HomeMy Public PortalAboutBrewster School Committee -- 2019-09-26 Minutes 1 ! , Brewster School Committee 1 � _ Thursday , September 26 , 2019 Brewster Town Hall 1 . Present for the Committee;; David Telman, Jessica Larsen, Marie Enochty, and Nicole Camp Present for the Administi'tation : Thomas Conrad, Giovanna Venditti , Carol Forgione, Keith Gauley, and Joanna Hughes Call to Order Chair Telman called the meeting to order at 6 ; 00 p . m . Citizens Speak None Agenda Changes - Hold H . Visioning Survey PRIORITY BUSINESS School Committee Vacancy Chair Telman was asked to push back the meeting to select a school committee member until October 21 s` . They would also like to move the deadline to accept applications to October 14th Motion : A motion was made by Marie Enochty and seconded by Jessica Larsen to enable then to enter into dialog about the vacancy. . Members voiced concerns about the process . Some members did not see the harm in extending the deadline while others felt a deadline was set and an applicant applied for the position . They shared confusion about the process . Chair Telman indicated that the applicant date has already been extended by the Select Board . A member inquired as to whose jurisdiction is it to appoint a school committee member? Ultimately the decision for any vacancy is filled by the Select Board to decide . They have been good about inviting school committee to attend . Actually it is not within the jurisdiction of the school committee . The motion was withdrawn . Hiring Process regarding School Committee Member being employed by the District The Superintendent gave a history of what transpired relative to the technology integration position at Stony Brook Elementary and the Middle School . Carol Forgione, Human Resource Director for the District shared the steps that were taken in the process and how this was vetted with the State Ethics Commission and DESE . The State Ethics Commission indicated a 30-day waiting period did not apply in this particular case because this was not an appointment by the school committee . The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education had no restrictions from their standpoint either. Members expressed their concern over their lack of knowledge about the position and expressed frustration that they were not informed about this at the August meeting. Marie Enochty indicated she will contact the State Ethics Board and share findings with the HR Director , The Superintendent indicated the Region is funding the majority of the position including health benefits . The cost to the Brewster budget will be the time spent at the elementary schools or about 15 % . This could be paid for through an Innovation Grant from MIT . Nicole Camp expressed her concern that the last couple of years the board has only had four members . She would like to see a full board to work on behalf of the children . I i Brewster School Committee Minutes September 26, 2019 [ 1] PTO Fundraising Events The PTO shared their proposed events for the year. Big fundraisers for them is the Brewster By the Bay Flea Market, the Pasta Dinner and a new fundraiser, the Fun Run . The Superintendent indicated that PTO ' s are 501 . 3 C ' s and their accounting goes through the federal government. They share their information as a courtesy and to make the school committee aware in the event there is a potential problem . Marie Enochty indicated that fundraising that takes place in the school must meet certain guidelines . There are parameters around fundraisers to ensure they are appropriate . The Superintendent indicated that school committee policy indicates that the schools may not fundraise in our schools representing corporations and there are specific guidelines that policy. Strategic Pian Presentation The Superintendent introduced Dr. Maxine Minkoff who is leading the Strategic Plan Committee in the District. Dr. Maxine Minkoff and Jessica Larsen presented a draft of the Strategic Plan to the committee . . Dr. Minkoff indicated the Strategic Plan is the guiding force which allows all stakeholders to work together to identify and set the course for its desired future . They want the document to be a living document that responds to accomplishments and changes needed in the years to come . It will impact teaching and learning. The Strategic Plan is a tool to use in School Improvement Plans and even with teachers creating goals . They want everyone to be able to know the Strategic Plan . They shared the work of the committee , how they got to this point and the work that needs to be done . They have created five working groups and they hope to get stakeholders to volunteer to be on a strategic goal working group that will meet 4- 6 times from November — February . They welcome feedback from everyone . Maxine Minkoff distributed information that included : Future Educational Trend Summary and an invitation to be on a working group . Jessica Larsen and Maxine Minkoff reviewed the Power Point Presentation that included : characteristics of a good plan, core committee members, summary of each school in the Nauset District, the changing educational landscape from 20th century teaching culture to 21St century learning culture , core values, mission statement, vision draft, strategic goals draft, explained the process and next steps the subcommittee will take by getting more stakeholders involved . A volunteer sheet was distributed if anyone was interested in being on a working group for one of the five goals . They are developing a website so that all the information can be easily accessible . On October 9th there will be a forum for staff and community about the Strategic Plan and feedback from stakeholders . Nicole Camp thanked Dr. Minkoff for explaining the student/teacher ratio on the slide presentation . She indicated that the student J teacher ratio is not I O- I at the schools but twice that number. The student/teacher ratio includes Administrators, counselors, therapists and any other individuals assisting in educational experience . Administrators ' Reports Principal Gauley reported that the opening at Stony Brook went extremely well . Seven new students registered over the summer and two moved out of Brewster. Project based learning professional development took place during the summer. Principal Hughes indicated that the opening at Eddy was great and everything is up and running. There are a lot of new students with four more coming into Grade 5 . The enrollment figure will be close to 250 . Second Graders transitioned well into their Third Grade classrooms . Thanks to the