HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1965/06/21 - Regular (2)PLANNING COMMISSION ADJOURNED MEETING June 21, 1965 The Adjourned Meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7 :00 P.M. by Chairman Johnston. Those in attendance: Commissioners: Beckley, Briggs, Garvin, Johnston Not in Attendance: Commissioners: Clemson Also Present: W. F. Shirley, Ray Parady, Carl Wood, Charles Henry, Realtors and Joe Adashek, Property Owner Discussion was held on the possible Lot Split Regulation Amend- ments. Planning Director Cushman reviewed the existing require- ments and suggested amendments. Following discussion, it was the unanimous decision of the Planning Commission that lot split approval be delegated to the Planning Director with appeal to the Planning Commission. Driveway requirements were then discussed. The Planning Commission decided on the following: 1. Minimum driveway width of 12 feet for drives serving one or two dwelling units. Minimum setback from drive- way of 2 feet. 2. For driveways serving more than 2 dwelling units or greater than 125 feet in length a minimum width of 16 feet shall be required. 3. A maximum of 10% of the required lot area may be in driveway. In no case shall the building site be less than 6480 square feet. On mutual easement drives, the driveway allowance shall be equally distributed among the parcels served thereby. The proposed changes were referred to the Whitnalls and Ray Cushman to prepare and submit in form suitable for recommendation to the City Council. This information is to be ready for the Adjourned Meeting of July 12, 1965. On staff recommendation at 8 :55 P.M. i; e Plpnrliqg Commission agreed to defer discussion of existing z,orlingd (�,��no��t`�Qn No. 8 and begin discussion of the General Plan rrpgrem GENERAL PLAN Planning Director Cushman briefly provided the background inform - ation on state requirements. Gordon Whitnall stated he believed the circulation element s;{ould be the first item for Commission consideration. This shoul'd'be related to the potential land load of population under the existing zoning plan. Particular study emphasis should be placed on the City's most important highway intersections. Major Intersections: Las Tunas and Rosemead; Las Tunas and Temple City Boulevard; Las Tunas and Baldwin Avenue. Secondary Intersections: Lower Azusa Road and Las Tunas; Lower Azusa Road and Baldwin Avenue. 1 1 Adjourned Meeting Minutes Page Two June 21, 1965 The City's comparative economic picture and daminishing sales tax picture should focus attention on the commercial area. All factors are inter - related and Commission should strive for State- ment of Policies for City's growth. It was agreed the Whitnalls and Ray Cushman would prepare for July 13th specific procedural and agenda program for Commission review and discussion. Commissioners were given copies of the proposed Ordinance No. 65- 165, relating to the tie -vote procedure. Planning Director Cushman gave a brief review on the proposed Ordinance No. 65 -163 Conditional Use Permits for Bars. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission on June 22, 1965. Meeting adjourned at 10 :10 P.M. ATTEST: Deput City Clerk Chairman, /P,1ahn ng.Commission