HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1983/02/08 - RegularPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES- - February 8, 1983 •NITIATION., . 1. The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Temple City was called to order at 7:30 p.m:, February 8, ,1983, by Chairman Abraham. i i PLEDGE OF. ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Breazeal led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. . ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Breazeal, Coolman, Froehle, Stacy, Abraham: . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of January 25, 1983 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes they were approved as written by roll call vote with Commissioners Breazeal and Stacy abstaining. . PUBLIC HEARING: DETERMINATION OF EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE 6241 GOLDEN WEST AVENUE (Case No. 82 -76) Director Shaw, in giving the staff report, said the property is over- grown with grass and weeds and in need of maintenance. It is a vacant lot. The Planning Commission set this matter for public hearing. on January 25, 1983. The property was before the Commission about a year =ago because of the lack of maintenance, and after the Fire Department -d'sced it and it was cleared by City crews, it had no maintenance to :keep it from becoming a nuisance again. Staff recommends that measures ,;be taken by the City to clear the property and a lien be placed against ; the property to recover any costs incurred by the maintenance of the property. The owner lives out of town and his representative was notified,, and indicated that the City should proceed with the clearing of the property as needed. Certified Mail to the representative has been signed for as received. Mr. Shaw concluded his presentation by showing a film of the property and surrounding area. The public hearing was declared open. No one came forward to speak to issue and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Cooiman said she was in favor of clearing and cleaning up the property. The other Commissioners were in agreement. Commissioner Coolman moved to recommend to the City Council abatement of property . nuisance at 6241 Golden West Avenue by having City or County crews . clear and, clean the property as needed. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner Stacy and carried unanimously. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolution No. 83- 1047PC, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY DETERMINING THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND RECOMMENDING ABATEMENT THEREOF IN CASE NO. 82 -76. Commissioner Breazeal moved to waive further reading and adopt, seconded by Commissioner Stacy and the motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO 83 -672. Norlyn Brough for the Temple City Church of the Nazarene - Applicant Site 9953 Las Tunas Drive - C -2 and R -2 Zoning Mr. Shaw, in giving the staff report, said the applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to develop, in existing buildings, a day care center for a maximum of 47 children between the ages of 2 and 10, and will operate from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. He described the subject property saying fencing will fully enclose the north parking lot to provide a safe recreation area. Fencing will be of wrought iron and will be added to existing three -foot high walls to provide a full 6 ft. of fence height. Six ft. high gates will also be added as necessary. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF FEBRUARY 8, 1983 PAGE TWO The planter in the northwest corner of the parking lot will be .replanted with grass to provide a small children's play area with play app•ar'atus. .The .front lawn of the church may occasionally be used for quiet, class - type purposes but will not be used as a play area. Mr. Shaw continued that staff's main concerns are for safety and neighbor- hood compatibility. With the installation of fencing as proposed, and • with proper and adequate supervision, staff feels the issue of safety is • adequately addressed. There is more than enough off - street parking avail- able, and as there are no immediately adjacent residences, staff feels there will be no adverse effect on the surrounding area. He concluded by saying a number of conditions of approval were proposed by staff, and then showed a film of the property. In referring to the proposed condi- tions, he said that street trees are being. required on the west side of Rowland north from Las Tunas, and a 3 ft.- high masonry wall shall be con -. structed along the east edge and south edge of the paved parking lot on the northwest corner of Rowland and Las Tunas Drive. These two conditions were required by Resolution 78 -798PC approving a previous conditional use permit for this property, but never fulfilled. • Responding to Commissioner Breazeal's question whether the proposed use would pose any problem with the business community as far as parking, etc,.,', Mr. Shaw said recreational use of the property, and church activities are usually scheduled evenings and weekends when the business community is not as .active. Commissioner Stacy asked when the film was made, and was told it was made that afternoon. Mr. Stacy then expressed concern that the parking lot on the west side of Rowland was pretty well filled at that-time. Mr. Shaw said the church and some of the business firms in the area had an agreement for the use of the parking lot for business employees during business hours. -Commissioner Coolman expressed concern over the size of the planter area that was to be converted to a grassy play area for the children, and asked the size of it. She was told it would be approximately 400 sq. ft. in area. The public hearing was declared open. Norrlyn Brough, pastor for the Temple City Church of the Nazarene, applicant, said the church was interested in providing a day -care facility to fill a need for parents who work or are away. The need for such centers is in- creasing and this will fill a need in the community and will be part of the church's outreach program. He said he had read the proposed conditions of approval prepared by staff, and, with reference to the 3 ft. masonry wall required on the east and south edges of the parking lot on the northwest corner of Rowland and Las Tunas, he would like that condition deleted as there is a sprinkler system installed there for the landscaping, all of which would have to be removed. Replying to Conthissioner Coolman's concern about the size of the grassy play . area proposed, he said the play apparatus would be located there for active play, but that quiet, sit-down games. would be conducted on the front lawn and would be under the supervision of the teacher. Connie Hinkle, Director of the day -care center, said the children would be using playground areas on a rotation basis. Two to three hours of outdoor activity for the children is planned, with between 15 to 20 children out at one time, and each group would be divided to participate in various activities. The facility is planned to open between the first and the middle of May, if approved. Mr. Shaw added that not all the children will be at the facility all day. Those attending school may come there after school; some parents will leave the children for only a half -day. Commissioner Breazeal asked why the street trees were never installed, and Pastor Brough said he thought it was just an oversight. He has no objec- tion to the condition requiring the trees. There being no one else t� speak to the . issue, the public hearing was closed. • 'PLANNING COMMISSI0N MINUTES MEETING OF FEBRUARY 8, 1983. PAGE THREE !Commissioner Breazeal, in closed discussion, said the request meets the criteria of Section 9203 of the Zoning Code for granting a conditional lose permit. Given the age of the children attending the daycare center the area proposed for play equipment will be adequate since the children will have separate play times. He was in favor of deleting the required wall along the east and south edge of the parking lot on the northwest . corner of Rowland and Las Tunas and to modify Condition 8 that an occupancy permit should not be granted until the required street trees on the west side of Rowland north from Las Tunas are installed. Com- missioner Froehle concurred, adding it would be nice to have more lawn area for the playground but what is proposed will be adequate. Commissioner Stacy also agreed, saying that, if more area were given for the lawn area it would mean eliminating some parking space and he was not in favor of that. Commissioner Coolman concurred, as did Chairman Abraham. Commissioner Breazeal moved to approve Conditional Use Permit No. 83 -672. as the site for the use is adequate in size, shape, topography and circum- stances, the site has sufficient access to streets and highways for the proposed use, and that the proposed use will not have an adverse effect upon adjacent properties or upon the public welfare, with staff conditions as modified to delete the parking lot wall and to require the installa- tion of street trees prior to issuance of an occupancy permit, and to adopt by title only the resolution approving the request. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stacy and carried unanimously. City Attorney Martin read title to Resolution No. 83- 1048PC, A RESOLUTION. OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY GRANTING A CONDI- TIONAL USE PERMIT IN -CASE NO. 83 -672. i s 7. COMMUNICATIONS - There were none. 8. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK - No one came forward. 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS (a) Request for Clarification of Ambiguity Video Computer Store as.a Permitted Use in the C -1 (C -1 -R) Zone.• Mr. Shaw stated the City has received a business license request to allow a .video computer store as a permitted use in the C -1 Zone. That use is not presently listed in the C -1 Zone nor among the listed uses permissible in the proposed C -1 -R zone now before the City, Council. Applicant indicates the store will consist of display areas for computers, cameras, video cassettes, office areas and restroom .facilities. The primary use will be the sales. of computer tapes, computer equipment, and home computers. There will also be the rental of .video tapes. He added that there was a staff analysis of the.use included in the packets this evening. Staff finds the • use would be a compatible one in the proposed location, similar uses being radio and tv stores.. Attached also was a proposed floor plan for the store. Commissioner Breazeal said he would like to see what percentage of the store would actually be used for sales. The plan presented did not have square footage nor was it drawn to scale. Presently the store at the location being considered had a 10% retail and 90% something else. Mr.. Shaw said that there are partitions in the present structure that could be removed, and he could ask the applicant for a more specific plan. He added that, by the time the clarification is before the Council, referred back to the Commission for an amendment to the present code, the new C -1 and C -1 -R zone uses will be in effect. Commissioner Froehle said the issue was computer stores in general, not this individual request. Commissioner Breazeal said he would be happy to have this type of store in the City, but had reservations about the tape rental. Mr. Shaw explained the applicant said tape rental was a very important part of the business, that it brought people into the store with the possible sale of other items for computers. Commissioner Froehle said the sale of computers, video cassettes and the rental of tapes PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF FEBRUARY 8, 1983 'PAGE FOUR go hand -in -hand, even offering membership in tape clubs. The Commissioners expressed concern about the type of tapes to be rented or sold, and Mr.•Shaw said he was not sure the City could regulate that aspect, but, if the. Commissioners agreed that this use should.be permitted in the C -1 and C -1 -R Zone, then the Commissioners could consider the rental of tapes, how large a percentage of a business could be involved in the rental aspect. Commissioner.Breazeal said that any radio or TV store, presently allowed in the C -1 zone, could also sell computers and video equipment and, as part of the . equipment, also sell tapes. He made a motion to recommend to the City Council a clarification of ambiguity determining, that the retail sales of video computers. is a permitted use in the C -1 and C -1 -R zones. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Stacy and carried unanimously. (b) Environmental Quality and Code Enforcement Program'Report - 1/3 - 1/31/83 The report was received, reviewed and filed. Commissioner Stacy called attention to the on- going nuisance problem at 9044 Olive Street and quested staff to investigate. 10. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m. 1 T;1