HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1965/08/10 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CITY OF TEMPLE CITY August 10, 1965 1. A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was held in the City Hall, 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnston at 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Johnston. 1:: 1 1 ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Also Present: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin Ray Cushman, Robert Flandrick 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Beckley that the minutes of July 13, 1965, be approved upon checking the tape regarding the one year time extension for Paul and Virginia Uhl, 5050 Sereno Drive, Temple City. Motion seconded by Comm- issioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin 5. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65-162 Lucille A. Howe, Owner 10553 Olive Street Temple City, California Chairman Johnston announced that now was the time and place for the public hearing. Verification of public notice was given by the Secretary. Planning Director Cushman presented the original application. The Chairman ordered same marked Exhibit "A" and made a part of the record. The Planning Director then orally presented factual data pertaining to the case and his written report, substantially as given orally, was received in evidence by Chairman Johnston, marked Exhibit "B ". The maps placed for public and Planning Commission view were ordered marked Exhibit "C" and received in evidence. The Exhibits were then viewed by the Commission. Appearing in favor: Mr. R.L. Bacon, Attorney representing Mrs. Lucille Howe, owner-applicant, stated that this request is consistent with the area surrounding and would not be detrimental to the area. No one appeared in opposition. After hearing all those desiring to speak a motion was made by Commissioner Clemson that the public hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Beckley and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin Discussion was held among the Commissioners regarding the 10.5 foot access to interior parcel instead of the required 12. It was noted an additional one foot setback is shown between prop- osed drive and existing house. A motion was made by Commissioner Beckley that we instruct the City Attorney to draw a resolution granting this request based on the information presented being in conformity to the surrounding area as shown on plot plan Exhibit "A" and that the driveway - width is alright to be only 6" off from the required width. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the follow- ing roll call vote: Planning Commission Minutes Page Two August 10, 1965 AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston HOES: Commissioners: None ABSEAT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin Assistant City Attorney Flandrick reviewed the conditions and presented the proposed resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 65- 166PC: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING A VARIANCE I N ZONE VARIANCE CASE MO. 65- 162. Title to Resolution No. 65 -168PC was read by Assistant City Attorney Flandrick. A motion was made by Commissioner Clemson to waive further read- ing and adopt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Beckley and carr- ied by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin 6. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65 -163 Maranatha High School P. O. Box 6 Temple City, California Chairman Johnston announced that now was the time and place for the public hearing. Verification of public notice was given by the Secretary. Planning Director Cushman presented the original application. The Chairman ordered same marked Exhibit "A" and made a part of the record. The Planning Director then orally presented factual data pertaining to the case and his written report, substantially as given orally, was received in evidence by Chairman Johnston, marked Exhibit "B ". The maps placed for public and Planning Commission view were ordered Exhibit "C" and received in evidence. The Exhibits were then viewed by the Commission. Discussion was held among the Commissioners regarding the import- ance of this variance and being that two of the Planning Comm - issioners were not in attendance,due to being on vacation,if the variance should be heard at this meeting, held over to the next regular meeting or hold a special meeting to hear only this re- quest. Chairman Johnston asked members of the audience what their opinion would be. At this time a few members of the audience stepped forward to the mike and gave their opinions as follows: Mr. John R. Gallagher, 9558 Wedgewood, Temple City. Mr. Gallagher was in favor of the Commissioners hearing the request at this meeting. Mr. Maurice Benson, 9542 Wedgewood, Temple City also was in favor of the Commissioners hearing the request at this meeting. Mr. Ken Rucker, 9541 Blackley, Temple City also requested the Commissioners to hear the request at this meeting. Mr. A.B. Grove, 1 West Moreland Place, Pasadena, Chairman of the Board of Dir- ectors for the High .school, asked if this meeting would possibly be completed tonight or if it would be continued at another meet- ing. Chairman Johnston stated that there would actually be no way of telling. At this time Chairman Johnston asked the members of the audience to give their opinion by raising their hands if they preferred to hold the meeting tonight or schedule it for another time. The majority of the audience raised their hands to indicate . they preferred hearing the case at this meeting. Chairman John- ston opened the public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes Page Three August 10, 1965 Appearing in favor: Mr. Ken Rucker, 9541 Slackley, Temple City, Member of the Temple City Brethren Church and also on the Board clarified the question on the wall and stated that there is a wall now existing on the west side of the property and upon completion of the Condominium, there will be a 6 ft. block wall on the south side of the property. R. D. Oliver, School Principal, 5603 Earle Street, San Gabriel. Mr. Oliver stated that the proposal is a Christian High School and that at this time there is no other Christian High School in the San Gabriel Valley area; they will offer college prepara- tory classes; the facilities are adequate for their needs; is a non-profit organization; they plan to lease other facilities in the area for their athlctic programs; the greater factor of noise would come from the outdoor activities which they do not intend to have at the location; the maximum enrollment would be 75 students, 9-11 grades with the possibility of a 12th grade next year; some of the students would be driving to school, but not enough to raise a traffic problem; buses will be provided for transportation to and from school; there will be one teacher for every 10 students; music program would consist of a choir which would practice in the church sanctuary. The students enrolled in the school will be carefully screened and will not be of the disciplinary type student. Commissioner Clemson asked Mr. Oliver if it is firm that the athletic program will be held elsewhere. Mr. Oliver stated they would, but was not sure just where. Commissioner Clemson also asked of the potential noise during the day for the ath- letic program. Mr. Oliver stated that the last period of the school day would be at 2:30. Mr. Oliver also felt that the proposed parking would be sufficient for their needs and that 15 additional parking spaces will be available next year when the school expands to a 12th grade. Charles J. Aguilan, La Rosa Drive, Temple City, Member of the Church Board. He stated that he now works for the Alhambra School District and he feels there is a need for more Christian Churches in this area; it would be a vital factor for the City to have a Christian High School and it will improve the class of children and is very much in favor of this school being started. Maurice Benson, 9542 Wedgewood, Temple City. Mr. Benson stated that the back yard of his property joins the Church back year. He feels the school would not bring down the land value because of this being a very desirable area and there are many people that feel the school is an asset and it would be a privilege to live in such an area; noise factor would not be any major consideration and the Brethren Church as it exists now, has had picnics and in their home they cannot hear the noise. A.B. Grove, 1 West Moreland Place, Pasadena, stated that the cause of this variance is because of the property not being enough acreage and this is the reason it is before the Planning Commission. John Hill, 9416 0lema Street, Temple City. Mr. Hill stated that he is a Member of the Board•of Maranatha High School and that one of the primary reasons is that by the ord- inance for the requi•redarea for a high school it would be unfair to the owner of the property on the basis of the proport- ionate use of the property in conjunction with the proposed school and that proportionately the area is large enough for the amount of students they are going to enroll. Commissioner Clemson asked for clarification of several items by Mr. Oliver those being; the school hours which will be 9-4, classes 55 minutes in length, 30 minutes for lunch at which time the students will be outside in the lunch pavilion. Planning Commission Minutes Page Four August 10, 1965 Appearing in favor: Mr-s. Laura Benson, 9542 Wedgewood, Temple City. Mrs. Benson stated that the lunch area is right in back of their yard and she is in favor of granting this variance. After hearing a l l those desiring to speak in favor of this var- iance, Chairman Johnston asked if there was anyone appearing in opposition to this variance. Appearing in opposition: Mr. John R. Gallagher, 9558 Wedgewood, Temple City. Mr. Gallagher stated that his property borders on the north of the church and proposed school. Mr. Gallagher read for the record, that Mr. and Mrs. W i 1 i nson of 9546 Wedge- wood, Temple City, were also in opposition and submitted a letter to the Planning Commissioners, He also stated that he anticipates there . be school participation in the evening by the music department; that noise is definitely a factor, esp- ecially in the evenings and on weekends; this will be detrimental to his property value and is strongly opposed to granting this variance. Mr. Gallagher also referred to news items and a brochure obtaining information on the proposed school. Nr. D.T. Meza, Jr.,5603 Temple City Boulevard, Temple City, stated that his property is next door and there will not be sufficient parking in the area for the school because there is not actually sufficient parking for the Church on Sunday and he is vary much opposed to granting this variance. Mr. Thomas Erling, 9567 Wedgewood, Temple City, stated that he is opposed to this variance and believes there will be a lot of noise from it. Mr. Donald Zimmer, 9552 Wedgewood, Temple City, stated his property borders on the south and east of the proposed site; he has no objection to the possibility of noise, but feels that his property value will go down. hr. James E. Law, 9521 Wedgewood, Temple City, stated that there is not sufficient room now for the school and the parking will also be a problem. Mr. Victor T. Rochford, 9566 Wedgewood, Temple City, stated that he believes his property value will go down and feels the acreage is not sufficient for the school. Mrs. Ole Anderson, 5611 Temple City Boulevard, Temple City, stated that she believes there will be a traffic problem and does not feel that the bus transportation will be sufficient. Mr. Cataldo J. Lomonico, 9533 Wedgewood Street, Temple City, stated that there will be noise in the area and that a, portion of the students attending the school are not residents of Temple City. After hearing all those desiring to speak in opposition of this variance, Chairman Johnston asked if the Applicant would like to speak in rebuttal. Speaking in rebuttal: Mr. R.D. Oliver, School Principal, stated that the publicity they had received on school was not to in- fluence the Planning Commission's decision is any way; that the emphasis will be placed on using the buildings in the daylight hours; the auditorium will be used only one night of the month for a PTA -type meeting; no evening activities have been planned; there will be no dances of any kind; if a chemistry course is offered next year they intend to see that there is absolutely no fire danger to the school or the area; there are 13 parking spaces available for 7 teachers; they want to be part of the community and liked and welcome any conditions the Planning Commission would like to incur. Mr. Oliver also stated that the parking would be controlled by the issuing of a parking permit to the students whom they feel need to drive to school; the remainder of the students will be transported by buses; no band drilling or band music will be held on the school grounds and increased parking facilities are anticipated by the Church in the future. Planning Commission Minutes Page Five August 10, 1965 After hearing all those desiring to speak a motion was made by Commissioner Clemson that the public hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Beckley and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin Planning Director Cushman stated that the parking requirements for schools is one parking space for every 10 students plus one for each employee and teacher. The Commission then viewed Exhibit "A" maps. Commissioner Beckley stated that he would like to lean as far as possible to grant this variance for the following reasons: that when you establish a school you therefore need 15 acres, but by the same token we do have variances granted with stip- ulations when it is something special and when you grant a variance you are granting it under certain requirements like a privilege; when you establish a normal school it has 15 acres and they do what they wish as long as they meet the various requirements required by the ordinance and under these conditions Commissioner Beckley stated that we could make stipulations with reference to parking restrictions and various other res- trictions that would apply to a normal high school, no evening meetings, etc. Commissioner Beckley also stated that he does not feel it would harm the neighbors as much as they believe and is in favor of a church high school where one can be con- ducted; this is an ideal location as far as traffic is concerned because of Temple City Boulevard being an 8 foot wide street, with minimum traffic at this time. Commissioner Clemson stated that Mr. Beckley's summation was also his feelings, but that he is completely aware of the peoples concern and that the Commission does have a moral resp- onsibility to try to disregard their own personal feelings and do as they feel is for the betterment of Temple City. Chairman Johnston stated that he is concerned about the fact that this school micht be more than an average success and in the future will neea other variances and also that if all the students were going to be from Temple City this position would be looked at differently. h motion was made by Commissioner Beckley that the City Att- orney be instructed to draw a resolution granting this request with the followine conditions: Development of the subject prop- erty shall be substantially in accord with the plot plan, Exhibit "A ", without any additional construction except as herein pro- vided; that all provisions of Section 401, subparagraph (9) of Ordinance No. 63 -112 be required except the size of the lot and specifically a solid masonry wall six (6) feet in height be erected on any boundary line which is a common property line wit[ ";" classified property; that the facility be limited to not exceed 100 students; that there be no organized outdoor athletic activity other that calisthenics; that the use be conducted during daylight hours only, except for and not to exceed one evening per month that being a PTA -type meeting; that off - street parking facilities be provided in accordance with the followins provisions: one off - street parking space for each staff member and employee of the school facility; one off - street parking space for each 10 students or fraction thereof; this variance shall expire and be of no effect unless exercised within a period of one year from and after the date of adoption of this resolution. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: Planning Commission Minutes Page Six ;';ucus t 10, 1965 AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson TOES: Commissioners: Johnston, due to a personal interest ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin At this time Planning Director Cushman reviewed the procedure of appeal to the City Council on zone variance cases. Assistant City Attorney Flandrick reviewed the conditions and presented the proposed resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 65- 159PC: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISS- ION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANT- ING A VARIANCE IN NE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65 -163. Title to Resolution No. 65 -169 was read by Assistant City Att- orney Flandrick. A motion was made by Commissioner Clemson to waive further read- ing and adopt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Beckley and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson NOES: Commissioners: Johnston, due to a personal interest ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin At this time Chairman Johnston convened the meeting for a 5 minute recess at 9 :25 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 P.M. for further items on the agenda. 7. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65 -164 Baldwin Builders, Owner -Appl icant 5525 Temple City Boulevard Temple City, California Chairman Johnston announced that now was the time and place for the public hearing. Verification of public notice was given by the Secretary. Planning Director Cushman presented the original application. The Chairman ordered same marked Exhibit "A" and made a part of the record. The Planning Director then orally presented factual data pertaining to the case and his written report, substantially as given orally, was received in evidence by Chairman Johnston, marked Exhibit "B". The maps placed for public and Planning Commission view were ordered marked Exhibit "C" and received in evidence. The Exhibits were then viewed by the Commission. Appearing in favor: Mr. James Baldwin,, 5559 Pal Mal, Temple City, developers and owners of the subject property. Mr. Baldwin stated that the proposed owners of these homes would like to have the 3 foot extension instead of the 2 feet, this area opening off the dining area. No one appeared in opposition. After hearing all those desiring to speak a motion was made by Commissioner Beckley that the public hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston Commissioners: None Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin A motion was made by Commissioner Beckley that we instruct the City Attorney to draw a resolution granting this request as presented per plot plan Exhibit "A ". Motion seconded by Comm- issioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: Planning Commission Minutes Page Seven AYES: Commissioners: NOES: Commissioners: ABSTAIN: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: August 10, 1965 Beckley, Clemson None Johnston, due to conflict of interest Briggs, Garvin Assistant City Attorney Flandrick reviewed the conditions and presented the proposed resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 65 -1 yOPC: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISS- ION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANT- ING A VARIANCE IN ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65- 164PC. Title to Resolution No. 65 -170 was read by Assistant City Attorney Flandrick. A motion was made by Commissioner Beckley to waive further read- ing and adopt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson NOES: Commissioners: Hone ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Johnston, due to conflict of interest ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin S. PUBLIC HEARING: AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE Height of Buildings and Structures Planning Director Cushman briefly reviewed the reasons for the public hearing. Chairman Johnston opened the public hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Beckley that this item be continued to the next regular adjourned meeting for further discussion and study when there is a full commission present. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston nES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin 9. OLD BUSINESS 1. ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65 -160 4841 Persimmon Avenue, Temple City Planning Director Cushman reviewed the proposals of the new plot plan, existing garage and shed as shown. A second shed is to be demolished and is located where proposed garage is shown. The parcel line has been moved 10 feet to provide equal area for both parcels, location of porposed house and garage on Parcel "B" has been changed to provide a 20 foot front yard facing east as required by the original resolution. City Attorney Flandrick ruled revised plan substantially in accord with the original resolution of grant and Commission could approve revision. A motion was made by Commissioner Clemson that the revised plot plan Exhibit "B" be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Beckley and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin 1 Planning Commission Minutes Page Eight ;=August 10, 1965 2. RESOLUTION N0. 65.1 7 1 PC : RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY RECOMMEND- ING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE ZON 1NG REGULATIONS OF SAID CITY, RELATING TO MOBILE HOMES. Title to Resolution No. 65 -171PC was read by Assistant City Attorney Flandrick. A motion was made by Commissioner Beckley to waive further read - ing and adopt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin RESOLUTION NO. 65 -172PC : RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY RECOMMEND- ING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING REGULATIONS OF SAID CITY, RELATING TO OFF - STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS. Title to Resolution No. 65 -172PC was read by Assistant City Attorney Flandrick. A motion was made by Commissioner Clemson to waive further read- ing and adopt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Beckley and carr- ied by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS 1. Commissioner Clemson reported on the West :pan Gabriel Valley Planning Council Luncheon Meeting held Friday, August 6th. f. Planning Director Cushman reported that he had received an invitation from the Los Angeles Regional Transportation Study - Regional Council of Planning to attend their initial meeting which was held August 6, 1965, for the City and County Planners of the 5- county L.A.R.T.S. area. Mr. Cush- man stated that this will be a technical group for the purpose of coordinating programs dealing with Transportation Study. 11. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Clemson, seconded by Commiss- ioner 3eckley that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular adjourned meeting ,;eotember 13, 1965, at '::00 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. 1 ATTEST: C h a i rma lanninc; Commission l