HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1982/04/27 - Regular" PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 27, 1982 INITIATION 1. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order at 7:30 p.m., April 27, 1982, by Chairman Stacy. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Stacy led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Abraham, Breazeal, Froehle, Lawson, Stacy Absent: Commissioners - None Also present: City Manager Koski, City Attorney Martin and Senior Planner Peterson. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting of April 13, 1982 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, they were approved as written, with Commissioner Lawson abstaining. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: DETERMINATION OF EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE 9021 EMPEROR AVENUE (Case No. 82 -75) Senior Planner Peterson stated that staff inspected the property that day and found it is still weed- covered and the house and garage unsecured. The owner was observed nailing boards across the windows and nailing doors and windows closed to secure the building, but Roy Buchan of the Los Angeles County Building Department, who was with staff on the inspection, stated the securing was inadequate and did not meet Los Angeles. County Building Code standards. The property owner was notified of Mr. Buchan 's determination. The public hearing was declared open. No one came forward to speak, and the hearing was closed. P The Commissioners were in agreement to declare the premises a public nuisance. Commissioner Lawson moved to recommend to the City Council the abatement of public nuisance in Case No. 82 -75, seconded by Com- missioner Abraham and carried. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolution 82 -1004, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DECLARING A PROPERTY NUISANCE AND RECOMMENDING ABATEMENT OF SAME ,AT 9021 EMPEROR AVE . Commissioner Lawson moved to waive further reading and adopt the resolu- tion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham and motion carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: MODIFICATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 75 -460 Louis A. Ornelas - Applicant Site: 5500 North Rosemead Boulevard (C -2 Zone) In giving the staff report, Senior Planner Peterson said the appli- cant is requesting a modification of a conditional use permit to allow the expansion of an existing gasoline station /car wash facility by incorporating a polishing department. The property is located on the northeast corner of Rosemead Boulevard and Broadway and is presently developed with a combined gasoline station -car wash facility and apartment complex. The property is within the Rosemead Boulevard Redevelopment Project Area. The car wash facility was approved by the Commission in May, 1975, and on January -, 1976, it was expanded. In February, 1976, the CRA approved the project but included a condition of approval requiring removal of the nonconforming resi- dential uses by January 27, 1986. Mr. Peterson continued by saying the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of an EIR in accordance with CEQA Guidelines (Classes 1(e) and 3(c)). He described the projected polishing facility and reviewed three main issues relative to the proposed request, i.e., nonconforming residential use on the site (an apartment of four units and a detached single- family structure), the PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF APRIL 27, 1982 PAGE TWO parking (the new use will cause the removal of two parking spaces), and aesthetics (applicant has assured staff the new facility will tie in with existing structures). Responding to questions from Chair- man Stacy, Mr. Peterson said access to the apartment complex is along the north side of driveway and parking area, at the west side of the building. There is also parking in back, at the rear of the apartment. There is a lease agreement with the ad- jacent building. The public hearing was declared open. Mr. Brian McKay, 737 S. Garfield, Alhambra, representing the applicant, said they were agreeable to all of the conditions except the final one, requiring the planter westerly of and adjacent to the new polishing department to be increased in width from 2 ft. in width to 5 ft.,which would take away 120 sq. ft. of the drying area. The existing planter is no wider than that, and there is adequate landscaping on site. He stated he owned the adjacent residential use, and, if there was a problem with parking, it will be eliminated in 1986 when the use is required to be abated. The lease for the parking for this use is a month -to -month one. He would be happy to sign a longer lease. There being no one else to speak to the issue, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Abraham declared he had done business some years ago with Mr. McKay, but this would not affect his decision tonight. Commissioner Breazeal stated he had viewed the property. Commissioner Breazeal said he was in agreement to reduce the planter width to 2 ft., as it was a reasonable request. The other Commissioners were in agreement and had no objections to the request. Commissioner Abraham moved to grant modification of Conditional Use Permit 75 -460 with conditions as modified and with a condition added that the modification shall terminate and be abated by the City if at any time the access to the residential structure via the adjoining property is terminated. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Breazeal and carried. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolution No. 82- 1005PC, A RESOLU- TION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING A MODIFICATION IN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE 75 -460. Commissioner Breazeal moved to adopt by title only, seconded by Commissioner Lawson and carried. 7. PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE 82 -653 Mani Etemad and Bahram Zomorodi - Applicants Sherman & Bender - Owners Site: 9116 Las Tunas Drive (C -2 Zone) Mr. Peterson, in giving the staff report, said applicants are request- ing approval of a conditional use permit to allow the opening and operating of a video game arcade business. The property is located on the south side of Las Tunas Drive between Hart Avenue and Loma, and is currently developed with three buildings, two small offices and a small house, and a paved area with approximately 6 parking spaces. A Negative Declaration of 'Environmental Impact has been prepared determing that the proposed project will have no signifi- cant impact on the environment or on adjacent properties. The applicants intend to open and operate the business in the 460 sq. ft. vacant office building by installing about 18 token - operated video game machines, and installing a cashier's room or change room. Applicants have submitted a statement of intention how they will deal with potential problems and concerns identified by staff. The nature of the office -type uses on Las Tunas Drive make the proposed use incompatible with the proposed one. The proposed hours of operation indicate this use will be the only business open at night and on Sunday. Mr. Peterson pointed out the noise factor outside the facility, light and glare, which even if controlled or reduced, could affect security. He referred to communication from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and the Temple City School District indicating concerns about arcades. If the Commissioners do approve the request, Mr. Peterson continued by saying that PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FETING OF APRIL 27, 1982 PAGE THREE they will be required to make certain legal findings as required in the Zoning Code, and staff has prepared proposed conditions of granting, outlined in the staff report. Chairman Stacy read a letter from Mr. Ralph Weaver, Callahan & Weaver Inc., who owns the building to the east of the subject location, ob- jecting to the proposed use, as it is not compatible with the busi- nesses in the area, has insufficient parking, and concern about the type of persons the use would attract. Mr. Stacy also called atten- tion to the recent memo from staff regarding inadequate parking on- site for the facility. Commissioner Breazeal said he had viewed the property and talked with residents and property owners in the area. Commissioners Abraham, Stacy and Froehle had also viewed the property. The public hearing was declared open. Mr. Mani Etemad, 17708 Margate Street, Encino, applicant, said the operators will have strict rules enforced in the establishment and outside it, no students under 16 years of age will be permitted dur- ing school hours. Most of the business activity occurs after other businesses in the vicinity will have closed, and on weekends when other businesses are not open. Parking area is well lighted. Clients will be provided with free membership cards with a picture of the person on it, and operators will require either a driver's license or school identification as I . D . Those without a membership card will not be allowed into the establishment. Responding to Commissioner Breazeal's question, Mr. Etemad said that from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. his partner will operate the facility; one partner will be operating the change room, while the other will be outside as security. They have not operated an arcade before, but have a grocery store in Pasadena in which there are video machines. Answering Commissioner Abraham's question of what was the capacity of the facility, Mr. Etemad responded 18 persons, one for each machine. Commissioner Froehle asked how he intended to limit the number of members, and was told the number of cards would be limited to 100- 150, reviewed every six months, and if more customers than can be accommodated arrive at one time, they will be asked to come back another time. He further stated the business activity hours would change during the summer months, and the guard hours would change also, when the students are on vacation. He intends to add another restroom as the location has only one restroom presently. By so doing, the change room will be eliminated and only a change table will be provided, which may necessitate the removal of two machines. He was aware there was street parking available, and was informed that it is shared by other businesses in the area. Couuuissioner Breazeal asked how the operators' will determine that a client is 15 years old or older, and was told that person will have to show identification which will provide his age, telephone number and address, and if necessary, a letter from the parents. This in- formation will be required prior to issuing a membership card. Mr. Etemad responded to Commissioner' Abraham's question why this site was selected by saying that the operators wanted a small operation as