HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1974/01/08 - Regular (2)II! INITIATION 1 • 1. CALL TO ORDER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 8, 1974 Commissioner Lawson called to order the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City at 7:30 p.m., January 8, 1974. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Lawson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Atkins, Breazeal, Clark, Stacy, Lawson Absent: Commissioners - None Also present: City Manager Koski, Asst. City Attorney White, Planning Director Dragicevich and Assistant Planner Burnham. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of December 11, 1973 Commissioner Breazeal referred to Para. 4, p. 6, Item 4, should read "He did not consider this request consistent with the intent of the General Plan." Commissioner Clark moved the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Atkins and carried unanimously. Regular meeting of December 25, 1973, was cancelled due to lack of quorum. 5. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND TEMPLE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENTS • 1 • Director Dragicevich referred to new draft of resolution on this matter, specifically to Section 9622, wherein subsection (d) had been added at the Commissioners' request at the last meeting, to have the City Engineer review and approve application for boundary line adjustments. He called attention to letter from the Los Angeles Regional Engineer suggesting decision on the subject matter be post- poned until comparison is made between the City proposal and a County ordinance which is being prepared and should be ready by the end of January. Commissioner Atkins moved to continue this matter as an open public hearing until the Planning Commission meeting of February 12, 1974. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Clark and passed. 6. COMMUNICATIONS A. Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment re. Regulations for Animals The Commissioners were directed to the subject ordinance by the Planning Director, who called attention to number and kind of animals allowed in specified square -foot areas in Los Angeles County. The Commissioners, in discussion, felt there was no need to consider the matter further. Commissioner Atkins made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Breazeal, and passed, to receive and file. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 8, 1974 PAGE TWO 7. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - There was no one. •8. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS 1 A. Annexation - County Unincorporated Area Director Dragicevich announced that the City of Temple City has sub- mitted our first annexation since the development of the Sphere of Influence (adopted by the Local Agency Formation Commission on April 11, 1973) as shown on an attached map. The annexation is filed in accordance with the Annexation Act of 1939, and will be heard be- fore LAFCO on February 13, 1974, after which it will be taken before the City Council to set public protest hearing. The area in question contains two single - family residences. Commissioner Breazeal was concerned about the irregularity in City boundaries that the annexation would cause, and wondered why a larger, more regular- shaped area was not suggested. City Manager Koski said LAFCO recommends smaller areas that are amenable to annexation, and in this instance there had been requests from property owners for annexa- tion to the City. This proposed method is much more efficient than going through the process of petitions, etc. This annexation effort • was begun over 1 -1/2 years ago, but was held up because the sphere of influence for the City had not been established. The area consists of about one -third acre. He /concluded by saying that the staff will be in attendance at the LAFCO meeting on February 13th when this matter is considered. 1 B. Addition to Nonconforming Use Located in CRA Area A request had been submitted to the City to build an accessory structure on a C -3 zoned parcel in the Rosemead Boulevard Redevelopment Project area. The lot in question contains a car wash business and automobile body and painting works; both types of businesses are legal pre - existing uses, the Director said. He continued by saying that car wash establishments or businesses are permitted in C -2 and other less restrictive zones with conditional use permit and automobile painting and body works are permitted in M -1 and M -2 zones. The proposed structure is basically a storage structure to be used in conjunction with the automobile works, The Director outlined the avenues open to the Commission in considering this request. In answer to Commissioner Clark's questions, the Director said this is an existing business which needs additional space for storage; it is a legal nonconforming use, as are other such businesses which are located in Temple City but not in the zone intended for that use. They existed before the zoning was established. Because of this nonconforming status the use is prohibited from expanding, and the City Attorney suggested the matter be brought before the Planning Commission for discussion. The City Manager said the fact the use is located in the CRA area is not the problem. Even without the CRA the problem exists. Mr. Alvin