HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 1948-06-02 - CC~.~ ~, REGULAR MEETING JUNE 2, 1948 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a regular session in the City Hall, 11331 Plaza Street on above date at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Hillard in the chair. Councilmen Bruner, Stroh, Willard, and Williams answered the roll Call. Councilman Jensen was absent. It was moved by Councilman Wiiliama, seconded by Councilman Bruner, that the minutes of the previous regular meeting of May 18 be approved as written. All members of the City Council present voting aye, the Mayor deolared the motion duly carried. The hour of 8:00 P. M. having arrived, said hour being the time fixed to receive any and all bids for the proposed improvement of Abbott Road, the Mayor inquired if there were any present wishing to submit a bid. There was no response. The Clerk stated he had received 11 bids. It was moved by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Stroh, that said bide be publicly opened, examined, and declared. All members of the City Council present voting aye, the Mayor deolared the motion duly carried. The following bids were receivedi L, A. Paving Co. L. C. Nappe Oswald Bros. M. S. Mechem & Sons Vido Kovacevich Co. George Savala Norbert G. Goudeseune Griffith Co. Bruce W. Bennett Fred D. Chadwick Cairns Harrison & Co. 6-9-i5 Curb ~ 965.00 965.00 887.80 868.50 ??2.00 873.32 & Ce~.1022.90 820.25 868.50 965.00 916.75 Speo.Curb Gutters 6" Cross Gutter ?" ~~50-.00 950.00 1045.00 817.00 760.00 988.00 931.00 1045.00 912.00 760.00 7?9.00 ~ 187.50 125.00 115.00 168.75 125.00 103.12 252.50 125.00 282.50 156.25 125.00 $-1~8f.00 1433.50 1433.50 1250.50 9?6.00 1250.50 1281.00 1525.00 1281.00 1159.00 1159.00 C & G Plant Mix L. A. Paving Co. X13,062.50 X40,446 L. C. Nappe ~ 13,585.00 32,421.00 Oswald Bros. 14,10?.50 36,594.00 M. S. Mechem & Sons 11,599.50 30,430.80 Vido Kovacevich Co. 13,062.50 33,384.00 George Savala 14,107.50 36,080.40 Norbert G. Goudeseune & Co. 13,898.50 32,998.80 Griffith Co. 13,585.00 32,?42.00 Bruce W. Bennett 15,??9.50 32,356.80 Fred D. Chadwick 18,810.00 32,100.00 Cairns Harrison & Co. 14,525.50 30,045.60 TOTAL X56,$9 .~0 49 , 4?9.50 54,182.80 45,135.05 49,0?9.50 53,402.84 50,384.?0 49,842.25 51,480.30 53,950.25 4?,550.85 ~... It was moved by Councilman William, seconded by Councilman Stroh, that the bids be referred to the Engineer for cheek and report thereon. All members of the City Council present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly oarried. The Mayor inquired if there were any oral communications. Mr. C. E. Snedaker of Esther Street, inquired as to the status of the property on Esther Street supposedly owned by the City. The Mayor explained that a legal technicality required re-negotiation with the County and that the City does own the lots and also is abiding by the findings of the Planning Commission in regard to a proposed street_yard on the above mentioned property on Esther Street Mr. Clyde Boggs, 3541 Orchard, complained of hazard caused by low branches on the trees in the parkway on the north side of Orchard Street. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Stroh, seconded by Councilman Bruner, that the matter be checked into by the Engineer and Manager and that measures be taken tv abate this nuisanoe. Mr. Boggs further discussed the problem caused by Sears employees parking on Orchard Street, causing a traffic hazard. and in- w~~~~ _ _ . ability of property owners to get in and out of their driveways. After further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Gilliams, seconded by Councilman Bruner, that the Chief oP Police be in- $tructed to cheek into the parking problem on Orchard and report back and that the Clerk correspond with the Manager of Sears Robuck on the matter of the employees parking on the street rather than in the parking lot. All members present voting aye, the Mayor de- clared the motion duly carried. A communication was read from John F. Dunster, signed by himself and 48 others, objecting to the loud. noises emanating from the Assembly. of God tent meeting at Century between Linden and Atlantic, requesting the Council to el-iminate the nuisance. There was a discussion wherein Councilman Bruner stated. his opinion of the Counoil's inability to legislate against anyone's religion; however,, he appreciated the discomfort the noise and con- fusion caused the neighborhood. City Attorney Le Sage explained the difficulty of defining a legal nuisance. After further discussion, it was moved by Coun- cilman Stroh, seconded by Councilman Bruner, that the Attorney thoroughly investigate the matter and report to the Manager the action advisable, and that the Manager have the power to act, sub- ~eet to the Attorney's findings. All members present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. Reverend Porter of the Broadman Baptist Ghureh, addressed the Council in regard to his church's inability to comply with the requisite of a building permit Por his church prior to~ereetion of the temporary tent. Reverend Porter-stated that it would take a . matter of three weeks or a month to have an architect develop plans and specifications and they wish to commence their meetings as pro- gramed the middle of June. ~ ~ - APter further discussion, i~t was moved by Councilman Williams, seconded by Councilman Stroh, that the prior action be rescinded.' All members off' the City Council present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. Whereupon, it was moved by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman_Stroh, that permit be granted for 90 days, sub~eet to the. fire, health, and oaf ety regulations. All members of the City Council present voting aye, .the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. The~Clerk presented the home occupation application of Henry N. Strand, of 11061 Benwell Drive, to conduct the business of ear and floor polishing materials sales.• He stated. there had been no ob3eetions filed. - - Whereupon, it was moved by Councilman Stroh and seconded by Councilman-Bruner, that said application be approved. All members oP the City Council present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. The Clerk presented agreement for the fiscal year 1948-49 with the County of Los Angeles for health laws enforcement, stating that the City Attorney had examined the agreement and found it is in correct form. Whereupon, it was moved by Councilman Bruner and seconded by Councilman Stroh, that the Mayor be authorized to enter into an agreement with the County for said health service. All members of the City Council present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. The Engineer's report on bids received Por weed disking was presented wherein it waa recommended that F. E. Kiefhaber be awarded the contract as the lowest and best bidder. Roll Call: Ayes: Councilmen Bruner, Stroh, Willard, and Williams. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jensen. The Clerk presented the Engineer's request that authori- zation be granted to advertise for 20,000 linear feet oP 6" Class 150 ___ __ __ ___ - ___ -- ~ n -~ Cast Iron Pipe and for a 100~O~ovedlbonCouneilmanwWilliamsraseconded After some discussion, it was y by C ouneilman Stroh, that authorization be granted t.o advertise for said bids as per specifications prepared. All members of the City Council present voting aye, the Mayor declared the matian duly carried. RESOLUTION N0. 2127 entitled, "IN THE MATTER OF THE IMPROVE- MENT OF ATLANTIC AVENUE BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF CEMENT CONCRETE SIDE- WALKS, RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT," was read. It was moved by Councilman Bruner and seconded by Councilman Williams, that said Resolution be adopted. Roll Ca11: Ayes: Councilmen Bruner, Stroh, Willard, and Williams. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Jensen. .. RESOLUTION N0. 2128 entitled"IN THE MATTER OF THE IMPROVE- MENT OF ATLANTIC AVENUE BY THE INSTALLATION OF ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTS. RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT," was presented. It was moved by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Bruner, that said Resolution be adopted. Roll Call: Ayes: Councilmen Bruner, Stroh, Williams, and Willard. Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Jensen. ORDINANCE N0. 476 entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 422 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CHANGING THE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PRO- PERTIES AND THE ADOPTION OF AN AMENDED SECTION OF THE ZONING MAP WHICH IS A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE N0. 422" was read by caption. (State Street) It was moved by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Bruner, that further reading be waived. All members present noting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. It was moved by Councilman Williams and seconded by Council- man Stroh, that said ordinance be adopted as read the second time, finally pass and be published as required by law. Roll Call: Ayes: Councilmen Bruner, Stroh, Willard, and Williams. Noss: None. Absent: Councilmen Jensen. ORDINANCE N0. 477 entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 410 OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, PROVIDING THAT MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD SHALL AUTOMATICALLY VACATE THEIR OFFICE AS MEMBERS OF SAID COMMISSION UPON FAILING TO ATTEND TWO CONSECUTIVE MEETINGS OF SAID COMMISSION UNLESS EXCUSED AS PROVIDED HEREIN", was read by caption. It was moved by Councilman Williams, seconded by Councilman Bruner, that further reading be waived. All members present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. It was moved by Councilman Williams, seconded by Councilman Bruner, that said ordinance be adopted as read the second time, finally ~"' pass and be published as required by law. Roll Call: Ayes: Councilmen Bruner, Stroh, Willard, and Williams. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jensen. ORDINANCE N0. 4?$ entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYN- WOOD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING SECTION 13 OF ORDINANCE N0. 382," {Water) was read by caption. It was moved by Councilman Williams, seconded by Councilman Bruner, that further reading be waived. All members present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. It was moved by C ounci].man Stroh, seconded by Councilman Williams, that said ordinance be adopted as read for the second time, finally pass and be published as required by law. Roll Call: Ayes: Councilmen Bruner, Stroh, Willard, and Williams. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jensen. __ ......._ ... _ ~: ~ __ The Clerk presented personnel changes as recommended by the Department Heads involved, as Follows: F. E. Habensack, from Roseman II to Roseman III, salary of X220.00 per month plus cost of living adjustment; A. G. Pierce, Roseman III to Roseman IV at a salary of X230.00 per month plus the cost of living adjustment; Victor F. Luke from Patrolman II to Patrolman III at a salary of X220.00 per month plus cost of living adjustment, Dr. R. R. Walton having certified his physical fitness; G. H. Anderson, Water Maintenance Man II to Water Mainten- ance Man III, at a salary of X210.00 per month plus the cost of living adjustment. It was moved by Councilman Bruner, seconded by Councilman Stroh, that said recommendations of Fire Chief, Pollee Chief, and Engineer be accepted and approved effective June 1, 1948. Roll Call: -~>, Ayes: Councilmen Bruner, Stroh, Willard, and Williams. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jensen. The Clerk presented report by the Chief of Police on the application of Lola Adams, 932 E. 25th Street, Los Angeles, to con- du~et spiritualist-medium concession at 11826 Long Beach Blvd. The Chief's report stated investigation reveals a-clear record and recommends that license be granted. It was moved by Councilman Williams, seconded by Councilman Bruner, tha-t license be approved. All members present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. The Chief of Police report. on the appl tion of Juna Capitols Miles Por renewal of her Portunetelling ~n~~esented. The Chief stated that previous investigation reveale a very favorable re- port on her activities and recommended that license be approved.. It was moved by Councilman Bruner and seconded by Councilman Williams, that license be approved. All members of the City Council voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. Whereupon, it was moved by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Stroh, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare ari amendatory ordinance limiting this type oP business to three in the City of Lynwood. All members present voting aye, the b4ayor declared the motion duly carried. It was moved by Councilman Williams and seconded by Coun- cilman Bruner, that the salary of Administrator of the Retirement Fund, Allen R. Floyd, be increased Prom $50.00 per month to 100.00 per month effective June 1, 1948. Roll Call: Ayes: Councilman Bruner, Stroh, Willard, and Williams. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jensen. The Clerk presented concession agreement for the lunch stand in the City Park as previously instructed to have prepared by the City Attorney, establishing a 5~o return on gross revenues. After same discussion, it was moved by Councilman Villiams and ,,,,~ seconded. by Councilman Bruner, that said concession agreement be approved and entered into. All members of the City Council present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried.. The Clerk presented the problem brought about by the use of water on flat rate to supply property oP 12,000 square feet, stating that the need for conservation is becoming more and more important as well as a point of fairness in water costs to every subscriber. The Clerk pointed out that the water ordinance prescribes 12,000 square~f eet, the maximum area allowed on flat rate, but through the war, with the inability to obtain meters and the em- phasis on Victory Gardens, this section oP the ordinance was over- looked. Now there is an adequate supply of meters and it is recommended by the Suter Department that this clause be reactivated in a spirit oP Fairness to all subscribers and for conservation purposes. After some discussion, it was moved by Councilman Wilaiams The Mayor announced that owing to his vacation, he would be unable to represent Lynwood as requested. at the Pan Pacific Home Show in June and requested a volunteer tro represent the City. Councilman Stroh said he would do so. ~It was regularly moved by Councilman Williams, seconded by Councilman Bruner, that the demands presented to the Council at its meeting of June 2, 1948 having been regularly audited, are hereby allowed and approved and warrants ordered drawn on the City Treasurer therefor in accordance with and to the payees named and the funds indicated in the several demands hereby approved. . Roll Cali: Ayes: Councilmen Bruner, Stroh, Willard, and Williams. Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Jensen. *** It was moved by Councilman Williams, seconded by Councilman Stroh, that the meeting be ad~ou,rned. All members of the City Council present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. Councilman Williams reminded the Council that by their next meeting they should have in mind an appointment to the Planning Com- mission, owing to the expiration of the term of one of the members on July 1. and seconded by Councilman Bruner, that said policy be re-established in regard to the aforementioned matter; also the section authorizing meter installation on water wasters be rigidly enforced. All members present voting aye, the Mayor declared the motion duly carried. The Clerk presented the County Road Department's estimated costs oP the proposed installation of synchronized traffic signals a't Century and Alameda. After some discussion, it was moved by Coun- oilman Bruner and seoonded by Councilman Stroh that the plan as pre- sented by the County and as approved by the City Engineer be ratified. All members present voting aye, the, Mayor declared the motion duly carried. *~* GENERAL ACCOUNT Demand Register Numbers 1574--1652 inclusive to the respective funds: General Fund Water Fund Street Improvement Lighting Fund Capital 'Outlay Special Gas Tax Public Park Fund X12,948.34 - 16,750.92 Fund 5,034.90 747.88 4,291.22 503.33 385.97 X40,662.56 ~^ fi Y ERK , Y OO Ap roved by the City C 1 June 15, 1948. 9 R E Y 0 J,