HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 2013/07/24 - Special" " ATTACHMENT B CITY OF TEMPLE CITY CALIFORNIA PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES JULY 24, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER  Parks and Recreation Chairman Georgino called the Special Joint Parks and Recreation Commission and Public Safety Commission meeting to order at 6:OOpm. 2. ROLL CALL Parks and Recreation Commission PRESENT: Commissioner  Lopez, Rosso, Haddad, Georgino ABSENT: Commissioner - None EXCUSED: Commissioner - Fish Parks and Recreation Vice Chairman Haddad made a motion to excuse Commissioner Fish for cause, seconded by Commissioner Lopez and unanimously carried. Public Safety Commission PRESENT: Commissioner  Clift, Haddad, Nimri, Redmond ABSENT: Commissioner - None EXCUSED: Commissioner - Stratis Public Safety Commissioner Nimri made a motion to excuse Chairman Stratis for cause, seconded by Commissioner Haddad and unanimously carried. ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs, Public Safety Officer Ariizumi, Community Preservation Officer Aceves, Public Safety & Services Secretary Monroy, Management Analyst Chung 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Georgino led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS  None Joint Meeting Minutes Parks and Recreation Commission Public Safety Commission • July 24, 2013 Page 2 • • 5. NEW BUSINESS A. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE FIXED ROUTE TRANIST STUDY Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs provided the staff report to the Parks and Recreation and Public Safety Commissions. Public Safety Chairman Stratis arrive to the meeting at 6:09 p.m. Roderick Goldman, Diversified Transportation Solutions - Mr. Goldman provided the Parks and Recreation and Public Safety Commissions with a presentation of the Fixed Route Transit Study. Steven Michaels — Mr. Michaels provided comments on the transit study. Mary Kokayko — Ms. Kokayko provided comments on the transit study. The Parks and Recreation Commission and Public Safety Commission provided comments and additional recommendations on the draft Fixed Route Transit Study. Public Safety Commissioner Haddad made a motion to have Diversified Transportation Solutions prepare a phased implementation plan beginning with one route serving City Hall and Live Oak Park. He also requested that Diversified review shuttles traveling in both directions within a fixed route. The motion was seconded by Public Safety Commissioner Nimri and carried by the following roll call vote: Parks and Recreation Commission AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Commissioner — Lopez, Rosso, Haddad, Georgino Commissioner -None Commissioner - Fish Commissioner - None Public Safety Commission AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Commissioner — Clift, Haddad, Nimri, Redmond, Stratis Commissioner -None Commissioner None Commissioner - None Joint Meeting Minutes Parks and Recreation Commission Public Safety Commission July 24, 2013 •Page 3 Public Safety Commissioner Nimri made a motion to notify residents within a 300 foot radius of a proposed staging area about an upcoming meeting discussing the revised study and proposed routes. The motion was seconded by Public Safety Commissioner Clift and carried by the following roll call vote: Parks and Recreation Commission AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Commissioner — Lopez, Rosso, Haddad, Georgino Commissioner -None Commissioner - Fish Commissioner - None Public Safety Commission AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: • 6. ADJOURNMENT • Commissioner— Clift, Haddad, Nimri, Redmond, Stratis Commissioner - None Commissioner - None Commissioner — None Parks and Recreation Commissioner Rosso made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Parks and Recreation Vice Chairman Haddad and unanimously carried. The Special Joint Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission and Public Safety Commission adjourned at 7:56 p.m. ATTEST: Public Safety S" pervisor Parks and Recreation Co emission Chairman Public Safety Commission Chairman