HomeMy Public PortalAboutCOA Board 2018-09-26 AMENDED MEETING MINUTES '19 i ZAN Orleans Council on Aging Board of Directors Meeting ORLEANS TOWN CLERK Wednesday, September 26, 2018 CALL TO ORDER: A quorum was established and Vice Chair Bob Nagle called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm. MEETING ATTENDANCE: Board Members: Bob Nagle, Keith Campbell, Melora North, Judy Hunt, Denise Ratcliffe, Judy Zimmerman and Anita Rogers COA Staff Present: Director, Judi Wilson and Office Manager, Donna Faivre Others Present: Liana Surdut, Assistant Town Administrator and Bonnie Englehardt, FOCOA Liaison CHAIRS REPORT • Vice Chair Bob Nagle, welcomed back Judi Wilson as the COA Director. He also introduced the newest COA Board member, Anita Rogers. Anita introduced herself and shared information about her career background with the Board and that she is looking forward to working with the Board members and the staff of the Senior Center. • Chair Nagle mentioned that he would be doing the next article for the Board column for Tidings and the topic will be about the history of the Senior Center building. He asked that Board members email him any topics for future articles. ANNUAL MEETING: • Vice Chair Nagle opened up the discussion of the annual election of officers. He noted that this is a one-year commitment. • Election of Officers were voted in as follows: • Keith Campbell motioned to elect Bob Nagle as Chair. Judy Hunt seconded. Vote: 6-0-0 • Bob Nagle motioned to elect Denise Ratcliffe as Vice Chair. Keith Campbell seconded. Vote 6- 0-0 • Judy Hunt agreed to stay on as Treasurer and Judy Zimmerman agreed to stay on as Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES**: • A motion was made by Denise Ratcliffe which was seconded by Judy Hunt to approve the minutes of the July 25, 2018 COA Board meeting. Vote 7(Y) 0(N) 0(A). PUBLIC COMMENT: None TREASURER'S REPORT**: • Director Wilson reviewed the financial report with the Board. She noted that we are able to spend down our Formula Grant account. Judy Hunt asked about the budget and if we will have enough funds to carry through the end of the fiscal year. Director Wilson mentioned that it is too soon to tell and that she will be working on the numbers. DIRECTOR'S REPORT**: • Stats: Director Wilson reviewed the August 2018 stat report. • Strategic Planning: Director Wilson discussed with the Board, the Age Friendly/Dementia Friendly Grant obtained through Tufts Health Plan to work with communities in Barnstable County. The COA Director is the point person for each town. She noted that it is necessary to establish a committee to determine the best approach to take in order to obtain the information needed to complete the survey for our town. Possible committee members may include the Planning Department, Library, Recreation, COA Board members, Affordable Housing, Public Safety (Police 1 & Fire) and someone with a disability background. Director Wilson will choose a date and send out an invite. Anita Rogers, Bob Nagle and Denise Ratcliffe have volunteered to participate on this committee. Judy Hunt will be an alternate member. FRIENDS UPDATE: Presented by Bonnie Englehardt • Bonnie mentioned two FOCOA events; the trip to Mass. Audubon held in September and their Tea at Two, which will be held on October 16th. The FOCOA continue to support the monthly brown bag program and the Friends Cares Fund. Bonnie welcomed back Director Judi Wilson and thanked Donna Faivre for keeping things afloat as the Acting Director. NEW BUSINESS: • Establish budget priorities and annual goals & objectives ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETING AGENDAS: • Introduction of a staff member or two to the Board at each meeting. This will give the Board an understanding of what role they play at the Senior Center. OLD BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: • With no further business, Chairman Bob Nagle asked for a motion to adjourn. Denise Ratcliffe put forth a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Judy Hunt. Vote: 7(Y) 0(N) 0(A). **Copies on file at Orleans Council on Aging The next COA Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 1:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Faivre, Office Manager Orleans Council on Aging Minutes approved by the Orleans Council on Aging Board at their meeting held October 24, 2018 2