HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1977/08/23 - Regular" 1. CALL. TO ORDER 2. 3, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 23, 1977 The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order at 7:30 p.m., August 23, 1977, by Chairman Seibert. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Seibert led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Breazeal, Lawson, Stacy, Seibert Absent: Commissioners - None Also present: Asst. City Manager Biel, City Attorney Martin, Planning Director Dragicevich and Asst. Planner Richards, . 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting of July 26, 1977 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, Commissioner Breazeal made a motion, seconded by. Commissioner. Stacy and passed, to approve them as written. PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND ZONING CODE RELATING TO CERTAIN OFFICE AND SERVICE USES UNDER 1,000 SQ. FT. OF GROSS FLOOR AREA WITHIN THE C -1 ZONE (Section 9399.1B) Director Dragicevich gave the staff report, saying the Planning Commission, at their regular meeting held July 26, 1977, clarified that C -1 regulations relating to certain office and service type uses under 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area (Section 9399.1B):. refer to existing structures only This means, in essence, that no new buildings with less than 1,000 sq. ft. will be allowed, nor further subdivision of existing structures within the C -1 zone which could result in less than 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area. Expan- sion of existing structures having less than 1,000 sq. ft. of office . or service commercial uses was not the intent of Ordinance 75 -418. He further explained this clarification followed an inquiry relating . to the proposed conversion of a former service station site and its expansion and division into two non - retail type businesses, each having less than 1,000 sq. ft. In reviewing the draft resolution prepared by the City Attorney, Com- missioner Stacy said it did not reflect the Commissioners' thinking, that it should specify there would be no expansion or subdividing of existing structures, nor construction .. of new buildings of less than.. 1,000 sq. ft. The City Attorney was instructed to correct the draft resolution. 1 1 The Public Hearing was declared open. No one came forward to speak. Commissioner Lawson moved to close Public Hearing, seconded by Com- missioner Breazeal and the motion carried. Commissioner Stacy moved that the Initial Study is complete and satisfies the purposes set forth in Section 15080, subsection (b), of the State E.I.R. Guidelines in that it identifies the environmental impact of the project and focuses on its potentially significant en- vironmental effects, and that the negative declaration be adopted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and carried. Commissioner Stacy moved to recommend to the City Council an amendment to the Temple City Zoning Code relating to certain office and service uses under 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area within the C -1 Zone (Sec- tion 9399.1B). Motion was seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and carried. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF AUGUST 23, 1977 PAGE TWO City Attorney read title to Resolution No. 77- 763PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY RECOMMENDING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 9399.1B OF THE TEMPLE CITY ZONING CODE. Motion to waive further reading and adopt was made by Commissioner Breazeal, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and carried. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: DETERMINATION OF EXISTENCE OF PUBLIC NUISANCE 6056 N. Oak Avenue Temple City, Ca. The Planning Director gave the staff report, saying that a building permi was issued for a room addition to the existing residence, in November of 1970. In December, 1972, a progress inspection was made by the Building Dept. which disclosed the addition had been occupied without inspection or approval. Also it was noted that the exterior of the addition had not been weatherproofed in an approved manner. Attempts to work with the property owner were unsuccessful, and the owner appeared before the District Attorney on April 17, 1973. The installation of two coats of stucco terminated further legal action. The color coat has not been applied since that date. In May, 1975, approval was granted for an addition to the . existing garage. In March, 1976, the owner was contacted to complete the garage addit:i.on. Several letters have been sent by staff since that time regarding completion of the garage addition, applying the color coat to the residential addition, and cutting back of vegetation over the public right -of -way, without results. The Commissioners were shown snapshots of . the property, taken two weeks ago. Asst. Planner Richards said inspection.* on August 23, 1977, revealed there had been no change since the snapshots were taken. In response to Commissioner Stacy's question, the Director said a second . building permit for the second addition was approved by the Planning Department because of assurance by applicant that he would complete his project. It is more economical to complete two structures simultaneously. The Public Hearing was declared open. Mr. Pedar Johnson, 6056 N. Oak Avenue, said he had toured some of the Cit and listed those properties he observed with overgrown vegetation, some worse than his. He listed several properties in his area which had sold recently and had not suffered any diminution of property value because of the condition of his property. He was in favor of widening both streets so the corner on which he lives would be cleaned up. He still has changes to make on his garage. Because of vandalism and burglary at his residence he is changing all doorways, and then he will plaster and color coat. The work should be completed within the next six months. Further, he felt since the City owns the public right -of -way, they should maintain it. Chairman Seibert explained it was the property owner's responsibility to maintain • the right -of -way adjacent to his property. In response to questions by the City Attorney, the Director said the basic issues were the negligence of maintenance of the public right -of -way and the slow progress in completion of residential building and garage. The overgrown vegetation could harbor vermin and rats and the volunteer elm tree is a pedestrian hazard. The work on the structures has been in progress for at least 6 years. In response to Commissioner Breazeal's question, the Director said a building permit is being required as condi- tion of abatement as staff is unaware what has been done in the interior of the garage. There being no one else to speak to the issue, Commissioner Breazeal made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lawson, to close Public Hearing. Commissioner Breazeal said he had driven past the property and agreed that the vegetation is a hazard to pedestrians, and could harbor vermin and rats. He was in favor of property owner getting building permit prior to applying paint and color coat. There was no evidence that the slow con- 0 struction caused diminution of property values. He was in favor of the methods of abatement, listing the requirement to paint or color coat stucco work to be the last to be accomplished. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF AUGUST 23, 1977 PAGE THREE Commissioner Lawson also viewed the property and agreed with Commissioner Breazeal's comments. He felt the six - months for completion requested by the property owner was too long, and a shorter period of time should be • imposed for completion. Commissioner Stacy felt the City has been reasonable in the construction work being conducted on this property. The property should be declared a public nuisance and the paint and stucco coat be required within three months. Chairman Seibert agreed with items to be done. Construction has been going on for seven years. Three months is too long, and he favored 60 days. Commissioner Stacy moved to declare the property a public nuisance and recommend abatement thereof. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawson and carried. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolution No. 77- 764PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DETERMINING THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND RECOMMENDING ABATEMENT THEREOF. Commissioner Breazeal moved to waive further reading and adopt, seconded by Commissioner Lawson and the motion carried. 40 7. PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE 77 -511 Robert H. Siteman et al - Owner P.O. Box 1839 Santa Monica, Ca. 1 USA Petroleum Corporation — Applicant P.O. Box 1839 Santa Monica, Ca. Site: 5450 Rosemead Boulevard Zone: C -3, Heavy Commercial Director Dragicevich gave the staff report, saying applicant proposes to replace an existing service station with a new structure and attend- ant facilities. He gave the factual report on the case, explained the plot plans Exhibit "A" and "B reviewed the factual data on the subject property and surrounding area, and summarized the staff proposals if the project is approved. He concluded by saying that the project is categoric- ally exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (Section 15102(b), Class 2, Replace or Reconstruction). • In response to Commissioner Stacy's question regarding compliance with Fire Department recommendations, the Director said there is sufficient fire flow based on information from the water company serving this loca- tion. Replying to question from Chairman Seibert, the Director said all driveways will have right -turn only egress, at the recommendation from the Traffic Engineer. The alley on the south goes to Sultana and to Rosemead. The public hearing was declared open. Mr. Kenneth Sorgatz, representing the applicant, gave a background of his company, saying this location was the first station and now there are 220 Iof them throughout the United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. He does not anticipate an increase in volume after reconstruction of this station. He reviewed the conditions proposed by staff, and the Commissioners were agreeable to modifying some of them for cause. Mrs.Land, 6555 N. Oak Avenue, asked about the circulation pattern of the project, and it was explained to her. iThere being no one else to speak to the issue, Commissioner Breazeal moved to close Public Hearing, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and the motion carried. Commissioner Lawson said,with corrections made and with the requirements that must be imposed, he was in favor of the project. It will he an asset to the City. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF AUGUST 23, 1977 PAGE FOUR Commissioner Stacy agreed, saying applicant meets requirements for grant- ing a conditional use permit. Because of the vapor recovery system the applicant will install, there will be a reduction in air pollution, and the project will improve the aesthetic appearance of that location. Commissioners Breazeal and Seibert were in agreement with approving the project for reasons cited. • Commissioner Stacy moved to grant conditional use permit in case No. 77 -511 as the site is adequate in size, shape, topography and circumstan has sufficient access to streets and highways, and will not have an adve effect upon the use, enjoyment or valuation of adjacent property or the public welfare, with conditions as modified. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Breazeal and carried. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolution No. 77- 765PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING CONDITIONAL. USE PERMIT IN CASE NO. 77 -511. Commissioner Breazeal made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Stacy, to adopt by title only. Motion carried. Chairman Seibert called a recess at 9:00 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 9:10 p.m. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 568 (Los Angeles County 8557) Allene R. Wheeler - Applicant /Owner 6537 No. Oak Avenue Temple City, Ca. Site: 6537 No. Oak Avenue Zone: R -1, Single Family residential Director Dragicevich gave the staff report, saying applicant proposes to divide two existing parcels into three. He explained the plot plan marked Exhibit "A ", gave the factual data on the subject property and surroundin area, and reviewed the staff proposals. He said that, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, an Initial Stud_ was submitted to the Planning Commission stating the proposed land division will not have an adverse impact upon the environment and, therefore a full Environmental Impact Report is not required. Environmental documents (Negative Declaration) are on file at the Planning Department. Commissioner Breazeal questioned the condition for removal of existing curb, gutter and driveway apron on Oak Avenue, and installation of full-height curb and gutter. The Planning Director said that all illegal driveway approaches are required to be removed under the Temple City Municipal Cod. however, if a garage is built, or some indication of such development, within 90 days after approval of the parcel map, and this present drive- way would serve it, that condition would not apply. The public hearing was declared open. Mr. Leonard Stahl, 721 Katherine Street, Arcadia, said he has opened escrow . on the purchase of parcels 1 and 2, subject to the approval of the lot split. He is willing to comply with all conditions relating to these two parcels. He is planning to build a new .house on parcel 2 and will comply with City regulations regarding the driveway. The applicant is planning to build a new house on parcel 3 or physically move from parcel 1 to 3. He plans to build a new garage, attached, or detached, on parcel 1. He may demolish the present house on that parcel and build a new one. He intends to start his projects as soon as he can. Mr. Jeff Moore, M. W. Finley Co., 1047 E. Las Tunas Drive, who prepared the parcel map, was willing to answer any questions. He asked why the City was requiring a 5 ft. setback on the accessory structure on parcel 3. The Director explained the situation to Mr. Moore. Mrs. Allene R. Wheeler, 6537 North Oak Avenue, applicant, said the woode• shed the City is requiring her to move to comply with the 5 ft. setback, is in good condition and she does not want to tear it down, She intends to put a fence behind it on the property line, 6 ft. high. 1 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF AUGUST 23, 1977 PAGE FIVE Mr. Benjamin King, 9193 E. Jaylee Dr., said his property abuts the subject property, and the shed in question has been there for at least 25 years, and does not bother him at all. Commissioner Breazeal moved to close public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and carried. Commissioner Stacy was agreeable to recommend approva -1 of the parcel map. He would like the wooden shed to remain if possible as it seems to be a substantial structure. The Planning Director said it is non- conforming in its present location, but could remain if brought up to building_ code. Commissioner Stacy said he would then be in favor of approval. The other Commissioners agreed. Commissioner Stacy moved to approve the Tentative Parcel Map No. 568 subject to staff conditions, and to require removal of one storage shed and bring one wooden shed up to Building Code, and he further moved that the Initial Study is complete and satisfies the purposes set forth in Section 15080, subsection (b), of the State E.I.R. Guidelines in that it identifies the environmental impact of the project and focuses on its potentially significant environmental effects, and that the negative declaration be adopted. Motion in its entirety was seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and carried. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolution No, 77- 766PC, A RESOLUTION' OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY APPROVING.TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 568 (Los Angeles County No: 8557). •Commissioner Stacy moved -to waive further reading and adopt, seconded by Commissioner Lawson and the motion carried. 9. PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO 569 (Los Angeles County 8368) Robert & Nina Lindholm ) 4801 Birchland Avenue ) Temple City 91780 Richard and Shirley Hunt 4811 Birchland: Avenue ) Temple City 91780 ) Owners Eugene and Deborah Evans ) 4821 Birchland. Avenue Temple City 91780 ) R. L. Lindholm - Applicant 3530 Mountain View Pasadena, Ca. Site: 4801,4811 and 4821 Birchland Avenue Zone: R -1, Single. Family residential and R -4, Limited Commercial - Residential. • Director Dragicevich gave the staff report, say.ing.applicant proposes to allow a minor lot line adjustment between three contiguous parcels by dividing a 15 x 195 ft. parcel to be added to the subject parcels. He explained the plot plan marked Exhibit "A" showing the tentative parcel • map with existing and proposed property lines for Parcels 1, 2 and 3, reviewed the factual data on the subject properties and adjacent area, and summarized the staff proposals. He concluded by saying the proposed lot line adjustment is categorically exempt from provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (Article 8, Section 15101(a), Class 5, Alterations in land use limitations). Mr. Richard Hunter, 4811 Birchland Avenue, owner of one of the properties involved in the case, said the strip of land involved was used by a missionary home for an approach from Lower Azusa Road, but that home is not in existence. It was bought by the owner of the corner property who now wants to sell. He proposed buying the portion behind his property and that south of his property as an entrance to his back yard as he has a number of vehicles and could use the access. The Commissioners informed him it would require a new application, and suggested he seek easement rights from the property to the south of him. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF AUGUST 23, 1977 PAGE SIX Commissioner Breazeal moved to approve Tentative Parcel Map No. 569 as it will discontinue the use of a piece of land as a trash area and . maintenance problem, and the additional square footage to parcel 3 will make that parcel meet R -1 standards. Commissioner Stacy seconded the motion and it carried. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolution 77--767PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 56.8 (Los Angeles County No.8368). Commissioner Breazeal moved to adopte by title only, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and the motion carried. 10. COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Breazeal referred to letter received from a party who had contacted him previously about a business being conducted on Hallo- well Avenue, stating that this problem had been corrected, and staff was to be commended for handling this matter promptly. 11. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - No one came forward. 12. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS (a) Environmental Quality and Code Enforcement Program Report Director Dragicevich reviewed the report which was received and filed by the Commissioners. (b) Set Public Hearing re Abatement of Nonconform- ing Uses or Set Study Session Date This item was set for Study Session for September 12, 1977. (c) Corner Lot Setbacks (Large Lots and One -lot Subdivisions ) This item was set for Study Session for September 12, 1977, (d) Consider New Regulations for Processing Environmental Impact Reports Director Dragicevich stated that, in addition to the new regulations, the Commissioners were to review a chart showing time involved in the processing of Environmental Impact Reports and related forms, and asking consideration for requirements for deposits for processing these forms. Commissioner Breazeal asked if the charges on the report reflect costs, and the Director said the fees were only deposits, the times were specific, but each case would be charged on an individual basis. Commissioner Breazeal moved to recommend approval of Environmental Impact Report regulations including requirements for deposits for processing these reports,. the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stacy and carried. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Commissioner Breazeal made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and carried, to adjourn. Time of adjournment of the meeting was 10:00 p.m. ATTEST: Secretary • CIA= rman