HomeMy Public PortalAbout2019-16 Approving Azteca Systems for the licensing, installation, maintenance and support of The Cityworks Software SystemRESOLUTION NO. 2019-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COTINCIL OF' THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, APPROVING AZTß,CA SYSTEMS, LLC FOR THE LICENSING, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT OF THE CITYWORKS SOFTWARE SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village of Key Biscayne (the "Village") desires to utilize a software platform to allow the Village to better manage its assets; and \THEREAS' after reviewing various software systems, Village Staff recommends that the Village purchase Azteca Systems, LLC's (the "Vendor") o'Cityworks AMS" software platform, which will include best practices guidance, training, project management, implementation, asset accounting, asset lifecycle management, work management, work order billing, ATcGIS integration, and report development (the "Software System"); and WHEREAS, the Village Council desires to enter into an agreement with the Vendor for the licensing, installation, maintenance, and support services for the Software System, and authorize the Village Manager to negotiate an agreement with the Vendor consistent with and substantially in accordance with the Proposals attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and \ilHEREAS, the Village Council finds that this Resolution is in the best interest and welfare of the residents of the Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AS F'OLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. That each of the above-stated recitals are hereby adopted, confirmed, and incorporated herein. Section 2. Approval. That the Village Council approves the Vendor for licensing, installation, maintenance, and support services for the Software System. Section 3. Authorization. That the Village Manager is hereby authorized to negotiate an agreement with Vendor for licensing, installation, maintenance, and support services for the Software System, consistent with and substantially in accordance with the Proposals attached hereto as Exhibit'04," in an amount not to exceed budgeted funds, subject to approval by the Village Attorney as to form, content, and legal sufficiency. Section 4. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 19th day of March, 2019. )r1/ ATTEST V/. DAVEY,MAY INA, GE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY VILLAGE ATTORNEY 2 EXHIBIT IIAI' lr ntcn v rVET AMSofAzteca's Ci Date Name: Organization: Village of Key Biscayne (FL) Quote#: 8777 By: Horton Item Unit Price Cost Azteca Systems LLC will provide the services for a jumpstart implementat¡on of Cityworks Server AMS for the Village of Key Biscayne (FLl to create and manage service requests and work orders for the organization's infrastructure assets. This effort will be comprised of the following: 1 Remote ¡nstallation of Cityworks Server AMS Software and Database: A remote web-conference will be held to install the Cityworks Server software ond dotobose in the orgon¡zot¡on's environment. ln odvonce of th¡s meeting, the argonization will have prepored the hordware with the requisite 3rd porty software os described onthe hordwore specificotions poge on myc¡tyworks.com. The plon t'orformatting ond processing the GIS loyers for use in Cityworks will be rev¡ewed, ond a configuration guide that outlines the workflow dato needed to confiqure Cîtyworks will be provided. Note: Requires Esri 10.3, 70.3,1, 70,4, 70.4.7, 10.5, 70.5.7, 10.6, or 70,6,7 2 Remote Workflow Review Meet¡ng {1 dayl: An on-site kickoff meet¡ng will be held to collect oll the informotion øbout the orgon¡zot¡on's workflows thot will be input into C¡tyworks. Configurot¡on to include: up to 30 work order, 30 seN¡ce request, ond 5 custom inspection types for one domo¡n w¡th up to 5 security groups. Conf¡gurotion also includes employee, moter¡dl, equipme nt l¡sts and bosic pr¡nt te mplates Cìtyworks provides an ¡ntu¡t¡ve and robust ad-hoc reporting engine, ond preconfigured repofts ore ovailable on mycityworks.com. Should the orgonizdt¡on des¡re customized reports, o sepordte quote will be provided. The orgonizotion sholl configure/provide the mop seN¡ces thot will be used in conjunct¡on with C¡tyworks 3 lnit¡alCityworksDatabaseConfiguration{Azteca'soffices): AztecowillconfiguretheC¡tyworksdotobase with the work order, seN¡ce request, dnd custom inspect¡on types collected in the Workt'low meeting. This tosk will toke ploce ot Azteco's offices. 