HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1982/03/09 - Regular" PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 9, 1982 INITIATION 1. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order at 7:30 p.m., March 9, 1982, by Chairman Stacy. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Stacy led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Abraham, Breazeal, Lawson, Stacy Absent: Commissioners - None Also present: City Manager Koski, City Attorney Martin, Planning Director Shaw and Senior Planner Peterson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of February 24, 1982 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, they were approved by roll call vote with Commissioner Breazeal abstaining. -5. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: DETERMINATION OF EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE 9970 Live Oak Avenue (Case No. 82 -74) Director Shaw stated this item was continued from the Planning Com- mission meeting of January 26th because the owner of the inoperative vehicle which was the subject of the public hearing assured the staff the vehicle would be removed within one week. Staff investigation in the past two weeks showed no change in conditions. Director Shaw again con- tacted the property owner who claimed she had a buyer for the vehicle but the sale did not materialize. As of the date of the meeting the car had not been moved. Responding to question from Commissioner Abraham, the Director said the property owner claimed the garage was full of materials and other miscellaneous possessions, preventing her from storing the car in it. City Manager Koski said that, in viewing the pictures of the vehicle and its location, it appeared the vehicle was transgressing into public right -of -way and constituting a hazardous condition. The public hearing was declared open. No one came forward to speak and the hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Breazeal moved to determine the existence of a public nuisance at 9970 Live Oak Avenue and to recommend to the City Council the abatement of same, and to adopt by title only the resolution to this effect. Motion was seconded and carried. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolution No. 82- 996PC, A RESOLU- TION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DETERMINING THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND RECOMMENDING ABATEMENT OF SAME. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE 82 -652 6037 Rosemead Boulevard - R -4 Zone Director Shaw said applicants' request is to allow expansion of an existing nursery school from 50 children to 80 children. The subject property is developed with a single- family residence and two -stall garage. To the north is the existing Young People's Village Nursery School which has been in operation by the applicant of tonight's re- quest for 14 years. Proposed is conversion of the existing single - family structure into additional classroom space to expand the nursery school. Two additional teachers will be added. "Dropping off" and "pick - ing up" of children will occur at 6051 Rosemead Boulevard through the use of the existing driveway and existing procedures. He gave the history of cases on this nursery school use before the Planning Commission, and stated that, following preparation of an Initial Study, the project had been given a conditional Negative Declaration under CEQA C;ui i Lines . i t PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1982 PAGE TWO The Planning Director continued by reviewing certain concerns raised by the request, namely noise, traffic circulation, master planning of the site and building and site safety,and whae had been done and what was proposed to alleviate these concerns. In conclusion, the staff had prepared a list of proposed conditions if the request was approved, adding two more to those listed, 1) that a trash disposal facility be provided and approved by the Planning Director, and that no storage of vehicles or trailers will be permitted on the site. The reason for the additional conditions was that the Director had observed a dumpster in the front of the property and also the storage of a trailer. He further recommended condition No. 17 be altered to include parking as well as loading and unloading areas. The public hearing was declared open. Linda L. Herndon, 8915 Garibaldi, applicant, stated the facility has been at the subject location for fourteen years and there have been no complaints from the neighbors, the children are well cared for and there have been no accidents, there is no congestion of cars. The essential staff is established, and in the past the facility has not shown much profit, but now, with the projected expansion, she hopes it will start showing a profit. Ms. Herndon had read the staff recommendations and questioned the need for a concrete sidewalk across the frontage. There is no foot traffic on Rosemead Boulevard, the children from her facility do not use that area; parents are not permitted to drop off children on Rosemead. With reference to the trailer observed by staff as parked on the property, it will be removed to another location shortly. With reference to the requirement for a trash storage area, the trash trucks have to have access to such an area, and she was not sure this access could be pro- vided. After the trailer is removed, the trash bin will be relocated where it cannot be seen from the public street, and this dumpster will not take up any parking space. She questioned the need for a decorative 3 ft. wall, and was told it was for aesthetics and to provide a margin of safety. While the children are in a fenced area in the rear of the property for playtimes, on the off - chance that a child might get into the front area it would be the wall which would create the only barrier between the child and Rosemead Blvd.. Chairman Stacy stated that, if the loading and unloading zone is expanded across the front of the second parcel, only then should the applicant be required to put up the decorative block wall. Ms. Herndon continued that, in the fourteen years she has been there, no new sidewalks have been installed. If she installs the sidewalk, it will-lead to nowhere. There is only one other section of sidewalk between her property and Las Tunas Drive. She suggested that the City put in sidewalks on both sides of Rosemead for two blocks from Las Tunas Boulevard north, and assess the property owners a percentage. She would be agreeable to that arrangement. Chairman Stacy questioned the need for a new driveway, saying the present one is in good condition. Director Shaw said it was a residential drive- way and the recommendation is for a commercial -type driveway. Mr. Chuck Halliday, 6202 Village Circle Drive, stated applicant secured a loan and invested it in improvements in the interior of the subject property With high interest rates and inflated prices, he suggested that the condition for a 6 ft. high masonry wall along the westerly and southerly property lines be eliminated. Presently there is a chain- link fence along the southerly property line and the applicant proposes to weave s L t c. through them as a vision barrier if necessary. The fence is not visible from public streets. Furthermore, people living on Rosemead Boulevard are innured to the noise from that street. He also requested deletion of the sidewalk requirement on the basis of lack of sidewalks