the bigger ones are harder to control, and the building at this site is not attached to adjacent buildings. Mr. Bahram Zomorodi, 420 Electric, Alhambra, applicant, stated that the applicants are willing to prevent potential problems, and solve those that may occur, but that all businesses have problems. This use will provide an entertainment center for young people, will pro- vide foot traffic; hours of operation are reasonable, lighting and noise will be controlled. The facility has its own parking. Bicycles will be secured with a lock rack in the rear, no students will be allowed during school hours. The applicants are aware of the problems this type of use has experienced in other locations and will provide security to prevent them occurring here. The City has the right to revoke their business license if the use is not operated according to City requirements. Responding to Commissioner Froehle's question if PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF APRIL 27, 1982 PAGE FOUR this use would be a family- oriented entertainment center, Mr. Zomorodi said mostly young people would frequent it, but.people of any age would be admitted. He replied to Mr. Abraham that the grocery store they operate has had 25 games over the years. Miss Tracy Schumacher, 740 Golden West Avenue, Arcadia, had fre- quently been a client of arcades, and, while there are no arcades in Arcadia, she spoke in favor of the use and the request tonight Mr. Richard Schumacher, 740 Golden West Avenue, Arcadia, said the news media elaborates the problems of arcades and in some instances falsifies problems. He frequents arcades all over and has not seen any drug problems, for example. The use would be a benefit to the City and give the youths something to do. He answered Mr. Breazeal's question of how many players waiting to play at the machines in the places he had been, and Mr. Schumacher said one person is playing and two or three people watch and wait their turn. Mr. John Conover, 9110 Las Tunas Drive, whose property is just west of the subject location, said if the use is approved, it should be reviewed frequently, and he further asked if the security guard protecting that property will protect the adjacent properties. He was not against the use, or any legitimate business out to make a profit, however, he was concerned about the amount of money young people require to spend at such an establishment. He asked what the occupancy allowed for the building was according to the Los Angeles County Building Dept., and was told it was 41 people. He stressed the request for review in six months by the City when the public could again come forward on this case. In opposition: Mr. E. J. Hunt, 5830 Hart, referred to the Winchell Donut Shop which had operated near his location, and the noise, traffic, long hours, which theneighborhood suffered through from that use, and these problems continued all weekend long. Recently an arcade was permitted in Catalina and the theft of gasoline increased, as did the use of drugs. The operators have no control over the clients after they leave the facility. The parking on Hart Street is presently a problem, and with this use it will be impossible. Mr. Em4cee, 5762 Loma, said the problems caused by arcades are very real, the safety of all surrounding areas would be compromised by such business, that crime and violence would be increased. He had been a military policeman for many years and was aware of the problems associated with arcades. Mr. Curtis Little, 5757 Loma, presented letters from Mr. Gerald A. Jambazian or Wonder Cleaners and Drapery, 9136 East Las Tunas Drive, Susan Carroll, 5763 Loma Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Petrillo of Mama Petrillo's Restaurant, 9082 Las Tunas Drive, all objecting to the proposed use. Letters are on file in the Planning Depart- ment. Mr. Little then continued saying his rear yard abuts the subject property. The parking on the street in his area is difficult and inadequate now. He felt that the use was not good for young people and that he was against it. Mr. Rem, who owns the business at 9106 Las Tunas Drive, said the rear of the subject property was open, and it is open to the east and west, and he was concerned, with the number of young people, there would be graffiti as there is a lot of wall space. He was against the use. Mr. John Waade, who owns business property at Las Tunas and Sultana, (two office buildings and an apartment building) said he did not want arcades so close to residential property. He added that this use encourages narcotics and graffiti. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF APRIL 27, 1982 PAGE FIVE In rebuttal, Mr. Zomorodi, applicant, said there are presently nine arcades in Pasadena and there are almost no problems according to the police report. Some of these arcades have as many as 130 games or machines. While the number of persons permitted for maximum occupancy at the subject location is 41, the actual number permitted will be 36. The foot traffic will bring business to other businesses; they are willing to install the other restroom. The image of arcades is not cor- rect - there are many large arcades with no problems. There will be no food or drinks provided. They will use no City parking as they have their own parking. The arcade will close at 10 p.m. The theatre at Rosemead and Las Tunas remains open until 1 p.m. Chairman Stacy said that there are six parking spaces, and