HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1975/07/08 - Regular1. CALL TO ORDER 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 8, 1975 Chairman Atkins called to order the regular meeting. of.the:Planning Commission of the City of Temple City at 7:30 p.m., July 8, 1975. PLEDGE OF:ALLEGIANCE Chairman Atkins led the Pledge -of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL.: Present: Commissioners Breazeal,. Clark.,, Lawson, Stacy, Atkins Absent: Commissioners - none. Also Present: City Manager Koski, Asst. City Attorney White and Planning Director Dragicevich. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of June. 24, 1975 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, Commissioner Clark made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and passed, to approve the minutes as written. 1 5. CONTINUED. PUBLIC HEARING: Seismic Safety and Public Safety Elements Noise Element Chairman Atkins announced-this was a closed continued hearing, and asked the Planning Director if he had any additional comments : Dir- ector Dragicevich reviewed changes made in the reports as a result of suggestions by the Commission in study session. There were no questions from...the Commissioners... They agreed the changes .reflected :_their :.:thinking _ completely. Commissioner Lawson moved :to recou,uiend_..to. the .City ..Council-adoption of the Seismic Safety and Public-Safety and` Noise. Elements:: with changes Commissioner Breazeal seconded the - motion and, it.passed unanimously. Asst. City Attorney .White .read :title .to... Resolution No..75- 638PC. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF. THE CITY OF TALE CITY RECOMMENDING THE ADDITION OF PUBLIC ...SAFETY ._.AND. SEISMIC. SAFETY_. ELEMENTS AND A... NOISE. FLF.MFNT TO THE "GENERAL PLAN: OF- THE:` C.ITY : OF ^TEMPLE CITY. • Commissioner Breaze.al. moved .to waive further reading and adopt, .seconded by Com- missioner Lawson and the motinn.carried. 6. PUBLIC HEARING..:. CONSIDER AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL CODE RE: PARKING STALL SIZE. REDUCTIONS Director Dragicevich said notice had been published as required by lam,. , He gave the staff report., saying it is proposed to change required parking stall sizes from 10'-x 20.' to 9'-x-20' ...for customers and.- 8....5.' `.x-20' ... for- employees. He explained. that - experience .. and the trend toward_ more :. -compac :t' automobiles: .ndi ate that the.;proposed change is__.j_us.tifiab :l.e......., He reviewed recent. cases.. before-the Planning Commission granting ::..var.iance :s :_.: for:reduced size of parking stalls, as well as modification-for parking. -stall sizes. The - public: hearing._ was. :.de.clare.d...open No. one .spoke. to the issue. Commissioner_ Br::eazeal moved..to- close public hearing, seconded by Com- missioner-Clark and' the -motion carried. ... _ In _closed .diacus sign ° the_-Commiss :oners were. in_agreement with the proposal .to._ reduce. parking :.stall sizes. :as. outlined .in.the proposed resolution, and in view of variances. ad. modification. granted to permit reduced parking stall sizes, the proposal seems justified. PLANNING;..COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING •0E--JUly.8, 1975- PAGE TWO Commiesioner...Br:eazeal: made::.. a_motionv to _recommend- toy the. City_ Council gamendment : of, the ;`MUnioi p.al ::.Code> of.:: Section :.: 9:2.96: to.:'..reduce... parking stall sizes.. as...,outl ned_ in. :propos.ed;:resolutiono° Motion-Was- seconded by Coih- missioner Clark',and • - carried.,unanimously .. Asst.:. City :Attorney White: read: titl e : :.. to. .Resolution. :75= 639P.C, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION.: OF THE .CITY.. OF. TEMPLE.. CITY :: RECOMMENDING TO THE ICITY COUNCIL ThE AENDMENT OF SECTION _929,6 OF: 'THE :. TEMPLE _ CITY MUNICIPAL CODE :..,RELATING- : TO:: PARKING_ SPACES_ :: _.:Motion: to_:vaive fur.ther .. reading and adopt_ .was .. ":made by Commissioner Lawson, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and . passed unanimously.a 1 7. PUBLIC HEARING: _._._.CONSID.ER._AMENDMENT..: T0. MUNICIPAL CODE RE: EXPANSION- OF.0 -1, RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES Direc.tor `Drag:icev ch. sal d -notice. had been published as required by law...:.: He. :. gave. . °the::: staff _report,.. saying:: the Temple City Chamber of Commer:ce., .. in their: letter of May: 8., 1975, . recommended that certain types_ of businesses„ .,be ..added: .to. the permitted: uses in the C -1, Retail : Commer.cial..zone :; . including: general: .offices on :. the . ground .floor sub- ject..to.off-street parking requirements outside the immediate Vehicle Parking . District.. . . He continued., that: the: Chamb.er .. is par..ticular.ly.. concerned.: with current vacancies: in- the C.. -:1: zone _which: reflect. a . negative ` image of the down- town business district and ..reduce ~revenues: for the City He referred~ to: study ._,session :the_ .Planning _Commission held on June 10, at: which° -mee: Ling:° representatives_ of . the. Chamber of Commerce were also present_..: The :..:pr:oposed..expansion. of: C -.1 uses.. is based on this dis- cussi.ono: .General.. >.office..use. on, the ground.. floor . is not included in this._ .list .. as large ...regional .offices , . such as .. insurance . or corporate offices., _ with: 40=.60:. employees.,-. could .. cause a. serious -. parking problem in_ .. the: downtown :: area. and. Vehic.le.. Parking. Districts . He . concluded that_ .the : :Planning.Commission .could . initiate: recommendation that such use be permitted. in. ._the-C-1 zone based on" gross floor area He_ ref erreth. corresp ondenc.e and. exhibits from. Mr , Murray Stone, and to- survey ..completed: .by staff on- vacant buildings in the C -1 zone, which totaled 10 on the first floor. The. public-. hearing ..was declared . open.. Mr .. Harlos. Gross., .. :.6424.,N_:. Golden. Wes.t,. Avenue., . -said. the Chamber studied this matter: in: depth .,.:.: and . : :also...me:t_ with: :.the :: Planning ..Commission. The Chamber_ is_ .. interes ted...in :,get:ting: ::the.- .buildings `_ filled , .: and will appre- _ ciate any :. cons.idera.tion. the: Commission can: give.. Commissioner Breazeal asked:... if _ the.. Chamber: had:-. considered: -investment:. securities companies which. .may.:.require _ large quarters. and do not. have spin -off sales . potential..._ ..Mr.. :. ,Gross. said it had not- been pursued, but he realized this use-could ..create- a..problem. Mr.: .Murra_ ;.Stone.,. 95.30. Las: Tunas- Drive. ;...asked_ why :general office use, _ recoinmen.de :.. or_. inelusion : in.. the: C -1._. zone; : was. :. no.t ..,. listed in the proposed. . r. esolution:o.:..(.Commiss.ioner. Breazeal:. said that . this use was so _broad: based.. and_.highly :. exclusive - of_ retail sales it was deliberately not in:.clude'd :. in the:.: resolution.°:) ... Mr o.. Stone, pointed: out. that , while the.:. insurance : :busines,s.,_..for. whi.ch:_he: bought :. a: building. in the C -1 :. zone . ;...was.: a :service, . there ..- wer:e__..o:ther...sery ces:: in.cluded... to be added to . permit ted:_uses:,in :._ : the ...0 -1: ,zone...:- (Commissioner- Breazeal said this .use had .been_ :_.consider:ed.: in . depth :by.: both.... the_ .Chamber and Commission, there: was .no.: way..: to .. con :trol :. the :. size.., of. this: use., .. and the intent of the ..Chamber iaas :...:to._..en:courage:. uses :. that would: stimulate.. retail sales ._ . Further., the..uses_..b:eing.:.considered fo.r :. addition: . :to the C -1 zone, which .. can be: classified: as . a _service:, •will stimulate - foot traffic in the ..City) o.. Mr_ ...Sto.ne:.pointed. out that_ every merchant.,... businessman and individual has insurance :,. and to be in-:business: it.. is .required by law to have: it; : this use should: _be. .:cents :ally.. located.. :.. _.In the course of the .day he has 10712 persons ,in: his: office., He. contacted the business - men on the north side of Las Tunas Drive, between Primrose and Cloverly PLANNING.COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF JULY 8-;-1975-• PAGE THREE Avenues,.. 