HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1974/12/10 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES December 10, 1974 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Breazeal called to order the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City at 7:30 p.m., December 10, 1974. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Breazeal led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Atkins, Clark, Lawson, Breazeal Absent: Commissioners - Stacy Also present: Asst. City Attorney White and Planning Director Dragicevich. Commissioner Atkins moved to excuse Commissioner Stacy for cause, seconded by Commissioner Clark, and the motion passed. •4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Regular Meeting of November 26, 1974 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, Commissioner Atkins moved they be approved as written. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawsonand passed. '(b) Adjourned Meeting of November 26, 1974 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, Commissioner Atkins made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lawson and carried, that they be approved as written. 1 5. PUBLIC HEARING: MODIFICATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 70 -330 Pacific•Ackworth.Foundation - Owner /Applicant 6210 Temple City Boulevard Temple City, Ca, Site: 6210 Temple City Boulevard The Planning Director said notices had been sent as required by law, • and continued that the applicant requests: modification of Resolution 71 -398PC which requires_ completion of development within four years from adoption of the Resolution (January 12, 19;71) by extending allotted time for completion ,..an;.. additional ..five years . He proceeded to give a background .. on the original conditional.use„ perm'it request, and said that applicant's request at this time is due to a delay in meeting the overall facility expansion objectives caused partly by the nation's declining.:economy..presently and problems in construction of their first majorr new building, He gave the factual data on the subject property, and concluded that the staff was not proposing any new conditions at this time.: Exhibits "A", "B", "C" and "D" were referred to in explanation of the proposed plans. In answer to questions from the Commissioners, the Director said that there have been no time extensions granted since the conditional use permit was granted. . There has been no recent inspection by the Fire or Building Department:, although originally these two departments did inspect the property and made specific recommendations which the applicant had to comply with. Members of the organization are doing the work and have been at work on the major structure about one year. • They are presently awaiting final word from the Building Department and then will complete construction on this structure in the next 'w-three or four months. All buildings in violation of the Building Codes have been corrected. 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting of December 10, 1974 PAGE TWO . Chairman Breazeal wished the record to show that his daughter attended a special program at :this school last summer for 13 weeks but it would not "'affect his objectivity in considering the request this evening. The public hearing was declared open. Mr.. Stuart Denker-, Chairman of the Building Co��mittee for the Pacific ckwort Foundation,. 2023 LaFrance, South.. Pasadena, said the organization encountered many delays and obstacles in attempting to achieve their ex- ansion plans, and he enumerated them. Economics played a large part, since he Foundation depends on donations and booths•at fairs for funds, and since the members, who are doing the work of expansion, are also involved in money - raising activities, the labor force is often tied up for weeks at a time in. these:,_activities.. He expressed concern about the Fire Department's: - request for a hydrant on Temple City Boulevard, and a private hydrant, which requirements will -cost the Foundation about $45,000 as estimated by the East Pasadena Water Co. Construction on the first dome, done by members, was rejected by the Building Department and must be repaired, taking a toll in both time and money. He listed other construction problems that they . encountered which had to be resolved. In conclusion he said the results of all these difficulties' had put .their schedule in arrears, and the current request is just to keep the:building program alive. •In answer to questions from the Commissioners he revisewed some of the condi- tions which had been.originally imposed, and said some of them had been met, . and others were :either in progress, or had to,wait until construction was further along, but that the organization objected to' none of them. He could not say that, granted an extension of five years;.the project would be completed, but. they could then, if necessary, come back with a request again for more. time. The members had learned much in the past -four years and.the'project should move ahead more quickly now: If the Fire Department requirement for:the. hydrant. on Temple City Blvd. is enforced, the organiza- tion may not be able, for financial reasons, to build the other structures, or they may be.delayed for an undetermined time. rs. Alice B. Way, 62.10 Temple City Boulevard, said.in response to Commissioner Atkins' question about Building, Fire and Health.Dept. inspections, when the Foundation files their private school application in September or October of each year, it.is..required that approval by the Fire and Health Department be submitted, and this was done this year, also. There was no one-. else to speak to the issue. Chairman Breazeal referred to letter received from. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lathbury, 6159 N. Camellia Ave objecting to the granting of an extension because of.the appearance and lack ,objecting maintenance: of the 'subject property. k- Commissioner, Atkins. expressed:concern.about the facilities meeting fire and safety_ requirements , . andmoved_.the, °-hearing be continued to the next regular meeting: on January. 14_, . 197,5,. pending receipt of reports from the Los Angeles County Fire Department and.Building and Safety Department after these agencies make -a current. inspection, of. the site.. Motion was seconded by Commissinner Ciark. arid. failed by a roll call vote with Commissioners Atkins and Clark voting for, and Commissioners..Lawson and .Breazeal voting against the motion. Commissioner Lawson moved to close public hearing. Motion was seconded by Chairman Breazeal. Commissioners. Atkins. and. Clark said the applicant has had four years to con - struct.theproposed facilities :and very little has been done, and they won- dered how much..longer would be required. Chairman Breazeal said the size .of the organization, which is doing the work, the type of organization it is, he.felt they'have demonstrated good faith to meet terms and conditions, and like.everyone.elseYhad also encountered economic problems. He suggested a six - months' extension. Denial, he said, would prevent applicant from "'going forward at all. Commissioner Atkins also questioned the requirement: for a driveway off. Camellia Avenue,. and expressed concern about other conditions of granting the conditional use permit, He did not want to stop the project from going forward. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF DECEMBER 10, 1974 PAGE THREE r,. Commissioner. Lawson moved to reopen public hearing and continue the matter to the meeting of January 14, 1975. Motion was seconded by Commissioner •Clark and passed with no objection. Atty. White informed those present :. that no further notices would be sent, and staff was instructed to obtain reports from the Building and Fire Departments. • 1 . PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 74 -429 City of Temple City - Applicant North side of Lower Azusa Road from Agnes (east and west side) to Glickman Avenue (west side) Director Dragicevich. explained that the subject area is designated on -the General Plan map.for Low Medium density with 7 -15 dwelling units per acre; and on the Zoning Map it•is shown as R -4, Limited Commercial - Residential which permits., under current zoning regulations, maximum density of 36 units per acre. He continued that in May, 1974, the Planning Commission recommended density. of the subject area be changed from Low Medium to High. Medium density, but the City Council disagreed with these recommendations. He informed the members that an.Environ- mental Impact Report on this matter would be prepared at time of public hearing before the City Council. The Director said the alternatives would be: 1. Retain the status quo. 2. Zone change from R -4 to C -2 or any other Commercial zone. 3. Zone change from R -4 to R -3 The last two alternatives would require changing the General Plan also. One particular problem is the zoning in El Monte, on the south side of Lower Azusa Road, which extends from C -3 to M -2 in that area. He con- cluded by referring to letter from owner of property at 9929 Lower Azusa Road in opposition to the zone change. The public hearing was declared open. In Favor: Mr. Robert Graham, 4823..Glickman, :asked if a zone change would affect his tax base, and was 'told it would not. • In Opposition: 1 • 0 Mrs... Thelma McQueen, 10047 Lower. Azusa Road, has a single- family residence on her .property, but:. eventually.: hopesW to.. sell ...to'' .a - developer . She is against.. the proposed. zoning .:.and added that:.:..the 'development on the south side of Lower . Azusa_ .. - Roadies ;-not:: conducive to °R -2 zoning::::,:: . Mr. Champion;.:who' i,s:= 1eas:ing=-= 'the' - property at-9861 Lower Azusa Road with the option to buy, spoke in opposition to the proposal, saying eventually the area in question should be zoned Commercial. He is presently using the property for a residence and office for his business. He, too, spoke of the uses on the south side. of Lower Azusa Road being mostly commercial and manufacturing. Mr. John Brown, 9913 Lower Azusa Road, said his property was changed to R -4, against his wishes, and now that his family is grown and he will shortly be disposing of his property, he would prefer it to remain R -4. Mr. Spencer Fleming, 9925 Lower Azusa Road, felt that, since the street is to be widened, and. with. the uses on the south side. in El Monte, the zoning should remain R -4,. He felt Lower Azusa Road is available for progress and it must have the zoning to allow it. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting of December 10; 1974 PAGE FOUR Mrs. Merton..Landon, 9859 E.. Olive Street, owner of property at 9925 Lower Azusa Road, was in favor,of retaining -.the R -4 property, as many people who own property there.and do not live on it would be losing money in selling that. property at R -2 prices,. Further, the developments on the south side of the street should be considered. She has owned the property for about 20- years. Marguerite Calvin Shield,, 10173 Lower Azusa Road, did not favor R -2 zoning, and did not encourage.Commercial zoning either. There being no.further testimony, Commissioner Lawson moved. to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Atkins and the motion passed. In closed - .discussion the _Commissioners were in agreement that R -2 zoning. was. inappropriate in consideration of the uses on the south side, of Lower Azusa. Road, further, that any change should be withheld until after improvements -on the street are completed to see what the traffic pattern. will be, and there has not been any building activity in this area.for years,'and it might be better to wait until the City gets some activity. Commissioner Atkins made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Clark and passed unanimously, to deny zone change in Case 74 -429 for the reasons cited. Asst..City Attorney White read title to Resolution 74- 600PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF. THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DENYING ZONE CHANGE IN CASE NO. 74 -429. Commissioner Lawson moved to waive further reading and adopt; seconded by..Commissioner Atkins and the motion carried. 1 7. COMMUNICATIONS — There were. none. 8. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - No one came forward. Ili. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS • (a) Proposed Ordinance relating to Abandoned Driveway Curb Openings The Commissioners were in agreement that this item should be studied further at a study session (b) Set Public Hearing for a Zone Change Recommendation from C- 3`'and <R -3 to C -2 Rosemead Boulevard Redevelopment Project, Parcel. „B" Commissioner Atkins moved to set public hearing on this item for January 14, 1975. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried. 10. ADJOURNMENT There- being no further: busi ness_- ,C.ommissioner:.: Atkins :.:moved • the meeting be adj ourned° tom.;: theenext,. r-.egular. :.,meeting., .v Mot :ion :was;: seconded by Commissioner--Lawson -and carr ed:.- Meeting - adjourned' at 9:25 p .m. • Chairman