one will be used by the resident in the residential structure; if the other struc- ture is rented one space will be required for that business. Mr. Zomorodi said they have a lease contract for the six spaces. He continued, in response to Chairman Stacy's questions, that after the business closes, the guard's duty will be to protect the surrounding businesses and residences. The guard will be outside, and on Friday and Saturday nights there will be another person inside to protect the arcade. Commissioner Froehle asked if the residence in the rear is one bedroom, and was told it was and is occupied by a man and wife. While it would be possible for them to have two cars, they do not. The tenants have only one car. If the building becomes vacant, the applicants will rent the place for their own use. Mr. Froehle said that, during working hours there would be two attendants and one security guard, and they would all have separate vehicles requiring three spaces. The public hearing was declared closed.. Commissioner Breazeal said that, in reviewing the required findings for granting the request, the property is not adequate in size as there are only six parking spaces and nine are required, and there is no request for a zone variance. The proposed use is not appropriate for the type of property, and its location in the C -2 zone. There are letters from the School District and the Sheriff's Department expressing concern about the adverse effects from the use. The main reason for denial, in his opinion, was that the site is inadequate. Commissioner Abraham and Commissioner Lawson concurred. Commissioner Froehle added that his concern was the parking and the effect of the use on the community. Chairman Stacy said the applicant made a sincere effort to comply with all requirements and how he would control problems, but the use would have a negative effect on surrounding properties. The site is inadequate because of the limited parking and with three employees and the possibility of someone else living in the rear residence, there would be no parking left for customers. Commissioner Breazeal moved to deny the request for a conditional use permit because of the site being inadequate, substandard parking pro- vided, the location in the C -2 zone is unsuitable, and the proposed use will have an adverse effect upon the use, enjoyment and valuation of adjacent property and upon public welfare, and to adopt by title only the resolution denying the request. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Ffoehle and carried. Commissioner Breazeal moved further that the Negative Declaration filed is incorrect as there would be a negative impact on adjacent properties. Motion was seconded and carried. II/ City Attorney Martin read title tp Resolution 82- 1006PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DENYING A CONDI- TIONAL USE PERMIT IN CASE NO. 82 -653. A recess was called at 8:50 p.m. and the meeting was resumed at 9:00 p.m. 8. COMMUNICATIONS - There were none. 9. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - No one came forward. 411PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF APRIL 27, 1982 PAGE SIX f 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS (a) Set Public Hearing to Determine Existence Of Public Nuisance 1) Vacant lot near 6239 Golden West Avenue 2) 6412 Rosemead Boulevard Planner Peterson stated that on the first property the weeds and vegeta- tion are overgrown and contact with the owner had not produced desired results. On the second property there is a large pile of broken concrete rubble, weeds, signs and the property is generally unsightly. Both properties were re- inspected by staff that day and no improvement was noted. Commissioner Breazeal moved to set both items for public hearing for the May llth meeting, and to adopt by title the resolution to that effect. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lawson and carried. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolutions 82- 1007PC and 82- 1008PC, RESOLUTIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DECLARING ITS INTENT TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO DETERMINE THE EXIST- ENCE OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. (b) Planning Commission to Select Vice Chairman for Planning Commission Due to the resignation of Jerry Seibert, former Planning Commissioner, the seat of Vice Chairman is vacant, the Senior Planner stated, and should be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term. Commissioner Breazeal nominated Commissioner Abraham for the position of Vice Chairman, seconded by Commissioner Lawson. Commissioner Breazeal moved to make the selection unanimous, seconded by Commissioner Lawson and the motion carried. (c) Commissioner Breazeal, referring to the hearing just held on the arcade request, suggested that staff prepare a set of standards for arcades, in resolution form, which the Commission could 4IP review and approve for use when considering future requests for arcades. (d) Commissioner Breazeal further recommended that billiard parlors, pool halls and other commercial recreational uses, presently permitted in the C -2 zone, be made subject to a conditional use permit, and also to include video arcades as a use permitted with a condi- tional use permit. He requested that staff prepare an ordinance amendment for recommendation to the City Council. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ATTEST: