HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1970/09/08 - RegularA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 8, 1970 1 INITIATION 1. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order by Chairman Atkins at 7:30 p.m., September 8, 1970. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Atkins. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Beckman,.Dennis, Garvin, Lawson, Atkins Absent: Commissioners: None Also Present: City Manager Koski, Asst. City Attorney White, Planning Director Dragicevich 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of July 28, 1970. There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, Commis- sioner Garvin moved they be approved as presented. Commissioner Lawson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (110%_1111.5111 ESS: 5. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE 70 -322 Mr, and Mrs. Steve Mi lo— Owner - Applicant 6211-6213 Oak Avenue Temple City, California A Site: 6213 Oak Avenue Temple City, California The Planning: Director gave the factual report, stating that the applicant proposes to expand an existing dwelling, occupied by owner, on a nonconforming R -2 lot containing three (3) single- family residential structures. He explained the plot plan marked Exhibit "A" showing existing and proposed development, and gave the factual data on this property and zoning history. He concluded by listing the staff proposals which are on file in the Planning Department. There were no questions from the Commissioners, and the Chairman declared the public hearing open. •Mrs. Steve Milo, 6213 Oak Avenue, Temple City, addressed the Commis- sion, saying that the addition to their home was needed for additional bedroom space, the addition is an integral part of the residence, and not for rental purposes. The other two residences on the lot are rented to single persons. No truck access exists for rear properties. There was no one else to speak in favor of, and no one in opposition to, the variance. Commissioner Beckman moved the public hearing be closed; Commissioner Lawson seconded and motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Garvin opened the Commission discussion stating he had no objection to the development as proposed in Exhibit "A "; it would not materially change the subject property, or affect surrounding properties to the north. Commissioner Dennis stated there were several nonconforming R -1 and R -2 properties in the vicinity, and to deny this application would be penalizing the applicant, who is trying to improve his home. Basically this is what we want in the city - improvement of property. a O PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 8, 1970 Page two. O D Commissioners Lawson and Beckman concurred, having no objections. Chairman Atkins felt this was a worthwhile addition, and was in favor of granting. Commissioner Beckman moved the variance be granted with staff condi- tions, on the basis that the proposed addition is a minor one to property completely developed. Other properties in the area are enjoying the same benefits, and applicant should be allowed to add to property and enjoy the rights enjoyed by his neighbors. Com- missioner Garvin seconded, and motion carried unanimously. Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution 70- 387PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING VARIANCE IN ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 70 -322. Commissioner Lawson ° ioved to waive further reading and adopt; Commissioner Beckman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 6. COMMUNICATIONS: SET PUBLIC HEARING RE SUBSTANDARD STRUCTURES AT 4945 N. CLOVERLY AVENUE, TEMPLE CITY, FOR SEPTEMBER 22, 1970 Planning Director Dragicevich stated that the owner had been sent a letter by certified mail, and the City had a signed return receipt for it, notifying him he had 30 days to comply with City regulations. Notice to this effect was posted on the property. There has been no response or action from the owner of record, and the Planning Director recommended public hearing be set for consideration of this case. Commissioner Garvin moved to set public hearing on this matter for September 22, 1970; Commissioner Lawson seconded, and the motion carried. The Planning Director called the Commissioners' attention to a sketch in their packets which illustrated problems the staff is confronted with daily - substandard yard areas in R -1 and R-2 zones. He sug- gested either a clarification or amendment to the zoning ordinance. The Commission requested the staff to prepare an ordinance for their perusal, after which a public hearing could be set on this matter. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO. WISH TO SPEAK Mr. Charles Taylor, 4928 Halifax, addressed the Commission on the problem of rats on his property. He had brought this matter to the attention of this body in the past, and the Los Angeles County Health Department had been contacted by the staff. That agency had provided him with poisons to try and control the rat population. The Planning Director explained that the Health Department's efforts are to contain the rat population as it is impossible to eraticate it entirely. Mr. Taylor said his neighbors do not have the problem as severely as he does, and in his opinion the reason -he has a more severe problem is that his property is behind Billie's Tropical Jungle. He contends that the bird feed attracts the rats. In the discussion that followed it was the Commission's decision that the Los Angeles Health Depart- ment should again be contacted to inspect Mr. Taylor's property and provide him with a written report of what to do; also that -an inspec- tion be made of properties in the immediate area to ascertain if conditions exist on them that would encourage the rat population growth. If such conditions were found to exist on any property, an attempt be made to get the property owner to correct them. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 8, 1970 Page three The Planning Director said Mr. Billie has 3 -1/2 months remaining to comply with the ordinance regarding correcting violations on his property; however, the violations, for the most part, were relative to plumbing, electrical wiring, and structures for the housing of his birds. The City Manager said the forthcoming Newsletter would have an article dealing with the disposal of trash in an effort to clean up the City residents' back yards. 8. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: • B O A. The Planning Director addressed the Commissioners on the following: (1) Final Tract Map for Subdivision Tract No. 3 03 08 (re Santa Anita Convalescent Hospital) was approved by the City Council on September 1, 1969. (2) Modification of Zone Variance 69 -283, allowing erecting and maintenance of four signs on the subject property, was granted by the City Council on September 1, 1970. (3) The City Council, on August 11, 1970, granted Zone Change from R -1 to M -1 at 9352 Lower Azusa Road (Miller Floats). (4) Letter in Commissioners' packets from Mr, Dave Recupero, former Asst. City Manager for Temple City, now in Stanton as the City Manager, thanking the Commissioners for their assistance while he was in Temple City. B. The City Manager asked the Commissioners whether Monday, September 14th, or Tuesday, September 15th, was more convenient for them to meet with the City Council to discuss further the General Plan, and the Commissioners agreed to meet on Monday, September 14th, at 7:30 p.m. C. Chairman Atkins expressed the opinion that it should be clarified how much discretion the Planning Director has. Cases like the zone variance heard this evening, he felt, could have been handled by the staff, or a committee of the Planning Director, City Manager and Chairman of the Commission. In Commission discussion it was suggested that cases that had a 10% or less disparity from the zoning ordinance might be considered for settlement by such a Com- mittee, and the fee for such handling be reduced to $10.00. This approach might relieve the Commission of some of the more trivial cases and allow them time to concentrate on issues of broader scope. The Commissioners requested the Asst. City Attorney to prepare a report on this subject for presentation at the next regular meeting. . Commissioner Garvin called attention to the Tastee Freez building on Temple City Boulevard and Lower Azusa Road, which is now com- pleted, although not operating. He stated the parking lot is not striped, and has no bumpers, and these two items were part of the conditions in granting the conditional use permit. The Planning Director said the staff would investigate. E. Chairman Atkins announced that Asst. City Attorney White is going to get married Saturday, September 12, 1970. The Commissioners and staff extended their congratulations and best wishes to him. 0 a PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 8, 1970 ADJOURNMENT Page four. There being no further business Commissioner Beckman moved to adjourn to a study session in the North Meeting Room. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dennis and passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ATTEST: • 9