HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1971/01/26 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 26, 1971 INITIATION 1. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order by Chairman Atkins at 7:40 p.m., January 26, 1971. 2, The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Atkins. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners: Dennis, Garvin, Atkins Absent: Commissioners: Beckman, Lawson Also Present: City Manager Koski, Asst. City Attorney White, Planning Director Dragicevich. Chairman Atkins stated Commissioner Lawson would be late, and Com- missioner Beckman would be absent for business reasons. Commissioner 1110 Garvin moved to excuse Commissioner Beckman's absence for cause. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dennis and carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of January 12, 1971. There being no corrections or additions, Commissioner Garvin moved the minutes of the regular meeting of January 12, 1971, be approved as written. Commissioner Dennis seconded, and the motion carried. •5. • 1 PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND THE TEMPLE CITY ZONING CODE RELATING TO ZONING MODIFICATION COMMITTEE The Planning Director stated this item had been discussed with the Commission in the past. This committee, composed of the City Manager, Planning Director and Chairman of the Planning Commission or member of the Commission, would have the right to grant modifica- tions of requirements of the zoning code covering driveways, height, yard and lot area, parking space requirements, fence, wall, hedge or sign requirements. There would be a $25.00 fee, and an appeal would be possible to the Planning Commission and thence to the City Council. If modification is granted, and not used within six months, said grant would become null and void. The Commissioners debated the three -day appeal period, and the City Manager stated a letter of information regarding decision of the Committee would be sent to each Commissioner immediately following hearing by that Committee. If no appeal is made in three days, the decision would be considered final. If a majority of the Commission disagrees with the decision of the Committee the case would be brought to the regular meeting. The public hearing was declared open. Mr. Robert Bock, 5328 Encinita, spoke on subject recommendation, say- ing it was a step in the right direction, and while it did not go far enough, it would encourage people in Temple City to upgrade their property. He said further the Committee decision should stand on its own merits without the Planning Commission's being able to change that decision. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 26, 1971 PAGE TWO 1 S There beina na one else to speak, Commissioner Garvin moved to close public hearing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dennis and carried. In Commission discussion it was stated that any arbitrary issue would be sent to the Planning Commission. The majority of cases would not need too much Committee review to decide. Commissioner Garvin felt the Commission would have to have faith and trust in the integrity of the Committee. Commissioner Atkins agreed. Commissioner Dennis added that the Commission has the option to set down procedure that the Committee would have to follow. Commissioner Garvin moved to recommend to the City Council adoption of Zoning Modification Committee, eliminating item referring to granting extension of time. Commissioner Dennis seconded the motion and it carried. Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution 71- 401PC, a RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE ADDITION OF NEW PART IIIA TO ARTICLE IX OF THE TEMPLE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING A ZONING MODIFICATION COMMITTEE. Commissioner Garvin moved to waive further reading and adopt. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dennis and carried. COMMUNICATIONS A. "Regional Development Guide" The Planning Director referred to three books sent by SCAG to the City for review by the Planning Commission, City Council and City staff. The books present an analysis for 55 areas in the region, the needs of recreation and open spaces, and standards and policies, and, finally, they present a program for water supply and distribution, re- clamation, and solid waste distribution. He gave a review of each book, adding that they were available for perusal by the Commissioners. The main purpose of the report is the distribution of information on a regional level for better coordination of local plans with regional plans. The Commissioners did not have any particular comments since the report is too general with respect to ourcom- munity. B. Review of Commercial Zones - Downtown Area The Planning Director stated the City Council, at their meet- ing of January 19, 1971, expressed a desire to see a specific zone in the downtown area which would exclude certain uses from the main business district. It would mean the creation of an overlay zone or new zoning district. The City Manager said the City Council would like some kind of recommendation as soon as possible, such as an interim ordinance which would be in effect for 90 days. A presentation on this matter will be made to the Chamber of Commerce on the following Thursday morning, along with the General Plan. In Commission discussion it was determined that this item would be studied in the adjourned meeting to followithe regular meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 26, 1971 PAGE THREE 1 • 1 C. Proposed Ordinance Relating to Conditional Use Permits for Restaurants and Similar Establishments The Planning Director said that, under the provisions of the present code, drive -in restaurants require a conditional use permit, but often it is questionable whether a restaurant is a drive -in or walk -in, and suggested that public hearing be set to consider all restaurants under the conditional use permit category. It was determined by the Commission to set public hearing on this item on February 23, 1971. D. The Planning Director informed the Commission that the City Council had adopted the General Plan at their regular meeting of January 19, 1971, and it is now in effect. The staff will prepare the Plan for publication for public consumption. 7. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - There was no one. 8, MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A. Planning Director Dragicevich referred to letter received from Mr. Arthur Perlenfein at 9729 Wedgewood Street regard- ing sidewalks constructed in his neighborhood which were not placed where required by the Planning Commission. Developer erected sidewalks adjacent to the property line rather than the curb. The City Manager suggested a further Investigation be made and report prepared. Commissioner Garvin moved to continue this item to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dennis and passed. B. City Manager Koski referred the Commission to pictures taken of property at the northwest corner of Oak Avenue and Las Tunas Drive. Complaints as to condition of the property have been received from time to time. This is an unoccupied structure, in bad state of disrepair, and not suitable for service station operation. The Commission had the choice of handling this item as a Public Nuisance Case, or under the Rehabilitation Board. Director Dragicevich said a report on this item and the proposed course of action would be presented at the next regular meeting on February 9, 1971. C. Commissioner Garvin asked what action was being taken to en- force the Pet Ordinance. Director Dragicevich replied that six applications for aviaries have been received, all of them were investigated by staff and found to comply with the ordinance. Mr. Brown's application could not be approved because he is located in an R -4 zone. In answer to queries about Billie's Bird Farm, the Planning Director stated it complied with the regulations, that the Health Department recently made an inspection there with respect to rats. It was pointed out that no abatement period was provided in the Pet Ordinance, after mention was made that Mr, Billie has presently over a hundred birds. 9. ADJOURNMENT TTEST: ecretary There being no further business Commissioner Garvin moved to adjourn to an adjourned meeting in the North Meeting Room. Com- missioner Dennis seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.