HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1995/05/17 - Regular" COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA " " MINUTES MAY 17, 1995 7:30 P.M. INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Crump 2. ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Commissioner - Adams, Broge, Caswell, Sternquist and Crump ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Director Chadwick 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Chairman . Crump 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: Jo Anne Baham, 6600 Temple City Blvd., Arcadia, president of the parent support group for the Mighty Rays Swim Team. The team is a year round USS swim team, belonging to and competing within the Southern California Aquatics Association. The team is currently swimming at the Temple City High School pool. Mrs. Baham stated some background information on the team. She stated they are an affordable . competitive swim team with an aggressive out reach program and can provide training and opportunities for the citizens of Temple City that enjoy aquatics. The age ranges from four years to adult. The swimmers range from novice to national level of swimming. - Mrs. Baham came before the Commission to request that the City of Temple City recognize the Mighty Rays Swim Team as a Temple City team. Currently they use the Temple City High School pool at a cost set by and paid to the Temple City Unified School District. She stated the high school has recognized the need for a good feeder program for their CIF aquatic's program and realizes their students participating in the aquatics program will benefit from a year round training and competition as well as need to develop future students in aquatics. She requested Commission to permit a workout time for the swimmers in stead of the recreation swim time the City has provided in the past from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.,, Monday through Friday, during the summer months. She stated that in addition to the evening swim, Temple City has made available recreation swim staffed by Los Angeles County Lifeguards at the Temple City High School pool three and a half hours a day, Monday through Friday, seven hours on Saturday and five hours on Sunday throughout the summer. She recognizes the adult lap swim is offered from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and is a program, appreciated by the citizens of Temple City and surrounding areas. She assured the Commission that swim workouts and lap swim can coexist with no difficulty. She indicated she can be of assistance by cutting cost to the City since the team provides a certified lifeguard during the workouts. Mrs. Baham, on behalf of the Temple City Mighty Rays Swim Team, requested the Commission grant permission to the swim team to continue using the Temple City High School pool facility during the City's usual summer hours from 6 to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 • May 17, 1995 She thanked the Commission for allowing her the opportunity of introducing herself and the Might Ray Swim Team to the Commission. Chairman Crump informed Mrs. Baham that pursuant to the Brown Act, the Commission cannot respond nor take action on an item not listed on the posted agenda. He indicated the item could be placed for consideration on the June 21, agenda. Commissioner Broge requested clarification of the name of the swim team as the Monrovia Aquatics Foundation. Mrs. Baham responded the Monrovia Aquatics Foundation is the parent support group and the Might Rays are the swimmers. The USS charter was purchased by Monrovia Aquatics Foundation and was assigned the name M. Rays team and is separate from the foundation. She indicated that residents from Temple City have joined the team. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: Commissioner Broge requested item A removed from the Consent Calendar. On motion by Commissioner Caswell and seconded by Commissioner Adams the Consent Calendar was unanimously approved as corrected. B. MONTHLY ATTENDANCE REPORT Commission received Attendance /Activity Report for the month of April, 1995. A. APPROVAL OF 1VIINUTES - Regular meeting of April 19, 1995. Commissioner Broge requested the minutes to reflect on page 2, paragraph 6, "Chairman Crump indicated the date selected for the luncheon changed to reception was the same weekend as California Contract Cities Conference in Palm Springs." On motion. by Commissioner Caswell and seconded by Commissioner Adams, the Minutes from the regular meeting of April 19, 1995, were approved as corrected. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Crump addressed item B. first in order to give American Youth Soccer Organization an opportunity to arrive for item A. B. FACILITY USE REQUEST: REQUEST FROM TEMPLE CITY AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE FOR RESERVED SUNDAY USE OF LIVE OAK PARK BASEBALL FIELDS FOR TOURNAMENT GAMES (IF NECESSARY ON JULY 16 AND 23). REQUEST ALSO INCLUDES EXTENDING PARK TIME FROM 10 P.M. TO 11:30 P.M. TO ACCOMMODATE POSSIBLE LATER SCHEDULED GAMES. IN THE PAST THE COMMISSION HAS APPROVED RESERVED SUNDAY USE AND EXTENDED THE PARK HOURS TO 11:00 P.M. FOR THIS TYPE OF USE. Al Millham, 9809 Daines, District Administrator of Baseball in the San Gabriel Valley. He stated the international league rules have changed curfew of games from 11 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Mr. Millham requested Commission to consider extending the park use from 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. to accommodate possible later scheduled tournament games. Mr. Millham indicated this is a special occasion, tournaments for senior leagues. The request for extended time is only to determine a winner. There are no tied games in • • COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 May 17, 1995 ** ** tournament play. He indicated that the international curfew has been extended to 11:30 p.m. for only senior leagues. Mr. Millham indicated the hours would stay the same as last year (10:30 p.m.) for the younger divisions. Commissioner Broge was in favor of no new innings starting after 11 p.m. Commissioner Broge inquired when the second game starts. Mr. Millham stated the start time was dependent upon the finish of the first game. Commissioner Caswell asked how many nights would be affected by the request. Mr. Millham indicated the request is for two weeks and all games are played every night with the last game ending approximately 11 p.m. There may be two nights in the series ending after 11 p.m. Commissioner Adams stated the park closes at 10 p.m. and in the past the Commission has approved extending the time to 11 p.m. He was not in favor of changing the time to 11:30 p.m. and suggested starting earlier. Commissioner Sternquist stated 11:30 is late for residents. The tournament is exciting and generates noise. She added that even 11 p.m. maybe too late when the residents are used to the park closing at 10 p.m. She stated it could be as late as after midnight before the cars leave the park if games were allowed to continue to 11:30 p.m. Director Chadwick inquired if international rule stated no new inning starting after 11:30 p.m. Mr. Millham indicted that is the rule and indicated if the Commission does not approve the request it may jeopardize international approving Temple City as a host location. Commissioner Caswell made a motion to grant the request from Temple City American Little League for reserved Sunday use of Live Oak Park Baseball Fields for tournament games (if necessary on July 16 and 23). Request . also includes extending park time from 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. to accommodate possible later scheduled games, seconded by Chairman Crump. The motion failed by a roll call vote as follows: Roll Call: AYES: Commissioners Caswell and Crump NOES: Commissioners Adams, Broge and Sternquist ABSENT: No one Commissioner Broge was not in favor of motion stating the time is too late for neighbors. Regular season curfew is 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. curfew is an incentive for coaches and players to leave the park at a reasonable time. Commissioner Adams concurred with Commissioner Broge and added the games could be started earlier. Commissioner Adams made a motion to approve the request from Temple City American Little League for reserved Sunday use of 'Live Oak Park baseball fields for tournament games (if necessary on July 16 and 23). Request also includes extending park time from 10 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. to accommodate possible later scheduled games, seconded by Commissioner Caswell and unanimously approved. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES May 17, 1995 ** Page 4 Mrs. Ellingsworth requested additional trash pickup for the trash collected from the snack bar. FACILITY USE REQUEST: REQUEST FROM AYSO FOR USE OF OPEN FIELD AREA AT LIVE OAK PARK FOR SPRING SOCCER PRACTICE. Mrs. Ellingsworth commented that the Temple City American Little had no problems or conflicts with the current use by Temple City American Youth Soccer Organization. Commissioner Broge stated the fields are being used by club soccer and they do not have a permit nor posted a certificate of insurance with the City. Commissioner Adams concurred that a permit is need for organized use of the fields. Director Chadwick indicated he would follow up on those teams. Commissioner Caswell made a motion to approve the request from American Youth Soccer Organization contingent upon soccer coordinating use with Temple City American Little League with TCALL having priority of facilities, seconded by Commissioner Sternquist and unanimously approved. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: None 9. ADDITIONAL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE: Jo Anne Baham, 6600 Temple City Blvd., Arcadia, added to the previous presentation stating the foundation is non - profit. She requested Commission to consider her request for use of the Temple City pool for workouts beginning before July 1, scheduled from 6 -8 p.m. and affecting 80 participants. Chairman Crump reminded Mrs. Baham that the item was not on the posted agenda and no action could be taken at this meeting. Director Chadwick suggested Mrs. Baham contact the activity director at the high school for an alternate time. 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A. ** COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR REPORT. Commissioner Adams made a motion to receive and file the Directors Report as presented, seconded by Commissioner Broge and unanimously approved. Director Chadwick reported the proposed reorganization of Community Services Department has been discontinued this time. However, the Commission will continue with the name change to Parks and Recreation Commission. Commissioner Broge stated she requested a merchant to sweep cigarette butts from the front of Epcott Computers, located on the southwest corner of F•Im•ose and Las Tunas. She reported that the sidewalk was cleaned today. Also she reported the basketball lights are turning off at 10:30 p.m. She also commented that the youth organizations using the facilities at Live Oak Park have a certificate of insurance on file naming the City as additional insured. She felt club teams need to follow the same procedure when using City facilities. • • • " COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES Page 5 May 17, 1995 " Also Commissioner Broge stated displeasure with scavengers scattering trash in the street when searching for recycables in the trash cans and removing recycables from recycling containers. Director Chadwick stated the next newsletter will address this issue. Chairman Crump stated he and Commissioner Atoms and Commissioner Caswell along with staff attended the senior recognition luncheon at the Dorothy Chandler Pavillion where 87 cities acknowledged their seniors of the year. Director Chadwick invited all Commissioner to attend the volunteer recognition reception June 4th, from 2 to 4 p.m. The reception is to recognize individuals and groups having volunteered 25 or more hours to the. City. Commissioner Broge reported the Youth Commission Subcommittee attended City of Claremont's Teen Commission meeting. She indicated Claremont is dedicated to youth by keeping them involved in activities at the teen center. Commissioner Broge also commended Mrs. Ellingsworth for the dedicated youth baseball volunteers in helping with maintaining the park. 11. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioner Adams and seconded by Commissioner Caswell and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting of the Community Services Commission to be held on June 21, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. Chairman Crump adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. ATTEST: Secretary