HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1960/11/07 - RegularLAN N I NG CO3MMI SS I OrN M I NUTES CITY OF TEMPLE CITY NOVEMBER 7, 1960 1. A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was held in the City Hall, 9664 East Las Tunas Drive. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pursley at 7:95 P.M. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Pursley. . ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek Nunamaker, Pursley; Absent: Commissioner: None. Also Present: Woollett, Holden, Shatford. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 5, 1960 and OCTOBER 17, 1960. Commissioner Meek made a motion that the Minutes of October 1, 1960 be approved with an addition under item 5- -Zone Variance Case No. 60 -6 - -as follows: Commissioner Nunamaker stated that the law allows b% per year sales tax money for use in providing public parking. This is an important part of the community development and, he feels, this is as important to community and residents as help from sales tax money for school district or any other improvements for Temple City. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried unanimously. Commissioner Harker made a motion that the Minutes of October 17, 1960 be approved with an amendment under item 9-- Communications- -last sentence, par.agraph 2, which should be amended to read "Mr. Woollett commented that the Commission could endorse this as individuals but not as a Commission ". The motion was seconded by Commissioner Benedict and carried unanimously. 5. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Recommendations of Planning Adviser: Planning Advisor, Ed Holden, counseled commissioners concerning the development standards presented to them in a previous report. Discussion ensued during which commissioners questioned the advisability of proceeding with the adoption of stop gap measures without first consulting Mr. Whitnall. City Attorney advised that Commission should have Whitnall's Temporary Interim Zoning Ordinance before passing on development standards. After further discussion commission decided to make changes, if needed, on suggestions as presented by Mr. Holden for recommendation to the City Council. Item 1. Automobile Parking Requirements --in all zones: 12 garages or carports for each dwel n� g unit, bachelor apart- ment or two guest rooms. In addition thereto, 1 parking space for each dwelling unit or bachelor apartment situated on a lot or parcel of land having a frontage of less than 25' on a dedicated street.. All fractions to be raised to the nearest whole number (Sec. 749.5) Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion to accept for recommend- ation to the City Council item 1 as suggested by Mr. Holden, seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried unanimously. Item 2. Parking Space Size --- Suggested 9' x 20' minimum. Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion to recommend item 2 to the City Council, seconded by Commissioner Meek and carried unanimously: item 3. Access Width--Suggestion as amended by Commission for recommendation to City Council: R -i & A -1 only: 11-7-60 9' minimum driveway for 1 or 2 dwelling units; 16' minimum driveway for : dwelling units; 20' minimum driveway for 4 dwelling units. Commissioner Burr made a motion to recommend item 3 to City Council, seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried un- animously. Item 6. Area Requirement--After a good deal of informal interchange of thoug t and opinion, the commission amended item 6 of the development standards to apply only to R -1 and L -1 with a 5500 square foot requirement for each dwelling unit over one, to be recommended to the City Council as follows: 5000 square feet of lot area for 1 dwelling unit on a lot or parcel of land. 5500 square feet for each additional dwelling unit on the same lot or parcel of land. 3000 square feet of lot area for each dwelling unit on a lot or parcel of land which has less than 2.' frontage on a dedicated street. Commissioner Meek made a motion to adopt item G as amended, seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried unanimously. City Attorney, Shatford,advised that City should have an Ordinance requiring an affidavit be filed stating that property will not besplit for selling and that approval of plot plan is subject to the recording of a statement to the effect that owner will not split the property. He continued that restrictions imposed by the City can be removed by the City in the future. Mr. Shatford said that specifications for lot splits should be set forth more specifically, and City Manager asked that commission indicate what additional information they desired on a plot plan. 6. PROPOSED AERIAL SURVEY AN0 ENGINEERING WORK: M. 1'!. Finley Company. City Manager, Woollett, explained to the commissioners that due to an incorrect interpretation of their letter, it was originally thoughtthat M. W. Finley Co. would pay the $1750.00 cost for flying survey. However, another correspondence outlined the costs as follows: flying- - $1`_)50.00; Ground Control-- $1250.0O; Map with ratio of 1- 100 -- $742.x'3; acetate--$198.00. Only contribution of Finley Company is that the company will not be making any money on the deal, and will be giving its own services. Mr. Woollett continued that an aerial of 1 -100 with a superimposed cadastre map would show all information plus zoning. Such maps will be accurate within the scope of reaps presently in existence, commented Mr. Shatford. Mr. Woollett explained that this aerial survey work can be part of the 701 Project if entered into after 701 is initiated. He continued that sufficient funds are available in the State for the 701 Program, and that of the City's contribution of $10,000 up to 50% could be contributed in labor and /or materials. He continued that by hiring an administrative assistant who would spend 50% of his time on the Master Plan for 12 years with 2 of his salary charged to the Master Plan for 13 years, the City would have to deposit only $)000.00 for a $36,000.00 program. Chairman Pursley recommended that the aerial survey be part of City's con - tribution to 701 and added that this phase of the project should be bid. Motion to get three more bids before accepting the Finley Company proposition was made, seconded and carried unanimously. 7. NUMBER OF CHICKENS THAT CONSTITUTE A NUISANCE: City Manager William Woollett, read a letter from Regional Planning Commission concerning an inspection of the premises at 9732 Val Street where approximately 100 chickens are kept for non- commercial purposes, and therefore, not considered as a violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr, Woollett advised the Commission that this matter had been placed on the agenda for the Commission's consideration and recommendation of the manner in which this kind of problem may be handled in 1 1 11-7-60 the future. Zoning Ordinance does not cope with this type of problem adequate l y, because it does not l i m i t the number of fowl permitted. Mr. Hoiden advised that the Ordinance does not say,very much about chickens in particular. City Attorney suggested that unless this is a major problem at the present time, it could be included in a new zoning ordinance. Commissioner Harker made a motion that the matter of the number of chickens that shall be permitted in a residential zone be filed until such time that the Commission is ready, to cope with it in a Master Plan, seconded by Commissioner Meek and carried unanimously. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Woollett informed the Commission that Elton Andrew, State Director of Planning, had indicated to Mr. Wh i tna 1 l that the time for processing is sometimes as short as three months instead of the six months previously required. Mr. Voollett informed the commissioners that shelves have been provided in the front office for all communications other than plot plans, which would be mailed to them as usual. Commissioner Meek spoke of the possibility of a display case in the window of City Hall. Commissioner Meek made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 9 :4) P.M., seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried unanimously. ATTEST: