HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 5 - Defining Offenses & Providing PunishmentJ 1 "ORDINANCE NO. >� AN ORDINANCE D47INING f'FFEN2ES AGAT7ST.Tn ?EACL AND • GOOD ORDER OF THE VITrLAG OF :TCC1! ;A, AND PROVIDING PITTISH- M1 NT THER1:;FOR . RE IT ORDAINsD, by the Uhairrnan and board of Trust: es of the Tillage of ; cCall, : loise County, Idaho. ;.sec. 1. Any person who shall obstruct or cause tip be ob- atructed, any of the side ::talks, str-ets or alleys n the . Z u village of :TcCall, Boise County, Idaho, and shall continue such obstruction after notice from the roliceran to remove the same, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sun not less thar two dollars nor more than ono }gun::red dollars. 4ec. 2. or. cause or alley thereof, nor more r7 r- erson or persons who to be impaired or injure:,, in the ' lilage of "cCall, befined in the sum of not than one hundred dollars. ir'rair or inure* ant al ? e ss117, str.:et 1J^ 24 shall, upon conviction 1 ss that five dollars .sec. 3. Any person 'or persons who shall ride any bicycle on .any of tho side walks of the 1Tilla"e of ' ToCall, Fraallp uror: conviction thereof, t ; fined in an_s sure not less than five dollars nor r'ore than twenty-five dollars for ::ash and every .off ense. .sec. 4. Piny re -son or. persons who shall ridgy, or drive any vehicle, horse, cattle or otr er live stocl::, uron or across si _ se s any of the sidewalks of the Village of ::c :all, shall, uron conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not lass tln.antfive dollars nor ^yore than twenty-five dolls,ss fo_^ each offense. sec. 5, Any person who shall be guilty of any fur otis, rtok- less or ^arele:s riding or driving of any horse or horses, or other snimal or animals, within the limits of ttil ; "gillge�-�z of 37cCall, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any rst less thas five dollars nor more than one hundred d: ilars, sc. 6. Any person or persons who : hp.1T be suilty of any Ioisy .or riotous or disorderly conduct, or in •any ;ra-r corn- y_se) 3 - it a breach of peace of the inhabitants, cf tho Village of call, shall* upon conviction thereof, '-e runi sbed by a fine of not less than two dollars nor -yore thar one hundred dollars. :Etc; 7. Any person or rersons who shall be it any of the U streets er in any ru?�lic e in-ill::.�-o " - . ? 1 in y-Ief-1 ‘ P a state of intoxication, or shall make an;,* in 3.ocent or ob- scene 3xrr`sure . of the person, or vtho shall ' n any nuo is 4/.-.So/ -lace within the Village, in a loud, ar. r;I or tS-roatoning manner, use any vulgar, ot-scene or rro 'are language cf an /4' irsulting charact -r, intending in any ti:ay tr in juee or '-arm • any 'erson or rorsons,, or wher'3by the peace and allot of any of the inhabitants of the said Village le da sturb 3d`, shall, upo - conviction thereof* for -:{.ch r f"enre, be punished by a fine of rot less than two dollars ror sore than ore hund- red dollars. ::sec. 7. If two or more person . asserble for the purpose of disturbing the public peace of the Till a^;e of-.-cCall, or for / the purpose of cor^nittis s any u i1:3,wrful act within tti e limits mR`-`'°Y • - - " n - E:i.C3yC_�+.�.i r �_s .� j- - '.f.:ac:"`. .`^ ... -- ""�.- 0 of said village, and do not disperse upon being commanded to do so by the Village policemen, or a member of the Board of Trustees of said Village, the person so offending shall, upon conviction thereof, be severally lunished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 9. Any person or persons who shall stand in or upon any street or sidewalk with the limits of the Village of McCall, after being notified to move on by the Village Pol iceman, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine in any sum not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 10. If two persons or more shall meet in any street, alley or punlic place in the Village of McCall, to do an unlawful act upon a common cause of quarrel, and shall make advances toward it, or do an utlawful act of violence, or st- z engage in any fight with or without a common cause of quar- rel, or who shall act in a violent, tumultuous or riotous manner, shall upon conviction thereof,.be severally punish- ed by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 11. Any person or persons who shall keep any disor- derly house, or any house for the purpose of assignation or prostitution, or who shall allow, permit or suffer in. any house, or place or building kept, used or occupied by him or her, any assignation, prostitutes, prostitution, or any disorderly or riotous conduct, or any quarreling or fight- ing, or who keeps an inn in a dis orderly manner; and every person who rents or leases any house of assignation or pros- titution, or knowingly permits it to be used; and every per- son who lives in or about a house of ill -fame within the lim-' its of the Village of McCall, shall, upon conviction there be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor nor than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 12. Any person who shall discharge without injury t`o1 any person, any fire arm, intentionally, without malice, aimed at or toward any person within the Village of McCall,,,, shall, upon conviction thereof, be .fined not less than two . doalars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and ev- ery offense. Sec. 13. Every person who, not is necessary self defense, in the presence of two or more persons, draws or exhibits any deadly weapon in a rude, angry and threatening manner, k1—Vr or who, in any manner unlawfully uses the same in any fight or quarrel in the Village of McCall upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than two dollars, and not core than one hundres dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 14. Any person who shall discharge any fire arm witlai.n any of the streets, alleys or highways of the Village of McCall, without permission from the Village Police, upon s/-463 conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than two dollars nor more than nne hundred dollars, for each and every offense. Sec. 15. Any person or persons within the Village of McCall who shall carry concealed upon their person any pistol, re- volver, derringer, bowie knife, razor, dagger, sling -shot it-/(1/ or other deadly weapon, such personor persons shall u n conviction thereof be fined 7r^� < it-� Sec. 16. In all cases where a fine shall be imposed upon any person for a violation of any section of this ordinance, and the fine is not paid by such person, he or she may be imprisoned in the village 'orison or the county jail not less than one.day for each dollar and fifty cents of such fine and costs. "rovided: Tat to case of violation of this ordinance by rersons -..nder the age of eighteen years, the Police Judge or Justice of the Peace, ray, for the first offense, ror.:it the fine. Passed and arrrovec3 this l G; day of. =Tay, 1013. Chairman. Wan •