HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1964/05/04 - Regular1 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CITY OF TEMPLE CITY May 4, 1964 1. A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was held in the City Hall, 9664 E. Las Tunas Drive, Temple City. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Beckley at 7:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Beckley. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley Absent: Commissioners: None Also Present: Cushman, Shatford, Woollett 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Erickson that the minutes of April 20, 1964, be approved as written, seconded by Commissioner Briggs, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None 5. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIUCE CASE NO. 64 -87 (Continued) Marty P. DiGiorgio 5333 Golden West Avenue, Temple City Planning Advisor Cushman presented the map prepared in accordance with the request of the Commission and explained the layout of existing parcels using the community driveway involved in this case. At the present time four separate lots are using the subject driveway. Factual data presented at the previous meeting was briefly reviewed at this time. Mr. Marty DiGiorgio, owner - applicant, appeared before the Commis- sion to answer inquiries directed to him. A motion was made by Commissioner Erickson that the public hear- ing be closed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnston and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None Discussion followed among members of the Commission in regard to granting this request on a non - severance basis, the relocation of the existing garage, the development of the surrounding area, the possibility of further requests for variances being received, and the fact that granting this request would be creating an R -2 zone, not a zone variance. A motion was made by Commissioner Erickson that we grant this variance with a non - severance restriction contained therein and with the further restriction that the garage for the front house be relocated to face upon Golden West Avenue; that we require dedication of the front 30 feet for street purposes and the counting of the owner's signature toward the improvement of said street, and that we do not intend to waive the 20 foot front yard setback. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnston, and carried by the following roll call vote: Planning Commission Minutes Page Two May 4, 1964 AYES: Commissioners: Clemson, Erickson, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: Briggs, Beckley ABSENT: Commissioners: None Chairman Beckley interrupted the meeting at this point to publicly welcome John Clemson as a new member of the Planning Commission. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 64 -90 Charles L. & Virginia M. Ramsey 10533 E. Olive Street, Temple City 7. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 64 -95 Georgia M. Kohout 10555 Olive Street, Temple City 8. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 64 -114 Edward H. or Honda P. Baltutat 10525 Olive Street, Temple City Chairman Beckley announced that due to the fact that the above three cases were located on one street, in close proximity to one another, that the cases would all be heard at one time, but that separate motions would be made on resolutions covering each case. The public hearing was opened at this time and the Planning Advisor was requested to present the factual data pertaining to each of the three cases. In all cases the applicants are request- ing variances to create additional parcels lacking street front- age as required by Ordinances 63 -103 and 104. Appearing in favor: Mr. Charles Ramsey, 10533 E. Olive Street, owner - applicant in Case No. 64 -90. Appearing in favor: Mr. Kohout, 10555 Olive Street, owner- appli- cant in Case No. 64 -95. Appearing in favor: Mr. Edward H. Baltutat, 10525 Olive Street, owner - applicant in Case No. 64 -114. No one appeared in opposition to any of the above cases. A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs that the public hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None Discussion followed among members of the Commission, City Attor- ney, City Manager and Planning Advisor. Due to the fact that Cases 64 -90 and 64 -114 are immediately adjoining, these two cases will be discussed simultaneously, with Case 64 -95 following. Discussion ensued at this point in regard to the fact that a time limit has never been set on the length of time in which a person may build under a variance. There is no stipulation in the County ordinance or in our new ordinance which limits the time of a variance. The question raised was whether a person could wait as long as ten years and still build under an existing variance. The City Attorney suggested that we set a policy in regard to a time limit on variances, but that in each case the resolution would include as a condition of the grant that the applicant should build within a year or the variance would become null and void, with the applicant having the opportunity to ask for an extension of time if it becomes necessary. Panning Commission Minutes Page Three May 4, 1964 A motion was made by Commissioner Erickson that it be determined to be the policy on all future resolutions covering variances that the City Attorney shall include therein a condition that unless the variance is acted upon by the obtaining of a building permit and construction within one year, the variance shall be null and void, except that the applicant may request for good cause an extension of time for a period not to exceed one addi- tional year. Motion seconded by Commissioner Briggs, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None Discussion returned to Zone Variance Cases 64 -90 and 64 -114. City Attorney Shatford ruled that the two cases should be tied together in so far as the granting of the easement in regard to the driveways is concerned. It was the general feeling of the Commission that a number of problems could be avoided if the two applicants would decide to install plumbing, sewer lines, and construction of driveways at one time, regardless as to whether or not the houses were constructed at the same time. It was finally resolved that the City Attorney and Staff would draft an agreement in regard to driveway ingress and egress and main- tenance. A motion was made by Commissioner Johnston that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution granting application for zone variance under Cases Nos. 64-90 and 64 -114 along the lines as indicated above and that said resolutions be presented at our next meeting for consideration. Motion seconded by Commissioner Erickson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None Discussion now proceeded on Zone Variance Case No. 64-95. It was the general feeling of the Commission that a more complete plot plan should be presented for consideration and that the width and location of the driveway might be changed. After further discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Erickson that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution granting this variance with the two conditions, driveway width and staff review of plot plan. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnston and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None 9. PUBLIC HEARIC: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 64 -91 Harland W. Avery 5413 & 541; E l honte Avenue, Temple City Planning Advisor Cushman advised the Commission that this case would not be heard tonight in accordance with a request from the owner - applicant. Case will be rescheduled at a later date. Planning Commission Minutes- Page Four May 4, 1964 10. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 64 -92 Clyde E. e- Gertrude E. Beck 5312 Welland Avenue, Temple City Chairman Beckley announced that now was the time and place for a public hearing. Planning Advisor Cushman was requested to pre- sent the factual data pertaining to the case. Applicant is requesting a variance to create a second parcel having at least 5,000 square feet, but lacking street frontage as required by Ordinances 63 -103 and 104. Appearing in favor: Clyde Beck, 5312 Welland, owner - applicant; 0. Rambo, 5311 N. Farago. No one appeared in opposition. A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs that the public hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Briggs that we instruct the City Attorney to draw a resolution with the condition that the driveway size be increased. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnston. At this time the applicant was asked if he would consider a change in the driveway plan. Mr. Jim Palisimo, representing the applicant, appeared before the Commission to answer further design questions. City Manager Woollett suggested that the Staff rework the plot plan for better development. Commissioner Briggs withdrew the previous motion. A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs that we instruct the, City Attorney to draw a resolution granting this request for a variance with the stipulation that the driveway be 16 feet back to the first garage and ten feet back to the second garage, and that the plot plan be rearranged at the discretion of the Staff. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnston and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None 11. RESOLUTION NO. 64 -76PC: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING APPLICATION FOR ZONE VARIANCE IN ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 64 -88 OF DANIEL T. AND ALMA L. DEUTSCHE PERTAINING TO THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10532 EAST DAINES DRIVE, TEMPLE CITY, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. Title to Resolution No. 64 -76PC was read by City Attorney Shat - ford. A motion was made by Commissioner Johnston that we waive further reading and adopt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Briggs, and carried by the following roll call vote: Planning Commission Minutes Page Five May 4, 1964 AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None 12. RESOLUTION NO. 64 -77PC: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING APPLICATION FOR A ZONE VARIANCE IN ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 64 -89 OF MR. AND MRS. A. E. WOODRY PERTAINING TO THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10629 EAST DAINES DRIVE, TEMPLE CITY, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. Title to Resolution No. 64 -77PC was read by City Attorney Shat - ford. A motion was made by Commissioner Erickson that we waive further reading and adopt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnston, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Erickson, Johnston, Beckley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None 13. COMMUNICATIONS: Planning Advisor Cushman apprised the Commis- sion of the fact that we have received two additional variances, one for First Baptist Church and one for American Savings, that will be worked into the schedule of public hearings at the earliest possible date. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Erickson moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Briggs, and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. to the next regular meeting on May 18, 1964. ATTEST: Deputy City Cler JL rman, Planning Commission