HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1997/02/19 - RegularPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION • TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1997 7:30 P.M. INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Pursuant to the posted agenda on February 13, 1997, Chairman Adams called the meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 19, 1997. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioner - Broge, Caswell, Crump and Adams ABSENT: Commissioner- Sternquist ALSO PRESENT: Manager Burroughs and Supervisor Hampson Commissioner Crump made a motion to excuse Commissioner Sternquist for cause, seconded by Commissioner Caswell and unanimously carried. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Chairman Adams 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one. • 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: On motion by Commissioner Crump and seconded by Commissioner C aswell the Consent Calendar was unanimously approved as presented. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - 1) Regular meeting of January 15, 1997 2) Special meetings of January 22 and February 5, 1997 Commission approved the Minutes from the regular meeting of January 15, 1997 and Special meetings of January 22 and February 5, 1997. B. MONTHLY ATTENDANCE REPORT Commission received Attendance /Activity Report for the month of January, 1997. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. REVIEW PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AVAILABLE TO TEMPLE CITY RESIDENTS. Manager Burroughs recapped a memo, dated February 19, 1997, Commission received in their packet regarding local public transportation services available to Temple City residents and reviewed the City's dial -a -ride program. A survey was sent to all dial -a -ride members in January. She indicted overall the survey results included in the packet were positive. • PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 February 19, 1997 Manager Burroughs requested Commissioners to provide input regarding transportation services and provide staff with recommendations /comments to improve services. She stated since there was a savings of $20,000 from the previous contract, other services could be considered at this time. Manager Burroughs introduced Duke Perrin and Terry Crouch, San Gabriel Transit, 2623 River Ave., Rosemead, stating they were present to answer questions. Commissioner Adams asked about the complaint that noted a rider who was let off two blocks from his home. Ms. Crouch stated she was unaware of the situation. Commissioners Crump and Caswell concurred based onathe survey most were in favor of the service. Commissioner Crump asked where most riders request to go outside of our current service area. Mr. Perrin stated to social service agencies, hospitals and medical facilities. Commissioner Caswell asked what the problems were with the computer. Manager Burroughs indicated San Gabriel Transit installed computers in the vans. The computers display to the driver the next location for a pickup and delivery. She stated the problems noted were resolved as the system was used. Most of the complaints were in October and November previous to the mailing of the questionnaire. Commissioner Broge asked about a step to the front seat. Mr. Perrin stated according to the Americans with Disabilities Act a non - stationary step is not an option. A small pull out ramp can be used. Commissioner Broge asked about a wheelchair caught on the hinge. Ms. Crouch stated she would check into the complaint. Commissioner Broge congratulated San Gabriel Transit for providing the service to the community. Manager Burroughs asked if Commissioners would want to consider elimination of service on holidays and weekends so that money could be spent on peak hour service. During discussion it was decided since there were 8 to 12 riders on those days possibly San Gabriel Transit could provide taxi service. Mr. Perrin stated he would contact staff with alternatives for that service. B. SENIOR CITIZEN OF THE YEAR. Chairman Adams requested appointment of a representative to participate on the committee to select the Temple City Senior Citizen of the Year. Commissioner Caswell recommended appointment of Commissioner Crump to represent the Parks and Recreation Commission on the selection committee, seconded by Commissioner Broge and unanimously approved. Manager Burroughs indicated staff received information on the County's recognition program. She indicated the fee for the lunch increased again from last year to $40 per • • • PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 • February 19, 1997 • person. She stated $300 is budgeted for this expense. She requested suggestions from Commission on a recognition program for next year. Commissioner Adams asked who will be participating at the County's program. Manager Burroughs stated seven could attend. Commissioner Caswell suggested using a local restaurant for honoring the person selected. Commissioner Broge felt the County's program is impersonal. She felt the $300 could be spent on a nice feception, which could include Council, Commission and guests. She added the recipient will receive the proclamation from the County whether or not they attend the County's program. Commissioners Caswell and Crump concurred with Commissioner Broge. Chairman Adams felt recognition at the County's luncheon was uplifting and a way to give special honor to the recipient. Manager Burroughs indicated staff will continue as in previous years to have the honoree receive the Proclamation. Due to increased costs the program should be looked at for the next budget year. Commissioner Caswell made a motion to create a committee to study the recognition program for the Temple City Senior of the Year. Seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously approved. Manager Burroughs received direction from Commission to invite previous senior of the year recipients, a Commissioner, and staff to participate on the committee. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: None 9. ADDITIONAL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE: 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A. COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGER'S REPORT. Manager Burroughs stated her report was included in the packet. She reviewed information as outlined in the staff report dated February 19, 1997. Commissioner Caswell made a motion to receive and file the Manager's report, seconded by Commissioner Crump and unanimously approved. Chairman Adams reminded Commissioners of opening day for each little league and the Easter Egg hunt. He stated he has observed users with skate boards, roller blades, and bikes on the pavilion. He noted there is no enforcement. Commissioner Crump concurred. Commissioner Caswell stated he may be out of town for the March meeting. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 4 February 19, 1997 Commissioner Crump stated he attended the CPRS luncheon earlier today along with Commissioner Caswell and Chairman Adams. He stated there was good food, fellowship and a presentation on Proposition 218 and Proposition 62. Commissioner Crump stated he was interested in attending the Community Services Conference in San Diego on April 10 and 11, 1997. Manager Burroughs indicated two Commissioners are budgeted to attend. Commissioner Sternquist had indicated by phone she was interested and would like Supervisor Hampson to attend. Manager Burroughs stated staff would confirm with Commissioner Sternquist her availability and if she could not attend Commissioner Crump would go along with Supervisor Hampson. 11. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioner Crump and seconded by Commissioner Caswell and unanimously carried that the next regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission will be held on March 19, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. The meeting was djoi d at 7:59 p. man • 0