of another player. Most of the time when a knee is turned it is not due to the contact. Also, the game is not that aggressive as his daughter plays with the older players and they are not out there killing each other. He felt injuries were equal among the younger and older players. He is not informed about water. But the tennis courts are rained on and the tennis courts are not worn out. Also, if just the key area was coated, once the player steps off the coating they'll slip to the middle of the court. He wondered if it was an issue of the game or the slippery concrete. He wondered if it were the Commissions own sidewalk and if it were slippery and people were walking along and just slipped where would personal liability take place. The court has a very slippery surface. Not because they play basketball. If it were his sidewalk it would be changed. Sandblasting the areas that are slippery because of use has nothing do with being satisfied. He said they were not there just to complain but to express a concern. He tried to mitigate the issue with Mr. Kobett and Mr. Plante on the phone and they did take care of certain things and he did not come forward just to complain. He felt there was money in the Basketball Fund and there is an issue. Chairman Adams stated he went to the basketball courts after they were finished and he is certain that by continuous play it becomes necessary to sandblast although he felt the courts were better than other courts he has seen. He indi- cated the dirt on the courts contribute to slipping. Direc- tor Kobett stated for the Commissioners information water Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 6 drifts from the sprinklers and washes sand, dirt and grass on the courts. Water on cement also causes slipping. Dr. Gottuso went on stating he works with Workman Compensa- tion claims and is not here to debate the issues of liabil- ity. And he feels there is a public nuisance situation and there is exposure to a claim. He felt somebody is not being concerned. Whether you care about the issue he is voicing that it really is there. He stated he has paid a lot of claims for things that weren't there. He is not complaining until you can't satisfy him, it is a very real issue. Chairman Adams stated he has been down to the courts many times and he would like to see the courts surfaced. He stated there is enough money in the Basketball Court Account to pay for the coating. He indicated that the letters Mr. Wiley received from different cities stated that they have surfaced their courts and are happy with the results. He feels it is worth the $2,000 -3,000 for the initial coating. If it doesn't do the job then eliminate the courts later on. He feels it is worth the three year investment to give it a try. Commissioner Caswell stated that he felt the same spot would be hit all the time and it would become slippery from move- ment. Every time they hit the spot coated or not coated it still will be slippery even with a coating on it. Unlike tennis where you are moving all over the court. The same spot is hit in playing basketball. He feels it is a dirt problem. Commissioner Sternquist asked if the courts were periodi- cally sandblasted. Director Kobett stated they have been sandblasted twice. With the discussion concluded, Chairman Adams called for a vote on the motion. The motion was carried on a roll call vote as follows: ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Broge, Caswell and Crump NOES: Commissioners Adams and Sternquist ABSENT: No one. Commissioner Caswell suggested that staff call Pacific Sand- blast as a matter of maintenance for safety. He was satis- fied the insurance company stated the court is consistent with industry standards common to natural concrete surfaces and public play areas. He said he would have to listen to staff and the insurance company. He feels the City's sand- blasting is not adequate also does not believe in acid etch- ing as it ruins the cement. Pacific Sandblast has big portable units and it won't cost much to have them take a look and use a coarser sand. The City can only spray the " " Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 7 finer sand and the coarser sand will do the same thing the coating will do. Chairman Adams stated that something should be done because he does not feel that the court is right at the present time. Commissioner Sternquist would like something done. Since option number one was decided, there is a need to continue to do sandblasting or look into someone else doing the sandblasting like Commissioner Caswell suggested. Chairman Adams suggested staff check into professional sandblasting. A price estimate should be less than $3,000. Staff could present a report at the next Commission meeting with an estimate. Commissioner Caswell made a motion for staff to contact Pacific Sandblasting to look at the cement court, evaluate sandblasting with heavy duty equipment and coarser sand and present an estimate at the December 18, 1991 meeting. Also a schedule to keep up maintenance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Crump. The motion was unanimously carried. Commissioner Sternquist inquired where the funds will go from the Basketball Court Improvement Account. Director Kobett stated the City Attorney indicated that the funds can be used for any purpose on the court and /or any purpose that has any direct relationship to the courts. Funds have been used for repair of the coin meters. Chairman Adams stated that if the basketball players feel that it is unsafe they stated they should report to the Commission and they will close. He feels that if it is that bad they should not be playing on it. Doug Wiley stated that the 25 -30 injuries are only the tip of the iceberg. Chairman Adams stated the courts should be closed down till something is done. Doug Wily agreed with Chairman Adams, he does not want to see anyone hurt. Commissioner Sternquist made a motion to close the concrete basketball court until City Council acts on the appeal of the Commissioners' decision which the basketball organiza- tion stated they intend to pursue. Seconded by Commissioner Caswell. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Wiley said he is not in good respect with the players now by taking this position. He stated this was his per- sonal judgement and he is under heat that the court is closed down. He feels it was the right thing to do. " " " Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 8 Chairman Adams said the Commission is not kidding about this matter, it is very serious concern. Dr. Gottuso stated he was very appreciative of the way the meeting was conducted. He stated some Commissioners have been there and know what they are speaking about. There are those that have been there and do not know what athletics are about. There is an issue here. The action taken is not to penalize the players because the money is there and it could be used. Chairman Adams thanked everyone for speaking on the subject. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. REQUEST RECEIVED FROM RANDY TYRELL SUGGESTING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A GAZEBO IN TEMPLE CITY PARK. Director Kobett indicated this request was presented to the Commission at their meeting of October 16, 1991. The Com- mission took no action as the item was not on the agenda. The Commission requested that the matter be placed on the agenda for their meeting of November 20, 1991. The speaker, Randy Tyrell, suggested the construction of a gazebo in the center of Temple City Park. Mr. Tyrell has submitted written information regarding his request. Staff suggests the creation of a committee composed of members of the Commission, Mr. Tyrell, a band director to be named and staff to study the suggestion and to report back to the Commission at their meeting on January 15, 1992. Randy Tyrell, 5709 Alessandro Ave. proposed that the City permit and support an effort by the community to erect a gazebo /bandstand in the Temple. City Park. He stated that the materials handed out described a pro- posed site, style and size of gazebo. Also a price sheet for the various styles of gazebos. He stated that he researched the best site and it was deter- mined to be in front of the library as indicated on a city park map he submitted. Mr. Tyrell stated that the cost estimate of said gazebo in place and completed, is between $45,000 - $50,000. This includes purchase price, shipping, taxes, concrete work and other various items. The assembly and final painting, if needed, could be done by a few volunteers. He believes there is enough support for this project in the community and that all costs can be raised by fundraising efforts. " Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 9 He requested support for this project by the city in the form of help in accounting and financial services, promo- tion, and possibly a tie -in with the proposed lighting plan of the park. This project would be a great benefit to the city and would enjoy a wide variety of uses by the community. This also could be a source of income to the city by the renting of the gazebo to interested groups. Commissioner Broge inquired what department would have jurisdiction on the gazebo. Director Kobett stated since the structure would be located in the park the City would own the gazebo and it would be under the jurisdiction of the city. Commissioner Caswell made a motion to recommend to City Council to support the concept of a Gazebo in Temple City Park. Seconded by Commissioner Broge and unanimously car- ried. Commissioner Caswell requested Randy to keep Commission informed on the project Chairman Adams indicated the video on the construction of the gazebo he provided could be shown to the City Council. Commissioner Broge request Mr. Tyrell when he returns to Commission to bring an outline on how the money will be raised and from whom it will be raised and time lines of the project. B. DISCUSS THE CONCERN RECEIVED FROM MS. RUDAR PERTAINING TO A NEW RULE RECENTLY ADOPTED BY THE AYSO BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Commissioner Broge stated she is a party to this item and so as to not influence or inhibit the discussion that is rele- vant to the issue at hand she asked to be excused during any discussion. Chairman Adams excused Commissioner Broge and she left the chambers. Chairman Adams stated this item was brought before the Commission at their meeting of October 16, 1991. The con- cern presented was in regard to a rule passed by the AYSO Board of Directors that required the sale of fund raising items in order for the player to be eligible for considera- tion for All Stars. A copy of the letter submitted by Ms. Rudar and a copy of a letter from the AYSO board is en- closed. The Commission took no action as this item was not on the meeting agenda. Commissioner Crump made a motion not to consider this item, seconded by Commissioner Caswell, and unanimously carried. " " Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 10 Chairman Adams stated Temple City AYSO is not a City Spon- sored organization and the mater should be pursued by Ms. Rudar through the Temple City AYSO Board of Directors and /or the AYSO national headquarters to resolve the