HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1966/08/09 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES City of Temple City August 9, 1966 1. A Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was held in the City Hall, 5938 N. Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Garvin at 7:30 P.M. 2.. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: led by Chairman Garvin. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Also Present: The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Oakley, Garvin Commissioners: None Karl Koski, Robert Flandrick, George Dragicevich 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commissioner Oakley that the minutes of the Regular Adjourned Meeting of July 11, 1966 be approved as mailed. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES ABSENT: Commissioners: Commissioners: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, None None Oakley, Garvin A motion was made by Commissioner Beckman, seconded by Commiss- ioner Oakley that the minutes of the Regular Meeting July 12, 1966 be approved as mailed. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners: Commissioners: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Oakley, Garvin None None 5. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 66 -189 Oliver and Carol Storkan 10731 East Freer Street Temple City, California Chairman Garvin announced that now was the time and place for the public hearing. Verification of public notice was given by the Secretary. Planning Director Dragicevich presented the original application. The Chairman ordered same marked Exhibit "A" and made a part of the record. The Planning Director then orally presented the factual data report and his written report, sub- stantially as given orally was received in evidence by the Chair- man, marked Exhibit "B ". The maps placed for public and Planning Commission view were ordered marked Exhibit "C" and received in evidence. The Exhibits were then viewed by the Commission. Planning Director Dragicevich reviewed the factual data stating that the applicant's request is to expand the existing residentia building by adding a 323 square foot family room and a porch with less than the required rearyard setback. If the variance is granted, it is recommended by the staff that the existing drive- way approach be removed and replaced with full height curb, gutter and sidewalk and a new driveway apron be constructed according to City standards and specifications. The proposed new addition would have a 6' rearyard setback and the zoning regulations require 15'. Commissioner Oakley was concerned with the width of the driveway and felt there should be ample room for two cars to park side by side sufficient enough so that a boat, trailer, etc. could be parked there. 1 1 Planning Commission MinuEes Page Two August 9, 1966 Appearing in favor: Mr. Oliver Storkan, owner- applicant, 10731 East Freer Street, Temple City. Mr. Storkan stated he would also like to have ample room so that two cars could park side by side and would be willing to have a 17' wide driveway. After hearing all those desiring to speak for or against a motion was made by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commissioner Oakley to close the public hearing. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Oakley, Garvin NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None Commissioner Beckman stated that he would be in favor of this request because it would be improving the property; Commissioner Briggs also was in favor and was not concerned with the driveway situation. Commissioner Oakley stated he would also be in favor with the condition that a 17' driveway be constructed and along with the staff recommendations. A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commissioner Beckman that the City Attorney be instructed to draw a Resolution granting this request with the conditions that the driveway be constructed and maintained not less than 17' in width; the exist -, ing driveway approach be removed and replaced with full height curb, gutter and sidewalk; a new driveway apron be constructed according to City standards and specifications. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Oakley, Garvin NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None Chairman Garvin clarified to the Commission that in the future all Resolutions will be prepared by the City Attorney and pre- sented at the next regular meeting for their adoption. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 66 -190 Joe Natter for Rettan Corp. 9438 East Gidley Street Temple City, California SITE: 9440 thru 9502 E. Gidley- Street Temple City, California Chairman Garvin announced that now was the time and place for the public hearing. Verification of public notice was given by the Secretary. Planning Director Dragicevich presented the original application. The Chairman ordered same marked Exhibit "A" and made a part of the record. The Planning Director then orally presented the factual data report and his written report, sub- stantially as given orally was received in evidence by the Chair- man, marked Exhibit "B ". The maps placed for public and Planning Commission view were ordered marked Exhibit "C" and received in evidence. The Exhibits were then viewed by the Commission. Planning Director Dragicevich reviewed the factual data stating that the applicant's request is to build a manufacturing plant with less than the required parking spaces and parking space size. The subject property is adjacent to the existing property and facilities owned by the corporation. Currently, the subject area is occupied by small industrial (electrical, metal and wood - shop) buildings. Planning Commission Minutes Page Three August 9, 1966 Exhibit "A" shows proposed buildings, containing 28,810 square feet and parking lot area with 17,418 square feet and 62 parking spaces. Proposed dimensions of parking spaces are 8.6' x 20'. Landscaping amounts to 925 square feet or 5.3 percent of the parking lot area. Loading area is also proposed northerly of the warehouse building. The 11,400 square foot new factory will be used for assembling of vacuum cleaners, the chief product of the corporation. The proposed buildings will employ 35 persons in addition to the existing 70 employees. It is the recommenda- tionof the staff that if this variance is granted, dedication of a 30 foot strip on Gidley Street, south of the center line, for the right -of -way purposes along the frontage of all prop- erties owned by the applicant be made; that improvements be made along the full frontage with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveway approaches, and street trees in accordance with the plans sub - mitted'to and approved by the Director of Public Works. At issue is the proposed parking spaces being 62 with the requirement of 108 and the proposed parking space size being 82' x 20' instead of the required 91' x 20'. Appearing in favor: Mr. Joe Natter, owner- applicant for Rettan Corporation, 9438 Gidley Street, Temple City. Mr. Natter stated that he believed they were above the County regulations with 62 parking : spaces which would involve about 90 employees. He also commented that for the past 3 to 4 days, he had been taking a. survey of the parked cars on Cloverly, Gidley and found from 36- 46 cars parked on the street, however all of these may not belong to Natter's Corporation. When the expansion is complete they will have about 25 additional employees coming from the Los Angeles plant and felt that 62 parking spaces would be adequate for the new building. They are 43 parking spaces now, with 19 of them being used for storage area in the front of the building, and by dedicating the 30 foot strip they will be losing 15 parking spaces. The employees .. work two shifts,. (day and night) and along with the 24 parking spaces that will be retained and the 62 additional spaces there will be a total of 86 available. Comm- issioner Oakley, asked Mr. Natter if the existing parking space sizes were also sub- standard and Mr. Natter said yes, they are 82' x 18' which was the County requirement at the time the build- ing was constructed. Commissioner Oakley was also concerned with the existing warehouse and and asked Mr. Natter if this would be used for anything other than a warehouse in the future, and would he mind if a condition were made that this building be used only for warehouse purposes in the future. Mr. Natter stated that he would be in agreement with this condition. Commissioner Oakley also asked ' "Mr. Natter if he would want to tear down the existing warehouse'' building and use that area for additional parking. Mr. Natter stated no, he would not tear the building down. Comm- issioner Oakley felt that the applicant was too far from the total of parking spaces required. Mr. Natter stated that when the 30 foot strip is dedicated to the City they will be losing about 14,000 square feet and also stated that this building is not going to be cheap one, the estimated cost is about $350,000 and wished to show the Commission a colored rendering at this time. The Commission viewed the rendering and a small photograph was submitted and marked as Exhibit "D ". The Commission was concerned if the decision would have to be made tonight and Mr. Natter said yes, they were anxious to construct the building as soon as poss- ible.because if this is not granted, they will have to find a new location somewhere else. Chairman Garvin asked if the employee shifts would be equally split and Mr. Natter stated about 2 to 1. Appearing as neutral: Mrs. H. Meyer, 4503 Fiesta, Temple City. She wondered why she had received a notice of the public hearing . in the mail. Chairman Garvin explained that anyone living within a 300' radius by law receives a notice of the public hearing and whether they appear in favor or in opposition or wish not to appear at all is up to the individual. Planning Commission Minutes Page Four August 9, 1966 Also appearing in favor: Mr. William Krisel, Architect for Rettan Corporation. Mr. Krisel stated that there will be 62 additional parking spaces in conjunction with the new building. Mr. Krisel stated he thought a total of 86 parking spaces would be adequate for the amount of employees and felt Temple City's requirements were quite restrictive. Appearing in opposition were the following: Mrs. C.E. Palmer, 9415 Gidley Street, Temple City. Mrs. Palmer felt this would not be adequate parking spaces; that the employees are now parking on the north side of Gidley and are also eating lunches on resi- dential properties, leaving papers, lunch bags, etc., after they are finished. She also stated that the loading and unloading is done in the middle of the street between 3 :00 P.M. and 5 :00 P.M. and no one can, get by the trucks during that time and wondered where this would be done in the future. Chairman Garvin stated that the plot plan shows a loading dock off - street and assumed the loading and unloading would be done there. Mrs. Palmer stated there is now bumper to bumper parking on the streets and would be against the granting of this request. Mr. Joe Mieste, 9516 Gidley Street, Temple City. Mr. Mieste stated that if the entire street is widened he will lose parking spaces as well as everyone else on the street. Chairman Garvin stated this street widening will only affect Mr. Natter not the entire block. Mr. Mieste thought that the streets would be too over crowded with parked cars. Mr. Ralph Bonzer, 9508 Gidley Street, Temple City. Mr. Bonzer said that he had talked with Mr. Dragicevich and he told him that all of the properties on Gidley would have to be dedicated and widened and also curbs and gutters constructed. Planning Director Dragicevich stated that he told Mr. Bonzer that in the future, the entire street will be widened, but did not state that it would have to be done at this time. Chairman Garvin said that the issue tonight has to do with the applicant only and does not affect anyone else. Mrs. Fred Cannon, 4515 North Cloverly Avenue, Temple City. Mrs. Cannon stated that Mr. Natter keeps a very clean plant, but she is fed up with the employees of the plant. There is excessive noise during the night and when the employees leave they make excessive noise with their cars. Chairman Garvin said that this is zoned M -2 Heavy Industrial Uses and the noise factor is not at issue in this request. Mrs. Florine Hussar, 176:Chestnut, San Gabriel and owner of the property located at 4520 Cloverly Avenue, Temple City. Mrs. Hussar stated that most of the homes in that area were built before the plant and felt that Mr. , Natter should have to abide by the parking requirements of the City and the Municipal Code. Mr. Joe Mieste, 9516 Gidley Street, Temple City., Mr. Mieste asked if he could cover his lot now and also have less than the required parking spaces. City Attorney Flandrick stated that this applies to the applicant only and if he wanted to do this he would have to apply for a zone variance as Mr. Natter did. Appearing in rebuttal: Mr. Joe Natter, 9438 E. Gidley Street, Temple City. In answer to some of the questions, Mr. Natter stated that the corner house was built after the plant and all of the property to the east and west was also built after the plant; sometimes there is a tie up of traffic on the street when the trucks are loading and unloading, but the trucks are doing this on private property that belongs to him. Planning Commission Minutes Page Five August 9, 1966 When the street is widened the trucks will be using the designa- ted area that is shown on the plot plan and this will ease the traffic problem. He also stated that he had talked with his employees and told them not to use the residential properties when eating their lunch and that there is going to be . a cafe- teria in the new building that will accommodate about 82 people. Along with this there will also be a patio. Mr. Stan Christiansen, Plant Manager for Rettan Corporation. Mr. Christiansen wished to clarify to the Commission and to the persons appearing in opposition, that all of the structures to the east will be torn down along with any other steel buildings and will be used for parking spaces and felt this would definitely help the loading and unloading problem that exists. After hearing all those desiring to speak for or against this request a motion was made by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commissioner Oakley to close the public hearing. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Garvin, Oakley NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None Commissioner Briggs stated that he would be in favor of this variance because the area is zoned for Heavy Industrial Uses and the noise factor is immaterial and felt that in the future a study should be made on parking requirements. Commissioner Beckman felt this would definitely improve the area and the app- licant is being very cooperative in dedicating the 30' right -of- way and felt by adding the additional 62 parking spaces a lot of the parking problem would be ceased. Commissioner Oakley said he is generally opposed to sub - standard parking stalls, but would be in favor of this request because it would be improving the area with the condition that the warehouse remain as such in the future and no other use be permitted. Chairman: Garvin agreed. A motion was made by Commissioner Oakley, seconded by Comm - issioner Beckman that the City. Attorney be instructed to draw a resolution granting this request with the following conditions: That the owner of the subject property shall dedicate for public street purposes, and all other uses appurtenant thereto, the northerly 30' of the subject property;_ the applicant shall con- struct and install the following improvements, along the Gidley Street frontage such as curbs, gutters, street improvements, sidewalks, driveway approaches and street trees in accordance with plans submitted to and approved by the Director of Public Works; that the applicant shall have and maintain not less than 62 off - street parking spaces as shown on the plot plan; that the use of the warehouse building remain as a warehouse and be used for no other purpose in the future. Motion carried by the follow- ing roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Oakley, Garvin NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None At this time Chairman Garvin recessed the meeting for. 5 minutes at 9 :00 P.M., The meeting was re- convened at 9:05 P.M. 7. PUBLIC HEARING :. CLARIFICATION OF SECTION 503 OF THE TEMPLE CITY ZONING CODE PERTAINING TO R -2 ZONING. Planning Commission Minutes Page Six August 9, 1966 Planning Director Dragicevich stated this is to clarify Section 503 of the Temple City Zoning Code to read in an R -2 zone, 2 single family dwellings or one (1) two family dwelling unit be permitted upon any R -2 zoned lot having in excess of 7,200 square feet of lot area. Planning Director Dragicevich stated that in discussing this item with the Planning Commission, it was their feelings that only 2 dwelling units per each 7,200 square feet be permitted except in cases that have deep lots at which time a zone variance could be filed. After noting that no one wished to speak for or against this request a motion was made by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commissioner Oakley to recommend to the City Council to set a public hearing on this matter. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES NOES ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Oakley, Garvin Commissioners: None Commissioners: None. A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commissioner Oakley to instruct the City Attorney to draw a resolution for the clarification of R -2 zoning to be adopted at the next regular meeting. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Oakley, Garvin Commissioners: None Commissioners: None 8. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A CHANGE IN ZONING REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO C -C (COMMERCIAL CENTER) ZONED PROPERTIES. Planning Director Dragicevich stated that the recommendation is a change of zone from C -2, General Commercial, to C -C Commercial Center Zone, along East Las Tunas Drive, between Oak Avenue and Golden West Avenue. The Planning Director also called to the attention of the Commission the proposed ordinance in their packet prepared by the City Attorney's and submitted a list of existing Commercial uses along Las Tunas that are not included in this proposal. Discussion was held on said uses and it was a consensus that this item should be placed on the agenda for the next regular adjourned meeting for further study. A motion was made by Commissioner Beckman, seconded by Commiss- ioner Oakley to close the public hearing, take thus under sub- mission and schedule this item for the next regular adjourned meeting of August 22, 1966 at 7 :30 P.M., for further study. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES :_ NOES: ABSENT.: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Oakley, Garvin Commissioners: None Commissioners: None 9. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER .A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM C -2, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, TO C - C, COMMERCIAL CENTER ON E. LAS TUNAS, BETWEEN OAK AVENUE AND GOLDEN WEST AVENUE. Planning Director Dragicevich stated this item was in conjunction with the . previous item and felt this also should be set for the next regular adjourned meeting. Planning Commission Minutes Page Seven - " August 9, 1966 A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commiss- ioner Oakley to close the public hearing, take this under sub- mission and schedule this item for the next regular adjourned meeting of August 22, 1966 at 7:30 P.M., for further study. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Oakley, Garvin NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None 10. OLD BUSINESS (a) Child Day Care, P.C. Resolution No. 66 -205PC Planning Director Dragicevich stated that the City Council at its meeting of July 19, 19.66 held a public hearing on the subject recommendations made by the Planning Commission and following due deliberations referred the matter back to the Planning Commission for the specific purpose of review of the need of additional controls and possible permit or lic- ense for the operation of such activities, and wished the Commission to place it on the August 9th agenda. City Manager Koski stated the Council thought there should be stringent controls stipulated such as health requirements, chargeable fees, etc. City Attorney Flandrick felt that a copy of the County requirements could be obtained for study. The Commission instructed the staff to obtain a copy of said requirements. Chairman Garvin wanted to move this item to the regular adj- ourned meeting August 22, 1966 and asked the Planning Dir- ector to obtain a copy of the County report and also the sit- uations in the surrounding cities and if any inquiries had been made on this matter, what they were and the facts per -' taining to them. Commissioner Oakley stated that the polic -. ing of this administratively and what have you, plus my orig. inal recommendations of this semi - commercial intrusion in a residential zone, this is not the place for it, the most sacred area we have is the R -1 and R -2 zones and to allow these things to inch in is, I think, a great mistake and then have to police it, license it, get staff to pay people . to take care of it in an R -1 and R -2 zone isn't really the way it should be done, and wanted to say again it is a great mistake in these zones. The basic use of R -1 and R -2 zone, is to be the most remote from any kind of commercial area as you can. Chairman Garvin asked where this would be put and' Commission Oakley said outside of an R -1 or R -2 zone. In other words, R -3, R -4, C -M Zones. Commissioner Oakley said where you tend to get the places where the people are away the entire day where it is not true in an R -1 or R -2 zone. Chairman Garvin when you are talking about just three unrelated children, now this would force somebody int- erested in doing this type of work that lives in an R -1 or R -2 zone to set up a business in an R -3 zone. Commissioner Oakley felt this should be a properly licensed business such as licensed under the State and other agencies for larger groups with the proper place to care for them and where they are in the correct zones. Commissioner Briggs stated this could be limited to a number of children that could be taken care of, but he has a family with 7 children living next door, what do you do in case like that. Commissioner Oakley said limiting is not the point, the point is this is a semi - commercial use and you cannot control other peoples children in the same manner you can your own and when you are dealing with your neighbors. Planning Commission Minutes Page Eight August 9, 1966 Commission Briggs was in agreement to a certain extent, but didn't feel this is a real business in that sense because they are not making that much money. Commissioner Oakley said, no, the money is not the real test, but that is the reason people are taking care of children and this is not a compatible use in an R -1 or R -2 zone. Planning Director Dragicevich stated that he had received many inq- uiries on this subject. This item was placed on the agenda for the next Regular Adjourned Meeting, August 22, 1966. (b) Driveway Width for Lot Splits City Attorney Flandrick suggested this matter be deferred and the recommendations of the Planning Director be in- cluded in the new zoning ordinance. A motion was made by Commissioner. Briggs, seconded by Comm- issioner Beckman that the recommendation of the City Att- orney be approved. Motion carried by the following roll call. vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners: Beckman, Briggs, Oakley, Garvin Commissioners: None Commissioners: None 11. COMMUNICATIONS Planning Director Dragicevich read a memo from the Public Works Director regarding a recommendation made to the Planning Comm- ission from the Traffic Commission regarding two parking spaces per unit plus an additional i space per bedroom for apartments and if this recommendation was being considered by the Planning Commission and wished a staff report. City Attorney Flandrick stated this could be incorporated in the new zoning ordinance. 12. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK. None 13. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS (a) City Attorney Flandrick stated that a joint meeting of the City Council & the Planning Commission had been held on Kennels and it was their opinion that a Conditional Use Permit be required. (b) Planning Director Dragicevich stated there will be a meeting of the Southern California Planning Congress, August llth. in Santa Monica. Topic will be "Where Do You Put A Freeway, Out To Sea ". (c) Planning Director Dragicevich also stated that the regular meeting of September 13, 1966 is the same night of the Annexation Election and wonder if this would be a conflict. City Manager Koski said no. (d) Commissioner Oakley asked when the warehouse parking could be placed on the agenda so it could be studied. City Att- orney Flandrick felt this could be considered when the new Zoning Ordinance is done. Commissioner Oakley wished to have it looked at and would like to see the parking stalls kept to the legal size in the code instead of varying in such a wide degree from the code requirements. Commissioner Briggs felt that the parking requirements for manufacturing were also too stringent. Discussion was held on the poss- ibility of an Occupancy Permit being issued when an applica- tion'is made by a license. Planning Commission Minutes Page Nine August 9, 1966 14. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commis loner Oakley to adjourn to the next Regular Adjourned Meeting August 22, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 10 :00 P.M. ATTEST: City Clerk Chai , Planning Commission