16 busines.ses. :..only three. are retail, and the. rest are service. •. He presen.ted copy ... of._ signe.d.::pe.ti.tion to the effect that they did not ob- ject :to his locating at 9529 Las Tunas Drive. Mr. Dudley . Stone, .1015. Burnel. Oaks: Lane, Arcadia, .:spoke.. in . favor of adding general office use to permitted C -1 uses, saying it would stimulate retail sales in. the City. IMr. Bob Holtzman, 5128 N. Agnes Avenue, spoke in favor of including the use in the C -1 zone. Mr. Louis. Franco.,:.- 49.06,. Agnes: Avenue, also spoke in favor of the use. He suggested limiting square footage and employees. Mr. Gerald Payne, 49.19 -N Ryland Avenue, said..service. businesses exist presently.. in the C -:1_ zone,. even though _they may be legal ..nonconforming having _... exis.ted prior to.. es tablishment_of... that zone, but he wondered if any survey had _,been.. made . of the impact on retail. :s.ales. these existing services: had :.had. : :in :the...Ci.ty.. . He was in favor_of adding business such as insurance office to the list of proposed uses with modifications. • Mr. Warren McMillen, 6118 Encini.ta, spoke in favor of the issue. There being no one else to speak to the issue:,. Commissioner. Lawson moved to close public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Breazeal, and the motion carried. Commissioner Clark, in closed ...discuss.ion,...:said . he is in the insurance business and understands_ the gentleman's plight,_ but that, as a member of .the.. Commission, he must: be concerned in this--case in getting retail stores ...into .Templ.e :_City. for ..the tax. revenue..... The .location of an insurance agency is. not really important .. as people - .will .. follow him. ... However, he Iwas concerned .. about the._. type of business that could locate in the loca- tion Mr, Stone was concerned about as the store is small., Asst. City Attorney.;:White..said that., .. since the Couullission is already recommending certain service ...uses _ to be .included:in. C-1 zone they could legally .impos.e stipulations :._.on: all :..service ...uses, :.:i.. e., . number . of employees and total square footage.. ... He questioned._ including :.investment _ securities, stock .brokerage and finance, companies and disallowing .. insurance companies. If challenged, the Court would be hard pressed to find difference between those two. uses. . •1.n..reply. to_.question. from.. Commissioner :. Stacy.,. Director. Dragicevich said . .the_ vacant._buildings..1isted._ in.:.thesurvey :.had been..vacant from one month .. to.. .oney.ear:..._...Commissioner Stacy continued :that.,... in. his _..opinion, the down- ..... town was. changing-.an.d...:will._ con.tinue._ to.do so., . Perhaps. this.. is due to the. projected :redevelopment::ar.ea., .but. there: - is :not :.the.. demand.. for retail .._sales.-operations :_in :-.the: Cl :. :district. :..The: City: should::.start...thinking about and...recognize :. it.,.. allow:- for:: i.t.,: rathe ±: :.than: :wai.t. and:. then—have to change dr.as,ticall_y.: in: :.order :...to_: :keep .the: downtown- -area. from- deteriorating .. He s. ugges: ted._._ tha: :t:,: : :.rather:.than:_.re,Late: to. floor_ space.,..bui.ldings.. :..could be uti.lized.._,ifLthere: is._sufficient: off stree.t.par°king.o, Offices:and commercial uses.... canblend.e -....He._ fel:t..the... employees. of: offices...shop.. in . the- local area. He would.. go .along_wi.th.: a lowing the use. if. there ass sufficient._-parking. ..Commis.si:oner:,.Laws:on. reviewed.::su.gges.ted additional: :.uses , :s.ayring candle manu- fa.c.. turf. ng:.. showidL .have._.'.'re:tail,.'sa1es ". :added., .