technology capital budget all third grade students have a I - I Wad . Open House had 76% attendance . NYA provided daycare with approximately 35 Brewster School Committee Minutes September 26, 2019 [2 ] parents taking advantage of this opportunity. Principal Hughes is looking at preliminary MCAS results that will/ be analyzed and presented to the committee . Superintendent ' s Report The Superintendent reported that the project based learning initiative had close to 80 teachers getting trained in this area. They continue to have PD with new initiatives that need a great deal of time . They are looking to try and find more time for further training through the school year. He reported that Restorative Justice and Restorative Practice is a workshop that took place for the Middle School and High School this past summer . A number of elementary principals attended the four- day workshop . The High School Building project has taken a tremendous amount of time . Principal Gauley, Principal Hughes, along with their colleagues has volunteered to get involved to help explain the project and provide information . Poster boards have been placed in schools, in lobby of town halls, councils on aging to bring awareness to the project. The Superintendent is speaking with PTO ' s next month about the project as this is an elementary project. It will take 4-5 years before anyone moves into the new facility. He further stated that is important to recognize that the Strategic Plan Committee has been working for 7 months . He thanked Jessica Larsen for participating on the committee, noting the good work that is being done in planning for the future of the District . He indicated that the opening of school went very smoothly across the District, noting the leadership is critical for this to happen . The Superintendent was asked about the Restorative Justice initiative and he suggested that he will have a presentation for school committees . He thought Principal Kobold and Principal Ellsasser could give committees an idea of how it is working in their buildings . Forty people went through the training and they want everyone to be on the same level understanding of the process . It was suggested this presentation take place at a Joint Meeting, The Superintendent will discuss this with the other chairs . FY19 Year End Giovanna Venditti reported that the balance at the end of the year at the Eddy School was $ 53 ,481 . The balance covered the negative balance at Stony Brook that was $ 52 ,344 . The remaining balance of $ 1 , 147 was returned to the town . Nauset High School Building Project The Superintendent distributed a brochure highlighting the project. He indicated that the building committee is comprised of representatives from each of the towns . He went to Boston on 4 separate days this summer to attend mandatory meetings with the MSBA . At the last meeting, the project was accepted into the schematic design phase . He indicated that the MSBA scripts everything and their process must be followed . In the schematic design phase they will look at all the mechanics and interior layouts . They have five months to accomplish this work. The Leadership team met to start this process . The Superintendent reported he will start the second round of meetings with Boards of Selectmen and Finance Committees . The project is being built for 905 students . The Nauset Regional School Committee voted to stay with the configuration of Grades 9 - 12 and 6- 8 . The final cost of the project will not be more than $ 140, 000 , 000 and the building committee has committed to a model . They will address security and the traffic flow around the building by having a series of gates for security. 60 % of the building will be renovated . They will be tearing down E building and the cafeteria . This will be a Community Learning Center for everyone . All citizens will be able to take advantage of the state of the art facility. This has been received tremendously well by the MSBA . The Superintendent also explained that they would like to offer an opportunity to expand offerings at the school that could include evenings and weekends . He is working with the elementary schools because they will be the first to enter the school . He would like parents to understand the vision . They are preparing a presentation will include : Why do we need the facility? He encouraged everyone to take the one hour tour at the High School on Wednesdays . It is the same tour the MSBA saw when they chose Brewster School Committee Minutes September 26, 2019 [3 ] Nauset in the second year. What will this project involve ? The Educational Plan that the staff has developed over time will drive the facility design . They anticipate the cost be around $ 92 , 000 , 000 after reimbursement from MSBA . HE also informed the committee that they are meeting with Town Accountants and Finance Directors on October 16th to talk about bonding and financing . The Superintendent is working on a school choice presentation . The Building Committee would like to take this to the voters at the spring 2020 town meetings . The Superintendent indicated that when you get accepted into the MSBA process , you stay on a schedule . All MSBA projects are going to their towns in the spring. Visioning — Tabled Reports and Information Cape Cod Collaborative — Maire Enochty reported that transportation was a big topic of discussion as the Collaborative is now assisting Monomoy with transportation . She reported that the All Cape Professional Development is on October 11th . Board members may attend the PD at Dennis Yarmouth High School . They are still looking for a site for Way Point . The Superintendent indicated that hiring drivers is an issue . They are looking at bonuses for anyone who wants to drive . PTO — no report School Council — no report Policy — no report Transportation — The Superintendent indicated they will be working on information in terms of seat belts . Substance Abuse — Jessica Larsen indicated that at the last meeting Dr. Caretti suggested the committee merge with the District Wellness Committee , Building Needs Assessment — no report Approval of Minutes On a motion by Marie Enochty, seconded by Jessica Larsen, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes of August 15 , 2019 . Adjournment On a motion by Jessica Larsen, seconded by Nicole Camp, it was voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7 : 40 p . m . Submitted by, Ann M. Tefft (included in packet : Admin . Reports, Homework Policy, Preschool Enrollment, minutes . Brewster School Committee Minutes September 26, 2019 [4]