HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1961/02/06 - RegularP L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N M I N U T E S CITY OF TEMPLE CITY February 6, 1961 1. A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was held in the City Hall, 9664 East Las Tunas Drive, Temple City. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pursley at 7 :30 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Pursley. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Nunamaker, Meek, Pursley; Absent: Commissioners: None; Also Present: Woollett, Holden, Shatford, Koski. Lt APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion that the minutes of January 16, 1961 be approved, seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried unanimously. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE CHANGE CASE NO; 61-14: K I NNE Y: Chairman Pursley announced that this was the time and place for a public hearing on the above named case, and asked for opinions favoring said change of zone from those present. Mr. Ray Fortner, realtor, 9519 East Las Tunas Drive, Temple City, spoke reiterating the nature of the request for per- mission to build on SO% of the land rather than only 50% as required under the prom i•s i ons of the ordinance. Planning Advisor, Ed Holden, apprised the Commission of important considerations concerning this case: (1) most buildings in area are built on more than 50% of the land; (2) present 50% parking requirement is a quite new require- ment; (3) circumstances indicate that applicant would be denied his property right if not granted this variance. Mr. Holden recommended that the Commission require certain conditions: (1) that the property be developed substantially in accordance with the plot plan on file with the case; (2) that the parking area be paved with asphalt or concrete; (3) and compliance with the standard acceptance clause. City Manager, William Woollett, Jr., explained that the owner of the property, Mr. Eldred C. Klute, had requested that this variance permit construction of an 88' building rather than an 80' building, as indicated on the plot plan, since this increased size actually coincided with the 80% building area specified in the. application. Mr. :Ray Cromley, realtor, 9080 Las Tunas Drive, Temple City, favored the granting of this variance, stating that there are five vacant buildings in the vicinity of Las Tunas and Temple City Boulevard, 11 vacant buildings in town. Commissioner Meek questioned Mr. Cromley as to whether or not he thought the tax payers should be expected to provide parking and /or garage space for employees of local businesses for all day parking. Mr. Cromley asserted that he did, and that the commission should be concerned about the public needs as a whole. Eldred C. Klute, 618 Los Olivos Drive, San Gabriel, owner of the property involved, advised the commission of the appli- cant's desire to build on 88 or 90 feet of the property; that said structure would be 20' from the alley thus providing parking for six cars at right angles, three on each side. He continued that the maximum number of employees would be six. Carl L. Behrend, 6034 North Hart, Temple City, asked concern- ing application of the new 50% parking regulation, and was advised that this regulation is part of the County ordinance and became effective about two years ago. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 1 961 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PAGE 2 Lou Merritt, 5420 Cloverly, owner of a business at 5016 Temple City Boulevard, spoke against the granting of the variance, stating that as represented this building would increase the congestion in an already congested alley; that sine. there -is no public parking lot in that block, a problem would result for the businesses already located there. Mr. Merritt recommended reducing the size of the building so as to gain more parking area and provide driveway and loading area. Mr, Al Keefer, a realtor with Herbert Hawkins, located at 5770 Rosemead Boulevard, favored the granting of this variance. In response to questions from Commissioner Meek, the owner Mr. Klute, advised that a clothing store was planning to locate in the new building, and that the average delivery truck would be 18 to 19 feet in length. Chairman Pursley advised of the 9' minimum requirement for parking spaces. Mr. Woollett read a letter from Alpha Beta Markets, Inc., who have a store acorss from the property being considered, protesting the granting of the variance on the grounds of insufficient parking. Commissioner Nunamaker reaffirmed his position as favoring the granting of the variance Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion that the Plannlng.: Commission recommend to the City Council the granting of this variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the property be developed substantially in accordance with the plot plan on file with this case, except that the building may be d?)' in depth from the property line along Las Tunas Drive; 2. That the area shown on the plot plan for parking shall be paved with an asphaltic or concrete surfacing to a depth of 22' from the rear property line. 3. That this variance shall not be effective for any purpose until the owner of the property involved has filed with the City Clerk of the City of Temple City his affidavit stating that he is aware of and accepts all the conditions of this variance.. The motion was seconded by Commissioner with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Munamaker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioner: Meek; ABSENT: None. , and carried Commissioner Meek substantiated his dissenting vote as follows: (1) tax payers should not be expected to provide parking for businesses; (2) inadequate parking allowance. 6, PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 60-11: A-1-1 TO R -1: Chairman Pursley announced that this was the time and place for a public hearing on the above named case. Planning Advisor, Mr. Holden apprised the commission and audience of facts relating to the area under consideration. He reiterat- ed information appearing on the Hearing Notice} describing the property as bounded by Olive Street, Arden Avenue, Green Street and Baldwin Avenue - -a total of 37.5 acres. He conveyed the history of this area as follows: May, 1947 - -a change in area (A -1); June, 1950 request for A -1 7500 — denied; September, 1957a- request for A -1 7500 on one corner -- approved; July, 1957 -- similar request -- denied; just prior to incorpor- ation -- request for A-1 7500 on property at easterly end of Arden abandoned. Throughout all proceedings, the Regional Planning Commission adhered to a policy of no less than a PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 1961 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PAGE 3 7500' requirement. Properties fronting on Baldwin were changed to A -1 -7500. Mr. Holden mentioned the zone change approved by the City Council subject to the approval of a final tract map, on .property located between Zadell and Glickman on Olive, and continued that interest in the case at hand bad been generated about the same time. 