-delete :inv:es:tment. ::securities, 0 stock_ ..b.ro.kerage_an±. finance - companies : - or.. add. insurance . companies , . limited number.. of.. employees...He': questioned inclusion of shoe •.repair.., butafter :. :discussion it was decided-to retain _.the use .Commi,s_si,oner ..Br,eazeal said -_.service :: uses.,. wi.th...the :.con.cept....of a large .number.:..o.f emplo.y.ees :,..,_could :..hative. a...de.ieterious_. impact.._on..the. C -1 zone for .parking e., .. too.; .'felt - a. lim .i.tation,..of :.number.._of.. employees to floor _space would be wise, and went along with other suggestions made by Com- missioner .Lawsone . Chair -man. Atkins...concurred -with. Commiss ioner. : :Lawson.`_s....recommendation, but .. was . no.t..in. favor.. of. general :. off :ice . space. in_..thi.s. zone He favored re- ._noticing.for these services in the C -1 zone with restrictions, to accom- modate those uses. 1 1 PLANNING. .COMMISSION MINUTES .MEETING: OF JULY: 8.,.- 197.5 . PAGE FOUR .On.. :advice,.from.. ::the. :Ass.t. _.Ci,.ty: A.tto.r:neyd, Commi:s.sioner, Lawson _moved to set • pub l.ic_..he� ring: for August_ 26_th_..to.; consider .,.permitted::uses._._in: the C -1 zone, at .which :time ._.there . wifl be 7a..breakdown..:-.between. products and services . .Inch ded.: .n this.. iis..t ,... he: continued ,..-would ..be.. ice:: cream.:_parlors for con- sideration as a use, Motion was seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and carried.-- Chairman. Atkins .stated ..the- -matter would be renoticed. 8. PUBLIC HEARING. _ :. ZONE VARIANCE : CASE 757.448 Stephen. D. and Mary Hake, - Owner/Applicant 10662 Lora Street Temple City 10662 Lor.a.: Street Planning_ Director said.:..he._.app.l.i.cant: proposes to add to an existing single- family . r.es:Lc1ence. ;and: .convert an existing garage.. to living quarters.... with_, reduced _ side:_. yard setback. _. He reviewed' .the applicant's s.tatemen.ts,, ... explained. the :_plot :plan :.marked : :.Exhibit .. "A" , and went over ...the. .:factual .. data :.and ..staff .:..proposals .. ..A ..Negative Declaration of Environmental Imp.ac.t.was.._prepared. as the request .will. have no negative_ ef.fec.t...,on. _ _the.: environment according to the California Environ- mental Quality .Act ....of..1970.,. he concluded. The public hearing was declared . open.. Mr.._ Stephen... Hake.,. 1.06.62 ,.Lora,, ..app.licant..,.:. said he - planned the addition as... illustrated . :...(toward ...the _ front property line)... because he wanted to retain . a _large._ rear ....Yard. Previous owner_ of the property had divided the .existing . two-car ... garage and . :added _- a. half .bath, resulting in a very narrow one -car garage. He explained that the addition of a two -car garage would ..be.:.. complying _ with :.the zoning.- regulations, and his proposed addition would not affec -t any of his - neighbors negatively, rather., it would .. tend .:..to... increase ...property values,.. The ,requested encroachment into the side .yard setback .. will_ have no impact on the neighbor's.. privacy.. He has discussed his plans with his neighbors and there were no objections.. No one else .. came .. forward ..to....speak to, .the .issue. Commissioner Lawson moved __to_.close public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Clark and the motion: carried., .. .. In closed ..dis cuss. ion. Commissioner ...Breazeal .said ..the _.request meets criteria, of S.ec.tion. 9201 . of ..the.. zoning .code. .....There are exceptional cif cums.tances:_ in_ that .. there _-. exis ts....a :. nonconforming .. s tructure and to ask . applicant: to adjust:. the :structure :. to conform would be imposing an undue burden, Request. . will ...not _':materially ..b.e.:. detrimental and will not have an adverse effect on• the' General Plano The other Commissioners concurred _ .:. Commissioner ...Breazeal. :moved: ..to: .. approve zone variance. :yin Case No . 75 -448 in: that it meets .. requirements.: of -..Section 92.01 ..:of:..the ,zoning code for .g.rant.ing_:_..vari-ances-. Motion was seconded ‘by Commissioner Stacy and carried unanimous) y- o • Ass: t..o..City:.At.torney -.Whi..te read :: title.:. to ...