HomeMy Public PortalAboutCOA 2018-06-27 ORLEANS TOWN CLERK Meeting Minutes Orleans Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting '18 ill,; ; :45 Wednesday, June 27, 2018 CALL TO ORDER: A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order by Chair Sandy Marshall at 1:07 pm. MEETING ATTENDANCE: Board Members: Sandy Marshall, Judy Zimmerman, Bob Nagle, Keith Campbell, Denise Ratcliffe and Judy Hunt COA Staff Present: Donna Faivre, Acting Director, Mary Mador, Principal Clerk Others Present: Selectman Meff Runyon, Liaison, Bonnie Engelhardt, FOCOA Liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The May minutes were amended to state that Sandy Marshall and Bob Nagle are willing to serve another term if re-appointed. A motion was made by Bob Nagle which was seconded by Judy Zimmerman to approve the minutes of the May 23, 2018 Board of Directors meeting, as amended. Vote: 6(Y) 0(N) 0(A) PUBLIC COMMENT: None CHAIRMANS REPORT: • Chair Marshall reported that she has been told that new appointments to the COA Board will be announced on or about July 18, with a possible postponement until August 1. • In reply to a question from the Chair, Selectman Runyon said that Town Administrator John Kelly sets the agenda for action by the Selectmen regarding town boards. Selectman Runyon indicated that he is liaison to 5 town boards, and checks with the board chairs concerning meeting issues that may require his presence at their meeting. • Board members Sandy Marshall and Bob Nagle are ending their terms. Bob has served one 3- year term and Sandy has served 2 three-year terms. There is a rule that a member must retire after 2 consecutive terms, but it can be suspended if there are no other candidates, and the retiring member is willing to serve again. Both are willing to serve again. FINANCIAL REPORT**: • Acting Director Donna Faivre reviewed the financial report for May 2018 with the Board. There was a brief discussion concerning which expenditures are from Town appropriated funds and which are from trust funds donated to the Center or from the Friends of the COA. • Next year's budget for FY19 has been finalized. DIRECTOR'S REPORT**: Program Updates: • General Update: Acting Director Faivre reported that Karen Spangler has added several new programs and renewed some popular programs from last year. All staff members are doing their jobs as usual in the absence of a Director. The AOSC reception was well-attended, and the art is now hanging in the COA building for the summer. The 2018 Memorial Dedication was well- attended; there were many positive comments on the chaplain who conducted the service. • Personnel: Acting Director Faivre reported that the position of Director has been posted on the town website. A discussion followed concerning the composition of the interview committee. The Board will request that at least one member of the COA Board be on the committee. Keith Campbell suggested that the COA Board send a letter to Town Administrator John Kelly expressing the Board's concerns about the process of hiring a new director. 1 • Building & Grounds: Building problems included a blocked grease pipe in the kitchen (repaired) and a leak resulting from installation of the new sound system (also repaired). The Day Center under Ann Dextraze has an increased census and a new look. Ann has re-arranged the furniture and made it more like a living area, and more programs (such as Drumming) are being offered. Someone asked if the program could go back to five days a week? Acting Director Faivre stated it would require additional budget for staff, food, supplies, etc. FRIENDS UPDATE: (Bonnie Engelhardt) • The FOCOA are working on age-friendly programs, and on encouraging members of the COA Board and the FOCOA Board to advocate on behalf of seniors. Selectman Runyon suggested that an email to John Kelly, with cc's to the Selectmen, will get attention. Bonnie also asked about the membership of the interview committee for a new director, and said that the Friends believe at least one COA Board member should be on the committee. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: • There is a handout on the table in the lobby describing a new scam targeting residents of Orleans and other towns on the Cape. It is called "Neighbor Spoofing" and involves scammers calling from phone numbers that appear to be from the area, making it more likely that people will answer the call. • Bonnie mentioned that there was a recent article in the Cape Cod Times about the Friends of the Harwich COA. Maybe this is something to look into for the future. ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: • Denise Ratcliffe suggested a discussion on how to help transition to a new director, highlighting support and concerns. ADJOURNMENT: • With no further business, Chair Marshall asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bob Nagle motioned to adjourn which was seconded by Judy Zimmerman. The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 pm. Vote: 6(Y) 0(N) 0(A). **Copies on file at Orleans Council on Aging The next COA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 25, 2018. Respectfully submitted, Mary E. Mador Principal Clerk Orleans Council on Aging Minutes approved by the Orleans Council on Aging Board at their meeting held on 7-25-2018 2 •