4 RemotelnstallationandReviewofConfiguredDatabase(1 dayl: Aztecowill instoll ondprovidethe organizot¡on w¡th o rev¡ew of the configured dotobose. lf the orgon¡zot¡on desires chonges, they con be made on the spot. lf the effort to moke odditional chonges exceeds the time for ollocated for this tdsk, hours from tosk 7 will be used. INOTE: This task to be combined with Tosk 5.] 5 On-site Admin User Tra¡ning (1 days): Azteco will supply 7 trainer to conduct Designer ond Seruer AMS Admin Trdin¡ng to the orgon¡zotion's Adm¡n¡strotors, The orgonizotion will need to identit'y who willbe trained. The organ¡zdtion will provide the tro¡ning fdc¡l¡ty including computers ond o high-resolution computerscreenprojector. Closssizetobenomorethon6studentsÐlusthe¡nstructor.Add¡t¡onol students not ollowed . Tosk 5 and 6 will be oerformed on the some trio. 6 On-site End User Training (1 dayl: Azteca will supply 7 trainer to conduct "troin-the-troiner" style troining. The organizøtion will need to identifu who will be troined. The orgdn¡zotion w¡ll prov¡de the tro¡n¡ng foc¡l¡ty including computers and a high-resolution computer scteen projector. Coming into troin¡ng, the users will needtopossessbasicfunct¡ondlknowledgeofPersonolComputers. Closss¡zetobenomorethon6 studentsplusthe¡nstructor.Additionolstudentsnotallowed. Task5and6will beperformedonthe same trip. 7 U p to 5 ad-hoc remote hours: Provided during or øfter the ¡mplementdtion as needed to onswer ony 1.00 1,600.00 1.00 1,600.00 1.00 8,000.00 1.00 1,600.00 1.00 2,200.00 1.00 2,200.oo 5.00 200.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 8,000.00 1,600.00 2,200.00 2,204.OO 1,000.00 or to Notes: 1. This firm-f¡xed price{uote ¡s vâlid for 60 days. 2. Pr¡cequote includes trêvel expenses where applicable. 3. The Client shall provide ând have operat¡onal all 3rd party software required for th¡s implementation. 4. The Client sháll provide and have operationãl all hardware needed to support this ¡mplementatiôn and shall match the specif¡cations on MyCityworks.com. 5. lnstallation, confìguration, deployment and management ofall 3rd party software and hardware associated with this effort ¡s the respons¡b¡l¡ty ofthe Client. 6. Tasks are invo¡ced upon completÌon, Payment of ¡nvo¡ces is expected in full no later than 30 days past the date of the ¡nvo¡ce, 7. Remote hours are invoiced at a min¡mum 1/2 hour a nd every 15 mìnutes thereafter. Payment of invoìces is ¡n full no later than 30 days past the date of the invoice. TOTAL: AztecaSystems,LLC.ll0T5SouthStateSt.#24Sandy,UT84070 -- tel:801.523.2751fax:801.523.3734 Cityworks. Quote Number Created Date Expiration Date Q-06425-1 1211312018 3t13t2019 Contact lnformation Contact Name: Organization: Contact Address Quote Lines Notes Jake Ozyman Village of Key Biscayne 88 W Mcintyre St Ste 250 Key Biscayne, FL 331 49-1 846 Prepared By Name: Prepared By Phone: Prepared By Email: Emily Davies (801) 617-8356 edavies@cityworks.com TOTAL: ELA - Server AMS STANDARD 1 $ 15,000 $15,000.00 i.,rr ri I' r' ili: l;, I Ì,.rrr: i.riiti. ir ì( il' lill i I I l, I rrt i.j:)i l,r. '.,i1 rr,,.; l ì;l r 1 r Year 1 Dollar Value $15,000.00 Year 1 Date Range 02101 12019 - 01 131 12020 ¡',^;;t.',r) , i,,r i.r;: \lirr; i:r.,iliì rr,r rirìirì'il llllir)'1¡.;r ¡¡ ¡,ìi1;¡. riilrl li¡irii rlii,,i'i::,'f,t1i) : I t :l¡';t,'r',i.) i.:t):'t')i:! :,, i':|i,..,t | ]r'.'' Year 3 Dollar Value $15,000.00 Year 3 Date Range 02101 12021 - 01 13112022 Quote Notes: Server AMS Standard Enterprise License Agreement (ELA), lncludes Unlimited Quantities of the ldentified Products (excludes Water and Sewer Utilities): Office Respond Mobile Native Apps (for iOS/Android) --lncludes the following Add-ons: Storeroom Equipment Checkout Contracts Cityworks for Excel Cityworks Analytics for AMS eURL (Enterprise URL) Workload Web Hooks CCTV lnterface for PACP Local Government Templates (LGT) Use of Cityworks AMS Application Programming lnterfaces (APls) with commercially available Cityworks- centric applications that are licensed and maintained by authorized Cityworks partners Azteca Systems LLC I 1 075 | South State Street Suite 24, Sandy, UT 84070 | Corporate Main 801 -523-2751 | Corporate Fax 801-523-3734 Annualfee herein is based on 10,001 - 25,000 population range *Fees reflect 50% discount for Citywide ELA which excludes Water and Sewer Utilities Terms and Gonditions All quotations are valid for ninety-days (90) from the date above, unless otherwise stated in this quotation form. All prices quoted are in USD, unless specifically provided otherwise, above. Ihese prices and terms are valid only for items purchased for use and delivery within the United States, Unless otherwise referenced, this quotation is for the Cityworks software products referenced above only. Pricing for implementation services (installation, configuration, training, etc.), or other software applications is provided separately and upon request. The procurement, installation and administration of the Esrí software utilized in conjunction with Cityworks will be the responsibility of the customer. The procurement, installation and administration of the RDBMS utilized in conjunctionwith Cityworkswill bethe responsibilityof the customer. Currently, Cityworks supports Oracle and SQL Server. The procurement, installation and administration of the infrastructure (hardware and networking) utilized in conjunction with Cityworks will be the responsibility of the customer. This quotation information is confidential and proprietary and may not be copied or released otherthan forthe express purpose of the current system selection and purchase. This information may not be given to outside parties or used for any other purpose without written consent from Azteca Systems, LLC. Software Licensing All Azteca Systems software offered in this quotation are commercial off{he-shelf (COTS) software developed at private expense, and is subject to the terms and conditions of the "Cityworks Software License Agreement" and any and all addendums or amendments thereto. A fully executed copy of the Software License Agreement and any addendum(s) is required before delivery and installation and usage of the software is subject to the terms of the current license agreement. Ðelivery method is by way of download through Azteca Systems, LLC. customer support web portal Payment Terms Net thirty (30) days. ïaxes Prices quoted do not include any applicable state, sales, local, or use taxes unless so stated. ln preparing your budget and/or Purchase Order, please allow for any applicable taxes, including, sales, state, local or use taxes as necessary. Azteca Systems reserves the right to collect any applicable sales, use or other taxes tax assessed by or as required by law. A¿leca Systems reserves the right to add any applicable tax to the invoice, unless proof with the order is shown that your organization or entity is tax exempt or if it pays any applicable tax directly. I nternational Customers Ïhese items are controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for extort only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. They may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations. AZTECA SYSIEMS, LLC. COPYRIGHT 1995.2018 Aøteca Systems LLC 1'1075 | South State Street Suite 24, Sandy, UT 84070 | Corporate Main 801-523-275't lCorporate Fax801-523-3734 Azteca Systems LLC'1 1075 lSouth State Street Suite 24, Sandy, UT 84070 lCorporate lVain 801-523-2751 lCorporate Fax801-523-3734