HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1961/02/21 - RegularP L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N M I N U T E S CITY OF TEMPLE CITY February 21, 1961 1. A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was held in the City Hall, 9664 East Las Tunas Drive, Temple City. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pursley at 7 :30 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Pursley. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Nunamaker, Meek, r Ors ley, Absent: Commissioners: None; Also Present: W'ooi Lett, Hoiden, Shatford, Koski. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Meek made a motion that the minutes of the meeting of February 6, 1961 be approved, seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried unanimously. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Zone Change Case No. 61-15: Rogers. Chairman Pursley announced that this was the time and place for a public hearing on the above listed case and asked the Planning Advisor to appraise the case. Ed Holden, the Planning Advisor, explained that the subject request was for a change of zones from Zone R -2 to R -3 on property located on the East side of Temple City Boulevard between Longden and Lemon, said property being approximately 195 feet north of the intersection of Longden and Temple City Boulevard, and having dimensions o'; 105 x 300. He further explained that the property under consideration is at the north end of an R-2 strip on Temple City Blvd., and that the property to the north and surrounding is R -I. This change would create e spot zone of R -3, Me continued, and would likely begin a trend toward additional R -3 zoning in the vicinity. iMr. Holden advised that Temple City's law pertaining to R -3 zones has not been amended to keep pace with new amendments made in the County Ordinance or with changes initiated by surrounding cities. Therefore, this fact should be considered by the Commission in its determination as to whether or not to grant a multiple zoning in this location at this time. There is presently no minimum area requirement for -3 in Temple City, Donald C. ,Rogers, 9222 De Adalena, Rosemead, part owner of the property involved, spoke substantiating his application as follows: (1) the granting of this change would permit a higher type of development than is presently possible under the R. °2 zoning; (2) nothing would be gained by waiting for the Master Plan as °rely R-3 or the present R -2 could eventuate; (3) location of property lends itself well to multiple zoning. He informed the Commission that he tentatively planned to build 20 to 22 units with from 800 to 850 square feet per unit, having two bedrooms and some two story buildings. He asserted that the deed provides for 10 feet of the property for widening of Temple City Boulevard, in response to Mr. Holden's information that ten feet widening is recommended to bring the boulevard to planned width. (Temple City Blvd. is presently 60 feet wide adjacent to the subject property). Mr. Vern Rogers, 9331 De Adalena, Rosemead, part owner of the property located at o320 Temple City Boulevard, substan- tiated the case by adding that the construction planned for the location would be an asset to the City; that it would bring increased business to the City; that the boulevard easily lends itself to this type of development. L. J. Flaherty, 6327 Temple City Boulevard, spoke opposing this change, cautioning: -.(1) that 40% of apartment dwellers would park in street; (2) that there would be additional PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 1961 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PAGE 2 hazards created for school children; (3) that R -3 would ruin the neighborhood; (4) that there is a drainage pro- blem during storms on streets to the north. James Gledhill, 6330 Temple City Boulevard, opposed this proposed change, asserting that there is plenty of R-3 available in the City. Herbert Cloud, 9646 Craiglee, asked to be entered on the record as opposed to the proposed change. John Kilburn, 6338 Parella, expressed strong opposition to the subject case as being detrimental to an already established residential neighborhood, Howard H. Miller, 6346 Temple City Boulevard, spoke against the proposed zone change commenting that nothing should be done here before the Master Plan study has been made. Ensuing discussion among members of the Commission revealed the following points. Commissioner Meek advised that the widening of the boulevard would create an undesirable residential area because of increased noise and traffic, and that R-3 zoning should be considered for (1) old areas needing urban renewal.; and (2) areas adjacent to heavily traveled roads. Commissioner Nunamaker advised that there is a demand for R »3 in the City, and that the trend is :o to locate such zoning close to schools and business and good transportation. Chairman Pursley described on the zoning map the location of present R-2 and R-3 zoning and advised that the problem under consideration is that of density rather than height of buildings. Mr. Cloud, 9646 Parella, advised against spot zoning, and advised that a change in the area very likely will occur naturally. Commissioner Harker made a motion that in view of all the facts that have been brought out and the discussion relative to the general trend and the consideration that the property is at the northerly most end of a buffer R -2, that the Commission recommend that the application for change of zone be denied. Commissioner Nunamaker seconded the motion and it carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Meek, Nunamaker, Pursley; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. 6. ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 60-11: A-1-1 to R-1: Mr. Ed Holden, Planning Advisor, reviewed this case involving property bounded by Olive, Arden, Green and Baldwin Avenue and presently zoned A-1-1, explaining that this case had been initiated by the City Council in order to determine the desirability of changing this area to R -1 5000 at this time. He briefly restated the zoning history of the area and reiterated problem of drainage believed to exist on Green Street, cautioning that an increase in urban type property should include proper urban improvements. Chairman Pursley asked to hear From people opposing a change in zoning. Robert Ingram, owner of lots 13 and 3 between "Lade] and Baldwin, pointed out that construction at the corner of Olive and Baldwin, retention of which has been approved by the City Council, is in violation of a light and air easement, and has prevented an orderly development there, continuing that lots facing Baldwin should be given the same perogative to violate said easement. Mr. Ingram opposed any action in the matter until it can be studied in conjunction with the Master Plan. C. F. Haskins, 5305 Arden Drive, favored a change to A -1 5000 but opposed the suggested change to R-1 5000, stressing his belief that a change to Rw 1 wou 1 d entail an increase in PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 1961 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PAGE 3 the tax rate, as well as other costly improvements (curbs, gutters, sewers). Dick Lucas, 5301 Zadell, expressed his opposition to this change, stating his reasons for postponing any further consideration of change until the Master Plan is in full swing: (1) patch work rezoning would only increase problems; and (2) destroy free use of the property for agricultural purposes; (3) cease fire safety and sewage problems; (4) increase financial burden of property holders and tax payers. Mrs. Margaret Placek, 10111 East Green Street, expressed annoyance over the fact that the area was being considered for change to R -1 5000 rather than to A -1 5000, feeling that the original request had been for change to A -1 5000. After being advised by the Commission that this case had been initiated by that body in order to determine the feeling of the people living in the area, Mrs, Placek stated that she favored a change to A -1 5000 which would allow more uses of the land than R -1, but against the case as presently being considered for change to R-I 5000. In response to questions concerning the maintenance of animals in the A and R zones, City Attorney, Shatford, counseled that domestic animals were permitted in A -1 and R -1 zones with the exception of such kinds as pigs, and that the number and method of maintenance of animals was subject to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Mr. Carl Rasmussen, 10233 Green Street, fevored the change to R -I, asserting (as discussed previously) that the south side of Green was already developed and that development of the north side is being deterred by the A -1`l zoning. Mr. Rasmussen minimized the possibility of a drainage problem in the vicinity, and was countered by Commissioner Nunamaker, who advised that old County records testify that there is a drainage problem there. :Commissioners Nunamaker and Meek affirmed their approval of a change to A-I 5000 at the present time. W, R. Goren, 5311 Zadell, opposed granting a change at this time, which would probably be only a type of compromise measure pending study in conjunction with the Master Plan. Chairman Pursley advised that since the case had been represented as a change to R -1, it could not be changed to A-1 5000 at this time. Commissioner Harker made a motion that, in view of the fact that the Commission initiated this case for reasons already noted; and in view of the fact of the pendin Master Plan; thee' the'Comrniss.ion: reejeet the request For the R -1 zone and review it at a later time after it has been tied in with the Master Plan. Commissioner Burr seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. After some additional discussion, Commissioner Harker made a motion to amend his motion to read that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the existing zoning remain unchanged at the present time, with- out prejudice, seconded by Commissioner Meek, and carried unanimously. Ralph Hughes, 10227 East Green, expressed consternation over the decision of the Commission, and asserted that peopie desiring a rezoning in the area had been put off five times. Mr. Shatford counseled that the Commission must attempt to make a sound decision, sometimes regardless of the majority feeling. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 1961 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PAGE 4 Mrs. Note Bates Talbert, 1004P, Olive, expressed dissatisfaction with the decision of the Commission, adding that a change has been desired here for twenty years; that the Master Plan could require a long period of time; that restriction had been placed on the Glickman Tract by Mr. Glickman. The City Attorney advised that it would be unfair to some property owners to consider the case in a manner other than had been advertised, and recommended that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the Commission hold additional hearings regarding changing the zoning of this area, and in particular that the hearings be held to determine whether the people are interested in having the zone changed from A -1 -1 to A-1 5000. Commissioner Munamaker seconded the recommendation. 7. ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 60-12: UNDERW00D ET AL: Planning Advisor, Mr.:Ed Holden, reviewed the case concern - propertyon the east and west side of Weiland between Live Oak and Freer and on the west side only of Double Drive, stating that applicants desire that subdivisions be e tuded, Request from A-1 to R-3 with no minimum area requirement could be better considered in relation to the whole City after the Master Plan work is completed. Mr. Holden advised that the 100 right of way on Double Drive can be expected to be improved to that entire width, and that Welland, a 60° wide dedicated street, has not been improved with curb, gutter or sidewalk. City Manager read communications expressing concern and/or opposition to the proposed change of zone from: (1) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Porter, 10935 Wildflower Road; (2) Mrs. ea Patricia G. Hanft, 5022 North Agnes Avenue; (3) Mr. and Mrs. Reynold J. Blunt, Jr., 10922 Wildflower Road; (4) Robert E. French, 5320 Farago Avenue; and (5) Mrs. Ri l ie L. Warren, 5315 Welland Avenue; and (6) Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Williams, 10932 Wildflower Road. Also, Mr. Wool Jett advised of the receipt of a petition protesting the said change of zone, which contained 99 names representing 6 residence units as compared with approximately 260x.. i. 1esidence units which were notified of the proposed zone change.' Allen Schab, 10941 East Daines, opposed the change of zone, asserting that questions pertaining to the matter had not been adequately answered. Mr. Don Porter, 10935 Wildflower Road, opposed, asserting that flood conditions occur during rains; that schools are already overcrowded; that there is insufficient police and fire protection to handle increased density of population; and that dead -end streets were a disadvantage. Mr. and Mrs. James Longstroth, 5432 McCulloch Avenue, represented themselves as favoring said change, and Mr. Longstroth read a list of 19 home owners residing on the east side of McCulloch Street between Daines Drive and Freer Street who favored the change of %one: Mr. Donald Isler, 5508 Welland Avenue, was strongly in favor of the change to R-3, reasoning that: (1) about 1,300,000 square feet of the property involved was in large lots, which cannot be developed economically under the present zoning; a better type home will built if the zone is changed; that average income property will sell for approximately 70e a square foot; and that a change to R -3 should be expected to increase the value of the surrounding land as has been the case in Arcadia where new apartments have been constructed. Avis Dykes, 5344 Double Drive, living on the east side of Double Drive, mentioned several points: (1) importance of land value; (2) eonly objections coming from people living on culdesacs; (3) owners of large properties have pair ,tooahigh taxes. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES F EBAJARY 2,0, 1961 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PAGE 5 R. J. Neiderhouser, 534' Double Drive, favored theproposed change of zone, substantiating his position as follows: (1) taxes have increased in seven years from $07.00 on his property to $494.00 this year thus necessitating some supplementary income which can best be realized by the addition of units on the property; (2) people on culdesacs should be considered separately; (3) but majority should rule in the matter. Robert French, 5320 Farago, opposed the change, commenting that people desiring this change are truly interested in improving Temple City, and that in communities where such changes have occured, the standard has gradually lowered. William De Bennedet, 5535 North Welland, owner of seven houses on Welland, favored change to R-3 zoning, commenting that this is a good location for multiples and that there is and has been a great demand for them in the area He suggested: (1) restriction of 1200 square feet per unit; (2) provision for clearance of 70 to 80 feet on property adjacent to culdesacs; (3) improvements (sidewalks) where needed; (4) approval of each plan by commission before issuance of permits Disaussion ensued among the Commissioners during which Commissioner Nunamaker commented that there is available in this City R -3 property which is unused, and Commissioner Pursley apprised those present of the current residential development standards. Commissioner Harker advised the assemblage that with the approval of the City Council, the Master Plan should be launched immediately, and that the area under consideration drould be given precedence at that time. Commissioner Meek reaffirmed his opinion that cheap reatais become slum areas in 10 to 20 years, and cited nn area in Pasadena as exemplary, Commissioner Meek made a motion that at this time, without prejudice, the Planning Commission recommend denial of this case and refer the matter to the master planners, seconded by Commissioner Nunamaker and carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Pursley, Meek, Nunamaker; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. in response to requests for clarification from Mr. isier and Reverend Coppin, the City Attorney explained that the Commission is an unprejudiced body and that public hearings will be held to determine the feelings of the people in each area considered as the Master Plan progresses. He continued that any Master Plan adopted by the City wi l l be flexible enough to lend itself to changes as required. Reverend Coppin, owner of property at 5433, 35, 37 and 39 Welland, expressed appreciation of the courtesy of the Planning Commission in its consideration of the case. v. REMOVAL OF EASEMENT ON LA ROSA: City Manager, William Woollett, Jr., apprised the Commission of the receipt of a petition signed by eleven residents, living on the south side of La Rosa between Baldwin and Glickman, requesting the removal of a 70 foot easement on the south side of La Rosa. He informed the Commission that the easement had been established by an ordinance in December of 1954. Mr. Woollett advised that the property owners had not been adequately notified, and discussion ensued as to the advisability and extent to which the matter should be considered. The City Attorney counseled that at this time the main consideration should be as to whether PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 20, 1961 CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PAGE 6 or not to recommend the matter for public hearing. James Barnett, 10114 La Rosa Drive, substantiated the petition that people d:.11rn.Lted by this easement are unable to improve their homes to accomodate their growing families; that these large front yards are not maintained as they should be. Betty ,M i n i ck, 10134 Las Rosa Drive supported the request of the petition, affirming that it is impossible for her to improve her property because of the present easement. Myron E. Harpool, attorney representing Mr. Palmquist of 10117 La Rosa and Mr. Bruce Spenser of 10024 La Rosa, spoke opposing the removal of the easement asserting that (1) the beauty of the property and view would be destroyed if easement were changed; (2) all properties between Baldwin and Glickman have been improved; (3) and among other points that the petition did not indicate any alternative (no specific request). The attorney showed pictures of a 6 foot fence (a violation of the Zoning Ordinance) presently tend inge l.nto the easement on Mr. Barnett's property. Mr. Synder, 10100 La Rosa, commented that he was interested in the removal of the six foot fence on the Barnett property, and was advised by Chairman Pursley that the fence was not the issue being considered, but only the consideration of the removal of the easement. Mr. Charles Ry1ie, 10044 La Rosa requested that his name be removed from the petition. The City Attorney suggested a motion that the names of Mr. Ry l i e, 10044 La Rosa, Mr. Charles E. :eve 1 s, 10034 La Rosa, and Mr. Spencer, 10024 La Rosa, be officially removed from the petition, as they had requested. Commission- er Meek seconded. The recommended motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Burr, Harker, Pursley, Meek, Nunamaker; NOES :. Commissioners: None; ABSENT: None. Commissioner Nunamaker made a motion that the commission hold the matter over until the next meeting, and that everyone on the street should be notified by address, seconded by Commissioner Harker and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners : Burr, Harker, Pursley, Meek, Nunamaker; NOES: Commissioners: None; ABSENT m None. Planning Advisor suggested that future notices of public hearing could include a phrase "and such other changes as the Commission may wish to make", in order to allow for more flexibility and give legal authorization to make changes within the hearing. The meeting was adjourned at 11:2; P.M. to the next regular meeting of March 6, 1961. ATTEST: City clerk dy airman `r 'anning â–ºomission