HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1971/04/27 - RegularINITIATION PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April. 27, 1971 The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order by Chairman Atkins at 7:35 p.m., April 27, 1971. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman. Atkins. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners,- Dennis,. Garvin, Lawson, Startin, Atkins Absent: Commissioners - None Also Present: City Manager Koski, Asst. City Attorney White and Planning Director Dragicevich 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:- Regular Meeting of April 13, 1971 • 5. 1 • 1 i There being no additions-or corrections, Commissioner Lawson moved to approve minutes as written Motion was seconded by Commissioner Startin and passed. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATIONS TO AMEND TEMPLE CITY ZONING CODE RELATING TO OUTDOOR .ADVERTISING STRUCTURES AND NONCONFORMING USES. Planning Director gave a.report pointing out the differences between the staff proposal and the proposal prepared by the advertising companies regarding advertising structures, and explained the reason for an amendment regarding _._.the nonconforming uses. Mr. John Glyn, of Foster & Kleiser, answered questions from the Commissioners re- garding the advertising companies' proposal. In closed discussion Commissioner Garvin was in favor of approving staff proposal. His criticism of the sign companies' proposal was that it failed to mention how many more structures they might erect in the areas where the signs are permitted. Commissioner Lawson said outdoor advertising structures should be allowed in C -M and M-1 zones, and out of C -2 zones He- wasn't against the sign companies' proposal with modifications. Commissioner Dennis favored the sign companies' proposal with modifica- tions, such as limiting the space between them. Commissioner Startin spoke against the elimination of all billboards, stating this would be against the free enterprise system, but there should be limitations, one of which could be a 300 ft. distance be- tween signs. Chairman Atkins studied both proposals, and said with modifications to the sign companies' proposal, it would be the same as the proposal by the staff. He preferred the staff proposal. Commissioner Garvin moved to recommend to the City Council amendment of respective sections of the Zoning Code relating to outdoor advertis- ing structures and nonconforming uses. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Lawson. A roll call vote was taken, with Commissioners Garvin, Lawson and Atkins voting affirmative, and Commissioners Dennis and Startin voting against. Motion carried. .PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 1 27, 1971 PAGE TWO Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution No. 71- 415PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL AMENDMENT TO THE TEMPLE CITY ZONING CODE RELATING TO OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURES AND NON - CONFORMING USES. Commissioner Garvin moved to waive further reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawson and passed unanimously.. Commissioner Garvin moved to adopt Resolution No. 71- 415PC. Motion was seconded, and a roll call vote resulted in Commissioners Garvin, Lawson and Atkins voting for, and Commissioner Dennis and Startin voting against the motion. Motion passed. PUL-IC,HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 71 -344 First Lutheran Church of Temple City - Owner 912.3.E Broadway, Temple City Dennis V. Wehmueller - Applicant 11718 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles Site: 9123 E. Broadway, Temple City The Planning Director said the applicant proposes to expand exist- ing school and church facilities. He gave the factual data on the subject property, zoning history, explained the plot plan marked Exhibit "A ", which shows existing and proposed development. He concluded by listing the staff proposals which are on file in the Planning Department. In answer to questions from the Commissioners, he stated that sidewalks were in existence only on _Broadway and around the corner to Noel. All public works improvements are in- stalled on Broadway. The public hearing was declared open. Mr. .Dennis Wehmueller, 11718 West Pico Boulevard, acting as agent for the applicant, said the report by the Planning Director covered the application very well, and he would be willing to answer ques- tions. This proposal was a simple enlargement of existing facilities and would have no effect on the neighborhood. The school enrollment is not expected to increase as a result of this enlargement. Commissioner Lawson moved to close public hearing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Garvin and passed. In closed discussion, the Commissioners were in agreement that the proposal meets conditions set forth in the zoning ordinance for a conditional use permit approval, and will be an improvement to the property with no expansion in use. They were in agreement that sidewalks on Noel would not be required. Commissioner Dennis moved to approve Conditional Use Permit 71 -344 on the basis that it meets the conditions for a conditional use permit, to be developed in accordance with Revised Exhibit -''A ", and including staff proposals. Commissioner Lawson .seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution 71- 416PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN CASE NO. 71 -344. Commissioner Garvin moved to waive further reading and adopt. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Startin and passed. Chairman Atkins advised those present of the appeal period. PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 71-345 Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Herndon ) 6033 N. Rosemead, Temple City ) and ) Owners Anita Mullin 6037 N. Rosemead, Temple City ) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 27, 1971 PAGE THREE i Planning Director Dragicevi ch gave the staff report, stating the applicant proposes to establish and operate an additional child care center for 45 children in the age group from 6 to 12. The proposed center, immediately adjacent to the existing child care facilities, would be used before and after school activities. He gave the factual data on the subject property, zoning history, explained the plot plan marked Revised Exhibit "A ", showing exist- ing and proposed development. He gave the staff proposals on file in the Planning Department. In answer to questions from the Com- missioners he stated the two children's facilities were entirely separate and there would be no intermingling, that there could be a condition imposed that the sidewalks be installed within a given period of time. The public hearing was declared open. Mr. Kenneth Herndon, 6033 Rosemead Boulevard, stated that the State Fire Marshall requires a 20 ft, wide access, unopposed, to any build- ing used for child care, which accounts for the plan to combine two driveways of different elevations into one. He stated, in answer to questions, that only 15 f t, of the south property line of the subject property would have to be fenced or walled because it is the children's playground, and that there is a possibility the Herndons will acquire the property to the south some time in the future. Presently they do not have the finances to proceed farther south on Rosemead and have no plan to propose for future expansion. He had no objection to consolidating all the properties they own . into one parcel. Mr. Tom Schoenberg, 6032 Reno, asked if there would be any child care on weekends, and was informed that the suggested conditions limited business hours to a five -day week, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Garvin moved to close the public hearing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dennis and passed. The Planning Director, in answer to questions, stated that the appli- cation was for a center for 45 children; the number allowed for the space available was regulated by the State Department of Social Wel- fare. He further stated there had been only one telephone call about this case to City Hall, a person in opposition because of noise emanating from the center. Commissioner Lawson, in closed discussion, said he was in favor of granting this case based on the site being adequate in size, ade- quate access to streets and would have no adverse effect on other properties. Applicant is not increasing value of the property by this type of use, and if better type of use is applied at some future time this property could develop into R -4. Commissioner Garvin moved to reopen public hearing as he had further questions for., the applicant. Motion was . seconded by Commissioner Lawson and passed. Mr. Herndon resumed the podium, and in answer to Commissioner Garvin's question about summer care of children, when regular school is not in session, said the Center would operate like a summer day camp, with some children being taken on trips or tours, and others remain - ing at the Center. The three 16- pa- ssenger vans, which are proposed to service the Center, will be kept at the subject site. Commissioner Lawson moved to close the public hearing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Startin and carried. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL .27, 1971 PAGE FOUR Commissioner Startin did not consider .Rosemead .Boulevard a suitable place for nurseries or child care centers because of the noise and traffic; however, application meets requirements of a conditional use permit, therefore he had no objections. Commissioner Dennis had no objections, based on existing property and not on the use to the north. He felt the requirement of com- bining all the property under one ownership might work a hardship on the applicant at some future time, but since the applicant was agreeable to this condition he would not object, Commissioner Garvin spoke against the proposal, having doubts as to the applicant's intentions and wary of this operation in the present location, Chairman Atkins stated the three lots to the north were not developed according to exhibits submitted. He felt applicant is taking advant- age of that situation, and is acquiring one or two lots at a time. He would like to have a masonry wall on the south property line of the subject site. The Commissioners reviewed the staff proposals, making a condition that the sidewalks be installed prior to occupancy permit. Commissioner Lawson moved to approve Conditional Use Permit 71 -345 with staff proposals as revised, Commissioner Dennis seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution 71- 417PC, A RESOLU- TION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN CASE NO, 71 -345. Commissioner Dennis moved to waive further reading and adopt. Commissioner Startin seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Chairman Atkins announced the existence of a ten -day appeal period, Chairman Atkins declared a five- minute recess at 9:15 p.m. Chairman Atkins called the meeting to order again at 9 :20 p,m. 8. COMMUNICATIONS A. Planning Director called attention to memo to the Planning Com- mission for clarification of existing zoning code re, a) parcels with less than 50 ft, frontage upon a public street which were lawfully created prior to adoption of ordinance; and b) location of main buildings in R -1. -and R -2 zones abutting an alley - should they be subject to the same setback regulations from the rear (i,e. 5 ft.) property line as R -3. The Commissioners concurred that no ambiguity existed: a) Existing parcels with less than 50 ft, frontage, lawfully created, could expand or rebuild if the setbacks were met; and b) R -Land R -2 zoned property abutt- ing an alley should not be subject to the same setbacks as R -3 properties, Be Planning Director stated a study session is scheduled for the Planning Commission and Chamber of Commerce to discuss the re- tail commercial zone C -1 - C -2 on Thursday, April 29, 1971, at the North Meeting Room of the City Hall, TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK Chairman Atkins welcomed Mrs. White, wife of the Asst. City Attorney, who was present in the audience, 100 MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A. Chairman Atkins, on behalf of the Commission, congratulated the Planning Director on his achievement of full- member status in the American Institute of Planners, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 27, 1971 PAGE FIVE 1 • 1 • B. Commissioner Garvin asked to have staff investigate Dynamic Stereos and Water Beds at 5636 Rosemead Boulevard to see if they are complying with sign ordinance requirements. C. Chairman Atkins asked staff to check on revolving light at the tire shop on Rosemead and Olive for compliance with City requirements. D. Commissioner Garvin referred to condition of property on south- west corner of Longden and Oak, and was informed the staff is aware of the situation and working on it. E. Commissioner Garvin asked if anything was being done to enforce sign ordinance on signs which should be abated, and the City Manager informed him the staff is surveying the City now for violations and letters will be sent to offenders. F. Chairman Atkins wished to go on record that, in his opinion, the recent Contract Cities Convention failed to provide those attending with any information of value. The other Commissioners concurred, It was suggested that, in the future, different conventions be considered for attendance by the Commissioners. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Commissioner Garvin moved to adjourn the meeting to the adjourned meeting Thursday, April 29, 1971. Com- missioner Lawson seconded, and the motion carried Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p, m. Chairman