HomeMy Public PortalAbout09 September 10, 2013 Regular MeetingTOWN OF YARROW POINT COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 10, 2013 7:00 PM The following is a summary of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is recorded, and the audio files are public record. Mayor Pro-Tem Carl Scandella called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. PRESENT: Mayor Pro -Tom: Carl Scandella Councilmembers: Lisa Mushel Roger Myklebust Tim Dillon Bruce Jones Staff: Anastasiya Mishkova — Town Clerk -Treasurer John Joplin — Town Fiscal Coordinator Mona Green - Town Planner Stacia Schroeder - Town Engineer Guests: Keats Landis- Town Resident Dicker Cahill — Town Resident Christopher Hanek — Kirkland Resident Eric Shellow — Kirkland Resident Jill Follet — Kirkland Resident Christopher Hank of 9506 NE Points Drive in Kirkland submitted to the Council a petition by 16 households asking to incorporate into the Town of Yarrow Point. He requested that there be a boundary line adjustment. Eric Shellow, a resident of Kirkland who signed the petition spoke in support of the boundary change. Jill Follett, a resident of Kirkland who signed the petition spoke in support of the boundary change. September 10, 2013 Council Meeting 1 Keats Landis, a Yarrow Point resident, spoke asking the Town to offer support during WSDOT negotiating with private property owners for driveway access rights. PROCLAMATIONS: The Clerk -Treasurer read into the record the National Recovery Month Proclamation, declaring September to be National Recovery Month in support of the King County Mental Health Division. Mayor Pro-Tem Carl Scandella read into the record the Mayoral Proclamation recognizing David Cooper as a public servant and thanking him for his work on behalf of the Town. MINUTES: MOTION: Councilmember Myklebust moved to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of July 9, 2013. Councilmember Mushel seconded the motion. VOTE. 3 For, 0 Against, 2 Abstain. Motion carried CONSENT CALENDAR: MOTION: Councilmember Myklebust moved to approve the consent calendar as amended, including a properly -dated appointment letter to Mr. Dash, approving payments as shown totaling $64,225.42 and checks 2762 through 2790, with checks 2786 and 2787 void. Councilmember Jones seconded the motion. VOTE: 4 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain. Motion Carried. Town Fiscal Coordinator John Joplin explained that the State Auditor has given the Town the option to switch to a three-year audit cycle; this is a cost saving to the Town. There was consensus among the Council that the Town make the change. REGULAR BUSINESS: AB 13-22 Trails Master Plan Presentation September 10, 2013 Council Meeting 2 The Town began developing the Trails Master Plan (TMP) approximately a year ago. The Berger Partnership was screened and chosen to lead the effort. The process involved residents, the Park Board, and staff input along with periodic updates to the Council. The Trails Master Plan was presented as the deliverable of the project. Greg Brower from the Berger Partnership explained that there are three major parts to the plan: 92na street, Sally's alley, and Morningside Park. The main goals are as follows: extend and enhance 92nd Ave, identify entrances into Sally's Alley and label as public space, and create trails throughout Morningside Park. Park Board Chair John McGlenn noted that the Board will take the TMP report and discuss how to prioritize individual projects; recommendations for implementation will be presented to Council. AB 13-23 Eastside Transportation Partnership Agreement Mayor Pro-Tem Carl Scandella explained that the Eastside Transportation Partnership (ETP) is an eastside forum for inter -jurisdictional work focused on prioritizing transportation plans and programs. Yarrow Point has been an active participant for a number of years. The cost to the town is minimal (less than a $100 yearly). MOTION: Councilmember Myklebust moved to approve the Eastside Transportation Partnership Agreement, authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember Mushel seconded the motion. VOTE: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion Carried. AB 13-24 Preliminary Town Budget for 2014 Mayor Pro-Tem Carl Scandella summarized the Town Budget timeline; The Council will hear a budget report this evening, the Budget Committee will meet on September 23ra The budget, with added committee recommendations, will be presented to Council on October 8t", a public hearing will be held on the budget on November 12t", and a final public hearing will be held in December 10th. The budget will need to be formally adopted during the December Council meeting. Fiscal Coordinator John Joplin explained that the Town's overall economy is stable. There were two changes last year that were advantageous to Town finances: state legislature voted to allow cities to use a fraction of the Real Estate Excise Tax toward the maintenance of capital facilities, the Town also voted to collect the Stormwater Utility Fee; it is collected in tandem with the property tax. Mr. Joplin noted that the focus of the Budget Committee should be prioritizing capital projects and talking about reserves. This should include projects listed on the Council - approved Transportation Improvement Plan and the Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan. September 10, 2013 Council Meeting 3 AB 13-25 Elected Official Vacancy Attorney Wayne Stewart Explained that David Cooper resigned his Mayor position effective September 1, 2013. The Council was presented with two options. Council may allow Mayor -Pro Tern to serve as "Acting Mayor" for the remainder of the former Mayor's term, or Council may appoint any citizen of the Town to the Mayor position for the duration of the elected term. After being asked by Council, resident Dicker Cahill stated that he is willing to serve as Mayor if appointed. There was consensus amongst Council that Dicker Cahill be appointed immediately. NOMINATION: Roger Myklebust nominated Dicker Cahill to fill the seat vacated by the Mayor of Yarrow Point; there were no other nominations. VOTE: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain, Mr. Cahill agreed to take on the position. Dicker Cahill was sworn in that evening, September 10, 2013 by attorney Wayne Stewart. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION: Councilmember Myklebust moved to adjourn meeting at 8:26 PM. Councilmember Mushel seconded the motion. VOTE: 5 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. APPROVED: Dicker Cahill, Mayor ATTEST: Anasta iy Mish va, Clerk -Treasurer P''% '3 September 10, 2013 Council Meeting H