HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1978/05/09 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 9, 1978 SINITIATION 1 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order at 7:30 p.m., May 9, 1978, by Chairman pro tem Lawson. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman pro tem Lawson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Abraham, Breazeal, Lawson Absent: Commissioners Seibert, Stacy Also present: Planning Director Dragicevich and Assistant Planner Kissell. Commissioner Breazeal moved to excuse Commissioners Seibert and Stacy for cause, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, and the motion carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting of April 25, 1978 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, Commissioner Abraham made a motion, seconded by Couuuissioner Lawson, to approve as written. Motion carried by roll call vote with Commissioners Abraham and Lawson voting affirmative, and Commissioner Breazeal ab- staining. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE VARIANCE CASE NO. 78 -526 David and Harriett Lohman - Applicant /Owner 6108 Loma Avenue Temple City, Ca. Site: 6108 Loma Avenue Zone: R -1, Single Family residential Planning Director, in the staff report, said the applicant proposes to connect a proposed addition to a garage which currently has a 3 ft. side setback. The addition will also attach to the existing residence which has a side setback of 6 ft., and will maintain this 6 ft. setback. The adjoining property to the north has a garage and storage 2 ft. from the side property line adjacent to the applicant's garage, and a driveway adjacent to the proposed addition. In response to Commissioner Lawson's question, the Director said the existing room nearest the house, in the garage, has no living quarters, but is used as a storage area. There being no further questions, the public hearing was declared open. It was explained to the applicant that he had the option of having the case heard tonight, or continue it to the next meeting when all commiss- ioners would be present. Applicant chose to have the hearing. Mr. David Lohman, Applicant, 6108 Loma Avenue, said there is an air con- ditioner in the garage area, and the storage portion is used as a recrea- tion room, with piano, desk and couch. The remainder of that structure is being used as a two -car garage. Responding to question from Commissioner Abraham, Mr. Lohman said he had no intentions at this time of using the garage for living quarters. Commissioner Breazeal said that, if it was converted, Mr. Lohman would have to provide a two -car garage to replace it, and explained the City requirements for garage conversions. There being no one else to speak, Commissioner Breazeal moved to close Public Hearing, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, and the motion carried. i PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 9, 1978 PAGE TWO Commissioner Breazeal, in closed discussion, said the subject property had special circumstances that were not applicable to surrounding properties. The applicant is building an addition in the only area he could. The addition is in a straight line with the house, and would not require a variance if he were not connecting to the garage. Setbacks in this area, less than City requirements,are not unusual. There is a number of dwelling units in Temple City with a 3 or 4 ft. side setback, and to deny this request would be denying a right or privilege being granted to other property similarly situated. The granting of the vari- ance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to ad- jacent property, obvious by the fact that none of the property owners notified of the proposal and hearing tonight came to the meeting, and generally speaking, people respond to these notices only if they are in opposition to a proposal. He felt the request met the conditions of Section 9201 of the Zoning Code for granting. Commissioners Abraham and Lawson agreed, with Commissioner Lawson adding that he observed that, in the area of the subject property, some resi- dences were closer than the 3 ft. setback. Commissioner Breazeal moved to approve filing of a Categorical Exemption of Environmental Impact, and to approve Zone Variance Case 78 -526 as it meets requirements of Section 9201 of the Zoning Code for reasons as given in prior testimony. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Abraham and carried. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolution 78- 795PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING VARIANCE IN CASE 78 -526. Commissioner Breazeal moved to adopt by title only, seconded by Commissioner Abraham and the motion carried. 6. COMMUNICATIONS - there were none. 7. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - No one came forward. 8. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS (a) Environmental Quality and Code Enforcement Program Report The Assistant Planner explained this was for the reporting period of April 4 to May 2, 1978. The large number of property maintenance cases reported was due to the overgrown vegetation, a result of the recent heavy rains, and these cases will diminish in the next few weeks. Commissioners received, noted and filed the report. (b) Report'on SCAG Regional Housing Element Revised Policies Director Dragicevich stated that the City Manager, in December, 1977, transmitted his comments to SCAG relating to policies and policy actions submitted in the Draft Regional Housing Element of October, 1977. SCAG has since revised some of their housing policies and pro- grams. Staff has prepared an analysis of both the original and re- vised housing element policies and policy- actions. In the revised policies the wording is somewhat modified and not as direct as in the original document. Commissioner Breazeal said the revision was an improvement on the original document. He then referred to AN URBAN STRATEGY FOR CALIFORNIA published by the Office of Planning and Research, Items 44 and 45, covering State funding for cities, counties and councils of government in the amount of $5 million per year to support activities proposed for local governments, and that the Office of Planning. and Research shall allocate these funds to local governments. In addition, the Administration shall sponsor legislature in the amount of $2 million per year to support activities proposed for COGs (Council of Governments) in the above actions, and these funds shall be allocated to COGs upon approved application. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 9, 1978 PAGE THREE He continued that the Administration will sponsor legislation requiring all state and multi - jurisdictional regional or sub - regional agencies within metropolitan regions to meet with COGs for the developing of understanding and preparing joint work programs and concurrence on population and economic assumptions and projections. COG's annual report to the Governor and Legislature, shall evaluate the extent to which special purpose agency plans and regulatory actions conform to the regional assessment and allocation of urban development needs. He concluded that "who pays the piper can call the tune ", and was very concerned about this publication, and felt some legislative action should be taken. Commissioners Abraham and Lawson agreed. (c) Commissioner Breazeal stated he was absent at the last Planning Commission meeting when Chairman Seibert and the other Commissioners gave tribute to Mr. Greenberg. At this time he, too, would like to say he was sorry that, as a result of the last election, the City lost a good Councilman, one that was a light and force to the City. These remarks do not in any way reflect the capabilities of the new Councilman. (d) The Planning Director reminded the Commissioners of their study session with the City Council on May 15, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., the meeting with the Mayor on the 23rd of May, and the Community Forum to be held May 20, 1978. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Commissioner Abraham made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and carried, to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p,m. ATTEST: ai an