HomeMy Public PortalAboutResolution 01:365No. 01-365 Date ot A//o?l~/m DecJ~llb~r 6, 2001 RESO1,UTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT VVH'H HOUSING SERVICES, INC. 1'O PERFORM CERTAIN DUTIES IN CONNECTION WITII TIlE BOROUGH'S SCATTERED SITE IIOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM VclIEREAS, thc Borough of Cartcrct (thc "Borough") has roccixcd certain homy pursuant to Regional Contribution :kgrccmcnts ("RCA's) xxith various communities and WHEREAS. thc Borough has undcrtakon an exlensive Scattered Site Rehabilitation Program 1o utilizc said RCA Fund's: and WHEREAS, thc Borough has dctcnnmcd that it is in thc Borough's best interest to utilize thc scr;iccs of Housing Services. Inc. CHousing Services") to assist thc Borough in accomplishing thc rchabilitation progranx NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, that tlac Mayor and Council of Borough of Carteret does hereby approvc tiao appoinmlcnt of' Housing Scrx ices to perform consultanl serxices to complete 25 restoration units at an average construction cost offS20,000.00 per unit. Housing Services l'c¢ fbr these 25 units shall not cxcccd S90,000.00: BE IT FURTIlER RESOLVED, that this award is made xxithout compctitivc bidding in lhat lhc scr,,ices to be pcrfbrmcd arc in thc nalurc of cxlraordinary unspecified services and th?relbre exempt pursaant to N.J.S.:\. I 1 5, el seq. lie IT FURTIIER RESOIA'ED, that the Mayor and Municipal Clcrk arc hcrcby authorized to execute tile attached agrccnlcnl oil bchalf of lbo Borough. BE IT FURTHER RESOEVED, that this award shall be ad,,crtisod as prescribed by lax~. Adopted this6 dayofDecember, 2001 and certified ils a true copy of lbo origimtl on Dcccmber 7. 2001. KATItLEEN M, BARNEY Municipal Clerl,: COUNCILMAN FAZEKAS QUINONES REIMAN X - Indicate Vote RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE Y~ NO NV A.B. COUNCILMAN RIOS SANTORO AB - Absent NV - Not Voting SOHAYDA XOR - Indicates Vole It) Overrate Veto Adopted at a meeting of the Municipal Council December 6, 2001 'CLERK -~-/