HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1972/01/11 - Regular" 1 " 1 1 INITIATION 1. CALL TO ORDER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 11, 1972 The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order by 'Cha i'rman Dennis at 7:30 p.,m. , .January 11, 1972, 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Dennis. 3, ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Atkins, Garvin, Lawson, Startin, Dennis APPROVAL OF MINUTES - November 23, 197 1 : There being no additions or corrections, Commissioner Lawson moved they be approved as written, seconded by Commissioner Startin. A roll call vote resulted in Commissioners Lawson, Startin and Dennis voting affirmative, and Commi ssioners Atkins and Garvin abstaining. Motion carried, " Minutes of December 14, 1971: There were no additions or corrections, other than the date be changed to December 14, 1971, from .December 15, 1971. Commissioner Atkins moved the minutes be approved as corrected, seconded by Commissioner. Garvin and a roll call vote resulted in Commissioners Atkins, Garvin, Lawson and Dennis voting affirmative, and Commissioner Startin ab- staining. ..Motion carried. PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION RE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 27410 6340 NORTH OAK: AVENUE The Planning Director stated the .applicant proposes to create a sub- division comprised of five parcels on R-1 zoned property. By Resolu- tion No 71 438 PC a variance had been granted by the Commission to divide th'e subject property into five parce ls with reduced lot area and /or lot width. He referred to Exhibit .,, "A ", gave the factual data on the subject property, and briefly reviewed the staff proposals suggested to be imposed if the Commission recommends the Tract to the City Council for approval. One of the staff proposals called for lots 1 and 2 to be redesigned to face on O lerna Street in order to eliminate drainage across lots. The Commissioners had no comments, and Mr. Marshall, the applicant, did not have any objections to the conditions as proposed. Commissioner Atkins moved the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 27410 with attendant staff conditions, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Startin and passed unanimously. Asst; City Attorney White read title to Resolution No 72- 443PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0; 27410.. Commissioner Garvin moved to waive further reading and adopt, seconded by Commissioner Lawson and passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 11, 1972 PAGE TWO 6. COMMUNICATIONS • Reference was made by the Planning Director to notice of public hearing before the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission covering a 5 -acre parcel fronting on E. Duarte.. Notice was re- ceived and filed, with no comment by the Commission. Letter from Rev,- John C. Forney to Mr. Al Nunamaker re, the support of the Coffee House by the Temple City Ministerial Association, was referred to. 7. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - There was no one. The Commission welcomed back Mr. Matt English, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, who had been ill, and who was presently in the audience. 8. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS Director Dragicevich reported on progress being made by the owner of the car wash at 9011 Olive Street, Mr. Wakely. Inspection was made January llth and the owner and his partner have completed most items on the list presented to the Commission previously, except Item 4 and 6. Item 4, regarding removal of wall between alley exits, replac- ing with one large exit to eliminate future wall damage, is in process. Item 6, regarding removal of sealer coat from entrance area on public property, the owner claims he has not found the solution to the prob- lem. Commissioner Garvin suggested sandblasting as a solution. Mr. Wakely, said he would continue to look for solutions. City Manager Koski suggested that, if Mr. Wakely found no solution within 30 days, the Road Maintenance crew would remove the sealer coat and charge the property owner. It was agreed that the property be inspected again in 30 days and a report submitted to the Commission at the first meeting in February. The Planning Director announced that the publication of the General Plan was completed and each Commissioner had . before him a completed copy. Further, he said, the Planning Department was preparing a set of supplemental statistical data which would be sent to them when completed. City Manager Koski reminded the Commissioners of the City Seminar and referred to the memo before them, with schedule of activities. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Commissioner Atkins moved to adjourn to a study session, and thence adjourn to the next regular meeting on January 25, 1972, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Garvin and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ATTEST: 1 Secretary •