HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1965/09/14 - Regular1 1 PLAANING COMMISSION MINUTES CITY OF TEMPLE CITY September 14, 1965 1. A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was held in the City Hall, 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnston at 7:30 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Johnston. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston Absent: Commissioners: Beckley Also Present: R. Cushman, K. Koski, R. Flandrick 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Clemson that the minutes of August 10, 1965, be approved as written.. Motion seconded by Chairman Johnston and carried by the . following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Clemson, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckley ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Briggs, Garvin - vacation at this time 5. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65-165 T.L. Mary E.L. Knipscheer 2016 South 9th Street, Alhambra Site: 9537 Garibaldi Avenue Chairman Johnston announced that now was the time and place For the public hearing. Verification of public notice was given by the Secretary. Planning Director Cushman presented the original application. The Chairman ordered same marked Exhibit "A" and made a part of the record. The Planning Director then orally presented factual data pertaining to the case and his written report, substantially as given orally, was received in evidence by the Chairman, marked Exhibit "B ". The maps placed for public and Planning Commission view were ordered marked Exhibit "C" and received in evidence. The Exhibits were then viewed by the Comm- ission. Questions were directed to Planning Director Cushman regarding the 6 inch setback of the attached garage; driveway area for the pro- posed dwelling being 10 feet wide and the proposed turn - around area being a 25 foot maximum. Appearing in favor: i'ir. T.L. Knipscheer, owner - applicant, 2016 South 9th Street, Alhambra. Mr. Knipscheer stated that the exist- ing garage in the front will be moved to the back and the home there now, will be torn down and a new one will be built for rental purposes in the future. The proposed home shown on the plan will be a single family dwelling which will cover the bigger portion of the lot; the proposed new garage will have a heavy shingle roof. Appearing in opposition: Mr. John Anderson, 9549 Garibaldi Ave. Mr. Anderson lives on the property to the east of the subject property and he wondered how close the dwellings would be to his house on the east. Mr. Cushman stated that a 5 foot setback is shown for the building and the fireplace is shown as 3 feet from the property line. Mr. Anderson stated that his only objection is if this is in variance with the zoning up against his property; that his driveway runs along the proposed new development and the driveway will run between the new development and his home. Planning Commission Minutes Page Two September 14, 1965 Appearing in rebuttal: Mr. T.L. Knipscheer, owner - applicant, 2016 South 9th Street, Alhambra. Mr. Knipscheer stated there is a large tree in front of the lot and this would possibly give him trouble trying to put the driveway on the west side of the house; he also stated that he may have to move the house farther and put the driveway on the opposite side. Mr. Knipscheer also stated that he wants to conform in all ways to the law. Commissioner Clemson stated that he could possibly shift the devel- opment east and move the house west and run the driveway on the east the same as the driveway on Mr. Anderson's property. Appearing as neutral: Mr. Malcolm Haywood, corner of Primrose and Flaherty. Mr. Haywood asked what the required setback is for the sideyard on the north end of the property. Mr. Cushman stated that as a detached accessory building there is no required set- back:. Mr. Haywood also wondered how the garage would affect the property to the north. After hearing all those desiring to speak a motion was made by Commissioner Clemson that the public hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Garvin and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckley Acting City Manager Koski stated at this time that there is a lack of curbs and gutters along Garibaldi and suggested this might be a condition of grant if the Commission decided to approve this request. Commissioner Briggs stated that there are too many requests made here and the setbacks to him make a lot of difference especially in that the existing house and garage are combined together; this is why an Ordinance was passed when the garage is connected; it is a large lot and too much for one home, but not enough for two homes. Commissioner Clemson stated that there are two variances to look at; one being the lot size and the other the setbacks. Chairman Johnston stated that the corner lot is a transitional lot and should be looked at as such. Discussion was held on the permitted transitional use of the prop- erty for a two - family dwelling and if as a condition of grant the Commission could state the applicant would lose this right. City Attorney noted owner would be restricted to structures on approved plot plan. Planning Director Cushman stated that the west sideyard setback is 10 feet for the existing house on the subject property and if the home to the north was originally part of the total ownership, it would have had a normal frontyard setback of 10 feet, but as a separate parcel and shown as such it carries a standard 20 foot frontyard setback. Discussion was held on the house next door in relation to this property and the garage proposed to be attached to the existing house. It was felt by the Commission they should re -open the public hear - ing to ask further questions of the applicant. A motion was made by Commissioner Garvin that the public hearing be re- opened. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: Planning Commission Minutes Page Three September 14, 1965 AYES: NOES ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston Commissioners: None Commissioners: Beckley City Attorney Flandrick stated that no one had left the room since the public hearing had been closed. Appearing in favor: Mr. T.L. Knipscheer, owner- applicant, 2016 South 9th Street, Alhambra. Mr. Knipscheer stated that from the front of the house it would be about even to the edge of the house that is now existing. Mr. Knipscheer also noted that the back end of the old house has had an addition of two rooms and that they could be torn down so that the garage could be removed and moved closer to the house; that in the future a new home would be built which would be moved farther away from the garage which would then be detached. After hearing all those desiring to speak a motion was made by Commissioner Briggs that the public hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Garvin and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: "OES: ABSEt1T: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston Commissioners: None Commissioners: Beckley A motion was made by Commissioner Clemson that the particular circumstances surrounding this property the City Attorney be instructed to draw a resolution granting this variance in accord with plot plan Exhibit "A" as shown and that construction of curbs and gutters along that portion of Garibaldi also be a con- dition of grant. ;otion seconded by Commissioner 3riggs and carried by the Following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston Commissioners: None Commissioners: Beckley Assistant City Attorney Flandrick reviewed the conditions and pre - sented the proposed resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 65 -1 3PC: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANT I NG A VARIANCE IN ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65- 165, Title to Resolution . 65 -173PC was read by :-assistant City Att- orney Flandrick. A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs to waive further reading and adopt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Garvin and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston Commissioners: None Commissioners: Beckley 6. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65 -166 Charles and Mary M. Bruere 5/61 North Primrose Avenue Temple City, California Planning Commission Minutes Pace Four September 14, 1965 Chairman Johnston announced that now was the time and place for the public hearing. Verification of public notice was given by the Secretary. Planning Director Cushman presented the original application. The Chairman ordered same marred Exhibit "A" and made a part of the record. The Planning Director then orally presented factual data pertaining to the case and his written report, substantially as given orally was received in evidence by Chairman Johnston, marked Exhibit "3 ". The maps placed for public and Planning Commission view were ordered Exhibit "C" and received in evidence. The Exhibits were then viewed by the Comm- issioners. Chairman Johnston asked if the owner-applicant was present to appear in favor of this variance, but no one appeared and no one wished to speak in opposition. A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs that the public hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckley Upon learning from a gentlemen in the audience that Mr. Bruere the owner - applicant was in the hospital and therefore unable to attend, it was a consensus of the Commission that this variance be held over to the next regularly scheduled meeting September 20, 1965. A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commissioner Garvin that the public hearing be re- opened and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckley City Attorney Flandrick stated that as a matter of record no one had left the room since the public hearing had been closed. Appearing as neutral: Mr. Edwin Huban, 5;55 , ±orth Primrose Avenue, Temple City, neighbor to the south of the subject property. Per. Huban asked what the setback on Workman Avenue from the proposed building would be. Mr. Cushman stated that a 20 foot minimum is required on the frontyard setback and that the plot plan shows a 15 foot minimum rearyard setback. After hearing all those desiring to speak a motion was made by Commissioner Clemson that the public hearing be continued to the next regular meeting September 28, 1965, so that the applicant could be contacted by staff and attend the meeting if feasible. Motion seconded by Commissioner Briggs and carried by the follow- ing roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckley Planning Commission Minutes Page Five September 14, 1965 9. OLD BUSINESS 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMEND- MENT AFFECTING HEIGHT OF SIGNS AND STRUCTURES, Planning Director Cushman reviewed the information sheets prepared for the Commissioners on the proposed height limitations on signs and advertising structures in the City ofTemple City. Planning Director Cushman also stated that he had toured the City and that a height limitation of 50 feet would be feasible for signs adv- ertising premises. Discussion was held and the Commissioners agreed that the 35 foot height limitation would be in line with other Cities. Appearing as neutral: Mr. Jay Kingry, Represent i ng Pacific Out- door Advertising, 1740 °arva Street, Los Angeles. Mr. Kingry stated that the height limitation of 35 feet is in conformity to other cities in the area, / -\fter hearing all those desiring to speak a motion was made by Commissioner Clemson that the public hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Commissioner Briggs and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckley Discussion was held among the Commissioners regarding the average height of buildings in the area. Planning Director Cushman stated that the average height is 35 feet. A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs that the City Attorney be instructed along with the Planning Director to draw a resol- ution recommending amending the City's Zoning Ordinance to read, " 35 foot height sign limitation ". Motion seconded by Commissioner Garvin and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ASSENT: Commissioners: Beckley 11. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS 1, Assistant City Attorney Flandrick stated he had 2 items to bring to the Commissions attention; one being the request of Planning Director Cushman to prepare a resolution recommending to the City Council the adoption by the Council an ordinance requiring a special use permit for the en -sale liquor est- ablishments within a 200 foot area of residential zones, Mr. Cushman stated that for an existing establishment which might be sold to a new owner as an existing establishment, they would not fall under this special use of conditional use permit, they would stay as it. Assistant City Attorney Flandrick reviewed the resolution and presented it to the Commission. RESOLUTION NO, 65 -1 r 4PC : A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANK L COM- I SS I ON OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF CERTAIN ZONING REGULATIONS RELATING TO CON- DITIONAL USE PERMITS, 1 1 Planning Commission Minutes Page Six Septembe r 1, 1965 A motion was made by Commissioner Clemson that Resolution 'do. 65 -174PC be adopted and that recommended Ordinance N°o, 65 -163 be forwarded to the City Council for adoption. Motion seconded by Commissioner Garvin and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Briggs, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckley 2. Discussion among the Commissioners was held regarding receiving copies of the Planning Commission Resolutions in their packets. Commissioner Briggs requested copies of all resolutions concerning the Planning Commission be included in his packet. Discussion was also held on the Commissioners each receiving copies of the plot plans to be presented at the meeting in their packets. It was a consensus of the Commissioners to receive copies of the plot plans so that they may have time to review them prior to the 'meeting. 3. Commissioner Briggs asked for a clarification from the Asst. City Attorney on the procedure to follow when a member of the Commission has a personal interest in a particular case before the Planning Commission, if he should disqualify himself or to vote. Assistant City Attorney Flandrick stated that you should disqualify yourself or abstain, either one. 12. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Commissioner Clemson, seconded by Commissioner Briggs that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting September 28, 1965, at 7 :30 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9 :15 P.M. :':"i TES T 1 444,1 tL airman, annfrig Commi ss ion