HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1965/11/08 - Regular!P LAI'!:! I !G COMMISSION REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING ;November 8, 1965 The Regular Adjourned Meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7 :05 P.M. by Chairman:Prb -Tem Clemson. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Beckley, Garvin, Clemson Commissioners: Briggs, arrived 7 :10 P.M. Johnston, arrived 7 :25 P.M. Absent: Commissioners: None Also Present: ;:a'`1 Koski and Ray Cushman along with several interested property owners concerned with Zone Variance Case No. 6-171. Planning Director Cushman briefed the Commission on the City Attorneys request concerning Study Session discussions on possible zone changes or amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. The Commissioners at Study Sessions, should only decide that they wish to consider possible changes. r;(o detailed analysis or arrival at tentative conclusions should be made. Instead, once a consensus is reached that the Comm- ission wishes to consider a possible amendment, the staff should be instructed to set the matter for public hearing. Subsequent disc- ussions and conclusions then become part of the records of that public hearing. Discussion was held concerning possible re- zoning of property front- ing on Agnes and Rowland between Las Tunas and Woodruff. It was the consensus of the Commission that that it is to be considered. Staff was than instructed to set the matter for public hearing. Also re- quested was review of records of original zoning meetings to deter- mine, if possible, reasoning for existing zoning. Discussion was held concerning various problems involved in Zone Variance Case No. 65 -171, the YMCA application. Planning Director Cushman reported that the Traffic Engineer George Envalt had been briefed concerning the on- street parking problem on Rowland.. The Commission reviewed the problem of poor access to the rear of 5926 Rowland even if a parking area were required there. It was noted that the ‘::aptist Church parking area was only 5J feet to the north. Since the Church is the present owner of the subject property, an agreement to permit "Y" parking in the Church lot might be considered as a condition of grant. It was noted that only dive residential lots remain in private ownership. The Nazarene Church owns the house at 5920 Rowland and the D:aptist Church owns the two properties at 5945 and 5951 Rowland. That leaves 4 lots on the west side of Row- land and only one, at 5928 on the east side. Several possible solutions to the parking problem were discussed. Suggested: marking parking spaces, posting street for timed parking and marking a`pass- enger loading zone in front of the subject property. City Manager Koski noted that all these suggestions are problems for the Traffic Commission. The Planning Commission could recommend these to the Traffic Commission or local residents could request them. S=taff was asked to learn current status of Rowland Avenue study by Traffic Commission and report at meeting of November 9, 1965, The possibility of requiring sidewalks was also mentioned. Staff reported the current problem of parked cars, trucks and trailers in front and sideyards, other than on driveways. - City Manager Koski reported the City Attorney is preparing an ordinance that should effectively stop this practice which is bringing frequent complaints from neighbors. The problem of tenants moving into commercial areas and being in business and in zoning violation before discovered was discussed. Staff is to investigate and report to Commission on possible solut- ions; specifically suggested was use of an Occupancy Permit procedure. 1 1 1 Regular Adjourned Meeting Page Two :!ove be r 8, 1965 Planning Director Cushman reported formation of the Service Station Regulation Committee of the West San Gabriel Valley Planning Council. The work of that group will be helpful to Temple City in our present study of possible regulations of gas stations. The annexation program was discussed extensively. City Manager Koski noted staff is preparing varied publicity items and hopes to have them ready by the end of November. As soon as ready, this material will be distributed to Commissioners. A possible City policy statement concerning County approved zoninc matters. Staff was as':ed to investigate report at the next Study Session, Nov- ember 22nd. It was the concensus of the Commissioners that they would like to recommend some such policy to the Council. Commissioner Briggs noted he had been informed of a possible interest in developing property on Lower Azusa Road. It is presently in a potential C -2 zone. It was the consensus of the Commissioners that they were in accord with that potential zoning and would welcome the filing of a proposed site development and zone change application. ADJODUMET: The meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting November 9, 1965. Meeting adjourned at 9 :40 P.M. ATTEST: V,( City C e r :: airman 11/ PLANK I 'G COMMISSION M PUTES CITY OF TEMPLE CITY November 9, 1965 1. A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was held in the City Hall, 5938 North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnston at 7:30 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Johnston. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston Absent: Commissioners: Briggs Also Present: Ray Cushman, Robert Flandrick 4. AP?ROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Beckley that the Regular Adjourned Meeting Minutes of October 25, 1965 be approved as corrected per paragraph 2 and 6, 1st page to insert "recommended" amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Motion seconder` by Commissioner Garvin and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs A motioa was made by Commissioner Garvin that the Regular Meeting Minutes of October 26, 1965 be approved as written. Motion sec - onded by Commissioner Beckley and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs 5. OLD BUSINESS COMMISSION DISCUSSION CONTINUED FROM MEETING OF OCTOBER 26, 1965. ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65 -171 Temple City YMCA - Applicant 9929 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, California First Baptist Church of Temple City - Owner 9948 Woodruff Avenue Temple City, California SITE: 5926 North Rowland Avenue Chairman Johnston announced that the public hearing on this case had been closed at the meeting of October 26, 1965. No additional testimony could be taken at this time. It was the task of the Planning Commission to arrive at a decision on the case and the Chairman opened discussion by asking staff to report on the curr- ent status of the Traffic Commission investigation of the parking problem on Rowland Avenue. Planning Director Cushman read from the Traffic Commission Minutes dated November 3, 1965 as follows: "Mr. Envall stated that com- plaints have been received by the Planning Director regarding the parking problem on Rowland Avenue due to the Y.M.C.A., leased building owned by the Baptist Church. The building was used in the summer time by the Y.M.C.A. who operated a swimming school on the premises. Parking was a problem at that time but since the Y.M.C.A. has taken over, the problem has increased considerably. Since parking was restricted on Las Tunas Drive due to Pacific Telephone employees parking all day on the main street, these people are now parking on both Rowland and Agnes. Planning Commission Minutes Page Two November 9, 1965 Mr. Envall suggested that both Agnes and Rowland be surveyed for marked parking stalls and /or Ted curb as was done on Primrose and Cloverly. The Commission was teminded that it was agreed that these parking problems on side °streets adjacent to Las Tunas Dr. would be handled one or two at a time as the need arose. Comm- issioner Maxey moved to request staff to investigate and report to the next meeting, seconded by Commissioner Garver." Discussion was held regarding conditions that could be stipulated as part of granting the variance such as the items discussed at the Study Session regarding the existing parking problems on Row- land and Agnes and that the Traffic Commission investigate the possibility of red curbs and /or marked parking stalls; the YMCA signs; hours of operation; the construction of sidewalks; use of the parking lot and passenger loading zone. Commissioner Garvin felt that if an extended summer program is developed and children are going to be riding bicycles to the "Y" sufficient bicycle racks should be provided to the rear of the existing house. Comm- issioner Clemson felt that the hours of operation for the swimmin- pool should be limited to the daylight hours; that the curb in front should be designated as a passenger loading zone; use of the parking lot and agreed with Commissioner Garvin on the bike racks; that suitable signs should be agreed upon. Commissioner Beckley felt that the sign in the front yard should be on the property of the YMCA. Chairman Johnston felt that the hours of the swimming pool should be seriously considered with the poss- ibility that the pool could be used a couple of hours in the evening, with the curfew being 9 :00 P.M. and not be used before 9:00 A.M. A motion was made by Commissioner Garvin that the variance be granted with the following conditions imposed: a. Development of the subject property shall be in accord with plot plan, Exhibit "A". b. That unlimited use of parking facilities on the property owned by the 1st 3apt i st Church to the north of the subject property be permitted and an agreement formalizing such use be filed with the Secretary of the Commission which agreement shall provide 30 days notice to the City on termination or alteration thereof. c. That the sign designating such parking facilities not exceed six (6) square feet of sign face area, be provided in the front yard area. d. That the applicant agree to waive any rights to protest any assessment district providing required construction of side- walks on the subject property or vicinity. e. That the hours of operation of the swimming pool be limited to the hours between 9:00 A.M. and 9 :00 P.M. of any day. f. That the applicant provide and maintain sufficient bicycle racks located to the rear of the existing house. g. That the "YMCA" sign shall be permitted on the face of the existing house and one such sign in the front yard area shall not exceed the customarily used sign by the YMCA Organization. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clemson and carried by the follow- ing roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: !eckley, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston NOES: Commissioners: None ARSE?T: Commissioners: 3riggs Assistant City Attorney Flandrick reviewed the conditions and presented the proposed resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 65-180PC: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING A VARIANCE I N ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65- 1%1 WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS. Planning Commission Minutes Page Three November 9, 1965 Title to Resolution No. 65 -180PC was read by Assistant City Attorney Flandrick. A motion was made by Commissioner Clemson to waive further read - ing and adopt. Motion seconded by Commissioner Garvin and carr- ied by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston Commissioners: None Commissioners: Briggs 6. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 65-1-12 Seeman School L'liza Gertrude Salvas (OA) 4941 Halifax Road Temple City, California SITE: 4949 Hallowell Avenue Temple City, California Chairman Johnston announced that now was the time and place for the public hearing. Verification of public notice was given by the Secretary. Planning Director Cushman presented the original application. The Chairman ordered same marked Exhibit "A" and made a part of the record. The Planning uirector then orally presented factual data pertaining to the case and his written report, substantially as given orally was received in evidence by the Chairman, marked Exhibit "B ". The maps placed for public and Planning Commission view were ordered marked Exhibit "C" and received in evidence. The Exhibits were then viewed by the Comm- issioners. Appearing in favor: Mr. Harry Mock of the Law Firm of Sklar, Mock, 1J! l l i amson 5. Rodosky, Suite 1414 Travelers Building, 3600 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, representing Mrs. Gertrude Wiza Salvas, applicant of the variance. Mr. Mock stated that Mr. E. G. Howe, builder and architect of the proposed building could give the Commission further details on the building itself, and show on the diagrams and exhibits where the projected building will be and also where the play area will be. Mr. E.G. Howe, Builder and Architect of the proposed building. Mr. Howe stated that the dormitory will be located on the west side of the property with a minimum sideyard of 15 feet; sleeping quarters are around the perimeter, assembly in the center; the building will be insulated, play yard will be located on the east side of the building. The old existing buildings will, at a later date, be brought up to today's standards and at that time the corral will no loncer be in use. Commissioner Garvin questioned Mr. Howe in regard to why the pro- posed building is so close to the minimum setLack requirement of 15 Feet instead of say 35 feet because of sufficient room. Mr. Howe stated that the building could possibly be moved to the center of the property but Mrs. Salvas should be the person to make that decision. Attorney Mock stated Mrs. Salvas had intended to be at the hearing, but was unable to attend because of illness. The Commission felt that the applicant or a representative of the school itself should be present at this public hearing. Chairman Johnston asked if there was anyone in the audience that could speak for the school itself. Appearing in favor: Mr. Mike Chamness, 5116 D leeker, Baldwin Park. Mvlr. Chamness is a teacher at Seeman School and stated that he could possibly answer questions and give more helpful infor- mation, but could only speak for himself not frirs. Salvas. Planning Commission Minutes Page Four .'!ovembe r 9, 1965 Mr. Chamness stated that the boys at Seeman School range in age from 5 -20, that at the School they are able to receive an educ- ation; recreation facilities are available on a 24 hour basis. The boys are now being housed in 2 dormitories and one cottage; there are 3 classrooms with approximately 60 of the 78 boys being educated. Commissioner Beckley questioned Mr. Chamness if there was any screening done and what requirements are imposed. Mr. Chamness stated that a boy to be accepted by the school has to be able to feed himself, keep himself clean; the boy and his parents are interviewed thoroughly when they apply to the school; there are more boys turned away than accepted. Mr. Chamness stated that this school is not for delinquent or mentally defficient children. These children are mentally retarded and are not dangerous. Commissioner Clemson asked of the status of the school . of this type that are in the area and if there was a dearth of schools. Mr. Chamness stated there is a dearth of schools now and that Seeman School has more applicants now than they can manage to take care of. Commissioner Clemson also asked how the boys are supervised during the day and bed time hours. Mr. Chamness stated there are 3 women and 2 men who reside on the grounds of the school the majority of the help live off the property, there are 3 teachers during the day; the middle age group has the largest class and the children that are not in school are in the dorms with 2 personnel on duty at all times. The children are generally under supervision at all times and supervised during the play periods which occur once in the morn- ing and once in the afternoon. Commissioner Johnston asked if the teachers at the school had California Teaching Credentials. Chamness stated that he did not know this; he also stated that there is a great need in this area