HomeMy Public PortalAboutR 00:41500-415 December 19, 2000 A\VARD O1: BID - F'()LICI:~ 10, II)I'.N(E ROOM & S I()IL\(,I- S~S1131 ~VIII{RIL\S, bids for Polico liviclonco Roonl c~ S[Ol'agC S~SIOlll ~CFO WIII{RI';AS, thc I'olloxx lng 10ids Bll)I)ER I. ?-;pucos~x cr SSstcms B.B. o1' Nc,.,, .lei'sc>. Inc. I>hillip/otu-g, Nc;x ,lersc> 08865 Bll) F'R1CE 547 795.00 N()'~V, THILRirA:OR1~, BE IT R1,;SOI2VI51) b) thc Nlavor and Council of SP,\£RSA% IA/Sx, S 1131S OF NEW JERSIO~, INC. AClOl~ted this 1!)m dab of Dcccmbcr, 2000 orlgilntl on Dccclnbcr 20. 2000. MLmicipal CRZLLEY FAZEKAS O'BRIEN F, ECORD Ob' COUNCIL VOTE ~ 5~-? NV : A.B. COUNCILMAN ~ QUINONES x SANTORO YES NO NV i A.B. ' I ! × ' I SOHAYDA x X - indicate %:otc AB - Absent Nh' - .Not Voti[;g XOR - Indicates Vote to O~ crru]c Vc[o aer December 19, 2000 , CLERK 1, SPACEsAVER sySTEMS OF NEW JERSEY, INC. DoROUGII oF CARTERET BIDS FORI_~QI, ICD_ E¥IDENCE ROOM & S~ORAGE SYSTEM DECEMBER 11, 2000 ADDRESS $47,795.00 · Co~ITRACT AWARDED TO: DATE OF AWARD: BOROUGIt OV CARTEP, ET 20 ( ()()KI'~ A\'ENUI'~ C.\RTEi~,F.T. NE%V ,JF'.RSI'~ 07005 FHIS AGREEMENT: made this ~9:h day oF DccembcF BN' and betx~ccn: SPACFSAVER SYSTEMS 81 BROAL) STREE~ pHILIAPSBURG, N3 :xnd the l~ol'ou~h of Carlel'et. a municipal coq~oFation, ha~ lng its principal office at the Borough l lall 01 Cooke Avenue. CaFtcrct. As per Resolution Number 00-415. TIlE CONTRACTOR does he~-eb> agree to pcFlbt'm thc lbllox~ lng: A~VANE~OF BID p()flCE EVIDEN('E ROOM AND S2()RAGE SYS'I EM. N(fl 'IO EX('EF-D: 5,47.795 Il0 Acco~-ding to tile lei-his set lbl-th in Bid. FIlE BOROUGI[ does hcrcb5 ago'et to pa5 thc Contractor tho sum sot fomh in Resolution. IN WITNESS WIqERE()F. lhc paints IqoFcto l~axc hcrcundcF scl 0~cn' hands and seals o~' seals to be hcl'cto affixed, thc dan al~d Year xx rittcn abdx c. \VITNESSETIi Fo~' thc Coq)oFation: BoROUGII_ OV cART~E RET. Ka(hleon N1. Municipal .l'amcs Failacc Nlaso~-