Watlet, Manager of San Gabriel Auto Body, )8850 Las Tunas Drive, stated this business is growing and he wants to erect a temporary struc- ture to accommodate the increased business. When the CRA project is - approved this business will have to relocate. Director Dragicevich passed to the Commissioners a set of plans of the type of temporary structure he is proposing for body repair work and storage of some parts. The Commissioners, in discussion, were in sympathy with Mr. Watlet's request, and upon the advice of the City Attorney, determined that an amendment to the zoning code, adding automobile painting, body and fender works to the C -3 zone, subject to conditional use permit approval, would be the wisest approach as a relief to this problem. In this manner • each such request for the use could be reviewed and approved or disapproved as each property is unique. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING-OF January 8, 1974 PAGE THREE Commissioner Atkins moved to set public hearing for January 22,1974, to amend. Section 9400, Para. A., Subsection 7 of the °Temple-City Zoning Code to add automobile painting, body and fender works (all operations to be conducted within an enclosed building). Motion was seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and passed unanimously. - C. Set public hearing to determine existence of public nuisance - 10516 Daines Drive Asst. Planner Burnham explained the condition of the property, and sub- mitted pictures of the property to the Commissioners, following referral to the City Manager's memo submitting for the Commission's consideration a resolution of intent to determine existence of a public nuisance. The Planning Director listed objectionable conditions and methods of abate- ment. Commissioners Clark and Breazeal stated they had viewed the property. Commissioner Clark was concerned about the ability of the resident, an elderly woman, to make the required improvements. It was pointed out that the Commission could not concern itself with economic factors in the case; however, staff was instructed to investigate. Commissioner Atkins moved to set public hearing for February 12, 1974, on this matter. Commissioner Breazeal seconded and the motion carried. Asst. City Attorney' White read title to Resolution No. 73- 539PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DECLARING ITS INTENT TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO DETERMINE THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE.. Commissioner Atkins made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried, to waive further reading and adopt. D. Planning Commission Institute - February 6 -8, 1974 Sponsored by League of California Cities City Manager Koski referred to an Institute for Planning Commissioners to be held in Palm Springs on February 6 -8, 1974, under sponsorship of League of California Cities, and urged all who could to attend, and to inform staff not later than Friday, January 11, 1974, of their intentions. E. Environmental Quality and Code Enforcement Program Asst. Planner Burnham reviewed memo on activities of this program for period of December 7, 1973, through January 4, 1974. He also re- ferred to report on the program which had been presented to the Commissioners. The City Manager said the intensity of code enforcement had increased as a result of the Community Seminar of October 13, 1973, when several comments were made by citizenry to maintain the private property in Temple City and keep it from deteriorating. Both the Assistant Planner and Planning and Engineering Aide are deeply involved in the program. He suggested the Commissioners review the report and make any comments at the next meeting.. These comments will be incorporated in the report and it will be presented to the City Council. The Commissioners were impressed with the number of hours spent on the program. Commissioner Clark asked about checking on businesses operat- ing in Temple City, to see if they are licensed. He was informed that the staff observes this on observation. trips and businessmen in Temple City are prompt to report'a competitor doing business in the City to . determine if he is licensed. Further, Sgt. Gillmann of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept. License Detail, also investigates new businesses. Contractors obtaining building permits must show proof to the Building Department that they are licensed, and the Asst. Planner and Aide also check on realtor signs in the City. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 8; 1974 l PAGE FOUR F -Conflict of Interest Forms • City Manager Koski said.the deadline for filing is April 30, 1974. The City will be getting forms to the Commissioners shortly. If anyone had questions the City Attorney's of fice would be available for advice. G. Southern California Planning Congress Meeting January 10, 1974, Long Beach Director.Dragicevich referred.to.notice of subject meeting and said the topic for the evening was "Conflict of Interest Law ". Any Commissioners interested in attending should contact staff. 1 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no.further. business, Commissioner Breazeal made a motion at 8:35 p.m. to adjourn to study session and thence to next regular meeting, seconded by Commissioner Clark and the motion carried. • f%-c-0-L-c, Sedretary 1 • 1 • LAC Chairman