HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1996/02/21 - RegularPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1996 7:30 P.M. INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Pursuant to the posted agenda on February 15, 1996, Chairman Broge called the meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission to order at 7:35 p.m. on Wednesday, February 21, 1996. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Commissioner- Adsms, Caswell, Crump and Broge Commissioner- Sternquist Interim Manager Burroughs, Supervisor Hampson and Public Services Superintendent Hyatt Commissioner Crump made a motion to excuse Commissioner Sternquist for cause, seconded by Commissioner Caswell and unanimously carried. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Chairman Broge 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: On motion by Commissioner Crump and seconded by Commissioner Caswell the Consent Calendar was unanimously approved as presented. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meeting of January 17, 1996 Commission approved the Minutes from the regular meeting of January 17, 1996, as submitted. B. MONTHLY ATTENDANCE REPORT Commission received Attendance /Activity report for the month of January, 1996. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. UPDATE ON LIVE OAK PARK RECREATION CENTER PROJECT Chairman Broge stated the Commission received information regarding the Live Oak Park Recreation Center Project in their packet. Interim Manager Burroughs stated the City Council directed Siteworks to incorporate recommended modifications to Design Scheme 4 at a cost not to exceed $3,000. The modifications included: increase in storage space to accommodate maximum facility utilization; increase office space to accommodate staff requirements regarding facility operations, program administration and supervision of scheduled activities; increase kitchen space and design to accommodate maximum potential facility utilization; separate rest rooms for interior use from rest rooms having exterior access; and increase children's PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 February 21, 1996 activity room space to accommodate existing and anticipated program requirements, including related storage capability. Staff has reviewed and agreed with the preliminary design modifications as presented by Siteworks. Interim Manager Burroughs stated staff received 14 proposals for architectural design services for the Live Oak Park Recreation Center Project. Commissioner Crump made a motion to receive information on the Live Oak Park Recreation Center Project, seconded by Commissioner Caswell and unanimously approved. B. REVIEW OF POLICY REGARDING.. CHARGING FOR THE USE OF LIGHTS ON SPORTS FACILITIES AT LIVE OAK PARK Chairman Broge stated additional information was provided to Commission in their packet to review the policy of charging individuals for the use of lights on sports facilities. Chairman Broge felt Commission should look at charging for lights and leave the details on charging to the Maintenance Department. Interim Manager Burroughs stated staff's memo to Commission did not include an estimate to run the electric and conduit line from the tennis and basketball courts to the office. Information will be available at a later time. Staff recommended not to do anything at this time until the park master plan is developed. Commissioner Crump had mixed feelings. He felt the City should get income from their investment since they are providing the service. He indicated he needed more information to make a decision but if a decision had to made he encouraged charging. He stated payment should include the cost of the electricity and the facilities should be provided at no cost. Finally, the fee charged should be equal to the power cost although the meters may need to be increased to cover that cost. Commissioner Caswell was in favor of charging. He stated if there is no charge for the tennis or basketball courts then there should be no charge for the youth sports groups using lights on the fields. He stated the sports groups use is costly and this issue may need to be reviewed after the new facility is built. He was in favor of staff controlling lights from the office. Commissioner Adams concurred with Commissioner Caswell. He stated the lights should be controlled by the office. He felt there should be a charge and the charges should go through staff's office. He feels there should be a resident and non - resident fee. Chairman Broge stated the consensus of the Commission is to leave the policy as it is. She emphasized a charge needs to be made for the lights. She felt that people do not value that what they don't pay for in some respect. In order to keep some control on the courts there should be a charge for the lights, if just for maintenance. Public Services Superintendent Hyatt said the meter boxes on tennis court number two was completely destroyed so the coin cannot be inserted. The meter needs to be replaced. Staff are currently turning those lights on with the key. If a new meter is purchased now the Commission needs to determine the amount required for participants to use the lights and length of time. III PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 February 21, 1996 • • Chairman Broge stated Commission would not change the fees of the meter at this meeting. She continued when the system is revamped then the fee structure should be addressed. She felt the time of use should be for an hour not 20 minute increments. She felt $1 per hour is reasonable. Commission's direction was to keep the situation status quo until a master plan is developed. Commissioner Caswell made a motion to continue charging youth organization for the use of lights on the fields, to continue using coin meters on the tennis courts and basketball courts, and to continue turning on the lights by a key on the tennis court until the master plan is completed seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously approved. Chairman Broge directed staff to order new signs for the tennis courts to include charging for use of lights as discussed at the January 17, meeting. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. REVIEW PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AVAILABLE TO TEMPLE CITY RESIDENTS Chairman Broge introduced this item and stated Commissions discussion was focused on local public transportation services available to Temple City residents and review the City's dial -a -ride program. Interim Manager Burroughs stated in the past years the Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed the transportation services provided in the community. The purpose of the review was to inform the public as well as the Commissioners of the types of transportation services provided to the residents; review the dial -a -ride program; determine if the changes in the program operating policies need to be made and allow the public an opportunity to comment on the services. She stated in the report there was a brief description of the various transportation agencies which provide services to Temple City residents. She requested Commission to discuss the dial -a -ride program. The dial -a- ride program needs to go out for a request for proposal (RFP) this year because Dootson is in their third year of a three year contract. The last RFP was in 1990. She requested Commission to review the policies that may or may not need to be changed and direction as to what to include in the RFP. Chairman Broge invited those in the audience to address the Commission. Diane Collier, 9972 E. Live Oak Ave., stated she was unable to attend the February 15, 1995 meeting that reviewed this issue. She stated she received a staff report for that meeting and inquired why she did not receive a report this year. Interim Manager Burroughs stated a mailing is done to those who request a copy. At that time a copy of the staff report was given to her. Ms. Collier inquired what was the notification process for the meeting. Interim Manager Burroughs stated a press release was sent to the newspaper and the agenda is posted at the Civic Center building. Ms. Collier inquired if dial -a -ride members could take the dial -a -ride service to the El Monte Metro Link on a one time only basis. Interim Manager Burroughs stated yes. Ms. Collier also inquired on the 24 hour advance notice use for dial -a -ride. Could she request 24 hours in advance for a pick up and return to home. Interim Manager Burroughs stated yes, however, the return home is not guaranteed exactly on the requested time. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 4 February 21, 1996 Commissioner Crump inquired on the window of time. Interim Manager Burroughs stated a half hour window for return. Chip Hazen, Program Manager for MTA, 1 Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, is responsible to work with cities on their specialized transportation service such as the dial -a -ride service provided to Temple City residents and issues related to the American with Disabilities Act. He stated he worked with Interim Manager Burroughs on the RFP for dial -a -ride service. Also the packet contained recommendations for changes to the current policy. He stated he has 20 years of experience in operations and administration of dial -a -ride programs and versed to answer Commission questions. Mr. Hazen clarified his position with MTA stating they are an operator of regional services and also a planning and programming agency. They plan a number of services besides fixed route services. They also program money for operations such as the Prop A and C and his department works with cities on approved projects. Chairman Broge stated staff is recommending the qualifications be changed to: Temple City residents 60 years and over; or under 60 years with a physical, psychological or developmental disability certified by a physician. Commissioner Adams asked how this is different. Interim Manager Burroughs stated current policy includes Temple City residents eligible for Dial -a -Ride if they are 60 years of age or older and not employed full time, or any person who is disabled and not able to use public transportation as verified by a physician. She indicated there was no way to verify if a person could use public transportation. She stated the change may increase the ridership. Commissioner Adams made a motion to change the qualifications to: Temple City residents 60 years and over; or under 60 years with a physical, psychological or developmental disability certified by a physician, seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously approved. Chairman Broge stated currently transportation is provided throughout Temple City for any purpose. Service is also available to Arcadia, El Monte, Rosemead and San Gabriel for doctor appointments, educational facilities, hospitals or government facilities only. Staff recommended several options: do not change current policy; change policy to provide transportation only within the city limits; limit the number of miles outside the city the vehicle will travel (i.e. anywhere within a 2 mile radius); limit the type of facility transportation will be provided to (i.e. only doctor and hospital facilities). Commissioner Crump felt the present service area policy was adequate. Commissioner Caswell felt San Gabriel Hospital and Methodist Hospital were outside the two mile radius. He suggested at least one of the above hospitals should be included in the area of service. Interim Manager Burroughs stated that the milage could be changed. She stated other cities surveyed would go outside the city within a five mile radius. Some cities charge extra for the service. • • • " " PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 5 February 21, 1996 Commissioner Adams made a motion to not change current service area policy seconded by Commissioner Caswell and unanimously approved. Interim Manager Burroughs stated the City's contract with Dootson calls for two vehicles for the exclusive service of Temple City. At least one vehicle must be wheelchair accessible. Currently Dootson utilizes one sedan and one wheelchair accessible van for exclusive use of Temple City. In 1993, the city authorized Dootson to purchase a new sedan and a new van, and contributed toward the cost of the vehicles. At that time, it was felt a sedan would best meet the needs of the Senior Citizens who use the program based on comments staff received from non - wheelchair users who had difficulty entering the vans. Current laws regulate vehicles used in public transporta -tion programs. They require that the fleet in its entirety be accessible per ADA guidelines by treating wheelchair users equally as non - wheelchair users. If a user not requiring a wheelchair accessible vehicle has a wait time of 30 minutes, then a person requesting a wheelchair accessible vehicle must also be serviced within 30 minutes. The city may want to consider using only wheelchair accessible vehicles or at least increasing the number of vehicles to possibly two wheelchair accessible mini -vans and one sedan. This could be an option in the RFP (i.e. cost for two accessible vans, cost for three accessible vans, cost for two vans and one sedan, etc.) Interim Manager Burroughs stated another issue with the vehicles is whether or not they should be dedicated to Temple City. For the past six years, Temple City has had dedicated vehicles. However, this increases the contract price. Staff is recommending we continue the practice of dedicated vehicles if it is economically feasible. Mr. Hazen gave some background information on the progression of the laws governing the dial -a -ride service. He stated in 1972 the California Legislature passed a law requiring all vehicles purchased for public transportation services be accessible. The law stated, when enough providers (three or more) in the United States could provide equipment it would go into effect. In 1979 it was determined that there were enough providers to provide that type of vehicle and the accessibility features. Any vehicle purchased must be accessible if used for public transportation service. In 1990 the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed which stated when viewed in its entirety a dial -a -ride program must be accessible. If someone requests a ride within 30 minutes and is not disabled and can get on board that vehicle that same vehicle must accommodate someone who has a disability within 30 minutes also. The State law would supersede Federal requirements. The city should be purchasing all accessible vehicles which could include vans, sedans or mini vans with high and low floors that are ramped. The cost is about $28,000 for a mini van as opposed to $30,000 to $40,000 for a van. A sedan would cost less, based on dedicated vehicles. A non - dedicated program, such as Arcadia taxi service, has six dedicated vehicles and a fleet of 15. If the contractor purchased the vehicles for the city the contractor is the same as the city. A non dedicated fleet of all taxis must be accessible. Chairman Broge inquired if the RFP bid states guidelines and rules for dial -a -ride use or if the bidder determines what is needed for the city. Mr. Hazen indicated the RFP could include a variety of different programs and options. We can include current policy and the proposed changes. We can request two dedicated vehicles and one spare that will run during prescribed hours. Leaving the RFP open and letting them decide what would be the best way to provide services to the city and different alternatives might be most cost effective. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 6 February 21, 1996 Chairman Broge stated in regards to the number and type of vehicles perhaps staff and Mr. Hazen could work together and develop the RFP. She stated staff has a feel for the trends and what is needed. Interim Manager Burroughs asked Commission if they have a strong feeling for dedicated or non dedicated vehicles. Commissioner Adams wanted clarification on the term taxi. Mr. Hazen indicated the term dedicated means the vehicle can only be used for the City of Temple City and not in any other program during the hours specified in the agreement. Non dedicated is a vehicle that is used in other types of programs such as a taxi program. There is an unlimited fleet with immediate van response. The contract could indicated the response would be a ten minute window. The Federal requirement is a 15 minute window five minutes before the scheduled time and ten minutes after. The city will be doing Section 15 reporting and receiving 1% of the operating costs to collect data and the data will go into the National Data information center. The area will get operating funds from the Federal government for submittal of the information. He encourages cities to do the reporting so 1% of the operating cost will go back into the region. The MTA will receive about $3 million from the Federal government and that money will go into capital equipment to replace busses. Commissioner Adams felt a taxi service may be cost effective. He indicated the service needs to be regulated and takes more staff time on the program. Commissioner Adams concurred with Chairman Broge's suggestion to have staff work with Mr. Hazen to develop the RFP. Commissioner Caswell indicated he has not heard of any complaints from his friends who use the current service. Chairman Broge stated staff has recommended continued practice of dedicated vehicles if it is economically feasible. She feels staff recommendation is good and when the RFP is prepared Interim Manager Burroughs and Mr. Hazen can include a stipulation in the RFP's that the city is covered as far as ADA and accessibility for all the citizens. Commissioner Crump added that the RFP could include an alternate selection. Mr. Hazen concurred that could be a choice. Commissioner Adams made a motion to continue the practice of dedicated vehicles if economically feasible, seconded by Commissioner Adams and unanimously approved. Chairman Broge suggested Interim Manager Burroughs work with Mr. Hazen to develop the RFP. Chairman Broge outlined the reservation policy stating currently dial -a -ride users are required to call for transportation 24 hours in advance. Transportation may be available if a user calls the same day, but the time cannot be guaranteed. Currently users cannot schedule trips more than 24 hours in advance. Staff is recommending to continue requiring reservations but change the policy to accept reservations up to two weeks in advance. If users have daily or weekly appointments at the same time, they could arrange to be picked up without having to call each time for a ride. Staff is also recommending discontinuing "on- demand" requests except for emergency situations that would be well defined. • • • PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 7 • February 21, 1996 • Commissioner Crump stated if the on demand is discontinued then if someone wants to go they can not except for an emergency case and that is a matter of opinion. Interim Manager Burroughs stated this recommendation came from surveys of dial -a -ride policies from surrounding cities. All cities surveyed take reservations up to two weeks in advance however after a discussion with Mr. Hazen more thought should be given to this. Mr. Hazen stated the reservation policy can be used as a deterrent to provide trips. If someone has to call many days in advance to reserve a ride the chance that they will use that service when the time comes diminishes greatly. His experience has proven the no shows and cancellations are greater for an advance reservation program. For an immediate trip response program the no show and cancellation rate is less. Monrovia has an immediate demand program handling six passengers per hour. Cancellations and no shows cost money and the vehicle is wasted. Chairman Broge asked Mr. Hazen if his recommendation was an immediate response policy. He stated that was the best use of vehicles and service and the cheapest to do is an immediate demand response program. He suggested looking at an immediate demand response in the RFP, however, the 24 hour reservation as another option. Chairman Broge asked if the 24 hour in advance and immediate response programs could be included in the RFP. Mr. Hazen indicated it could and then the City would determine which is the best and most cost effective for the City. When the RFP is designed it needs to include a window of time and penalties if they do not meet this a certain percentage of time. Other companies penalize their contractor $2,500 if they are not 95% on time. Mr. Hazen stated it is more difficult to schedule a combination system. Additionally, the could offer a subscriptive trips for those who go consistently to one place at the same time. They are automatically picked up on a regular basis and would call and cancel their pick up time if they were not going one day. Commissioner Adams inquired if the current contract includes subscriptive service. Interim Manager Burroughs stated it did not. Mr. Hazen stated the subscriptive services saves the city considerable amounts of money and increases ridership. Commissioner Caswell made a motion that the reservation policy be included in the RFP to include immediate demand response, 24 hour advance notice and subscriptive ridership, seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously approved. Chairman Broge stated the number and type of vehicles and reservation policy will be included in the RFP. Diane Collier, 9972 E. Live Oak Ave., agreed with Mr. Hazen and did not feel making appointments /reservations in advance is appropriate for a c1ial -a -ride service, Access Services, Inc., provides that service. The problem comes when someone forgets to cancel an appointment. The advantage of making appointments two weeks in advance is for disabled and those unable to use a phone. She inquired if the current contract included subscriptive service or are there users using the current program as a subscriptive service. Interim Manager Burroughs stated those using the service to go to the senior club every week, call and make a reservation every week. She stated she is not aware of anyone that PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 8 February 21, 1996 is using subscriptive service. Ms. Coffier stated if the current service provider continues being the contractor she feels they need some sensitivity training. She requested the city get a new contractor. Chairman Broge asked Ms. Collier if she contacts staff when she has difficulty with the service provider. Ms. Coffier explained her rider problem. Chairman Broge asked if she can take the dial -a -ride service to the bus stop and the bus to the Metro station. Ms. Collier stated this is agreeable with her. Chairman Broge asked if she was satisfied with the agreement and the parameters of the service of the current contractor based on the city contract. Ms. Collier stated yes. She asked if she can use subscriptive service now with the current provider. Interim Manager Burroughs stated her understanding was the contract does not include subscriptive service it is a 24 hour advance reservation service. Mr. Hazen stated the current contract the City has was signed before the ADA went into effect. The RFP will include a sensitivity training clause. He stated all things that apply to the ADA will be adhered to in the RFP. Ms. Collier stated the down time for the wheelchair vehicle has been up to three days. Chairman Broge asked if the RFP could include a clause regarding down time or possibly a loaner vehicle. Mr. Hazen stated the RFP should state the service must be accessible when viewed in its entirety. That means the contractor can draw a vehicle from another fleet, use another contractor, or other means to provide the vehicle. They must meet the intent of the law to provide service to people who are in a wheelchair. Chairman Broge invited Ms. Collier to come back to Commission and report on how the service provider is doing after the new contract is awarded. Chairman Broge thanked Mr. Hazen for his attendance and help in understanding the dial -a -ride program. B. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES SELECTION PANEL Chairman Broge requested an appointment of a representative to participate on the selection panel to interview prospective architectural firms for the Live Oak Park Recreation Center on February 29th. Chairman Broge and Commissioner Adams would not be available to attend on February 29. Commissioner Adams recommended appointment of Commissioner Caswell, to represent the Parks and Recreation Commission on the selection panel, seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously approved. Commissioner Caswell requested an alternate. Commissioner Crump volunteered to be the alternate. C. SENIOR CITIZEN OF THE YEAR Chairman Broge requested appointment of a representative to participate on the committee to select the Temple City Senior Citizen of the Year. • • • " PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 9 February 21, 1996 " Commissioner Caswell recommended appointment of Commissioner Crump to represent the Parks and Recreation Commission on the selection committee, seconded by Commissioner Adams and unanimously approved. Commissioner Crump added that Commissioner Adams and Caswell are eligible for nomination as Senior Citizen of the Year. He accepted the appointment since he has been a Senior Citizen of the Year. Interim Manager Burroughs indicated the committee will meet on Wednesday, March 6, at 11:30 a.m. D. COMMISSION REPORTS ON CALIFORNIA & PACIFIC SOUTHWEST RECREATION AND PARK CONFERENCE Chairman Broge invited Commissioners to share information gathered at the California & Pacific Southwest Recreation and Park Conference. Commissioner Adams handed out an outline from each of the educational sessions he attended. He felt this conference offered the best speakers. He attended a presentation on Community Design process by Mark Schatz from Bull Stockwell Allen & Ripley Architects. He stated according to the outline presented the city has followed the suggested recommendations on proposed Community Center Building at Live Oak Park. He also attended a session on ADA updates. He stated the regulations for park improvements are still not defined and being tested in court. Another session he attended was Community, Security and Park Design by Scott Reese, City of Glendale, who presented information on Palmer Park's renovation. He stated all areas of the park are visible, secured with fencing and an alarm system (alarm goes off and the sprinkler system is on), also graffiti was deterred by a bright yellow light. He also attended sessions on family oriented programming and one on effective use of volunteers in the community. Chairman Broge attended several workshops. She found them interesting and informative. Her consensus on the ADA workshop was to do what is reasonable and not to worry about it. There are State and Federal suits pending. Chairman Broge stated the conferences are an opportunity to learn and felt the maintenance and recreation staff would benefit from this conference. She proposed during budget process for next year a diversity of attendance to include a representative from the Commission, city recreation staff and maintenance. She felt the maintenance personnel would benefit from the vendor displays. Also there were workshops for creative training for recreation leaders that would benefit the recreation supervisor. She suggested a college student to attend to motivate them to stay with Temple City such as Interim Manager Burroughs and Recreation Supervisor Hampson. She felt the conferences are to solve problems and didn't feel they should be for social purpose. Chairman Broge requested staff to attend the League of California Cities Community Services Conference on Wednesday, April 10 - 12, 1996 in Monterey. Commissioner Crump indicated he was available to go and he felt he could benefit from the workshops. (Commissioner Crump and Commissioner Caswell were appointed to attend.) Interim Manager Burroughs indicated she was unable to attend and recommended Supervisor Hampson attend. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 10 February 21, 1996 Chairman Broge inquired if Public Services Superintendent Hyatt has opportunities to attend conferences. Public Services Superintendent Hyatt indicated he attended a show at the Long Beach Convention Center at no cost to the City to view equipment for the budget. Commissioner Adams feels that the Commissioners should go. Chairman Broge stated when money was available all Commissioners could go but now with budget constraints staff should go because they apply the information in everyday usage. She stated one Commissioner could attend. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: Interim Manager Burroughs indicated California Contract Cities Association is holding a Commissioner's Workshop at the Sheraton Rosemead Hotel on Saturday, March 30. Commissioner Crump expressed an interest to attend. Also, Interim Manager Burroughs invited Commissioner's to attend CPRS District XIII annual City Managers /School Superintendent Day lunch meeting on Wednesday, March 20 at Duarte Senior Center. Commissioner Crump volunteered to attend. 9. ADDITIONAL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE: No one. 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A. COMMUNITY SERVICES INTERIM MANAGER'S REPORT. Interim Manager Burroughs stated her report was included in the packet. She reviewed information as outlined in the staff report dated February 21, 1996. Commissioner Adams made a motion to receive and file the Interim Manager's report, seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously approved. Interim Manager Burroughs stated she would attend a meeting at El Monte Community Center, on Wednesday, February 28 held by The Trust for Public Land to discuss a possible proposition initiative for capital improvement funds for qualified regional and neighborhood parks, recreation and cultural facilities through the county. The measure would also provide on -going operations and maintenance funds on an annual basis for these facilities. Commissioner Caswell thanked staff for their good work and commended staff for expediting the removal of graffiti in town. Chairman Broge inquired if there is a date for the Live Oak Park irrigation improvement project. Public Services Superintendent Hyatt indicated the project will not begin until sometime after June 30th in accordance with the park master plan. He felt there would not be an inter - ruption to the users. Public Services Superintendent Hyatt gave an update on the current status of the bandstand project. He stated Berryman & Henigar have reviewed the existing plans and • • • PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 11 February 21, 1996 specifications provided by Mary Coolman and found they are not currently ',ADA compatible. The changes add $10,000 to $15,000 to the project. The process of the changes has gone through city staff, Berryman & Henigar and Mary Coolman. Staff has requested Ms. Coolman consult with Mr. Tyrell on the changes. By Friday, February 23, all plans and specifications should be complete ready to go to City Council for approval. A construction estimate should arrive on Thursday, February 22. City staff has included any concrete deficiencies that are currently at Temple City Park. This will be added as an option. Chairman Broge asked where the additional money will come from. Public Services Superintendent Hyatt stated from the City since it is now a Capital Improvement Project. The bandstand committee is committed to raising the money they agreed, to. 11. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioner Caswell and seconded By Commissioner Crump and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission to be held on March 20, 1996, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, ,temple City. Chair as Broge adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. l ATTEST: • /ttilu-/" /6(//L-e Secret • Chairman