14r. Holden reported to those present on the receipt of correspondence from the County Engineer, a letter dated February 3, 1961, which provides facts pertinent to the proposed rezoning: (1) main line sanitary sewers have been installed to serve entire area; (2) no existing storm drains in the area; (3) construction of storm drain in Baldwin Avenue provided for in proposed Flood Control District No. 525; (4) 30' light and air easement reserved rear of lots in Tract 10558; (5) topography of land may make it impossible to attain gravity disposal of sewage to the street; (6) abatement of existing light and air easement would be necessary in order to attain maximum benefit from the rezoning. Mr. Holden briefed t commission on the history of Green Street as follows:(ltitid►n4 for improvement district on Green was denied by Board Supervisors in 1958 because of a 66% pro - test petition ;(,�f tr°icreased density resulting from 5000 would be extreme on Green; (3) Green being a private street, responsibility for development and maintenance rests with property owners, City Manager advised that although prior to incorporation Arden had been designated as a major street by the County, it had been left off by the City Council because of a rest home which blocks the northerly access. Mrs. Margaret Flacek, 10111 Green Street, Temple City, express- ed discontent with manner in which such streets are improved, stating that as tax payers people on unimproved streets should not be required to finance needed improvements. Mr. Holden read a memo from the Road Department defining conditions which would have to be met before Green could bee accepted for dedication. The City Manager explained the two ways in which property owners can handle street improvements. (1) Deal directly with a contractor, and after improvements are in City will accept for dedication and assume maintenance from public funds. (2) Form an improvement district, and handle as an assessment for all property owners in the district. Mr. Woollett emphasized the point that the City cannot spend public money to main- tain private streets. Carl Rasmussen, 10233 Green Street, refuted the report of poor drainage on Green, affirming that the street is a good street, even though the north side is lagging behind the development on the south side. Al Keefer, 5770 Rosemead Boulevard, spoke concerning drainage on Green, asserting that water presently runs onto private property, and that improvement of the street would necessitate grading of private property. R. J. Ingram, 5317 Zadell Street, Temple City, asserted that the light and air easement previously mentioned has been violated at the corner of Baldwin and Olive by the construction of an apartment house on the easement. F. B. Kinney, 2325 Bradbourn, Arcadia favored rezoning all lots on Baldwin the same as the corner of Baldwin and Olive. Theresa Stein, 5125 North Arden, mentioned her interest in problems on Arden 'Drive. Mrs. Nota Bates Talbert, 10043 Olive, spoke favoring the proposed change of zone. PLANNING COMMiSSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 1961 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PAGE L. Mr. Dick Lucas, 5301 Ladell, spoke against the proposed change of zone, pointing hazards and undesirability of increasing the density. Mrs, Dick Lucas, 5301 Zadell, suggested that people who do not desire big lots move elsewhere. A show of hands requested by Chairman Pursley revealed an almost equal representation opposing and favoring this change present at this hearing. Commissioner Meek made a motion to table the matter for further study, seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek, Nunemaker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. Chairman Pursley advised that this matter would come up automatically at the next regular meeting of the Commission. 7. 701 APPLICATION: Mr. Woollett reviewed the contents of the prepared 701 Application with members of the Commission, explaining that changes in Exhibit 8 were based on conferences held with Mr. Whitnall during which the original contract was reduced by $9000. He continued that the more work done by the City, the higher the total cost of the project and the higher the proportional cost to the City. Also, advising that the $3755 item for aerial photography and cadastral maps is to be considered separately from the above. Mr. Woollett read the revised resolution to the Commission and suggested that recommendations be made to the City Council concerning these matters. He advised that in lieu money could, be used to pay for aerial work. After a short discussion period, Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that it hire M. W. Finley Company to do the aerial photography and present maps to the City at the price of $3755. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Harker, and carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek, Nunamaker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. Commissioner Harker made a motion that the Commission recommend to the City Council the retention of Gordon Whitnall to conduct the Master Plan for Temple City as spelled out in the revised application and contract. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burr, and carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek, Nunamaker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. Commissioner Harker requested that the record show that on January 3, 1961, at the suggestion of the City Manager, the Commission made a motion to recommend to the City Council that it retain Gordon Whitnall and Associates as the Master Planners, and that this recommendation appeared on the agenda of the City Council for its meeting of January ', 1961. COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion that the commission recommend that its members be supplied :;with cards identifying them as commissioners, seconded by Commissioner Meek and carried with the following roll call vote: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 1961 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PAGE 5 AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harket, Meek, Nunameker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. Commissioner Meek commented concerning des i rab i l i ety of coordination between the Planning and Traffic ComMijssions in the form of reports, etc. Mr. Woolle.tt apprised the commissioners concerning the receipt of a petitibn requesting the widening of Double Drive and And the Planning Commission's recommendation to the City Council. Discussion ensued concerning manner i n which the 6 st zoning will be determined for the City, and Commissioner Meek asserted that increased R -3 zoning would cause ;a .gradual shift in the center of the business district as well as in the general character of the town. Mr. v,00jlettt advised that public hearings held in conjunction wi ±h the:.Master Plan would be a prime determinant in the zoning Of the City. Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion to adjburrj t8 the regular meeting of March 1, 1961, seconded by CoMiiiiSsioner Harker and carried unanimously. The meeting was adjoUrn6d at 10:OO P.M. ATTEST: CITY CLERK