HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1974/10/08 - RegulariloINITIATION 1. .CALL TO ORDER I2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Pro Tem Atkins led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 8, 1974 Chairman Pro Tem Atkins called to order the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City at 7:30 p.m., October 8, 1974. Present: Commissioners Clark, Lawson, Stacy, Atkins Absent: Chairman Breazeal Also present: City Manager Koski, Asst. City Attorney White, Planning Director Dragicevich, Public Works Coordinator Leonetti and Asst. Planner. Burnham. Commissioner Lawson moved to excuse Chairman Breazeal's absence for cause. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stacy and carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of September 24, 1974 Chairman Pro Tem Atkins called attention to p. 6, para. 11, that the first sentence should read "it was time to halt uncontrolled development ". There being no further corrections or additions, Commis -. sioner Stacy moved the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawson and. passed. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE. CASE NO. 74 -426 Dr. Denver D. Coleman - Owner /Applicant 248 So. San Rafael Avenue Pasadena, Ca. 1 Site: 5721 N. Rosemead Boulevard The Planning Director said the notices had, been sent as required by law. He said the applicant proposes to erect a vehicular directional sign in excess of permitted height and sign face area. The plot plan marked Exhibit "A ", which shows the proposed free - standing sign located in the parking lot, Exhibit "B ", showing the graphics and color of.the pro- posed sign, and Exhibit "C ", showing location of the sign in the parking lot, were referred to by the Director. He then reviewed staff condi- tions proposed if the Commission approves the variance. In response to Commissioner Clark's question about height of other signs on Las Tunas Drive, the Director said American Savings & Loan sign is 50 ft. high, and First Western Bank sign is 40 -41 ft. The C&R Clothiers sign is 25 ft. high. • There being no further questions, the public hearing was declared open. Dr. Denver D. Coleman, 248 S. San Rafael Avenue, Pasadena, owner of the subject property, said the subject sign is the same one that existed for several years at Rosemead and Elm Avenue. C&R Clothiers considered the ,sign too small for their identification. The proposed height is the same as previously. Between the building to the north, (C &R Clothiers) and the restaurant to the south (Tiffany's), the area is completely dark at night. People coming south on Rosemead do not know they can park on that property, and proceed to Las Tunas, turn right and go back up through the restaurant parking lot to go to C &R Clothiers. Further, the dark parking lot is unsafe for customers and for waitresses who change shifts late at night or early in the morning at the all -night restaurant, Dr. Coleilan said he also intended to install four flood lights to go across the lot and to the rear of it. One purpose of the requested height for the sign is to throw the light as far as possible on the park- ing area; further, C &R Clothiers specified they did not want this sign PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 8, 1974 PAGE TWO to be at a.height to interfere with their identification sign. Since the property in question is in the CRA area and can be used as the City sees - fit in the future, the sign would be of a temporary nature. He has read and •understands conditions proposed by staff; the proposed sign will be the only one on that piece of property; other signs are on another lot. He concluded by saying that he owns the property on which the sign will stand. In answer to Commissioners' questions, the Director said the current signs were installed in accordance with the Sign Ordinance at this location, one IIree- standing sign for the clothing store and one for the restaurant. The ree - standing sign previously was for identification; the proposed use of his sign is for direction, and under a different category. No one else came forward to speak to the issue, therefore Commissioner Lawson moved to close public hearing. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stacy and carried. Commissioner Lawson began the closed discussion by saying the difference in height and size of the sign proposed and that allowed under the Code is too great and he was not in favor of allowing that much difference. He ex- pressed the opinion that a common ground could be found to obtain the relief the owner is looking for and yet not be so far out of bounds with the City's code. This sign is not for identification, and far exceeds the restrictions for parking lot signs. Commissioner Clark felt the requested height was necessary to sufficiently light a dark area between two commercial buildings; however, he felt flood lights could be a solution, and was against the proposed height. Commissioner Stacy said he had reviewed the conditions for granting a vari- ance, and the applicant has not proved the property is unique, he is not be- ing denied a right enjoyed by other properties, and he felt granting a variance was not in order. hairman Pro Tem Atkins said the requested variance would not preclude utting up parking lights. He agreed that the applicant did not prove need for a variance as there are no special circumstances, no preservation of property rights and applicant can make reasonable use of his property. Commissioner Stacy moved to deny the request in Zone Variance Case 74 -426 on the basis that there are no special circumstances to indicate a variance should be granted nor is the property owner suffering hardship or loss of right of ownership in this case.. He can be accommodated within the law. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawson and carried. •Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution 74- 589PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DENYING A VARIANCE IN ZONE VARIANCE CASE 74 -426. Commissioner Lawson moved to waive further read- ing and adopt. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried. 6. PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION: . Tentative Parcel Map No. 549 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.. Lawson - Owner /Applicant 1062 North Bender Avenue Covina, California 1 Situ: 4933 North Hallowell Avenue .. Director'Dragicevich said a zone variance (Case 74 -422) was approved by the Planning Commission on August 27,.1974, for the substandard lot widths for the proposed parcels. Further, an Environmental Impact Report was submitted and certified at this hearing. The applicant is proposing to -divide the subject property. into three parcels, •The Director explained the.plot plan marked Exhibit "A'.', indicating exist- ing and proposed development, reviewed. the factual data on the subject property. and listed the.staff proposals. Commissioner Lawson was con - cerned with the condition requiring the . existing fire.hydrant.on the east side of Hallowell Avenue to be upgraded. Asst. Planner Burnham said existing is a 4" substandard fire hydrant. The public hearing was declared.open. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 8., 1974 PAGE THREE Mr. Charles Lawson, applicant, 1062 North Bender Avenue, Covina, said he had only one objection to the suggested conditions, i.e., the fire hydrant re- quirement. He said the Seeman School property, on which the subject fire . hydrant is located, is being considered for development. If this is the • case, he suggested that the, fire hydrant upgrading be included in their development requirements. In answer to Commissioner Clark's question it was stated the closest fire hydrant to the subject property other than the one being discussed was on IIILower Azusa Road. Commissioner Stacy said that, not knowing when Seeman School property will be developed, and since the applicant is going to proceed with the develop- ment of his property at this time, it would be logical to ask him to upgrade the hydrant. Staff pointed out that no new line would be required, only a new cap. Chair- man Pro Tem Atkins was in agreement that the hydrant requirement was not an unreasonable one to make of the applicant. Commissioner Lawson was in agreement. Commissioner Clark moved to approve Tentative Parcel Map No. 549 with staff conditions. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stacy and passed. . Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution 74- 590PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 549. Commissioner Stacy moved to waive further reading and adopt, seconded by Commissioner Clark and the motion carried. 7. PUBLIC HEARING: DETERMINATION OF EXISTENCE OF PUBLIC NUISANCE 5218 Farago Avenue (Case No. 74 -27) Mr. George Kessler Director Dragicevich said the proper notices had been sent and property posted. He reviewed the conditions maintained on said property which may exist contrary to the-Municipal Code of the City, and methods of abatement. 1 1 The public hearing was declared open. No one came forward to speak to the issue. Commissioner Lawson moved to close public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and the motion carried. The Commissioners were in agreement that the property had not improved in appearance since proceedings in this case began, and that the property owner, by not appearing or contacting staff, showed lack of concern about his property. Commissioner Stacy moved to declare the existence of a public nuisance at 5218 Farago Street. .Motion was seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried. Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution 74- 591PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DETERMINING. THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND RECOMMENDING ABATEMENT THEREOF. Commissioner Lawson moved to waive further reading and adopt, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and the motion carried. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND GENERAL PLAN RE. GOLDEN WEST AVENUE SOUTH OF OLIVE STREFT The Director said the Planning Commission had discussed the future develop ment of Golden West Avenue with the Traffic Commission and staff in the past. Consideration. of the future. status of this street was prompted by reconstruction of. Lower._Azusa..Road. The City Council had considered recommendations from.the Traffic-Commission and referred the matter back to the Planning Commission for, appropriate hearings with respect to the Circulation Element..of..the General. Plan. On the General Plan Golden West Avenue is shown.as a collector road, He explained the configuration of this street, the land use abutting it, and the en vironmental issues, He referred to the two large parcels abutting PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 8, 1974 PAGE FOUR Lower Azusa Road and Golden West Avenue, and then listed the alternatives under consideration at this time. Asst. Planner Burnham explained the dedica- tion..requirements from various property owners for each proposal - i;e., through street or cul-de-sac, and showed location of the storm drain from 4pthe proposed cul-de-sac to Lower Azusa Road. Commissioner- Lawson said if the Commission accepts the cul -de -sac solution, why not amend the Circulation Element, and it was explained that the City doesn't know the demand on land use ten years from now and at this loca- 1 Lion the important consideration is what is going to happen to the several large parcels on Lower Azusa Road, which constitute the only land left in the City for large development after Seeman School. It is possible it will be desirable to have Golden West go through to Lower Azusa Road. Chairman Pro Tem Atkins said the Commission had received letters and petitions which will be taken into consideration in determination of this matter, as well as recalling the testimony of those attending the study session on this item. The public hearing was declared open: Chairman Pro Tem Atkins setting a format that those in favor of making Golden West a through street to Lower Azusa Road to speak first, then those in favor of a cul -de -sac, and lastly., those who wished: to retain a status quo condition would speak. ill IN FAVOR OF IMPROVING GOLDEN WEST AVENUE TO LOWER AZUSA ROAD Mr. Harvey T. Booher, Pastor of the First Southern Baptist Church, 4856 North Golden West Avenue, presented a petition with 47 signatures advocat- ing that Golden West Avenue be made a through street. He owns property at 4901 N. Agnes Avenue, but is presently living in Rowland Heights. 82% of those who signed the petition are residents of Temple City. Mr. Robert Berlin, 1733. Hanscom Drive, So. Pasadena, representing his father,. Mr. Newton Berlin, and Mr.. Hiroshi Komai, spoke in favor of having Golden IWest Avenue improved to Lower Azusa Road. At this time, if there are not sufficient funds to accomplish this he suggested a temporary fence at Lower Azusa Road and one at the northern end of the unimproved portion of Golden West, leaving a vehicle pass - through. Presently his father has no plans for development, nor in the foreseeable future. . He gave the history of the 23 ft. strip which is now owned by. the County, and added that his father and Mr. Komai are willing to dedicate 30 ft. if the City provides the improve- ments. Mr. Gerald Segal, 5338 Golden West Ave., asked how many of the 82% Temple City residents who signed the church's petition, had residences on Golden IWest, and what does the future development of land use on Lower Azusa. Road have to do with development on Golden West Avenue. Chairman Pro Tem Atkins replied that the petition contained the addresses of only two of the signees,' and neither of those are on Golden West. In answer to the second question, it is important for the Commission to consider what will happen with the land use in determining the best course of action to take in developing Golden ' West Avenue. Mr... Robert..Berlin said.originally his father planned to divide his property into 8 lots, however,.since the widening of Lower Azusa Road it could probably be divided into three or four lots. He would like the street t go through to allow the possibility of development. IIIMr. Lou Burstein, 9817. Hallwood Drive, favored a through street for Golden West.as presently the traffic from Golden West goes across Hallwood to Agnes . Avenue to Lower Azusa Road, and traffic from Lower. Azusa on Agnes reverses the route. He referred to a petition signed by ,the residents on Hallwood Drive. This street is very narrow. He considered the cul -de -sac solution as "unfinished business ". PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF'OCTOBER 8, 1974 PAGE FIVE. Mr. Ed Kipp_, who lives on a cul -de -sac on Camellia Avenue, said a cul-de-sac does not stop speeding drivers. 'r. L. W. Townsend, owner 'of 4840 Golden West, said that opening the street as the only way to get on the sewer line as there are 8 -10 .parcels in that vicinity still on cesspools. Public Works Coordinator Leonetti said the sewer line terminates at 4856 Golden West. This.was the last parcel that dedicated right -of -way for ewers. Asst. Planner Burnham added that the L.A. County advised him that, • III ecause of the required depth of the sewer, it cannot go through to Lower zusa Road. -City Manager Koski said the existing 23 ft. would provide an pportunity to extend the sewer line. If the street goes through, the City . will build the sewer line and an easement can be granted at that time. The City has the right -of -way needed; if the property owners want the sewer line the City will grant them the right -of -way. It could be done. if Golden West is a through street or a cul -de -sac, they could still get the sewers. • Mr. William Marks, 9803 Miloanu, said he formerly owned a.home on the un-- dedicated portion of Miloann, and the City previously proposed sewers for the whole area and all the property owners wanted them in, but Mr. Townsend and the owners of the two large parcels facing Lower Azusa opposed it. Chairman Atkins said this was not the issue before the Cop.lmission tonight; he easement exists for sewers, and if the property owners decide to form .n easement district a sewer project can be arranged. IN FAVOR OF A CUL -DE -SAC Mr. Daniel Arquette, 4863 Golden West, originator of a petition with 110 signatures, for a through street, five property owners could not be contacted and three were against the proposal.. This represents 93% of the street : from Lower Azusa to Howland. A through street would not benefit Temple City; it would be used by race track traffic if, as the General Plan indicates, his street is to be extended from Lower Azusa to Arcadia City limits. aldwin Avenue and Temple City_.,Boulevard are both through streets, extending outh of Lower Azusa Road, which Golden West does not; with these two streets there is no need for another one Mr. Charles Caldwell, 4850 Golden West, said those who live in the area and own homes there are not in favor of a through street, only the church, whose members do not live on the street, favors it being extended to Lower. Azusa. The two large parcels facing Lower Azusa have access off that street, and have no need for an access street unless they are developed. He asked. if 'the church owned the land from Golden West to Agnes Ave., and was told they , wn 50,000 sq. ft., but do not own Agnes Street frontage. He expressed Igioncern'about the traffic from the drive -in theater which would use Golden West if it were a through street, and the attendent noise and trash. Mr. Milton Booher, 9807 Hallwood Drive, was against opening Golden West because of TTie location of the drive -in theater, with increase in traffic, noise and litter. If the decision is to put the street through to Lower Azusa, he suggests a stop sign at Lower Azusa on Golden West. He also sug- gested a stop sign at La Rosa Drive to slow down speeding. Mr. Ronald Baker, 4910 Golden West, said the street in its present state cannot handle additional traffic of a through street. This area should re- =main as a quiet, residential district. A through street would be a hazard .)r the children who live on this street. r. Darius Hays,.490L Golden West, questioned if there would be.a differ: - ..nce in the cost of installing a cul -de -sac opposed to that of a through street Mr. Allen Maxwell; 5031 Golden West., was against a through street because of the traffic hazard it would create for the children in the area. Irs. G, K. Goldsmith, 4836 Golden West, asked why the City has to wait for he large parcel,owners.to make a decision as to the future of their properties • The cul-de-saz would not be forever. She was eager to be connected with a sewer line. She continued that what the people on Golden West want is a cul-de-sac, good drainage at the end of the street., and.possibly a stop sign at La Rosa and Golden West. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 8, 1974 PAGE SIX IN FAVOR OF NO ACTION ON GOLDEN WEST AVENUE AT PRESENT There was no one to speak to this issue 4I/Commissioner Lawson moved to close public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and the motion carried. Commissioner Stacy asked when funds would be available for improvement of Golden West, either as a through street or a cul -de -sac. The City Manager IIIreplied the drainage problem would be corrected immediately. For street improvements the right -of -way would be required, and we are somewhat de- pendent on dedication.. The funds would have to be provided in the next budget or adjust one of the projects in the budget presently. City Attorney White said the question before the Commission is whether to amend the Circulation Element of the General Plan or not. Any other. recommendation to the City Council would be dependent on what action the City Council decides to take. Commissioner Lawson said when the General Plan was being developed Golden West was to be one of. the City's collector streets, and he felt this was still a good plan and should not be .changed. He was against a cul -de -sac at this location. He felt the entire City should be considered, not just the residents on Golden West. He favored either leaving it as it is or • making it into a through street. Commissioner Clark was in favor of improving the drainage and of closing the street. He further suggested a stop sign between Olive and the end of Golden. West on that street. Commissioner Stacy said Golden West has a couple problems - this one and between Olive and Broadway. At the present time he felt a cul -de -sac is the direction to go; if the General Plan were not revised at the time he would prefer the matter be left as is, with the drainage ditch improved.. Chairman Pro Tem Atkins said to open Golden West all the way would cost a fortune as the entire length would have to be widened. He favored a cul -de -sac; presently there is no proposed development for the properties facing Lower Azusa Road.- He would not amend the General Plan. He was opposed to the do- nothing position. He would enhance the neighborhood with public works improvements of curbs, gutters. This approach would eliminate the drive -in traffic threat which is very real. • Discussion continued on the possibility of forming an assessment district for improvement of the street. There is already some'right -of -way there, and • the remainder would have to be obtained. Commissioner Lawson moved to recommend to the City Council that the Circula . tion Element of the General Plan not be amended; and that it be left as shown on the General Plan. Commissioner Clark seconded and the motion. carried with no objections. Commissioner Stacy moved to recommend to'the City Council that Golden West Avenue be improved with a cul -de -sac approximately 460 ft, south of Hallwood Drive and that immediate steps be taken to correct the problems.relating to the unimproved drainage ditch south of Hallwood Drive, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Clark and passed with a. roll call vote with Couunissioners Itkins, Clark, Stacy voting for, and Commissioner Lawson voting against the motion. Commissioner Stacy further moved to recommend that the traffic situation at the lower end of Golden West be eliminated Ly installing a fence or gate and allowing the property owners reasonable access to cul -de -sac and to . Lower Azusa Road, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawson and carried. • Chairman Pro Tem Atkins called a recess at 9:30 p.m.; and reconvened the meeting at 9:40 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 8, 1974 9. PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 31002 Frost Development, Inc. - Applicant 650 West Duarte Road Arcadia, Calif. 1 PAGE SEVEN The Planning Director said this item was to be postponed to a future .date inasmuch as the developer had not submitted suitable maps for presenta- tion. Mr. Lloyd Voorhes,5332 Farago, asked why the case was postponed, and . it was explained to him, and he was also told he will receive a notice again when the Tentative Tract Map will be before the Couuuission for consideration. Mr Patrick Owens expressed concern about the fencing around the proposed development and came prepared to show slides of enclosures in Temple City and around other similar developments, The Commission requested these slides be shown when the development is before the Commission for con- sideration. 10. COMMUNICATIONS - There were none. 11. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK -- No one came forward. 12. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS A. The Commissioners made arrangements to meet for Monday's luncheon meeting for the League of California Cities. B. City Manager said additional information will be sent to them on the forthcoming. City Seminar, and that there would be a bus to transport those attending, leaving from City Hall at 4:30 p.m.. 1[3. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Commissioner Stacy made a motion to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried. Meeting,adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Chairman •ATTEST:.