HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1977/01/25 - Regular (2)TEMPLE CITY BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD January 25, 1977 Minutes. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Stacy called to order the. Temple City Building Rehabili- tation Appeals Board at 7:50 p.m., January -25, 1977. • 2 ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Atkins, Breazeal, Lawson, Seibert, Stacy. PUBLIC HEARING:. BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS CASE 77 -03 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith - Owners 1024 Old Ranch Road Arcadia, Ca. Site: 9232 East Blackley Temple City 91780 Director Dragicevich gave the staff report, saying the residential building on . the subject property was damaged by fire in January, 1976. The owners delayed the demolition and removal of the structures due to, unsettled claims with the insurance company for 11 months. The Los Angeles County Building and Safety Engineer requested repair or demolition and removal of the structures, When the owner failed to comply with these requirements, the District Engineer proposed that the City demolish the buildings through a private' contractor. Additional time was requested by the owner in order to settle the claim with the insurance company, and the City Council was agreeable. In November, 1976, the claim was . settled and the structures were demolished and removed in December, 1976. However. in this process the Building Department incurred certain costs. The owner protested these fees and requested a public hearing. The total amount involved is $45 which, if found . reasonable by the Appeals Board, will be due and payable ten days after date of this hearing, after .. which an assessment .filing fee of $15 will be added and the total amount becomes an assessment against the property. Chairman Stacy asked Mr, an Johnson, Inspector of the 'Los "Angeles County Building and Safety Department, to explain the costs, which he did, and said the County personnel had spent approximately 15- 20 hours on the case: Commissioner Breazeal asked what authority did the City or County have to charge an individual rather . than general revenue. The City Manager said it was set up and covered in the Building Code which the City adopted, and under Chapter 99. Mr. Johnson further stated that the sum being charged is not the total amount for time expend- ed, as only certain charges can be made, This amount is only for specifications, not for Mr. Johnson's time which is absorbed, by the City. The Public Hearing was declared open.: Mr. Mark Smith, 1024. Old Ranch Road,' Arcadia, owner of the property at 9232 East Blackley, said he was not procrastinating, 'but was . hindered by the insurance company, and the charges should be against them. Chairman Stacy asked Mr, Johnson if this fee would have been charged with or without delay, and Mr, Johnson replied the matter, came be- fore the City Council who approved demolition proceedings because of the delay, Mr. Smith continued that he had attended all meetings regarding the property and demolition and stated his case the best he could. He did everything he could to get the demolition. The delay was caused by the agent. It took the insurance company two months to look at -2- the damaged structure. He notified the company the day following the fire Mr. Johnson said no correspondence was received from the Fire Depart- ment or the insurance company that the property was to remain inviolate and this is usually done in case of fire damage, He also said there had been a two -week delay granted to have Mr. Smith's attorney contact the City Attorney. The case had been before the City Council several times. The Planning Director added that the property was a visual detriment to the neighborhood. The decision to proceed with demolition was made by the City Council on November 2nd. Commissioner Seibert made a motion to close the public hearing inasmuch as there was no one else to speak to the issue. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and carried unanimously. A review of the case was discussed, Mr. Johnson said the property owner had four months to demolish the building on his own, and on September 7, 1976, the District Building and Safety Engineer recommended that he be authorized to proceed to have the building demolished and collect the actual costs therefore. City Council considered the matter, but in view of the fact that Mr, Smith was having problems with his insur- ance carrier, on October 5, 1976, the Council continued the matter to November 2, 1976. On that date the Council again considered the problem, and continued the matter to November 16th meeting inasmuch as Mr. Smith's contractor had taken out a demolition permit. Commissioner Breazeal said there is no doubt that the owner had been given time and the costs were reasonable, and the owner is respnnsible for his property, however, there were unusual circumstances. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were not responsible for the fire and should not be held responsible for the costs incurred. Commissioner Lawson said that, in reviewing the case, the work start- ed on August 10th. He questioned whether the Board should put the owner through additional expense, and was not in favor of asking Mr. Smith to pay the charges. Commissioner Atkins said it was not a matter of negligence on the part of the owner. If he could have demolished the building at once he would have done so. It was not fair to assess the owner for the charges in question. Commissioner Seibert disagreed. He felt that, although the owner was sincere in his efforts, the City Council made all effort possible on their part to assist him, and. the matter dragged on for 11 months. Chairman Stacy said the charges are reasonable as far as the City is concerned. The Council tried to work with the applicant, gave him every opportunity to get the matter resolved. The City must meet its requirements, and he recommended Mr. Smith be charged with the costs incurred. Commissioner Atkins moved that the charges against the applicant in this matter are not justified because of unusual circumstances and the owner's appeal be upheld. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and carried by roll call vote, with Commissioners Atkins, Breazeal and Lawson voting for and Commissioners Seibert and Stacy voting against it. Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution 77 -03, A RESOLUTION OF THE BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY RELATING TO AN ASSESSMENT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS INUCURRED BY THE CITY. Commissioner Breazeal made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Atkins and carried, to waive further reading and adopt. 1 • 1 " 1 " 1 1 " - 3 - 4. PUBLIC HEARING: BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS CASE 77 -04 Mr. Robert L. and Ms Judith G. Covey - Owners 738 Norumbega Drive Monrovia, Ca. Site: 8949 East Emperor Avenue Temple City 91780 The Planning Director gave the staff report, saying the subject property was declared substandard by the Los Angeles County District Building and Safety Engineer on October 12, 1976, by a letter to the owner. In that letter are listed the defects and conditions of the property. Notices were posted as required by the Building Code and regulations. The present owner disagreed with some of the District Engineer's findings, and therefore a public hear- ing was set before this Board. On January 19, 1977, a building permit was issued for repair work on the subject property in the amount of $2,000. There are three residential buildings on the parcel which are considered legal nonconforming as the property is zoned C -2 presently. The south- ernmost building has been declared substandard and is subject to public hearing and the Board's decision. The present owner assumed legal ownership of the property in Decem- ber, 1976. In response to question from Commissioner Seibert, the Director said the present owner was aware of conditions of the property and that the Building Department had surveyed it. Mr. Johnson, in answer to question from Commissioner Atkins, said the matter came to the Building Department's attention when a re- quest was received from a tenant to have a meter set. The usual procedure by that Department is to investigate and have the request approved prior to setting the meter. It was noted, during that investigation, that there was a number of defects on the subject property, and the owner was informed by letter on October 12, 1976. Nothing was being done for some time after and it was finally de- cided the building was a hazard to the City and the Planning Director's approval was obtained to proceed. The building was built between 1910 -1925. The Public Hearing was declared open, Mr. James Giusto, P.O. Box 97, Tustin, Ca., present owner of the property, said all the items listed by the Building Department are being corrected with the exception of the foundation requiremen -t, which he feels does not constitute any hazard, After getting owner- ship of the property in December, 1976, he cleaned up the structures, painted them and repaired the windows. He requested that the founda- tion requirement be eliminated. He bought the property with the thought that it might be commercial eventually. The rent on the subject structure is $175 a month and is vacant presently. He has spent over $2,000 cleaning up the property and repairing it. In reply to Commissioners' questions, Mr. Johnson said the front and rear portion of the house are on piers, between which there is a' collection of bricks. In the center portion there is a 10 ft. long square of unreenforced bricks. The bricks are setting nn old brick or concrete slab. The cost to bring this item up to code, he estim- ated, would run from $500 to $1,000. Commissioner Lawson moved to close Public Hearing, seconded by Com- missioner Seibert and the motion carried. -4- In closed discussion,Commissioner Lawson said the present owner was aware of the conditions when he bought the property. Based on the testimony from both staff and the owner, he was in favor of having the conditions corrected. Commissioner Atkins concurred. Present owner bought the property with the intention of recovering his investment. The Building Code was adopted to protect the safety of the public, especially for rental units. It should be enforced. Buyer was aware of the conditions when he made the purchase of the property. Commissioner. Seibert was also in agreement. He added that if the City doesn't enforce the Building Code further problems with absentee land- lords will develop. He was in favor of enforcing recommendations as set forth. Commissioner Breazeal agreed, saying the City has a group of licensed and well- trained experts who found that the foundation was substandard. Chairman Stacy concurred with the rest of the Board. Commissioner Breazeal made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Seibert, and carried, to require applicant to fulfill all the requirements set forth by the Building Department. Asst. City Attorney White read title to Resolution 77 -04, A RESOLUTION OF THE BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DETERMINING THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING ABATEMENT THEREOF. Commissioner Seibert moved to waive further reading and adopt seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and the motion carried. Asst, City Attorney advised the property owner of his right of appeal. 5. COMMUNICATIONS - There were none. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Commissioner Breazeal made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Atkins and carried, t• adjo n. he meet- ing adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ATTEST: Chairman •