for a school of this type and that schools of this type usually do not work out if they are in a remote area. He pointed out again to the Comm- ission that these children are not of the dangerous_type, they are not delinquent children nor are they psychotic; the children have more to fear from the outside children , they are easy to control and handle and that adults seem to have a misconception of the mentally retarded children; discipline is almost nill and they are not emotionally distrubed children. Commissioner Clemson re- affirmed that if the Commission grants this variance the new building will take in the larger boys and the existing building will house the smaller boys. Mr. Chamness stated that this was correct. Commissioner Garvin asked if all the students are there on a 24 hour basis. Mr. Chamness stated that on a daily basis the children do not go home, but on occ- asion go home for the Christmas Holidays and special occasions. He also stated that they do have boys at the school that have epileptic seizures and it is a characteristic for them to let out a slight noise which is of course unpleasant to hear. Mr. Chamness stated the school is state licensed and approved. They are planning to put 20 beds in the new dormitory and the increase of the number of boys and the dormitory would probably require an increase in employees which would involve probably one more teacher and one more relief employee. Chairman Johnston asked the Commission if they would like to defer this request until the applicant or a representative of the school could be contacted to attend the public hearing or keep the public hearing open so that further testimony could be received at the next regular meeting and also c;o ahead at this meeting and hear the testimony from the opposition present to- night. The Commissioners unanimously agreed that the public hearing should remain open and also that the testimony from the opposition present tonight be heard and received in evidence as part of the record. Planning Commission Minutes Page Five November 9, 1965 Appearing in opposition: ihir. Thomas O'Laughlin, 4913 North Halifax Road, Temple City. He stated that his main thought was that curbs, gutter and dedication should be made as a condition of grant along Halifax Road. Chairman Johnston asked Mr. O'Lau- ghlin that if this was a condition of grant would he be in favor of the granting of the variance. Mr. O'Laughlin answered "Yes" he would be. Also appearing in opposition were the following: Mr. Victor H. King, 5018 Arden Drive, Temple City. Mr. King lives directly behind the proposed new building. Mr. King stated that this school is misplaced in the area and that improvements need to be made. He also stated that he is opposed to the Planning Comm- ission granting this variance. At this time, City Attorney Flandrick clarified to the members of the audience that the Planning Commission cannot make the school vacate because their permit with the County is valid until 19'8. The only decision the Commission can make will pertain to the request to build a new dormitory and the increase of the boys from 78 to 100. Mr, King stated that the land value in that immediate area is going up and the school should not be allowed in a residential zone. He has lived at this location since 1955 and was not aware at the time of purchasing the property what type of school was located there. Discus :ion was held regarding a school being located in an R -1 zone. Commissioner reec'.:1ey stated that most of the other schools in the Temple City area are in an R -1 zone or adjacent to the zoned property. Mr. King also stated that there is abnormal noise coming from the school 24 hours a day; the property is not developed now to today's standards and it would be more of a hardship on the school at a later date if this variance was granted. lamas A. Leslie, 10410 iii Joann, Temple City. Mr. Leslie stated that his property is to the north of the subject property; he has lived there for 10 years and is opposed to the expansion of the school; he has on occasion heard foul language from the boys and they also used to throw items over the fence; weeds are not taken care of on the outside of the fence; the fence is 8 to 10 feet high at the rear of his property and he does not like the idea the noise will be increasing; he has no intentions at this time of moving to another area and he was aware of the school when he purchased his property. Mr. L. E. Hedrick, 10420 Milo - an,n, lived there for 1A- years. He feels that because the owners of the owners of the subject property have filed this variance that in 1978 they will be granted an extension on their permit from the County; will increase noise, did not know what type of school this was and the school will be putting another foot in the door to be able to expand. Mrs. Paul Kuc;ler, 10232 East La Rosa Drive, Temple_ City living west of Arden. She stated the view from her home is an ugly one and feels this variance should not be granted; the neighbors have had trouble with Mrs. Salves in the past; the school is undesireable in the area; sha hopes the Commission will probe into this matter thoroughly before they reach their decision. Mrs. Kluger asked if her test- imony would be a part of the record as she would not be able to attend the next regular meeting due to working. Commissioner Garvin assured her that testimony received tonight would be a part of the record, Planning Commission Minutes Page Six sovembe r 9, 1965 Mrs. F. J. Gallagher, 5117 Arden Drive, Temple City, lives directly across from the Seeman School. She stated that the neighbors have had many troubles with Mrs. Salves; that the school is very unsightly from where she lives; the fence is not suitable on the Arden side; the view devaluates the value of her property; the screening at that point is torn and bad to look at; this lessens her chance of selling her home; the noise is heart - breaking to hear when the children do have these epileptic seiz- ures; children occasionally get over the fence and that a proper wall should be a condition of grant. Commission Garvin asked if she would be in favor of granting this variance if proper fencing were a condition. She stated her feelings would be more favor- able. Claude Rose, 5020 Arden Drive, Temple City, has lived at above address for 12 years; the school has old run -down build- ings; . noise is a great factor; he did not know what type of school this was when he purchased his home; is against the granting of this variance under any circumtances. Mr. Anthony He rmanez, 5020 Halifax Road, Temple City, has lived there for 18 years. He stated the property in unsightly and devaluates his property; was aware of the school when he pur- chased his home, but did not know at that time what type of school this was. If this variance was granted he felt that proper dedication along with curbs and gutters should be put in along Halifax Road and even if this was a condition of grant he would still be opposed to tha Commissioners granting this request. Mr. Jac': Mariet, 5027 Arden Drive, Temple City, has lived at that address for 7 years and was not aware of the school at the time he purchased his property. Mr. Mariet asked if this building was going to be a two -story or one story building. Mr. Chamness, Teacher at the School, stated that the plans call for a one story building. Mr. Mariet also stated that granting this variance would open the door to additional expansion; that in the future the school will want to have the main entrance at Arden and La Rosa directly across the street from his property and he is opposed to the variance being granted as it now stands or at any time in the future. Chairman Johnston requested the members of the audience that were in opposition to the granting of this variance to raise their hands. The complete audience did so. Discussion was held among! the Commissioners on the next regular meeting date and it was unanimous that this variance be continued to the next regular meeting of November 23, 1965 at 7 :30 P.M. Chairman Johnston asked Attorney Mock is holding this meeting over would work a hardship on Mrs. Salves, applicant of this variance. Attorney Mock stated he felt Salves would not mind this request. After hearing all those desiring to speak a motion: was made by Commissioner Clemson that this variance be continued to the next regular meeting of iiovember 23, 1965 at 7:30 P.. and this be the first item on the agenda with staff notifying the applicant or a representative of the school to be present at this meeting so that further testimony could be taken. Motion seconded by Comm - issioner Beckley and carried by the following roll call vote: .YES: Commissioners: Beckley, Clemson, Garvin, Johnston V0ES: Commissioners: None "ter T` - Commissioners: Briggs City. Attorney F1andrick presented on a sheet of yellow paper 21 names and addresses of persons present who opposed the granting of Zone Variance Case io. 65 -172 that being Seeman School and marked it as received in evidence Exhibit "A" for the opposition. 1 1 1 Planning Commission Minutes Page Seven November 9, 1965 A member of the audience stated that she had not received the Notice of Proposed Variance in the mail. Planning Director Cushman clarified to the members of the audience that the notices are sent only to the residences within the 300 foot radius. It was established at this time that this persons residence was out- side the 300 foot radius. Chairman Johnston called for a 5 minute recess at 9:35 P.M. The meeting was re- convened at 9 :42 P.M. for further items of disc- ussion on the agenda. 7. OLD DUS (NESS a. The discussion of the Proposed Ordinance on Variances and Conditional Use Permits was continued to the next regular meeting. b. Commissioner Garvin inquired of the progress by Planning Dir- ector Cushman on Service Station Regulations. Planning Dir- ector Cushman stated that a committee had been formed in the ;lest San Gabriel Valley on this matteranr' that as soon as the information i s firmed up it wi 1 1 be brouht to a Study Session for Commission discussion. Discussion was held on Section 299.23 of the Zoning Ordinance and the meaning of "limited to retail sales of petroleum products and automotive access- ories" definition in that Section. City Attorney Flandric;; stated that in his opinion the ordinance did not prohibit retail sales of articles other than those listed. However, such a prohibition could be written into ordinance form. 8. ADJO!.!:!;;ENT: A motion was made by Commissioner Garvin that the meeting ;De adjourned to the next regularly scheduled adjourned meet i :n_; of November 22, 1965 at 7:00 P.M. Motion carried unan- imously. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 P.M. ATTEST: