HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1998/10/21 - Regular" " " PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 1998 7:30 P.M. INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Pursuant to the agenda posted on October 16, 1998, Chairman Crump called the meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21, 1998. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioner - Broge, Freeman, Lefler, Sternquist and Crump ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Manager Burroughs, and Supervisor Hampson 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Chairman Crump 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: On motion by Commissioner Broge and seconded by Commissioner Lefler the Consent Calendar was unanimously approved as presented. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meeting of September 16, 1998 Commission approved the Minutes of the regular meeting of September 16, 1998, as submitted. B. MONTHLY ATTENDANCE REPORT Commission received Attendance /Activity Reports for the month of September, 1998. Chairman Crump requested to address New Business before Unfinished Business. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. REQUEST FROM TEMPLE CITY HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR CONSIDERATION OF FEE WAIVER FOR AN INSTALLATION DINNER ON DECEMBER 4, 1998 AT THE LIVE OAK PARK COMMUNITY CENTER Manager Burroughs stated the Historical Society was requesting a rental and security fee waiver for the reserved use of the Live Oak Park Community Center (Live Oak I), for the Historical Society's annual Installation Dinner Chairman Crump stated he was in favor of waiving the rental fee but requiring the Historical Society to pay the $500 security deposit. Commissioner Freeman stated he felt the fees were reasonable since they included tables, chairs, podium, and set up of the room. He figured the cost would be approximately $5 per person and felt this was fair. He maintained the City should be establishing a replacement account for the furnishings and maintenance of the building. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 October 21, 1998 Chairman Crump stated the Historical Society was an unofficial city organization. He stated City Council had requested the Woman's Club to organize a historical society. Commissioner Lefler asked if the Historical Society is paying for the museum, also if they were charging their members for the dinner. Manager Burroughs indicated they were not paying for use of the facility for the museum and it appeared from the application they were charging for the banquet. Chairman Crump stated the Historical Society is working on a shoestring budget to set up a museum for the youth in the community. Paying the security deposit will cover any damage. Commissioner Broge felt the deposit could be reduced to $250 and was in favor of waiving the room fee. Commissioner Sternquist stated she was in favor of waiving the rental fee, although it made no sense to reduce the security deposit since it is refundable. Commissioner Sternquist suggested staff present a list of users which Commission would approve that would be authorized a fee waiver rather than having the Commission approve each individually. She suggested a policy for waiving fees, possibly one waiver per year or quarter. Commissioner Lefler agreed with Commissioner Sternquist. Commissioner Sternquist was not in favor of reducing the security deposit if the rental fee was waived. Commissioner Broge made a motion to waive the rental fee of $50/hour and require the $500 security deposit for the Historical Society's annual Installation Dinner on December 4, 1998, at the Live Oak Park Community Center (Live Oak I), seconded by Commissioner Sternquist and unanimously approved. Commissioner Lefler requested staff to keep a log on groups using the facility and suggested one free event per year per group. Manager Burroughs agreed with the concerns of the Commission and stated a year may be too long to wait to evaluate the fee structure. She was not comfortable with a list of users pre- approved for a fee waiver and felt each application should be reviewed by Commission based on individual circumstances as they apply to the policy. Chairman Crump stated the groups should appeal the fees to Commission. Manager Burroughs stated currently a group can appeal Commission's decision to the City Council. She stated after the first year Commission can look at the kinds of uses by each group. Chairman Crump was in favor of waiting a year to evaluate the policy. Manager Burroughs suggested Commission consider charging a user fee for the wear and tear on the building, which would be deposited into a replacement fund. • • PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 • October 21, 1998 • • B. REQUEST FROM TEMPLE CITY YOUTH FOOTBALL FOR CONSIDERATION OF FEE WAIVER FOR THE JUNIOR PEE -WEE AWARDS BANQUET ON NOVEMBER 21, 1998 AT THE LIVE OAK PARK COMMUNITY CENTER Manager Burroughs stated Temple City Youth Football was requesting a fee waiver for the reserved use of the Live Oak Park Community Center (Live Oak I and II) on November 21, 1998, for the Junior Pee -Wee Awards Banquet. Mr. Tom McGrath, 6236 Ivar Street, represented Temple City Youth Football. He stated waiving the fee would make more money available to the organization. The organization provides youth diversion and is a good investment in the community. He stated the organization pays for uniforms and equipment. He was in favor of paying the security deposit. Manager Burroughs asked the ages of the Pee Wee's. Mr. McGrath stated from 8 to 11 years. Commissioner Broge asked if the meal was being catered. Mr. McGrath indicated it would be catered but served by football parents. Commissioner Freeman indicated based on the information provided, the cost would be approximately $1.50 per person to use the room, furnishings, etc. Commissioner Broge stated she was less inclined to waive the fees for this use since there could be excessive cleanup and more staff time involved. She indicated, however, she would go along with the pattern that has been established and suggested waiving the rental fee. Commissioner Lefler asked how many more dinners would be held in the building. Manager Burroughs did not know if there would be additional requests. Mr. McGrath stated the other football groups were using a restaurant for their banquet. Manager Burroughs added Little League has indicated they would like to use the Community Center for their annual pancake breakfast. Commissioner Lefler suggested not charging the rental fee but require the organization to post the security deposit. She requested staff report back after the first of the year on the wear and tear on the facility. Chairman Crump indicated this is a nice facility and he would not back down on the security deposit. Commissioner Broge felt it would take a year to evaluate the uses of the facility. She felt six months was too soon to re- evaluate the policy and fees. She stated the annual cycle of the groups would provide information on what changes should be made to the policy. She suggested evaluating the policy in the spring or summer. Commissioner Freeman stated he is a small business owner. He sets aside a reserve for equipment replacement. He stated the fees waived in a years time would more than paint the exterior of his home. He feels the Commission needs to be responsible for keeping the facility in good condition in the years to come. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 4 October 21, 1998 Commissioner Broge made a motion to require an additional security deposit of $400, and waive the rental fee for use of the Live Oak Park Community Center (Live Oak I & II) for the Temple City Youth Football Junior Pee -Wee Awards Banquet on November 21, 1998, seconded by Commissioner Sternquist and unanimously approved. C. PROPOSAL FROM NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS TO INSTALL, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A RADIO COMMUNICATION FACILITY AT LIVE OAK PARK AND RELATED PARK IMPROVEMENTS Chairman Crump stated due to changes in stafl'mg at Nextel the project has been put on hold and this item will be continued to the next meeting. Manager Burroughs stated a sub - committee comprised of Chairman Crump, Commissioner Broge, representatives from the Live Oak Park neighborhood and tennis club members have met with Nextel representatives. She stated Nextel wants to install a radio communication facility on a light pole on the fields at Live Oak Park. They have agreed to install a shaded bleacher area with a storage area for Nextel's equipment and for the tennis court equipment between the tennis courts. Manager Burroughs stated the current light poles may be moved according to the master plan. She has met with Musco, a field lighting contractor, and received an estimate for new field lights. The estimate of $240,000 is lower than the master plan estimate partly because a new electrical panel has been installed. She will be scheduling a meeting with the sports groups to discuss financial support of the project. She stated this item will come before Commission when more details are available. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. CONTINUED DISCUSSION ON SIGNS FOR LIVE OAK PARK • Manager Burroughs stated her memo dated October 21, 1998, was included in the packet regarding continued discussion on types of signs, verbiage and placement at Live Oak Park. Manager Burroughs had samples available for Commission to review. It was decided to post on the header board of the picnic shelter a sign indicating sections A through E. It was agreed the signs be green with white letters. The Commission also decided to post signs on the shelter stating "Individuals and groups holding permits for the picnic shelter have priority for information on reserving the shelter call (626) 579 - 0461 ". Again it was decided to keep the signs uniform in color with 3/4" letters on a sign about the width of the polls Commissioner Freeman suggested the signs be out of reach so they would not be accessible to the public to deface. The Commission agreed to post two signs at the basketball court stating "Basketball court hours 7 am to 10 pm; Violators may be cited ". The Commission recommended signs for the tennis courts which would say "Tennis court hours 6 am to 10 pm, no bicycles, no skateboards, no skating, no wheeled toys, no animal/pets ". • • • " " PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 5 October 21, 1998 Commissioner Sternquist requested TCMC be written out - Temple City Municipal Code. Commissioner Lefler requested the signs be kept simple and preferred the large red "NO" on a white background with black letters reading. "no dogs or pets, bike riding, skate boards, wheeled toys, alcohol ". Commissioner Broge suggested the sign not exceed 12" x 25 ". She suggested placing six signs throughout the park and recommended printing out Temple City Municipal Code where designated on the signs. Commissioner Broge suggested posting a sign on the fence near the Historical Society building. Chairman Crump suggested installation at least ten feet high. Commissioner Lefler suggested the same wording on signs for the Temple City Park. Manager Burroughs stated she would speak with Maintenance Coordinator Erickson regarding the number and placement of signs. Commissioner Lefler requested permanent signs for the wading pool. It was decided staff would determine wording based on County health requirements. Commissioner Broge made a motion to approve the types of signs, verbiage and placement as discussed for Live Oak Park and Temple City Park, seconded by Commissioner Lefler, and unanimously approved. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: None 9. ADDITIONAL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE: 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: A. COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGERS REPORT. Manager Burroughs stated her report was included in the packet. She reviewed information on community events as outlined in the staff report dated October 21, 1998. She updated the Commission on the meeting staff had with the Sheriff's Department. Discussion included response time and habitual violations. The Sheriff's have recommended scheduling a tour of the Sheriff's Department for staff to meet dispatchers and get to know the process and understanding of their priorities. It was also suggested park staff participate in a ride -a -long with the Sheriffs to better understand the type of rails they respond to. Regarding dog violations it was suggested that during the recruitment of the Animal Control Officer a flex schedule be discussed. Staff gave the Sheriff's a list of violations and the most prevalent times they occur so the Sheriffs can patrol the park at those times. The meeting ended with an agreement to meet on a regular basis. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 6 October 21, 1998 Commissioner Lefler asked if the Animal Control Officer is a Sheriff. Manager Burroughs stated City staff. Commissioner Broge made a motion to receive and file the Community Services Manager's report, seconded by Commission Sternquist and unanimously approved. 11. COMMISSION ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE REGULAR AGENDA A. COMMISSIONER BROGE - reported the custodial services is cleaning the building at Live Oak Park earlier. Manager Burroughs stated a new company has been awarded the contract. She indicated staff will recommended cleaning times be more compatible with the use in the building. Commissioner Broge stated she was disappointed with the landscaping around the new building. She would like to see more flowers planted, similar to Temple City Park. Commissioner Broge suggested the Commission view the picture of the antennae proposed by Nextel to get a clear understanding of the project. Commissioner Broge suggested a separate phone listing in the directory for Live Oak Park. Commissioner Broge stated her displeasure in the amount of time it has taken for the Historical Society to open the museum. She noted the most recent six month extension Council has given. She felt the City could be using the building instead of it sitting empty. Manager Burroughs indicated the extension was provided by Council due to the illness of Julie Estrada, the museum director. She stated no one else would accept the position. Commissioner Broge asked if staff could attempt to keep the vertical blinds straight in the Community Center. B. COMMISSIONER CRUMP C. COMMISSIONER FREEMAN - stated the Commission has been waiving fees for use of the rooms at the new Community Center and would like an item on the next agenda to refund American Youth Soccer Organization the fee they paid. Commissioner Freeman asked if Council would write a Mission Statement for Commission. He felt everyone should be on the same page going in the same direction. Chairman Crump stated Commission is producing what Council has requested. Manager Burroughs recommended Commission request a joint meeting with Council to discuss this and any other items that may be of interest. D. COMMISSIONER LEFLER - commented the choice of plants around the new Community Center may be because of cost. • • • PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 7 • October 21, 1998 Chairman Crump stated the plants will grow. He noted the Temple City park flowers were planted by Commissioner Sternquist's class. Commissioner Sternquist stated the original plan for the building included beautiful lush green plants to surround the building. Commissioner Lefler wondered why there were not Camellia plants since this is the city of Camellias. Commissioner Sternquist asked if the Crepe Myrtles have been planted near the tennis courts. Manager Burroughs stated not at this time. E. COMMISSIONER STERNQUIST - expressed a concern for the safety of children during soccer practice on the fields at Live Oak Park. She indicated the older football youth do their drills right on soccer's field line and bump into the younger children in the park. She requested a larger buffer zone between the two groups. Manager Burroughs stated she would speak with football. Commissioner Sternquist stated the football coaches use a football language that others can hear throughout the park and are not appreciative of that language. Chairman Crump agreed this type of language is not appropriate. 12. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioner Broge and seconded by Commissioner Sternquist and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission will be held on November 18, 1998, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. Chairman Crump adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Chairman