HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1972/02/22 - Regular" INITIATION 1, CALL TO ORDER PLANNING COMMISSION" MINUTES February- 229 1972 The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order by Chairman Dennis at 7:30 p.m., February 22, 1972. 2, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of.Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman.Denniso 3. ROLL CALL 1 Present: Commissioners Atkins, Garvin, Lawson and Dennis Absent: Commissioner Startin. Also present were City Manager Koski, Asst. City Attorney, White and Planning. Director �Dragicevich. Inasmuch as Commissioner Sta rtin was absent due to his attendance at the League of California Cities' Planning Commissioners Seminars Com- missioner Atkins moved,. and Commissioner Garvin seconded, to excuse his absence for cause. Motion ::,carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES m February 8, 1972 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, Commissioner Atkins moved to approve as written, seconded by Commissioner Lawson and carried. 5e- PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO, 72 =363 Howard M. G i l ford : m Applicant for Temple Beth David 68 E. Arthur, Arcadia Site: Temple Beth David 9677 E. Longden Avenue The Planning Director gave the factual report, stating the applicant proposes to add to the existing sanctuary, and office structure, a recreation hall and kitchen facility. He referred to the plot plan marked Exhibit "A" which shows existing and proposed development, gave the factual data on the property, and staff proposals. He con- cluded by saying that the original public hearing on the subject property, for enlargement of facilities, was held on January 14, 1969, but applicants failed to .exercise their conditional use permit within the prescribed period of time. The public hearing was declared open. Mr, Howard Gifford and Mr. Bernard Bender, representing the applicant, informed the Commission that the money, intended for the improvements approved under the previous conditional use permit, was used to remodel the existing facilities, . and lack of funds .prevented their exercising the conditional use permit. The 1 i tt le, frame house that had been on the subject property previously, and which `served .as a kitchen, was demolished, and presently the facility is without a- kitchen. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 22, 1972 PAGE TWO •There were no questions from the Commissioners, and no one else to speak for or against the application. Commissioner Garvin moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Lawson and carried. In closed discussion the Commissioners agreed that the request met the requirements for granting, a: conditional ; use permit;.: the request had been granted previously, and they had no objections to the proposal, Cormmi ssi oner Atkins moved to grant` Conditional Use Permit 72 -363 as the site for the proposed use is adequate, has sufficient access to streets and highways, adequate to carry the traffic generated by, the proposed use, and the use will not have an adverse effect upon the use, enjoyment or valuation of adjacent properties. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawson and carried. 1 Asst.. City Attorney, White read title to Resolution No. 72- 444PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY 'r GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN CASE NO. 72 -363. Commissioner Lawson moved to waive :further reading and adopt, seconded by.Commis- sioner Garvin and passed. Chairman Dennis informed those present of the ten -day appeal period, • PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE :72 =364 John and Dorothy J. Sell — Owner /Applicant 2023 Bella Vista ;Drive, .Arcadia Site: 4945 N. El Monte Avenue, Temple City Director.Dragicevich gave the factual report,, stating the applicant proposes to create a: subdivision of six parcels with less than the required lot area for all parcels. He referred to the plot plan marked Exhibit "A" which shows proposed subdivision' of the subject property, IIIand gave the factual .. data:on the property, and - reviewed the staff proposals. The Commissioners had no questions, therefore the public hearing was declared open, Mr. Bud Heck, representing the app1icant, stated that, with the C i t y ' s requirements for dedication on Key West and : E 1 Monte Avenue, the property; i s reduced in size °where it would be economically unfeas- i b l e to create only -five ldts and meet the City's required improvements. •He continued that the builder intends to create three 4-bedroom homes and three 3- bedroom and ,fami l y . room .homes. They w i l l run from 1400 to 1650 sq. ft. of floor area', and sell for $3 1 , 000 to $33 , 000, which i s above what is 1-4i .. he. area presently. Mr. Dennis.; Dobranst 1, 10653 E. Sparklett Street, asked: if the brick wall between Sparklett and Key 'West = :would be removed, and he was told it probably would not. To his questions about adequate sewers, etc. the City Manager replied these concerns would be considered at the subdivision hearing, which would also be open to the public. Sidewalks would be required for the subdivision. If other property owners wanted sidewalks they should contact City Hall for information regarding arrangements for them. III Mrs, Dennis Dobranski, 10653 E. Sparklett Street, was concerned about drainage, and whether property owners in the vicinity .would be notified. She referred to another casein the area which was denied by the Plann- ing Commission, and approved by the City Council by appeal, and the property owners were not notified of the appeal hearing. It was ex-' plained that drainage would be considered at the time of the subdivision hearing; that the City Council has the right to determine an appeal on, the record, without a public hearing, if they, so desire. However, Sshe was assured that the property owners involved would be notified of the subdivision hearing, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES �ruary 22, 1972 PAGE THREE 1 1 In rebuttal, Mr. Heck said there were no plans to tear down the wall mentioned previously. The houses will be facing either Key West or Sparklett. Regarding a wall being built along El Monte Avenue, that would be resolved under requirements for subdivi i.on. Commissioner Garvin moved to close public hearing, seconded by Com- missioner Atkins and carried. In closed discussion, the Commissioners generally agreed that the proposed subdivision would be an asset to the area, the size of the lots was not detrimental, rather they considered the proposed plan favorably, as being good use of a large parcel. The wider frontages will give the illusion of large lots. In addition, Key West will be widened, thus resolving the traffic problem in this area. The request, they agreed, meets the requirements for granting a variance. Commissioner Garvin moved to grant Zone Variance 72 ®364 for reasons as stated, that it will not be detrimental to the public welfare or adjacent properties nor in conflict with the General Plan. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Atkins and carried. Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution No, 72- 445PC, a RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING ZONE VARIANCE IN CASE NO, 72-364. Commissioner Atkins moved to waive further reading and adopt, seconded by Commissioner Garvin and passed, 7, PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION RE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 27331 1 • Site: Northeast corner of Rosemead Boulevard and Pentland Street Director Dragicevich gave the factual report, stating the applicant proposes to create a one-lot subdivision for a six-unit condominium project. He continued that a Minor Zoning Modification, regarding parking spaces, was granted on October 12, 1972, The Director ex- plained the plot plan marked Exhibit "A ", gave factual data on the case, and listed the staff proposals. He then called the Commissioners' attention to an exchange of correspondence with the Los Angeles Fire Department regarding fire flow requirements and installation of a hydrant at this location. The Planning Director continued that the Fire Department requires a fire flow for this development of 2500 gallons per minute. The developer was concerned because of the expense involved to provide this fire flow requirement and the installation of a required hydrant. He advised the Commission that the representative of the Fire Department was present to answer any questions regarding this matter. The Fire Department requested that an additional fire hydrant be in- stalled at the northeast corner of Pentland and Rosemead Boulevard and that the proposed development meet the fire flow facility of 2500 gallons per minute. The Fire Department is working on the basis of their ordinances and regulations and those of the subdivision committee. Mr, Lou Webb, Euclid Land and Construction Co., 722 E. Valley Boulevard, addressed the Commission, saying they elected to build a 6-unit condomi- nium, but if it were an apartment house they could build 7 or 8 units and still meet parking ratios. He feels they are creating more value with a condominium and therefore it would be more economical and feas- ible. Each unit will have a patio; each buyer, when he purchases the unit will receive a grant deed for unit, patio, two parking spaces and one-sixth interest in all the land. This project will be a California Statute condominium and California non-profit corporation, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 22, 1972 PAGE FOUR 41110i e then referred to the fire protection , requirements, Normally his organiza- tion checks with the Fire Department of. the city and obtains permission from the Fire Chief in form of a letter or signed plot plan of water requirements for fire ..safety. Developer covers this phase before proceeding because it could be expensive to find out later that :fire requirements could be pro- hibitive. Other utilities (gas, .electric and telephone): pay for their _utilities. :Water .companies :do not, which can create a: problem. On the subject property they approached.the Los Angeles County Fire Department who are consultants to.Temple City; The - person on duty whom:they,con- sulted told them_ ;that, because the lot is less .than 150 ft. from the .curb face, it is not under their jurisdiction and no additional fire hydrant was needed. They• optioned the .property and put :it: into escrow, had renderings done and some engineering work, tentative tract maps drawn. When they asked for a- signature or letter of approva 1 from the Fire Department that no additional fire hydrants were required, they learned the:ori.ginal in- formation was erroneous. Generally, speaking, they may have_ passed this property by if they had known :earl. i er of the .water problem. They then contacted the Southern California Water Co., Mr. Sam Keller, Chief. Engineer,, who said they -would need a flow of 1700 gallons per minutes, The property was purchased for $21,000. I n talking with the water company, •for1minute and 2000 ft. from subject property . to pick up 700gallcnsper the -adequate flow line, it would cost. from $20-25,000. These prices were in line with information .regarding another property in the vicinity (on ,Sereno.Drive,.where the Fire.Departmentsaid a hydrant-would be needed to develop that site, and the cost at that ;location would 'have been $40,000). If the plans were for an,8 -unit apartment house they.could get a building perm,i t, Mr. Webb continued, His .organization : has developed many houses, lots of spl i tti ng of four or less, and never encountered problems with the Fire Department as long as they did not develop a "subdivision ", In .Arcadia, Mr..Webb went on, there is a "parking district plan" which Temple City might consider for relief on items such .as this. If the mer' chant or .builder of_ a_: n,ew ;store i s perhaps two parking spaces .short, . for __.. example, . he can p1age : into an account with the City, perhaps in an interest bearing ;savings account,'' for purchasi ng ,future - land which will be con - tiguous to this particular property or•in; some -other needed place in the City. The amount of donation :would be the cost of the - land, asphalt and improvements, and this sum, agreed upon: and negotiated between the City . and the_ bui lder, :would be put into a parking fund, . so at a later date, •:wheare accumulated and land can be purchased, then the land can be uti�l i zed for parking as a parking 'district i n that area. I f there nmoremonies :i s ,a problem in that contract c i-t i es are not able to meet the fire system that the Los Angeles County: wants, . perhaps .some :sort of equi table set of circumstances, such as outlined . for parking, can : be made. I f a 10" water l i ne . i s $,10 . a foot, and the .developer has .200 .ft. of frontage, . $2, 000 is an :equ itable.sum to charge, . but to go ,2, 000 'ft, to provide water for an area much larger than his) i -s unequi table. • He further informed the Commissioners that there . is a plan where the de- veloper.: gets the money, put into the water system,back, over a.22 year period. The water company.wi 1 l pay; the developer back, with certain percentage (15 -2O %)j the total bi l' i s that are .paid over a 22 year period. Investors will buy this contract from the developer for 8 to 11 on the dollar. His organization has :done this .- compute the present worth of Ithe dollar into ,22 years and .theY;,were .willing to sell for 8,-11 on the dollar. Mr. Webb concluded his presentation by showing a rendering of the proposed six units', and said they would be similar to the condominium his company built on Farago, with less units, but with more refinements and would sell for more .money. • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 22, 1972 PAGE FIVE Ilk. Jos. Rote l 1a, Bata1 l i an Chief, Research & Planning Division, Los eles County Fire Department, took the podium at Chairman Dennis' He .stated that the County now has a minor land ordinance should you split any property into two or three lots the developer would go through the same procedure as for a tract, He continued that the Fire Department is concerned with safety,: whether or not the system is adequate to protect the building. When an ordinance applies or recommendations can be made it should be done and the subject project, being a subdivision, falls under certain ordinances, Therefore the staff made recommendations that certain conditions be imposed upon the tract. This body can modify or recommend to the City Council that "these recommendations be deleted or modified i n any way they ,•wish, If the request had come as a standard 6 =unit apartment house there would be no applicable code. If any portion of this building was more than 150 ft. off the street, then it comes under . the Fire Code and then the same conditions would be imposed. However, the problem still would exist as far as the water being, inadequate for fire protection. The Fire Department conducted a test on the subject system and it produced 408 gallons per minute, The water company indicated that a 1400 gallon per minute pump was out of service and would be out of service until after January 1st. Mr, . Rote l la continued that one 22" hose would use 250 gallons of water per inuteo Based on the square footage of this building, and that it is two - tory, frame structure, in a bade fire the amount of water required could e from 35,000 to 40,000 per minute. It is possible ten hoses could be used simultaneously, two of which would be to protect adjoining properties. The water presently ,supplying that area i s". inadequate to protect the area. This area was A °1 prior to incorporation, and was changed by the City to higher zoning use. 480 gallons per minute, which is the present capacity, is not adequate for R-3 development, If the Commission is inclined to provide some measure of relief, Mr..Rotella Isaid he could suggest how the situation could be improved, I f a 6 " fire hydrant is installed on a 6" main at the northeast corner, and if another were installed on the west si de of Rosemead opposite Pentland (which has a different source of supply) between those two hydrants it would be possible to generate 1500 gallons per minute. He :estimated : the cost of this .approach would be between $2,000T”,000. Use of this hydrant would necessitate lay- ing the hoses across °Rosemead - Boulevard and blocking that State highway. He too, expressed concern about the .varying prices of installing hydrants, and wished there were some form of control. 410 e informed the Commission that at the State level there is a move by the ublic Utilities Commission to set standards that water companies must .meet elative to fire protection. Presently these companies have no:responsibi- lity except to supply domestic needs. The State proposes to give :them the responsibility of providing fire protection. The Commissioners were of the opinion that the developer should have an opportunity to investigate the alternatives presented this evening, along with staff, and that this matter should be considered again at the next Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Atkins moved to continue the discussion on this matter to the next regular Planning Commission meeting, seconded by Commissioner Lawson and passed, 8. COMMUNICAT$O NS m There 'were none. III9. TIME -FOR THOSE IN .THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK. There was no one. 0, .MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A. Director Dragicevich presented to the Commission a proposal to modify the boundaries of the present Community Redevelopment Agency area on Rosemead. He explained the -present- boundaries • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES PAGE SIX February 22, 1972 and the proposed ones, which approximate those of the original survey area. The Planning Commission has an opportunity to modify the boundaries before going to public hearing before the CRA. • The City Manager addressed the Commission on the proposed boundary changes and the reasoning behind them, and why this move must be considered now. Basically, the new boundaries would give the Agency control over both sides of Rosemead Boulevard. The Commissioners discussed the changed proposal vs. the present boundaries, and were of the opinion that they would like to study and discuss this further. It was agreed to continue the discussion at an adjourned meeting on February 29, 1972. B. Commissioner Lawson announced there would be a California Planning Commissioners seminar in Anaheim April 5-7 as listed in Western Cities Magazine. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Commissioner Garvin moved,. and Commissioner Atkins seconded, to adjourn to an adjourned meeting on Tuesday, February 29, 1972, at 7:30 p.m. in the North Meeting Room of the City Hall. Motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. IATTEST: Secr tary Chairman