-Res.olu.tion..7.5- 640P:C.,. A RESOLU- T.ION. , OF__ THE.. PLANKING: COMMIS;SI0N :.OF :�,THE< :C:ITY. OF TEMPLE CITL:__GRANTING • VARIANCE':_IN .:Z.ONE. VARIAN.CE. = CAS:E N.O .,_ 7.5..::4:4.8, o_ ... Commi:as.i:.oner :Brea z e a l moved to adopt by title • only or Motionwas seconded: by' 'Commiss°ioner Stacy and passed:,...... PLANNIN.G..rCOMMIS.ST011i : CONSIDERATION : .E.INAL,PARCEL MAP NO, 5690 E.li za .Ann Noelte - 5,231.. Sereno Drive _.Temple City, Ca. . S 2.21.- 237.'31 . Sereno Dir c.tox Dragi.c.evi:ch....s.a.id. -,.the.Tein.ta.tive • Parcel .Hap' • on this property was....ap.pro.ve:d:.by.. the- P1anning:..Commiss.ion .on .March- .1.1 ,.'.1975 , with cer- tain conditions. The subject parcel map has been checked by the PLANNIN.G..COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING -OF "JULY 8, . 1975 PAGE FIVE City ..Engineer. for .mathematical.. accuracy, :.survey analysis and for complaince with. the Government Code.of.the.State of. California • Conuais.sioner_...Breazeal .mooed ,.to. approve..Final. Parce.l...Map. _.No... 5690 and that .the.;.Comma -:s.sion:.:made :: findings.:: as:. outlined .in :the ..Ci ty...Engineer' s letter ..of ._June.- 26.,. ,19.75., specifically items a, . b , and c. Motion was seconded. by Commissioner Lawson and carried. 10. COMMUNICATIONS The Commissioners were referred to draft resolution. in their packets regarding reconuaendation. . to _amend the Temple City . Zoning Code regard - ing .conditions . fo.r... granting ..a. zone . change, ..which _ ..is an ..outgrowth of a recent study . session. ._Commissioner_ . Breazeal .moved to ..set this item for ..public ..hearing ..for August 26, 1975, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and the motion carried. 11 .. TIME. .FOR_ THOSE IN. THE AUDIENCE.. WHO..WISH TO SPEAK Mr . .Mo, -G a .Swan, ...9824...Howland, . stated ..he- .parked his travel trailer in an. area other .than the_ driveway. ..He.. has :.two :.residences on the property and there.. is ..no.t suff.i.cien.t c.l.earance .. for him to park the trailer in the rear ...o.f.... the. .property...._..Original.ly..he had .parked the...trailer on the.. driveway _but_.,.the...neighbor.s.. to ..thewes.t._.of him.. didn' t like that. Presently.: the .trailer__1s._parked on..a..space .fairly well shielded and screened from view .. and his neighbors are . in agreement this arrangement is more desirabl.e..than..p.arking . it in. :. .the ... driveway.. He stated he had been ._. contacted :.in_- 197.3.. about ....the . location ._o.f..his._.trailer, by the City, and...had .asked ...for _.a_.v.isual: ..inspection.. ._He. :hear.d...no more from the City until._.r.ecently.._when . he received another letter..... His purpose for appear - ing..befor.e the Commission is to request... that... a visual inspection be made to see if it .is not less objectionable to park the trailer where it._is.. rather ...than _.in the driveway. He then passed pictures of the trailer .to_ the Commissioners° 1 • The._.C.ommis.sioner.s ..w.ere.__in :- concurrence... that presently the trailer is parked .in .violation. of :.the. Municipal Code .and :referred the matter to staff to work with Mr. :Swan for a solution to his problem. 12. MATTERS. FROM CITY OFFICIALS..- There were none. RECESS. TO.. TEMPLE :.CITY RELOCATION.. APPEALS.. BOARD... ... . _ The Planning Commission.:.recessed at 9:00 .p_.m.e.,. to meet as the Temple City Relocation Appeals. .Board, ..all - .members . _being - present .approved the..minu..tes;: of_:. the_ meeting.. of March .11.,...1975, . and ..s.et for public hear - ing..for._July. 22.,. 1975, . Relocation .- Appeals_ .Case ..75 -02, for .8927 and 8929...E.o_..W.edgewood Street.,.. by. Antonio Digherao Minutes are set forth in full in the minutes of that meeting. RECONVENE TO PLANNING COMMISSION: 13. ADJOURNMENT There:..bei.ng_::.no. further _ business, :.Commissi,oner. Breazeal ,. -made a motion, _seconded :.by Comma.ssione.r,.Stacy., and carried;:, to adjourn .. to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m ATTEST: