HomeMy Public PortalAbout10 October 8, 2013 Regular MeetingTOWN OF YARROW POINT COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 8, 2013 7:00 PM The following is a summary of the proceedings and is not a verbatim transcript. The meeting is recorded, and the audio files are public record. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Dicker Cahill called the meeting to order at 7.00 PM. PRESENT: Mayor: Dicker Cahill Councilmembers: Lisa Mushel Carl Scandelia Bruce Jones Tim Dillon - Excused Roger Myklebust - Excused Staff: Anastasiya Mishkova — Town Clerk -Treasurer John Joplin — Town Fiscal Coordinator Stacia Schroeder - Town Engineer Guests: Keats Landis- Town Resident John McGlenn- Town Resident Ronnie McGlenn- Town Resident Claire Fell- Town Resident Margie Lundgren- Town Resident Steve Bush- Town Resident Nancy Koefoed — Town Resident Bill Koefoed — Town Resident Kristine Porter — Town Resident Brandon Porter — Town Resident Linda Longmire — Town Resident Juan Shaver- Clyde Hill Resident Jay Bomgardner — Clyde Hill Resident Jill Follett — Kirkland Resident Anita Chung — Kirkland Resident Chris Hanak- Kirkland Resident Lowell Press — Kirkland Resident Sasha Press — Kirkland Resident October 8, 2013 Council Meeting MOTION: Councilmember Mushel moved to approve the consent calendar as presented approving payments as shown totaling $162.196.96 and checks 2791 through 2825. Councilmember Scandella seconded the motion. VOTE: 3 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion Carried. STAFF REPORTS: Lieutenant Kyle Kolling reported on one vehicle prowl where a purse was stolen from an unlocked vehicle. REGULAR BUSINESS: AB 13-26 Preliminary Town Budget Town Fiscal Coordinator John Joplin explained that the presented budget has been updated with financials through the month of August. Each line includes methodology used. A major part of the budget this year is a focus on Capital improvements. Real Estate Excise Tax money is unreliable and the Town does not want to deplete capital project money. AB 13-27 Town Hall Garage Package, for Discussion Town Engineer Stacia Schroeder explained the process and motivating factors behind soliciting bids for a garage. Initially, $30,000 was budgeted for this project (2013). The submitted low bid by Cornice Construction was $169,000.00. The Staff recommendation is to reject all bids and discuss a future course of action The Council gave direction to Mayor to research what the needs are in Town Hall. Consensus was that if possible, Town should leverage the investment already made into the garage project. Council also directed Mayor to research what the current facility needs are. MOTION: Councilmember Mushel moved to reject all bids on the Town Hall Garage Project. Councilmember Scandella seconded the motion. VOTE: 3 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion Carried. AB 13-28 NE 37th Street Storm Drainage Project Town Engineer Stacia Schroeder explained that the Town builds and maintains the stormwater system. A current project is on NE 37ths place where a corrugated metal pipe has burst and the system needs to be repaired immediately. This project was bid October 8, 2013 Council Meeting 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Park Board Chair, John McGlenn, announced that there have been two successful invasive -control restoration projects at Morningside Park. A planting project has been planned for October 27tn Clerk -Treasurer Anastasiya Mishkova announced that the City of Medina is hosting an emergency preparedness meeting and all from Yarrow Point are welcome to attend. The Clerk also announced that there will be a Candidate hour on November 12th, at 6 P.M. at Town Hall. This will be an opportunity for all residents to meet Elected Officials and all those interested in running for office. APPEARANCES: Steve Busch of 98436 Points Drive NE spoke in opposition of the annexation of Kirkland residents. Brad Porter of 9416 Points Drive NE spoke in opposition of the Kirkland annexation. Joan Shaver of 9245 Points Drive NE in Clyde Hill spoke in opposition of the Kirkland annexation. Bill Koefed, a Yarrow Point resident, spoke in opposition of the Kirkland annexation. Claire Fell relayed concerns about solicitors in Yarrow Point. She asked that Council to restrict solicitation hours to "until dusk". She also expressed concern over ongoing negotiations between WSDOT and private property owners over driveway easement rights. Chris Hanek of 9506 NE Points Drive in Kirkland reiterated the annexation proposal and asked Council to allow dialogue. Loel Press, a Kirkland Resident, spoke in support of the annexation of their area into Yarrow Point. Jill Follet of 3901 97th Ave NE spoke in support of the annexation and asked Council to consider the original petition. Mayor Cahill announced that Council will take all comments under advisement. MINUTES: MOTION. Councilmember Jones moved to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of September 10, 2013. Councilmember Mushel seconded the motion. VOTE: 3 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried CONSENT CALENDAR: October 8, 2013 Council Meeting on September 10th, 2013. The Town received six bids and Laser Underground & Earthworks, Inc. submitted the low bid of $47,554; the qualifications of the bidder have been validated. The staff recommendation is that the Council accepts the low bid. MOTION: Councilmember Jones moved to accept the low bid of $47,554 by Laser Underground & Earthworks, Inc. Councilmember Scandella seconded the motion. VOTE: 3 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion Carried. AB 13-29 Town Hall Facility Use, for Discussion Mayor Cahill explained that the Town Hall is becoming increasingly more attractive to residents and groups who wish to use it for recreational purposes. The Town needs to protect itself from liabilities. Attorney Stewart mentioned that issues may arise from the gifting of public funds if appropriate fees are not set up. Also, there are many risks in allowing alcohol consumption on the premises. Council directed Mayor and Staff to investigate matter further including what type of facility rental procedures are followed in nearby jurisdictions. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS: Mayor Cahill announced his intent to host a Council, Staff, and Commission retreat for strategic planning and training purposes. Staff will explore potential retreat centers for a tentative February date. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION: Councilmember Mushel moved to adjourn meeting at 8.16 PM. Councilmember Jones seconded the motion. VOTE: 3 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain. Motion carried. APPROVED - Dicker Cahill, Mayor ATTEST: ina�stg�yaMish va, C erk-Treasurer October 8, 2013 Council Meeting B