HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1971/05/11 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May .T- .1 , 1971 INITIATION 1. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order by Chairman Atkins at 7:30 p.m., May 11, III 1971. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Atkins. 3 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners ® Dennis, Garvin, Lawson, Atkins Absent: Commissioners - Startin Also present: Asst. City Attorney White and -Planning Director Dragi cev i ch. Commissioner Dennis moved to excuse Commissioner Startin's absence for cause. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Garvin and passed. 0 - 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of Apri 1 27, 1971 There being no additions or corrections, Commissioner Lawson moved to approve the minutes as written. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dennis and passed. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER RECOMMENDATIONS TO AMEND TEMPLE CITY ZONING CODE RELATING TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS TO D R I L L WATER W E L L S I N ANY 'ZONE I N THE CITY 1 • 1 i The Planning Director stated the public hearing had been advertised as legally required. He continued that a request had been received by the City to drill water wells, extract and process water in a residential zone (R ®1). The City's zoning'code requires a conditional use use permit in Commercial and Manufacturing: zones but there is no -reference concerning the location of the use in Residential zones. Currently there are several water wells and pumps located in single - family residential zones and they are legal nonconforming uses. There were no questions from the Commissioners, therefore Chairman Atkins declared the public hearing open. Mr. Richard Henderson, General Manager of Sunny Slope Water Co., addressed the Commission, saying that, from time to time it is necess- ary to replace wells in order to maintain the supply. Because of the high cost of commercial and manufacturing properties, it is necessary to consider residential zoning for locating well sites. The require- ment for a conditional use permit would not hurt his company and is not unusual. The site his company is considering in Temple City is close to a source of water, and the site is vacant and available. The clos- est source of water to the area in question is the site on Huntington Drive. The applicant proposes to put the pumping apparatus underground, with only an electrical panel in a metal cabinet of modern design, above ground. Only one-third of the property, on the west side, would be needed for the well, and the remainder could be leased back to the City to develop into a park; otherwise Sunny Slope would landscape the property and maintain it presentably. It is estimated, from geological studies, that the well will reach a depth of 1000 to 1200 ft. It is not practical to slant drill for water production. Mr. Henderson con- cluded, in answering the Commissioners' questions, that he would be willing to sit in on a study session to develop guidelines for develop- ing wells under conditional use permit requirements. There being no one else to give testimony, Commissioner Garvin moved to close public hearing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dennis and passed. " 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 1 1 , 1971 PAGE TWO In closed discussion, Commissioner Garvin stated he was in favor of placing water well production and drilling under conditional use permit, but would like to have a study session and develop guidelines for this use. The Commissioners agreed, and minor changes were suggested to the draft of the proposed resolution. Commissioner Garvin moved to recommend to the City Council an amendment to the Municipal Code relating to conditional use permits for water wells. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawson and passed. Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution No. 71- 418PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING_ COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY RECOMMENDING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 9202(32) OF THE TEMPLE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS. Commissioner Garvin-moved to waive further reading and adopt. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dennis and passed. 6. COMMUNICATIONS A.Planning Director Dragicevich gave a 30 -day progress report on Rehab Case 71-2 at 4837 Rio Hondo. He stated that a building inspector from the Los Angeles County Engineers' Office had inspected the property and not much progress had been made since May 5th. He cited the work accomplished which would entail about six hours' labor. Commissioner Garvin stated the property owner was given ninety days only if the progress reports each 30 days showed satisfactory progress. He was in favor of granting only another 30 �day extension. There was no further discussion. B. The Planning Director stated a public hearing will be held on May 25th to consider amendment to the Temple City Zoning Code relating to a C -1 Commercial Zone in the downtown area between Kauffman and Oak Avenues. He stated the property owners on Las Tunas will be notified, and the hearing will be published in the newspapers. C.Planning Director referred to a letter from Shell Oil Co, regarding a coed i t i or) I n granting Conditional Use Permit 70 -324. I t was deter - mined that staff discuss this matter with the City Attorney for solu- tion. 7. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISHED TO SPEAK 1111 Chairman Atkins acknowledged the presence of Matt English, General Manager, Temple City Chamber of Commerce, Al Millham, Parking Com- missioner and representative of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., Robert Green, representative of Edison Company, Al Nunamaker, Park- ing Commissioner, who were in the audience. 1 " 8. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A.Reference was made by Chairman. Atkins to minutes of a meeting with the Mayor and Commission Chairmen on May 6, 1971. Mention was made of the attendance at Contract Cities and League Conventions,, or con- sideration being given to attendance at seminars or other types of gatherings which would be more pertinent. B.The Parks and Recreation Commission is desirous of a meeting with the Planning Commission to discuss the Open Space Element of the General Plan. C.Commissioner Garvin asked for a report at the next meeting on the signs at 5636 Rosemead Boulevard. He asked what action, if any, was being taken on the property at Oak and Longden, and was informed it is expected to be demolished by May 15th. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 11, 1 , 1971 40 1 1 • PAGE THREE Commissioner Garvin asked what legal recourse the City had in the event an applicant fails to live up to the conditions of the grant- ing of his request for zone variance or conditional use permit. Asst. City Attorney White stated the privilege granted can be re- scinded. In the ensuing conversation, it was determined that staff should be more aware whether conditions are met or not, and that renderings and elevations be requested of applicants of what they propose to do. Occupancy permit, in some instances, can be with- held until conditions are met, and the Planning Department has so instructed the Building Department. 9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Commissioner Dennis moved to adjourn to the adjourned meeting in the North Meeting Room. Commissioner Garvin seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p. m. ATTEST: