HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1971/10/12 - Regular" PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 1971 INITIATION 1. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order by Chairman Dennis at 7:30 p.m., October 12, 1971, in the Counci 1 Chambers. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Dennis. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners  Atkins, Garvin, Lawson, Startin, Dennis Absent: Commissioners.  None Also Present: City Manager Koski, Asst. City Attorney White and Planning. Director Dragicevich 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 14, 1971: Commissioner Atkins corrected para. 8, p. 4, which should not include "He was concerned about the several escrows in jeopardy" as this was not the case. Chairman Dennis called attention to the roll call vote on his motion to reopen public hearing and continue the case (para. 12, p.4). Minutes should reverse those for and against as printed, Commissioner Atkins moved to adopt the minutes of. September 14, 1971, as corrected. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Garvin, and a roll call vote was taken: AYES: Commissioners - Atkins, Garvin, Startin, Dennis NOES: Commissioners - None ABSTAINING: Commissioners Lawson 5. PUBLIC HEARING: MODIFICATION OF ZONE VARIANCE CASE 67 -207 10651-57-61 East Olive Street, Temple City The Planning: Director informed the Commission that applicant is requesting a modification of a condition imposed in Resolution 67 -238PC regarding an abatement period expiring on June 30, 1974. Applicant requests this period be extended to June 30, 1984, or ten additional years. Reason for the request is that the present tenant is vacating the premises the end of this year, and it is difficult to obtain a tenant in a commercial location when the premises will have to be vacated in a couple years. He referred to three letters received in reference to the applica- tion - two in favor and one opposed, which were received and filed. The public hearing was declared open. Mr. Peter S. Wardman, Box 229, El Monte, in behalf of the owners, gave the history of the property and of the uses on it. He stated the owner had invested $7,000 in improvements and had requested the original variance to continue operating at least long enough to . amortize the improvements. He continued that there is a need for this type of market, that neighborhood markets have a place in the community. Mr. Wardman presented a petition, with over three hun- dred signatures, urging the extension of time be granted. The PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 1971 Page two. • 1 • attempt to get a new lessee for the market is being handled by a realty company, and the realtor has had difficulty interesting prospective tenants because of the abatement period of the property. He was of the opinion that an extension of ten years, or until 1984, would be sufficient time to amortize the improvements. Mr. Bi l ly L. Bell, 18639 E. Covina Boulevard, Covina, stated he bought the subject property to provide income when he retires and would like to keep it operating as long as he can. If he is granted the modification, and at the time of expiration in 1984, he would probably ask for another extension of time. Mr. Roy Whetstone, 5404 El Monte Avenue, said the store was well - maintained and clean and was in favor of the application. Mr. John Whittaker, 10641 E. Olive, stressed the convenience of the market and its cleanliness. Mrs. Ruth Lissone, 10650 E. Olive, spoke in opposition, said the area was zoned residential, and the subject use is nonconforming; the use depreciates her property, causing a turn-over of. tenants. The use should be abated as originally stipulated. Mrs. Rosa Remmers, 5428 El Monte Avenue, stated she could get more for her property if the market were not there (her property is not for sale, however); she spoke against the trash and litter problem which she attributes to the market being located near her. Mr. Wardman, in rebuttal, said the store was in existence prior to Mrs. Lissone's property; that he, too, has a trash and litter prob- lem on his personal property;wh.ich. Ts not located near any stores. It doesn't matter where the store is located,_ it is where children drop wrappers. Mr. Bell, in answer to Commissioners' questions, said it is pro- posed the new store tenant would handle groceries, produce, meats, beer, wine (no hard liquor), minor clothing items. If present tenant would stay for the remaining 2i years of the present abate- ment period, at the end of that time Mr. Bell said he would ask for extension of abatement. Commissioner Garvin moved to close public hearing, seconded by -Commissioner Startin and carried. Commissioner Lawson, who had viewed the property and read past history, said he sympathized with those who enjoyed the convenience of the store, but .a as a planner he felt the 1967 decision should be enforced. Commissioner Atkins was in agreement, adding the only reason appli- cant was asking for extension was an economic one, which is not a valid one for granting modification. Commissioner Startin was of the opinion that applicant, who had in- vested several thousand dollars improving his property, had not had a chance to amortize his improvements, that the market was attractive and clean. He noticed, on the petition, the number of signatures ob- tained in a short period, and concluded the market is doing a good business, well established, and he was in favor of granting. Commissioner Garvin noted that some of the addresses on the petition were from areas outside Temple City, and those signers would not be " PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 1971 PAGE THREE materially concerned with the effect of the modification. He was on the Commission at the time of the original hearing and was against extending the use beyond the 1974 date imposed at that time. It is not good planning and against what is proposed in the General. Plan. Convenience markets, such as "7 -11" and "Stop N Go" are on the borders of C zones, and therefore in the proper zone, whereas this store is not. Applicant agreed to the condi- tions of the original zone variance. He was against granting the extension. Commissioner Dennis felt neighborhood shopping convenience is very useful from a personal standpoint and there is a need for this type of shopping area; however, all structures of nonconforming status are due to expire in 1974, and granting this request would be sett - inga precedent. He agreed the use in a residential area was not good planning. Commissioner Atkins moved to deny modification in Zone Variance Case No. 67 -207 as applicant has not shown any circumstances to legally grant request, and granting would be detrimental to the effect of the General Plan. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Garvin and carried in roll call vote as follows: AYES: Commissioners  Atkins, Garvin, Lawson, Dennis NOES: Commissioners - Startin Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution No. 71- 432PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DENYING MODIFICATION IN ZONE VARIANCE CASE 67 -207. Commissioner Garvin moved to waive further reading and adopt, seconded by Com- missioner Lawson and passed. Those present were informed of the ten -day appeal period. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE 71 -355 Church of. the Latter Day Saints - Owner 9468 East Broadway, Temple City Bishop Eugene Theys.- Applicant Church of the Latter Day Saints 393 South Tustin Avenue, Orange, Ca. Site: 9468 East Broadway, Temple City Planning. Director Dragicevich referred to a letter received from the applicant requesting a 180 -day delay in the consideration of the conditional use permit because of unforeseen conditions including fund raising. program. _ Commissioner Atkins moved to postpone consideration of Conditional Use Permit Case 71 -355 until April 1 1 , 1972, seconded by Commis- sioner Startin and passed unanimously. It was announced that the hearing would be renoticed. 7. PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE 71-356 City of Temple City Owner Sunny Slope Water Company - Purchaser - Applicant 1040 El Campo Drive, Pasadena, Ca. Site: Northeast corner Encinita and Longden Avenues Director Dragicevich stated the applicant proposes to develop and operate a water production well in an R -1 zone. He gave the staff report, explained Exhibit "A" which showed the proposed de- velopment, and listed the staff proposals. " PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 1971 Page four. Asst. City Attorney White wished to go on record that the City Attorney's office has occasion to represent the applicant as council on occasion, but not in this instance, and he felt there would be no conflict of in- terest. The public hearing was declared open. Mr. Kenneth I. Mullen, Consulting .Engineer for applicant, 735 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia, explained the proposed well is-part of a master plan de- velopment which has been adopted by the applicant, initiated this past year. The intent is to upgrade the system over a number of years. AlT equipment will be below the ground and in well casing and noiseless. Control building will enclose electrical and other equipment for opera- tion of well. This location is most suited for a well to get the required quantity of water from source to the mains. An operator would be on site for treatment once a day. The site would have a park -like setting and be compatible with the surrounding residential area, with only the roof of the control building seen above the walls. Commissioner Garvin was of the opinion that a field trip to see other water wells would be beneficial in deciding this case. Mr. Robert Clary, on the Board of Directors for the applicant, 7023 410 La Presa, San Gabriel, explained the need for an additional water well and the water supply system set up by the Sunny Slope Water Company, and the water needs for Temple City. The loss of a well at Burton and Longden created a problem, but even if it were re- established it would not solve distribution problems for the Temple City area. The projected plans are not a "crash program ", will probably take five years. If the application for a water well is approved, the well would be in operation in two years, and possibly next year. The actual drilling would take about nine days, and to complete the installation would take about a month. There would be some noise connected with the drilling. The depth they expect to drill is 950 ft. Mr. Clary said, if the Commission desired to have a study session to further explore this subject, Mr. Mullen was retained by Sunny Slope Water Company and would be at the Commission's disposal to advise and answer questions. There was no one else to speak for or against the application; Commis- sioner Garvin moved to continue the case as an open public hearing to the next regular meeting, seconded by Commissioner Atkins and so moved. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 71 -357 Santa Anita Medical, Inc. - Owner 5522 N. Gracewood Avenue, Temple City Planning Director gave the staff report, explaining the applicant proposes to build screen walls in excess of 6 ft. in height in the re- quired yard areas. He referred to the plot plan marked Exhibit "A" showing partially existing structures and facilities of the Santa Anita Hospital, and the proposed block screens. He also referred to a render- ing applicant had brought in that evening showing proposed project. The public hearing was declared open. Mr. David Oakley, 9963 Duffy Street, Temple City, addressed the Commis - sion, saying the proposed screen walls were for aesthetic purposes, casting shadows on the building, and screening patients' rooms from the public view. The walls were serf- supporting, having steel reinforce- ments, but were attached to the building with beams for appearance pur- poses. He presented to the Commissioners a montage of the subject prop- erty, and stated the proposal is an attempt to modernize and upgrade the buildings. The blocks will be cast in a color still to be determined, so that there will be no need to paint them, and they will not chip or peel. The blue roof as shown in the plans will replace or- cover what is there. It is perforated, waterproof but not water- tight. 1111 • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 1971 Page five, Mrs® Arleigh Rasmusson, 10243 Nadine, asked if the proposed walls 1111 would eliminate any of the hospital noises, and was told they would not; the walls were being erected for aesthetic purposes. Mr. John Stac e, 5626 Gracewood, speaking in opposition, was concerned that the walls would be in the required setback areas, and it was ex- plained this was the reason applicant was requesting a zone variance. Mr. Stacey was also concerned that the proposed plot plan differed from the plan approved in Zone Variance Case 69 -283; it was pointed out that the basic request in that zone variance was for a parking variance. Mr. Stacey was also concerned about traffic coming south on Gracewood and entering.Daines Drive, stating he felt the proposed walls would be a site obstruction. Director Dragicevich pointed out on the exhibit how this had been taken into consideration with a 40 ft, clearance being provided. In rebuttal, Mr. Oakley stated the sound problem will not be alleviated by these screen walls - they were not designed for this purpose. Commissioner Atkins moved to close public hearing, seconded by Commis- sioner Startin and passed® Commissioner Garvin had no objections, as long as he could make it a condition of granting that the color be precast into the blocks, and it was determined he could. The screening walls, he felt, would do much for surrounding area as well as the subject property, which is unique. Granting the request would certainly not be detrimental to surrounding properties. He was in favor. Commissioner Startin was also in favor as long as the patients could see out, and he was assured they could. He felt it would enhance the buildings. Commissioner Lawson concurred, stating it would break up the long ex- panse of building, and is compatible with the neighborhood, Commissioner Atkins felt it would benefit neighbors as well as upgrade the property in question, and said property is unique and the setbacks as shown are adequate. Chairman Dennis was not particularly in favor of the appearance of the walls, but would go along with the other Commissioners. Commissioner Garvin moved to grant Zone Variance Case 71 -357, including a condition that the color be precast into the blocks, and with staff recommendations, for the reason the applicant's property is unique, and the proposal is not detrimental to surrounding neighborhood. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Atkins and passed. Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution .71- 433PC, A RESOLU- TION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING VARIANCE I N ZONE VARIANCE CASE 71-357. Commissioner Lawson moved to waive further reading and adopt, seconded by Commissioner Garvin and passed. 9. COMMUNICATIONS ,A. Reference was made by the Planning Director to letter sent to County of Los Angeles Regional Planning Commission opposing Proposed Parcel Map No, 666, specifically opposing the 40 ft, lot width of. Parcel 3 as shown on that map. He stated he had conferred with Chairman Dennis and it was agreed to send the letter in behalf of the Commission. The Commis- sioners agreed, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 1 2 , 1971 Page s i x • 1 1 1 B. Letter from Richard G. Clark, M. D. , 302.0 Beard Road, Napa, Calif., was referred to, which concerns tax base of mobile home parks. Letter was received and filed. C. Memo from the City Manager re. the Rosemead Development Project, stating the City Council endorsed the program of action as submitted by the Planning Commission, and encourag- ing the Commission to initiate immediate action toward im- plementing the proposed plan of work, was reported by the Planning Director. 1 0 . TIME FOR THOSE I N THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK Louis T. Gilbertson, Mayor of the City of Temple City, addressed the Commission and expressed his concern about communications between the City Council and Commissions - there should be more exchange of ideas and opinions. A City staff seminar, sometime in January, was proposed, which he believed might have great benefit, and he requested subject matter, matters meaningful to the members of the Commission and /or the City. He asked the Commissioners to submit their ideas as soon as possible so some plans could be initiated. 11. Mayor Gilbertson further mentioned a new plan he had initiated to apprise people of items in regard to higher taxes. The material prepared for the City Council will be distributed to the Commission and keep them better informed. Mr. Oakley took the podium and congratulated the Commission on doing a fine job. A. Director Dragicevich referred to map showing future street easement in Tract No. 11699, in the area of Arden Drive, stat- ing that there had been a. request to have it vacated. The Asst. City Attorney stated that, under Section 8300 of the Streets and Highways Code, the appropriate procedure is that the City Council initiates proceedings to vacate the street. It is the only way the City can eliminate it, clear the re- cords and title for the property owner. Planning Commission can make wishes known to City Council who has ultimate decision. It was pointed out that such easements preclude any structures being built on them. Commissioner Garvin moved memo be sent to the City Council to the effect that the Planning Commission favors vacation of future street easement in subject case. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Atkins and passed. B. Memo from the City Manager re. -- abatement of property nuisance at 9011 Olive Street was brought to the attention of the Com- mission, along with exhibit photographs of the property. Charles F. Wakely, 1695 Locust. Street, Pasadena, one of the owners of the subject property, reviewed the improvements he had made recently, including paving over concrete, new striping for parking 'areas, and got a l l concrete i n best shape he could. The walls have been repaired several times and are continually being knocked down. There is not enough clearance for autos; all four " 1 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 1971 Page seven. bays exit through the first bay only. The accumulation of dirt on the walls has resisted all his attempts to remove, and will have to be spray painted, probably in a dark color. The Planning Director stated the main problem areas: better main- tenance, better drainage, and somebody must be responsible for cleaning of facility. Mr. Wakely said maintenance people live on Rancho Real and are there a l l day long for all intents and purposes. The City Manager pointed out that the concrete sidewalks and driveway aprons which were covered with a sealer coat will have to be restored. He suggested Mr. Wakely meet with staff and determine how to correct the situation, and make' ,,a comprehensive report to the Commission before setting public hearing. It was suggested that some control be placed on hours of operation. Commissioner Garvin moved to continue to the_nextregular meeting to give staff and owner opportunity to get together and attempt to resolve the problems. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Atkins and passed. C. City Manager asked that the Commissioners submit their ideas for the City seminar either to him or to Mr. Gilbertson as soon as possible, so that the seminar will be as meaningful and relevant as possible. D. Planning Director mentioned that, since a light agenda is scheduled for October 26th, a study session could be held at that time, continuing the study of Rosemead Boulevard Project and water wells. It was suggested the Commission could re- view the consultants and see what an economic analysis would cover. E. Reference was made to letter addressed .. to the Planning Commis -: sion from the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission re. proposed subdivision Tract No. 30115, requesting comments or recommendations. The Commission discussed the map and the decision was to receive and file, with no comment. F. Director Dragicevich gave a report on the three cases which were before the Minor Zoning Modification Committee that morn- ing and are on file in the Planning Department. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Commissioner Garvin moved to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the. Planning Commission on October 26, 1971, seconded by Commissioner Startin and carried. Time of adjournment was 10:15 p.m. ATTEST: v �� cretary c, Chairman