HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1960/11/21 - RegularP L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N M I N U T E S CITY OF TEMPLE CITY November 21, 1960 1. A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was held in the City Hall, 9664 East Las Tunas Drive, Temple City. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pursley at 7:30 P.M. 2 Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance l o the Flag was led by Chairman Pursley. . 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek, Nunamaker, Pursley; Absent; None; Also Present: Woollett, Holden, .Shatford. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Meek made a motion to approve the minutes of November 7, 1960, seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek, Nunamaker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioner: None; ABSENT: None. 5, PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 60 -7: Fredrick N. Free: Chairman Pursley announced that this was the time and place for a public hearing co Zone Change Case No. 60-7--request of Mr. Fredrick N. Free for a change of zone from A -1 acre to R -1 5000 on property located on the south side of Olive Street between Zadell Street and Glickman Street in Temple City. Chairman in- vited comments from those present who favored this change of zone. Al Kiefer of Herbert Hawkins Realty, 5730 N. Rosemead Blvd, Temple City, spoke representing Mr. Free in the case and assured the Com- mission that the granting of this change would improve the area; that approximately $23,000 homes were planned for this area; that unsightly expanses of weeds would be eliminated; that the sub- division would be in complete conformance with the Subdivision Act of the State of California; that the area concerned in this rezoning encompassed twenty homes; and that thirteen of the home owners were directly interested in subdividing. Planning Advisor, Ed Holden, counseled the commission on pertinent facts to be considered in this case. He pointed out that the area presently being considered is located in the middle of an area zoned A -1 1 acre, and that the Commission might want to initiate further hearings to include the entire area after considering whether or not conditions of the situation merited reducing the land requirement to 5000 square feet. Mr. Holden continued that commission might choose to recommend that the Council postpone passing an ordinance in this case until all preliminary require - ments have been complied with: (1) posting of bonds; (2) comple tion.of streets. He recommended the change of zone to lesser area requirements, but cautioned that in time such a change could re- sult in too great a density of population. He advised that improve- ment Districts could be initiated to bring street to accepted City standards, also that Green Street - -a long culdesac- -could be ex- tended to Arden. Mrs. Karl Placek, 10111 Green St., Temple City, presented petition to Commission from residents on Green Street, requesting that they be released of this 1 acre zoning through the processes of the hearing on Case No. 60 -7. Mrs. Talber,10448 Olive, questioned reason for Commission's considering only part of the 1 acre zoned area for change. City Attorney, Henry Shatford, explained the necessary steps to be taken in order to apply for a .change of zone, & 11-21-60 added that the Commission could recommend that the entire area be changed and request an opinion on the matter from the City Council. He commented, further, that the Master Plan would bring all of this City under study, thus, entailing changes in problem are such as this. Mark W. Reel, 10221 Green Street, favored the change of zone. Chairman Pursley asked for a show of hands from those in the audience favoring this change of zone. All those present for the purposes of this hearing expressed approval of the rezoning. Mrs. Carl Rasmussen, 10233 East Green Street, explained the effort which had been made to get Green Street dedicated three years ago. She had circulated petitions and secured sufficient names to initiate a bond assessment, but people on the south side of Green, already having A -1 5000 zoning, had protested because of expected increase in taxes, thus, preventing the granting of the request. After some discussion, Chairman Pursley asked for a motion on Zone Change Request Case No. 60 -7. Commissioner Harker moved that the granting of the zone change requested, as placed before the Commission, be recommended to the City Council and that the Planning Commission find as follows: 1. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the property of the applicant that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity. 2. That the granting of the zone change, as requested, is not detrimental to the public health, convenience and general welfare of the community and will not be injurious to the property in the same vicinity. Commissioner Meek seconded the motion and it was carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek, Nunamaker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the entire area presently zoned A -1 1 acre be considered for possible rezoning to R -1 5000, seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek, Nunamaker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. City Attorney, Mr. Shatford, explained that in the event of a blanket change, people would have time to amortize their investments; that a hearing would be conducted during which everyone affected could speak before this Commission. Mr. Shatford suggested that the Commission recommend to the City Council that a tract map be submitted for study- -such precaution to be taken in order to insure development which meets with City's approval. Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that before an ordinance is adopted granting the change of zone as requested by Mr. Free, that Body should request the applicant to submit a final tract map to the City for approval. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek, Nunamaker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. 6, PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 60 -8: J. W. Potter: Chairman Pursley announced that this was the time and place -2- 1 1 11 -21 -60 for a public hearing on Zone Variance Case No. 60-8- - requesting a variance to permit alteration of an existing 70 foot easement by moving the easement line 50 feet to the north and to permit construction within the area of the presently existing easement. Mr. J. W. Potter, the applicant in this case, of 242 North Bradoaks, Monrovia, addressed the assemblage, stating that this setback had been establish- ed by .a County Ord i narice passed December 5, 1945 as the result of a petition submitted by property owners in tract No. 10821. Planning Advisor, Holden, counseled the Commission that the area requirement for a lot split in this case was adequate, and therefore, the only consideration in the case was the matter of the setback. He said that the setback had been established by special ordinance on January 5, 1944 as indicated in Section 482 of Ordinance No. 1494. He advised that the Commission could recommend repeal of this section of this ordinance, or could close the hearing and make a recommendation after examing the special ordinance. Mr. Ivan E. Snyder, 10108 La Rosa, expressed approval of the variance requested in this case. Mrs. Richard Minick, 10134 Le Rosa, favored granting this variance, and expressed hope that Section 482 of Ordinance 1494 might be rescinded. Mary Anne Morrison, 5033 Glickman, favored removal of setback, adding that much land was wasted with this deep easement. Commissioner Meek made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that it rescind the 70 foot setback and allow a 20 foot setback as requested in this zone variance application, action to be applicable only' to the property legally described therein, and that anyone else interested in this change of easement shall apply in the same manner as Mr. Potter. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burr and carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek, Nunamaker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. 7. PROPOSED AERIAL SURVEY ENGINEERING WORK: City Manager informed the Commission that the firms making bids on this project had called and postponed submission of their bids for another day. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Nunamaker read a petition requesting four -way stop at the intersection of Cloverly and Olive because of the large number of school children crossing this intersection. Chairman Pursley advised that this was a matter for referral to the Traffic Commission. City Attorney advised Mr. Kiefer that approximately 120 days would be required to complete processing of Mr. Free's request for change of zone. Mr. Woollett advised Mr. Kiefer that a final subdivision map must be submitted and that the City will get a recommendation from the Subdivision Committee and then hold a public hearing based upon the recommendations of this committee. In response to a question from Mr. Potter concerning the time involved in his case, Mr. Shatford advised that only one hearing was required and then a first and second reading of ordinance before its adoption. Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 8 :27 P.M. to the regular meeting of December 5, 1960. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meek and carried unanimously. ATTEST: 61.,s 4-64,4 - CITY CLERK e CH RAN -3 ..