HomeMy Public PortalAbout01 January 8, 2013 Regular MeetingTOWN OF YARROW POINT COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 8, 2013 7:00 PM The following is a summary of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is recorded, and the audio files are public record. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pro -Tern Carl Scandella called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. PRESENT: Mayor Pro -Tern: Carl Scandella Councilmembers: Bruce Jones Roger Myklebust Lisa Mushel Tim Dillon Staff: Anastasiya Mishkova - Town Clerk -Treasurer Wayne Stewart - Town Attorney Lieutenant Kyle Kolling - Clyde Hill Police Mona Green - Town Planner Stacia Schroeder -Town Engineer Guests: Richard Cahill -Yarrow Point Resident Chuck Hirsch -Yarrow Point Resident Judy Jesiolowski-Yarrow Point Resident APPEARANCES: 0 MINUTES: MOTION: Councilmember Mushel moved to approve the Study Session Meeting minutes of the December 11, 2012 meeting. Councilmember Jones seconded the motion. VOTE: 4 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain. Motion carried. January 8, 2013 Council Regular Meeting MOTION: Councilmember Mushel moved to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of the December 11, 2012 meeting. Councilmember Jones seconded the motion. VOTE: 4 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain. Motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR: MOTION: Councilmember Jones moved to approve Consent Calendar as presented including the Payment Approval Report 12/03/12 approving payments as shown totaling $58,553.42. VOTE: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion Carried. STAFF REPORTS: Police Lieutenant Kyle Kolling reported that there were two domestic violence cases as well as two thefts that occurred in December. Town Planner Mona Green reported that the Town submitted the Shoreline Master Program to the Department of Ecology; we expect a response around February. The Department of Ecology commented that the Town did a great job with public outreach. Town Engineer Stacia Schroeder reported that the permitting for 42nd street is in process. Representatives from the Department of Fish and Wildlife as well as the Muckleshoot Tribe came to visit the site. She also mentioned that building activity has been going up in the last few months. In response to Councilmember Dillon's question regarding the 36th street overlay, Town Engineer Schroeder explained that the City of Bellevue will overlay 36 and 37th street around January 16th. The City of Bellevue will also pay for this work. Councilmember Jones reported that there is a budget item for $50,000 dollars for road restoration. These funds will come from the heavy vehicle fees collected on permits. REGULAR BUSINESS: AB 13-01— SR520 Status Update Councilmember Mushel reported that she, along with Councilmember Myklebust and Mayor Cooper met with Clyde Hill's Mayor George Martin and Councilmembers Randy Jack and Bruce Dodds. SR520 Committee members Chuck Hirsch and Dicker Cahill also joined the meeting. Clyde Hill was firm in stating that they have not heard any expert advice in favor of placing a stop -sign. Yarrow Point presented the survey that Januaiy 8, 2013 Council Regular Meeting 2 was taken in order to help them understand the responses of our residents. At the end of the meeting, it was suggested that Yarrow Point Councilmembers attend a Clyde Hill Council Meeting during Appearances to make a case and to provide an expert opinion which supports the consensus of the Yarrow Point Council to install a stop -sign. In response to Tim Dillon's question, Councilmember Mushel answered that the Clyde Hill Councilmembers and Mayor were unified in their response. Resident Chuck Hirsch commented that while Clyde Hill pointed to experts who stated that roundabouts are safe, they did not provide expert opinion regarding the exit to and from the roundabout. The committee concern is driven by the fact that the state intends to put a crosswalk across the exit ramp from SR520. Councilmember Dillon suggested that Clyde Hill be required to do the engineering study instead of Yarrow Point. Mayor Pro-Tem Scandella explained that in December, the Yarrow Point Council met for a study session with several experts from WSDOT. These experts have reiterated that overwhelming data now supports the safety of roundabouts. While we may feel that our situation in Yarrow Point is special and should not be subject to rules and recommendations by the experts, it is undeniable that the experts are solidly against us in this matter, he continued. He continued to explain that WSDOT will make this decision as it is a State project, and WSDOT believes that a stop sign should not be there. We need to recognize that the state agency in charge of the project will make a decision based on data. Councilmember Dillon responded by emphasizing that he believes the State has been wrong; they have neglected to provide a study that supports the removal of the current stop sign. Furthermore, he added that the State is ignoring their personal executive order to "do what is best for the community." Resident Richard Cahill suggested that the Town investigate how Medina and Hunts Point feel about this issue. It may be beneficial to share the survey with them and recommend joint meetings. In regards to the expert studies that have been provided, it's imperative to find out whether those studies are relevant. Our roundabout configuration is unique. The experts may be comparing apples to oranges, he concluded. Councilmember Mushel recommended that a letter be provided to Representatives Cahill and Hirsch to take to other Councils. She agreed to attend meetings with other Council's along with representatives. She also suggested that they approach Clyde Hill with an engineering study. Councilmember Myklebust noted that the stop -sign issue cannot be won on engineering or science, it must move forward based on community support. He further volunteered to work with the committee and to submit a list of traffic engineering experts to Council for the next meeting. Councilmember Jones added that perhaps we need to questions whether there needs to be a crosswalk in that particular place. In regard to the study, he added that the January 8, 2013 Council Regular Meeting 3 scope of work as well as the budget must be clearly defined before proceeding. Attorney Wayne Stewart added that while we may bill WSDOT for these expenses, there is no guarantee that they will indeed pay. Furthermore, the Town will need to issue a Request for Proposal, and the Council will need to get a budget confirmation for this work from the Fiscal Coordinator. There being no other Mayor or Council reports, the meeting was adjourned. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS: ADJOURNMENT: MOTION: Councilmember Dillon moved to adjourn meeting at 8:05 PM. Councilmember Jones seconded the motion. VOTE: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. APPROVED: Carl Scandella, Mayor Pro-Tem r- / 9 ATTEST: A�s asiy�hkov Clerk -Treasurer January 8, 2013 Council Regular Meeting 4