issue. He informed Ms. Rudar that the board meets every second Monday of the month. Cecila Rudar, 9716 Olive Dr., stated that the National Organization of Soccer referred her to the city. Larry Tatone, 5936 N. Encinita, stated board members for Region 98 are not elected by members, they volunteer. Ralph Keyes, 4808 Alessandro, Assistant Commissioner Region 98, stated the decision the board made last year was hard to make as they did not want to increase registration fees because it might eliminate someone from playing. Tony Zocconi, 519 Los Altos, Arcadia, he felt the boards decision was not based on the ability of the child. David Smith, 9102 E. Le Roy, San Gabriel, solicits sponsors for the teams, stated that the economy is down and he had to go outside the city to find sponsors last season. He indi- cated it is difficult to raise entry fees. He would like to see more parents volunteer. Chairman Adams requested that the organization work out the problem at A.Y.S.O.'s next board meeting. Commissioner Broge returned to the Council Chambers at 8 :15 p.m. C. REQUEST FROM CITY COUNCIL FOR COMMISSION REVIEW A LETTER RECEIVED FROM SONJA HAVER CITING NOISE AND MISUSE OF LIVE OAK PARK IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA OF THE PICNIC SHELTERS. Chairman Adams requested the Commission to discuss the matter from the letters of concern from Sonja Haver and Jimmie Macdonald regarding noise and misuse of Live Oak Park. This matter came before the City Council at their meeting of November 5, 1991. Sonja Haver sent a letter expressing her concern about noise and misuse of Live oak Park in the immediate area of the picnic Shelters. The City Council referred the matter to the Community Services Commission. Ms. Havers letter describes in detail the nature of her concern and a copy was distributed to the Commissioners. Also a letter from Jimmie Macdonald of 5526 N Ryland Avenue, a neighbor of Ms. Haver, who also expressed similar concerns about noise and misuse of the park. Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 11 Director Kobett indicated since receipt of the letters the Sheriff's Department has increased their patrol of the park at night time and on weekends. Also, power to the electri- cal outlets has been turned off and is only turned on as requested for cooking purposes. This will help reduce and may eliminate the concern about amplified music. Park staff have been informed that the playing of horseshoes is not permitted in the park as there is not an improved area for that sport. This action was taken as reportedly horseshoe playing was being done adjacent to the private yard walls near the picnic shelters. The noise and loud talking asso- ciated with the sport is a concern of the neighbors. Ms. Haver had requested the Picnic Shelters be relocated; that amplified music be prohibited; and that a set -back from the property line be established. Ms. Haver sent a letter to the Commission stating she would not be in attendance due to an emergency operation. Chairman Adams questioned where could the shelters be moved since noise will always be in the park. There is an ordi- nance against the amplified music and the Sheriff's should enforce the ordinance. He suggested that a concrete wall might eliminate some of the noise. Commissioner Broge stated amplification of music is on going problem at the park as well as young people in the park late at night. One solution for the noise if a buffer of cy- press on the west property line of park. She stated not everyone is gone from the park at 10 p.m. Noise from the shelter area and the basketball courts echo into the back yards of the homes on the perimeter of the park. The Sher- iff's will not respond to calls and no citations given to those at the park after the posted hours, is an invitation for groups to form. A statement could be made to the neigh- bors by planting cypress, moving the shelter and reducing the number of tables under the shelter area or possibly enclosing the west side of the picnic shelters. She would like to see a cost for planting trees and /or a wall at the next meeting. If lights were off sooner on the basketball courts it would deter the players from staying around so late in the park. Commissioner Broge also stated there is a need for lights mounted near the concession stand on the Utility pole 12 feet above ground. Commissioner Caswell suggested a noise buffer of trees and /or extend the fence. Possibly a shelter on the east side of the park. Commissioner Crump expressed a concern with no citations being given at the park. He liked the idea of trees for a buffer although it would take a long time for them to grow when a block wall would be an instant buffer for the noise. If a wall was built all gates along the property line should " " Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 12 be eliminated. He suggested that the electric be turned off and if a group needed electric the recreation leader should turn it on. Commissioner Sternquist suggested trees would be a better buffer than a wall. She suggested that the recreation lead- ers discourage use of portable shelters in the park. Staff were directed to report on the following noise miti- gating measures at the meeting on December 18, 1991: 1. Recommendation for the place of plants along the entire west boundary line of Live Oak Park. Plants height to be 6 to 8 feet and not to extend more than 18 ". 2. Cost estimate to construct a wall along the west prop- erty line of Live Oak Park. Request estimates for heights of 6,7 and 8 foot. Separate price for concrete block and sump stone. 3. Cost estimate to design the partial enclosure of both picnic shelters. 7. COMMUNICATIONS: A. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FROM MOUNTAINS RECREATION AND CON- SERVATION AUTHORITY STATING SB 659 ALLOWS THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO PLACE A MEASURE ON THE BALLOT THAT WILL FUND ACQUISITION, RESTORATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF PARK, BEACH, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE LANDS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY. Director Kobett reported that the Santa Monica Conservancy are authorized by the state and will place a measure on the ballot that will fund acquisition, restoration and improve- ment of park, beach, recreation and open space lands throughout the county. The measure is proposed for the June 1992 ballot. Funding will come from the formation of an assessment district. If the proposal is voted on favorable by the voters it is estimated that Temple City may receive over $400,000 in per capita funds. These funds are for approved park improvements. There will also be competitive funds available in addition to the per capita funds. The competitive funds could be used for tree planting, gang prevention and also for senior citizen facilities. Funds will also be available to maintain the improvements con- structed with the Recreation Act Funds. B. SUMMARY OF THE OCTOBER 28TH MAYOR /MAYOR PRO -TEM /CHAIRMAN MEETING. Chairman Adams stated discussion for this item would be included in the discussion under item 9A. Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 13 8. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WHICH TO SPEAK: Ralph Keyes, 4808 Alessandro Avenue, Assistant Commissioner for the Temple City American Youth Soccer Organization - Region 98, presented the Commission with a $1,000.00 check to help defray the cost of maintaining the turf and irrigation system at Live Oak Park. Tony Zocconi, 519 Los Altos, Arcadia, felt the Commission should return the check to A.Y.S.O. as those funds were from the candy sale profits and his child did not sell candy for this purpose. Ricardo Pedia, 4026 Shirley Avenue, El Monte, Stated that not all the noise at Live Oak Park is not from the basketball courts. He inquired why should money from the Basketball fund be used to build a wall, etc. Chairman Adams stated that the bas- ketball courts contribute to some of the noise and a portion of the Basketball funds could be used for a wall, etc. Those that use the picnic shelters there is no fund therefore the funds for the wall, etc. would come from the City general fund. 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A. DISCUSSION OF THE NAME OF THE COMMISSION AND THE COMMISSIONS DUTIES. Chairman Adams stated that staff have polled other cities in this regard and a report was distributed to each Commis- sioner. The duties of the Commission have remained the same since the change of Commission name from Parks and Recrea- tion and he felt Parks and Recreation better describe the services provided. He opened this item for discussion. Commissioner Sternquist felt the duties better related to the name Community Services. Community Services serves the City well and she would like the name to remain. Commissioner Crump preferred the name Parks and Recreation. Commissioner Caswell stated that Parks and Recreation is adequate and we do not provide other services. Commissioner Broge suggested waiting a year and reevaluate before changing the name back to Parks and Recreation. All the department correspondence has been printed with Commu- nity Services and it would be time consuming the change everything back to Parks and Recreation. Chairman Adams preferred Parks and Recreation because more cities our size use the name Parks and Recreation. He was sorry the name had been changed because the programs we provide are in the Parks and Recreation classification. Community Services Commission Minutes, November 20, 1991 - Page 14 Director Kobett stated that when the name changed the de- partment took on the responsibilities with an emphasis on more senior programs and the volunteer program. Commissioner Caswell made a motion to continue using Commu- nity Services as the Commissions name. Seconded by Commis- sioner Broge. Chairman Adams called for a vote on the motion. The motion was carried on a roll call vote as follows: ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Adams, Broge, Caswell, Crump and Sternquist NOES: No one. ABSENT: No one. B. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR REPORT. Director Kobett indicated that a copy of his report was in the Commissioners' packet. Commissioner Broge - thanked Director Kobett for his guid- ance in the last week and for all the background information to get her started in her new position as Commissioner. Commissioner Caswell - stated he will be out of town for the next regular meeting of the Commission. Commissioner Crump - no comments. Commissioner Sternquist - Commended staff for a job well done at the Halloween Carnival. Director Kobett stated efforts came from Cathy Burroughs, Recreation Leaders, Key Club, Builders Club, Kiwanis men and women, City Council and Commissioners. Chairman Adams - no comments. 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioner Crump and seconded by Commissioner Caswell and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meet- ing of the Community Services Commission to be held on Wednes- day, December 18, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 5938 N. Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. Chairman Adams aj.,journed the meeting at 10:15 p.m. Attest: