HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1979/04/24 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 24, 1979 INITIATION . CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order at 7:30 p.m., April 10, 1979, by Chairman Lawson. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chairman Lawson led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Abraham, Breazeal, Seibert, Stacy, Lawson Also Present: City Manager Koski, Planning Director Dragicevich, Assistant Planner Alexanian 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of April 10, 1979 Commissioner Breazeal moved to approve the minutes as written of the regular meeting of April 10, 1979, seconded by Commissioner Abraham. Commissioner Seibert called for a roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioner Abraham, Breazeal, Stacy, Lawson Abstaining: Commissioner Seibert UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 5. REQUEST TO MODIFY BOUNDARIES RE: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP #572 -9548 E. Broadway Planning Director Dragicevich stated that the Planning Commission at their regular meeting of February 27, 1979, approved this Tentative Parcel Map by adopting Resolution No. 79 -835 P.C. The applicant subsequently requested a slight modification of boundaries to allow the construction of a two -car garage on Parcel 1 without removing an existing tree. This modification would move the boundary 61/2 feet to preserve the tree and provide for a 25 -foot turning radius to the • garage. The result of the requested modification would increase the size of one lot and decrease the size of the second lot (8,128 sq. ft, to 8,543 sq. ft., and 18.535 to 17,938 sq. ft.) The Commission viewed Revised Exhibit "A ". Commissioner Breazeal stated he saw no reason to object and moved to approve the modification of boundaries as submitted April 18, 1979, of Tentative Parcel Map #572 (L. A. County No. 11904) any previous conditions to be reflected in the Revised Exhibit "A ". The motion was seconded by Commissioner Seibert and carried. NEW BUSINESS: 6. TIME FOR THOSE IN AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK: No one came forward. 7. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS • (a) Zone Classification re: Heating /Air Conditioning Sales & Service Planning Director Dragicevich advised the Planning Department had received a proposal for a heating and air conditioning sales and service business to be located on the west side of Rosemead Boulevard, north of Emperor Avenue, a C -2 Zone, General Commercial. Presently, the Temple City Zoning Code does not contain a category for this pro- posed use in a C -2 Zone. Several cities had been contacted by the staff to determine the categories under which heating and air condition- ing sales and service was permitted and this information was reviewed for the Commission's perusal. The Commission was advised the applicant had several such business locations throughout the valley and was present in the audience to answer any questions which the Commission may have. Continuing, Mr. Dragicevich noted the operation in Temple City will be primarily PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, April 24, 1979 PAGE 2 retail with installation on the job site. Material showing the type of operation and pictures of the applicant's other valley locations were made available to the Commission. • Commissioner Breazeal said it was the only reasonable zone for this type of business and the Zoning Code does not provide for the category at the present time. Commissioner Stacy concurred with Commissioner Breazeal's observations. City Manager Koski stated it was a reasonable use for a C -2 Zone, and explained to the applicant, Mr. Peterson, the procedure involved insofar as the City was concerned to include heating and air conditioning sales and service in permitted C -2 uses. Commissioner Breazeal moved to recommend to the City Council that, . pursuant to Paragraph 51, Section 9280 (A), Heating and Air Condition- ing Sales & Service be included in permitted C -2 uses. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stacy and carried unanimously. (b) Minor Zoning Modification Case No. 79 -91 Applicant /Owner: Frank and Sandra Vockeroth 9906 E. Garibaldi Avenue Location: 9906 E. Garibaldi Avenue Zone: R -1 Single Family Residential IIM Planning Director Dragicevich stated that the Minor Zoning Modification Committee met on April 23, 1979, regarding the subject MZM Case, No. 79- 91, a property located on the southeast corner of Garibaldi and Agnes Avenues. The residence is a single family structure with two -car garage attached to the building. The applicant proposes to convert the existing two -car garage to a family room and to construct a second story addition over a newly constructed garage. The proposed addition would be a straight line addition and be located 4 ft. from the south property line. The square footage of the house would be increased from 800 sq. ft. to 1,640 sq. ft. The ordinance requires that the second floor addition must maintain a 5 ft. side yard setback. Continuing, the Planning Director said the Committee reviewed the application and granted the request with certain conditions, the primary one being that the new driveway approach, 16 ft. in width, be provided to lead directly from the street to the proposed garage structure, and that the driveway width shall also be 16 ft. (c). Mr. Dragicevich reported that the speaker at the San Gabriel Valley Planning meeting on April 26, 1979, would be the Planning Director, Los Angeles County who would discuss the new General Plan. (d) The Planning Director advised that he would be attending the Planning Conference in San Diego during the week of April 30. 8. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Breazeal moved to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Seibert and carried. ATTEST: Ake reta Chairman