HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1971/03/07 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 9, 1971 PAGE FOUR The public hearing was declared open. Owner of the subject property was not present to discuss the issues with the Planning Commission, Mr. Kurt 0. Grosser of Kurt's Imported Car Service, 9437 Las Tunas Drive, was interested in knowing what the City was going to require at this site, as his business is located behind the gas station. He rents only the building behind the gas station for his operations. There being no one else to speak, Commissioner Garvin moved to close public hearing. Commissioner Lawson seconded, and the motion passed. Commissioner Garvin stated he felt all available means .should be employed to correct the situation at this corner. He did not think the station could be rehabilitated. I f other buildings on the property can be made compatible with surrounding property, they could remain, otherwise they, too, should be removed. The other Commissioners were in agreement, Planning Director Dragicevich called attention to letter from the Building Department stating the buildings probably were built prior to establishment of Los Angeles County Building laws in 1933, and that the buildings could.be - repaired.to be acceptable to that depart- ments Commissioner Garvin moved to recommend Public Nuisance Case Noe 7 to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dennis and passed, Asst. City Attorney White read -title to Resolution Noe 7J ®410pC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DETERMINING THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND RECOMMENDING ABATEMENT THEREOF, Commissioner Garvin moved to waive further read- ing and adopt. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawson and carried. Chairman Atkins declared a recess at 9 :00 porn. Chairman Atkins called the meeting to order again at 9 :10 p.m. 9e PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 71 -341 Orville E. Mapes.- Owner - Applicant 9638 Gidley Street, Temple City Director Dragicevich stated notices had been sent as required by. law, He stated applicant proposes to expand existing noncon- forming uses in the M ®2 zone by constructing ,a workshop on one par- cel, and converting,a portion of existing residence into a garage. The Director gave the factual data on the subject property, zoning history, and explained the plot plan which showed the proposed development to be accomplished in three phases. He concluded by giving staff recommendations which are on file in the Planning.De- partment, In answer to questions from the Commissioners, he stated that no detailed plans for the proposed construction were available at this time, that no time limit was set for completion of the project, if granted, as long as he started work within one year and continued working on it, The applicant owns three lots at this location, and the most westerly one is sold to Natter Manufacturing Co,,.and it is on this lot that the workshop is located which the applicant wishes to relocate on one of the remaining lots. There are other property owners in the vicinity who have residential and manufacturing uses on one piece of property, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 9, 1971 PAGE FIVE The public hearing was declared open. Mr. Orville Mapes, 9638 Gidley Street, stated the property, to be sold is in escrow pending the outcome of this hearing. He could not indicate completion date on the entire proposal as funding for it depended on the sale of property; located elsewhere. He answered questions Ey the Commissioners as to the various phases of the proposed development. Mrs. Ted Miller, 4425 Temple City Boulevard, asked to have Phase II explained, and how she could have her property rezoned, The Planning. Director showed her the General Plan Map and the direction her area was destined. Mr. Tom Miho, 9641 Gidley Street, lives across the street from the subject property and wanted assurance that the ultimate outcome of the improvement will be attractive, and that the project would have a time limit. Mr. Mapes, in rebuttal, stated he did not intend to change the appearance of the front of his property. He explained how he in- tends to add to the existing residence on the corner, add fire III walls, and that he intends to use buildings erected in Phases and II even , after completion of Phase III, that he has more busi- ness than he. can :accommodate. He was also concerned about his City license if he would change the address on it, Commissioner Garvin moved to close public hearing. Commissioner Dennis seconded and the motion passed. Commissioner Garvin, in closed discussion, ,.said he was not against the applicant, who .wou l d be losing his shop I n the sale of one lot, replacing that .shop: on his property so he could continue_ enjoying that use; however, he was against the disorganized develop- ment of Phase 1 1 , and the :.fact that no time limit was: - proposed. By, granting the request the City would be. extending :a condition they hoped would be phased out as provided in the ordinance regarding .non conforming uses. He was in' accord . with granting Phase•I on Parcel 1', only. Commissioner Dennis stated he was in .favor of Phase I, allowing the continuance of a business already existing, and Phase 111 can be developed without variance. He was. against Phase I1. Commissioner Lawson agreed. Chairman Atkins stated that .a new shop on Parcel I was a reasonable use. He objected .to.expanding use on the corner as not being good planning, and would prolong the City's problems, He was against mixing , shop building and residential use, even with fire' wall . Commissioner Garvin said that, if only Phase 1 is granted, it would be unjust to impose all the public works improvements as listed in the staff proposals. In reviewing the staff proposals it was deter'. ' mined to impose only Items 1, 7, 8. and 9. Commissioner Garvin moved to grant Zone Variance Case No. 71-341 with relation to Phase I only, and with staff proposals as modified, Commissioner Lawson seconded, and the motion passed. Asst, City Attorney White read title to Resolution No, 71- 411PC, A. RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING A VARIANCE I N ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 71-341. Commissioner Garvin, moved to waive further reading and adopt. Commissioner Dennis seconded and the motion carried, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 9 , 1 9 7 1 PAGE S I X 10. COMMUNICATIONS A. Report on Zoning and Building Records of Residential Structures: The Planning Director stated the City Council, at their meeting of March 2, 1971, referred this matter back to the Planning Com- fitission for further study and recommendation. The Planning Commis- sion, in general discussion, felt that the proposed requirement would put a burden on the staff, the cost would be high for the inspections, and that several lending agencies now require these records before completion of a lending transaction. Further, the records are available to any citizen interested in obtaining them. Staff was instructed to inform the City Council of the Commission's decision not to pursue this item further. B. Proposed Zone Modification Committee The Commissioners suggested.a study session with the City Council was i n .order, or at', the time the budget .would be discussed for the Fiscal Year 71-72. C. Control : of Service Stations The Planning Director referred to memorandum from the City Attorney referring to a court case involving the subject item. Kemorandum was received and filed. 11. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK Mr. Bernard Cook, 5736 Rowland, inquired about the reduced police protection in Temple City. He was instructed to address the City Council at their regular meeting as this matter is under their juris- diction. 12. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A. The Planning Director .informed . the Commission that a public hear- ingto amend the ordinance with respect to billboards was in order, . and the Commission : set public hearing for April 13, 1971. B. The Los Angeles City Planning Commission sent notice to announce the dates and "locations of discussion on their General Plan. Item was received and filed. • C. Planning. Director introduced to, the Planning Commission Mr. Terry Lantz, Administrative Assistant, who was, in the audience. D. Chairman Atkins informed the Commission: that he would be absent from the next Planning Commission meeting as he would be out of town on business. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Commissioner Garvin moved, and Commissioner Lawson: seconded, that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission on March 23, 171, 7 :30 p. m. i n the Council Chamber et i on pa ed, i. nd meeting d- journed at 10:30 p.m. ATTEST/: Sec etary 1 Chairman