further south of the property. illkCOMMISSION MINUTES ETING OF MARCH 9, 1982 PAGE THREE Ms. Margaret King, 6051 Rosemead Boulevard, applicant, asked about the condition that the traffic circulation and loading and unloading areas shall be monitored by applicant and staff for a 60 -day time period following full occupancy of the facility. Mr. Shaw said staff and applicant would make spot checks to see how the present loading facilities meet the increased needs. The facility will be monitored to see if there is traffic backing up onto Garibaldi, bunching up, or if there is a good flow of traffic, and if the parking is fully utilized to the point where it is necessary for the facility's staff to park on the street. Ms. King explained the routine and procedures for the unloading and loading of children, and restrictions governing same. Elaine Massey, 6038 Reno Avenue, said some years ago she had a daughter attending the facility, and Ms. Massey was very satisfied with the operation of the school She lives near the subject site and has never been aware of the noise from the children at the facility. SMs. King continued that 20 -25 children are on the playground at one time, under supervision, and are scheduled for the playground accord- ing to age. Commissioner Breazeal moved to close public hearing, as there was no one else to speak to the issue. Motion carried. Commissioner Abraham said he was in favor of requiring the decorative wall across the frontage, and was against the suggestion of slats in the chain link fence in the rear. There are remains of ivy cuttings against the fence, and he suggested that the fence either be vine covered or landscaped. He was told the City would prefer a block wall. Commissioner Lawson also was in favor of the block wall in the rear and the sidewalk in the front. He favored deleting the condition for the decorative wall across the front, and the requirement for a commercial driveway. He favored adding the condition that no storage of vehicles or trailers were permitted on the site, and that adequate trash dis- posal area would be provided. liCommissioner Breazeal said the request meets the requirements of Section 9203 of the Zoning Code for granting conditional use permits. He, too, favored deleting the requirement for a block wall across the frontage, and the requirement for a commercial driveway, and adding the require- ment for no storage of vehicles and for the trash disposal area, and modification of.the condition concerning loading and unloading shall include "parking" areas to be monitored. He questioned the need for a 6 ft. high masonry wall along the south and west property line. The Planning Director explained that it was City policy to require a block wall between a commercial development and residential type developments. The property to the south of the subject property is also zoned R -4, and could have a higher density residential development in the future, and this block wall could then serve as a barrier between the two uses. There is a block wall on the westerly property line of the subject property and all that is lacking is the block wall on the southerly side. Commissioner Abraham agreed with Commissioner Lawson to delete the requirement for a block wall across the front and the commercial drive- way. He was in favor of requiring the sidewalk and the block wall and a time period of 12 to 18 months to come up with the improvements. The City should consistently apply conditions with developers regardless of •financial hardship. Chairman Stacy also agreed, adding that this nursery school is commercial, and a block wall is necessary to separate the commercial from the resi- dential use to the south. He suggested deletion of requirements for the block wall across the front and the need for a commercial driveway but retaining the requirements for a sidewalk and block wall on the southerly property line. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF 'MARCH 9, 1982 PAGE FOUR Commissioner Lawson moved to approve Conditional Use Permit 82 -652 on the basis that it meets the requirements for granting as outlined in Section 9203, and with staff conditions, deleting the requirement for the .3 ft. high masonry block wall on Rosemead Boulevard, and for a commercial driveway, modification of condition to monitor loading and unloading to include monitoring parking, and addition of condi- tions to prohibit storage of vehicles or trailers on site and that a trash storage area be provided as approved by the Planning Director, and that the improvements for the block wall and for the sidewalk shall be completed twelve (12) months from the date of final approval of the conditional use permit, and finally, to adopt by, title only the resolution granting the permit. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Abraham and carried. City Attorney read title to Resolution No. 82- 997PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING A CONDI- TIONAL USE PERMIT IN CASE NO. 82 -652. The City Attorney left at 8:25 P.M. COMMUNICATIONS - There were none. 8. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - No one came forward. 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS (a) Environmental Quality and Code Enforcement Program Report - Feb. 1 -26, 1982 The report was reviewed, received and filed. (b) Minor Zoning Modification Committee Hearing A report was given by Director Shaw of a hearing by this Committee re- garding a request to determine the front yard setback and side yard setback at 5801 North Golden West in Case No. 82 -116. Front yard was determined to be on Golden West and side yard on Workman. Full report of the hearing is in the minutes of the Committee on file in City Hall. (c) Request for Signage - 9432 Las Tunas Drive Cartoon Sign for Foreign Motor Service At the request of the Commission at their last meeting on February 24th, applicant submitted a sketch of the sign proposed for the above location. The size of the sign will be 6 ft, high and 12 ft. long, which has a square footage far below the maximum permitted for that site. The Director explained there is no restriction in the Code as to what can be put on the sign.. The only question before the Commission is whether or not this sign is advertising something sold on site or a service on site. The Commissioners agreed this caricature was a sign. Mr. Shaw said another sign is proposed for the east wall, but that the applicant will submt signage for that portion of the building at a later date. (d) Commissioner Breazeal said at the Monday night meetings to discuss the C -1 Zone, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, it was suggested a survey be made of the property owners and tenants in the C -1 and possibly C -2 zone regarding uses permitted in those zones. The City Manager said staff could get a list of the property owners and tenants, and do the mailing, but would prefer a committee from these Chamber meetings develop the questionnaire for mailing. While the staff could assist, he would want the Chamber to do the tabulating. Also, be- cause the C -2 zone is not concentrated in one area of the City like the 110 C -1, he expressed concern about a survey for both zones at one time. Commissioner Breazeal said the details of the survey had not been fully explored or developed at this time. 10. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further busines Sth- `yeeti' ..•o.urned at 8:45 p.m. airma