HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 2013/07/17 - RegularPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 17, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Fish called the Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioner - Georgino, Haddad, Lopez, Rosso, Fish ALSO PRESENT: Parks & Recreation Director Burroughs, Parks and Recreation Coordinator Koski 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Fish led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag • 4. REORGANIZATION OF COMMISSION The Commission will elect a Chairman and Vice - Chairman for fiscal year 2013- 2014. Director Burroughs called for nominations for Chairman and Vice - Chairman for the ensuing year 2013 -2014. Commissioner Haddad nominated Vice - Chairman Georgino as Chairman, seconded by Commissioner Rosso. There were no further nominations. Commissioner Georgino was elected as Chairman by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner - Georgino, Haddad, Lopez, Rosso, Fish NOES: Commissioner -None ABSENT: Commissioner -None ABSTAIN: Commissioner -None Chairman Georgino called for nominations for Vice - Chairman. Commissioner Fish nominated Commissioner Haddad as Vice - Chairman, seconded by Commissioner . Lopez. There were no further nominations. Commissioner Haddad was elected Vice - Chairman by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner - Georgino, Haddad, Lopez, Rosso, Fish NOES: Commissioner -None ABSENT: Commissioner -None ABSTAIN: Commissioner -None PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 July 17, 2013 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Mayor Sternquist welcomed the newly appointed Commissioners and congratulated Commissioner Fish for successfully serving as Chairman during fiscal year 2012/2013. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR Vice - Chairman Haddad moved to approve the Consent Calendar, seconded by Commissioner Lopez and unanimously carried. The Consent Calendar consisted of the following items: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — MEETING OF MAY 15, 2013 Recommended Action: Approve B. ATTENDANCE /ACTIVITY REPORTS — MAY AND JUNE 2013 Recommended Action: Approve C. MONTHLY REPORT ON SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ACTIONS AT LIVE OAK PARK AND TEMPLE CITY PARK — MAY AND JUNE 2013 Recommend Action: Approve 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. UPDATE ON PARKS AND OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Director Burroughs provided a brief update of the Parks and Open Space Master Plan. She spoke of the survey scheduled to be sent to random household in Temple City by the consultant RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc. The consultant will present preliminary recommendations to the Parks and Recreation and Planning Commissions in November 2013. Vice - Chairman Haddad moved to receive and file Agenda Item 7A, seconded by Commissioner Fish and unanimously carried. B. UPDATE ON FIXED ROUTE TRANSIT STUDY NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING STUDY Director Burroughs provided a brief update of the Fixed Route Transit Study Needs Assessment and Planning Study. The project consultant, Diversified Transportation Solutions will present recommendations at a joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission and Public Safety Commission on July 24, 2013. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 July 17, 2013 Commissioner Rosso moved to receive and file Agenda Item 7B, seconded by Vice - Chairman Haddad and unanimously carried. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FROM TEMPLE CITY AMERICAN YOUTH SOCCER ORGANIZATION (AYSO) FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ALLOW OUTSIDE VENDORS TO SELL ITEMS AT LIVE OAK PARK AND FOR INFLATABLE BOUNCERS FOR THEIR 2013 SOCCERFEST Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs presented the staff report. A representative from Temple City AYSO was in attendance. Commissioner Fish moved to approve the request from Temple City American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) for authorization to allow outside vendors to sell items at Live Oak Park and for inflatable bouncers for their 2013 Soccerfest with the following conditions: TCAYSO restrict use of the inflatables to registered AYSO participants and power source is provided by the provider of the inflatables, seconded by Vice - Chairman Haddad and unanimously carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Commissioner- Fish, Georgino, Haddad, Rosso Commissioner -None Commissioner -None Commissioner -Lopez B. REQUEST FROM TEMPLE CITY YOUTH FOOTBALL TO WAIVE THE 51% RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT FOR RESERVED USE OF THE ATHLETIC FIELDS AT LIVE OAK PARK Parks and Recreation Coordinator Koski presented the staff report. A representative from Temple City Youth Football was in attendance. Victor Sanchez, TCYF President, provided background of league boundaries and means of advertising to local youth. Director Burroughs stated staff will work with the league to coordinate practice areas and will meet with league representatives after the 2013 season to look at options to reduce the possibility of overcrowding use of the fields. Commissioner Rosso moved to approve the request from Temple City Youth Football to waive the 51% residency requirement for reserved use of the athletic fields at Live Oak Park, seconded by Vice - Chairman Haddad and unanimously carried. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 4 July 17, 2013 9. COMMUNICATIONS — None 10. ADDITIONAL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE — None 11. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Burroughs reviewed recent City Council actions. Director Burroughs welcomed Commissioners Lopez and Rosso to the Commission and thanked Commissioner Fish as outgoing chairman for last fiscal year. Director Burroughs recapped recent special events and upcoming summer programs. Director Burroughs announced staff's efforts to get the community involved in national Parks and Recreation month. Vice - Chairman Haddad moved to receive and file the Director's Report, seconded by Commissioner Fish and unanimously carried. B. APPOINTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION LIAISON TO YOUTH COMMITTEE (no attachment) Commissioner Lopez accepted the appointment as liaison to the Youth Committee. 12. COMMISSION ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE REGULAR AGENDA A. COMMISSIONER FISH — welcomed the new commissioners and thanked Commissioners Arrighi and Wong for their service to the Commission. B. COMMISSIONER HADDAD — concurred with Commissioner Fish and is looking forward to the Relay for Life. C. COMMISSIONER LOPEZ — thanked members of the Commission for welcoming him to the Commission. D. COMMISSIONER ROSSO — concurred with Commissioner Lopez. D. CHAIRMAN GEORGINO — welcomed the new commissioners and thanked Commissioner Fish for her service as Chairman. She notified staff of upcoming events associated with City of Hope's 100th anniversary. • • • " " PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES Page 5 July 17, 2013 14. COMMISSION REPORTS REGARDING AD HOC COMMITTEE MEETINGS A. PARKS AND OPEN SPACE  no report B. TREES AND PARKWAYS  Vice - Chairman Haddad reviewed highlights from the June 25 ad hoc meeting. Currently the committee is looking at a variety of appeals processes used by other cities. Chairman Georgino appointed Commissioner Rosso to the Trees and Parkways ad hoc committee. 13. ADJOURNMENT The Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. to the Parks and Recreation Regular Commission Meeting of Wednesday, August 21, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 5938 Kauffman Avenue. ATTEST: Administrative Coordinator